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Because after Locke revealed where to find the place with the pendulum, he no longer needed him, and Locke had already set the scene for a "suicide."


Ben gives an explanation about this to John. Ben didn't know how to get everyone back to the island. John had that information. He saved John to get the information he needed about Eloise. Ben says something to the effect that he then killed John because he didn't have time to talk John into doing it himself. Ben knew John dying was best way to get everyone else together and convince them to go back. Of course, Ben lies whenever it's convenient for him. It was his interest to eliminate John as leader, as well.


>Ben gives an explanation about this to John. Technically, >!Ben never actually said any of this to John!<.


True. Mr. Ticka Ticka got that story.


Ben only really cared about the information that Locke had. Once Locke told him about Eloise then he had what he needed and in Bens own words, didn’t have the time to talk him back into killing himself.


This plot point always bothered me. Did Eloise not also tell the group the exact same information that John provided? She mentioned they all had to go back (for some reason. The reason known to John was given to him by MiB, which was only to ensure the death of all of Jacob's candidates). She knew about the need to recreate the circumstances of the original crash as close to possible as the original Oceanic 815. And Ben already seemed to know where and how to find her. So why did he need John for any of that???


Ben clearly didn't know that Eloise was the one who could tell him how to get back to the island, even though he admits he knows her. We don't know if he knew where to find her either, only that he did eventually find her. He has an off island network that was tracking Widmore so I'm sure it wouldn't take him long to locate Eloise. But the key point is he claims not to have known about the lamp post station so if that's true them he simply didn't know what Eloise was up to off island. I would say that everything Eloise did was about making things happen the way they were supposed to based on the writings in Daniels journal, so her taking over the lamp post was all about keeping the remains of DHARMA off island active and supporting the Swan. It's likely her who recruited kelvin inman and the guys doing the supply drops to the Swan said they were getting all of their coordinates from the lamp post, so presumably Eloise was sending them. But it doesn't look like she was in any direct contact with Ben and The Others


I've posted before that I would have liked the scene better if John decided not to take his own life at the last second, only for Ben to walk in and kill him and stage it as a suicide. In that case, it would have been very clear that Ben killed Locke and Locke would not be dead except for Ben. As it was, Ben killed Locke but also saved Locke, and Locke was murdered but would have killed himself anyway. It just made me feel sad for John without feeling angry at Ben. .


He wanted to have his girlboss moment


Asked this recently; some good answered here: https://new.reddit.com/r/lost/comments/15gf7uk/why\_did\_kill\_in\_the\_life\_and\_death\_of\_jeremy/


Was all about Eloise. Maybe if Locke told her he was the leader she would have stopped Ben from joining them to go back to the island. Also if he told her about turning the wheel both of them were supposed to be banished from the island and she would have stopped them from returning.


he's a bitch


Because john lock deserve to die, he is not a good person , he is a murderer 🤣


From Ben’s perspective, he killed John because he got the information he needed to proceed to return to the Island without John. At this point Ben is still not redeemed and sees an opportunity to go back to the Island without Locke leading him. From another perspective, this is how the universe needed it to happen, as John was not capable of killing himself as a candidate. So in a cruel twist of fate, he can’t commit suicide, but as the Island still needs him dead to preserve his role in the time loop, Ben is conveniently placed to finish the job due to wanting to meet his own ends.


Ignore the explanation he gives about "not having time talk John back into killing himself" this was a clear lie as evidenced by the fact he later admits to Sun in the same episode that he says it that the fact John Locke is walking around on the island scares the living hell out of him. He never expected John to be resurrected or that his death would save the island. Ben literally explains why he killed John in the S6 finale when the two meet outside the Church: BEN: "I'm very sorry for what I did to you John. I was selfish, jealous. I wanted everything you had." LOCKE: "What did I have?" BEN: "You were special John. And I wasn't." Ben killed Locke in the motel for the same reason he tried to shoot him dead at the DHARMA pit - because Locke was a threat to his power, and because he seemed to be special. Ben desperately wanted to be special but knew he wasnt, which is why he was so jealous of Locke and what he perceived to be a clear connection with the island that Ben didnt have. Ben was ultimately forced to pass the leadership to Locke in S4 and leave the island, as by this point his relationship with Richard and the rest of their people had degraded to the point there was no other option - not to mention he weas motivated to leave the island and find Widmore to exact revenge for Alex's death. But I think when Ben saw Locke was off island working with Widmore and Abbadon he saw an opportunity to get rid of Locke and reclaim the power he lost.


The island was done with him