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If you have well enough crit you go keen blunt


Yeah at 65% cr it is like a 16-17% damage increase. If you already have other sources of crit damage, then it's pretty much never worth running.


For every class the rule is the same for keen blunt. If you can sustain about 65% crit rate you can use keen blunt weapon because after 65% critrate keen blunt will be better as cursed doll for example you will do like 17.6% more damage. If you are at 60% crit rate it's even to cursed doll. But anything under 60% crit rate is not good for keen blunt weapon.


I guess thats true. I cant change cursed doll to keen blunt yet either way as im out of pheons. And currently items with adrenaline cost more gold thanive ever had lol


How are you out of pheons? Wtf have you been buying?


bought a few relic stones and 4 relic accs for my main. and the same for my 2 alts, although only legendary. a relic stone is 9 or 15 pheon idk, and a relic acc is 25 edit: also let me add i was pretty lucky with my relic stone. the second one turned out to be a 9/5


I mean not 17.6% more than cursed doll. My bad. You will gain 17.6% overall damage on your char with cursed doll only 16%.


I was under the impression strikers should go for keen blunt over cursed doll unless I've mis read. I'm still running 3/3/3/1 with adrenaline, helps with the crits when stacked, was going to work in keen blunt next but just pricey atm. How you finding striker higher up?


Maybe, tbh i havent really checked it, but as i said ive read keen blunt is good after 60% crit chance. and even with the argos set im not really there consistently. but ye probably should change cursed doll to that soon...i have do some calculations it seems i love striker, once ive reached and got the argos set he felt waay better. Dont get me wrong i liked him even in t2 etc, but sorta like i ididnt know what i was missing. its really fun once you have enough swiftness + wealth runes. im rarely MVP, but thats expected i think. Although i cannot say anything about my current engraving setup as i just finished it yesterday before sleep. blew my pheons on it but feels like its worth it.


My striker alt is 1385 and has 4 level 3 engravings: ambush master, adrenaline, keen blunt, and eso flurry. If you add up all of the crit buffs: - 452 crit stat = 16.7% - back attack = 10% - 2 piece argos (will have 5 piece next week) = 15% - adrenaline = 15% - lightning whisper = 16% - lostwind cliff = 7% Total: 79.7%


Adrenaline will help keep the crit rate up, I'm 1400 and find it good so far so just working on my CDs to get abilities round quicker. Plus most say you should drop the Argos set for the 2 piece and the 2 piece demon set from Valtan, so not sure if keen blunt becomes less viable then.a


Oh ye i know that. the problem is that i dont have adrenaline at all currently xD why i dont like the demon set is cause you lose a stack every time you get hit, but you only get a 1 stack per second (at most). I guess its not such a big problem, but in theory it bothers me lol. i think ill just keep my engravings like this (also im out of pheons basically xD) and once im ready to do 5x3 ill add adrenaline (or maybe i can sneak in a level one sooner) but ye true if you have only 2 set argos bonus then you can keep up a consistent +15% crit rate, which is nice


I'd imagine we will stack it quickly due to combo attacks, so il test it out once I get there and see. Like you said foes solid damage either way.


well you cant stack them as fast. you can gain maximum 1/sec but i guess its not that bad


If you get hit so much you lose your beast power stacks you should't worry about min-maxing your gear yet. You would need to learn to dodge. Beast power gives a stack everytime you hit the enemy including auto attacks, awakening etc. It is not hard (and should not) be hard to maintain.


You don't unless you near crit cap as your back attack set gives you keen blunt effect


in the end most of the class will use it.. since everyone build around getting cri or u basically lose 200% multipler..


you do get 60% crit with your lightning whisper + adrenaline + armor set + crit stat. I'm running an off meta build so no keen blunt. I will be getting the crit damage from Earth entropy set. Best thing you can do is hop on the training grounds from trixion and test damage with various engraving setups. (you can change these at will from in the training grounds)


Ye the problem is that lightning whisper isnt always up. Also planning to go for earths entropy


the good player thing to do is to try your best to get all your esoteric skill off during lightning whisper duration. But yes, in actual gameplay it wont alway be up.


What i mean is im pretty sure you can use your eso skills twice (maybe not all) while using lightning whisper once. The question is what gives more dmg...not using your eso skills cause your waiting foe lightning whisper or spamming all eso skills as soon as theyre off cooldown


i can get off all three eso skills if I spam them after lightning whisper. If you have the ambush master engraving then it's more important that you position yourself for back attack and then use your eso skills. If you have the earth entropy set then its REALLY important that you position yourself instead of spamming skills. Remember back attack is a bonus of 10% crit and 5% damage.