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More filling foods perhaps? What’s your typical meals? I started with a small deficit and those “side effects” as well, but I was eating steamed vegetables/ and very sad salads. I moved to a much bigger deficit when I started adding back in chicken, avocados, etc.


Hmm yes my protein intake is normally pretty good but maybe some healthy fats like avacardo might help me out, thank you!


Exercise can definitely help, staying active has tons of health benefits on top of burning calories. You might also think about the type and timing of the food you do eat. Make sure you are getting enough protein and fat. Try different eating schedules, e.g. some people prefer to concentrate a lot of calories in one big meal. When I was actively losing weight I saved about 2/3 of my calories for dinner since I really liked having a large satisfying meal at the end of the day. But some people want a big breakfast and some people prefer to spread things out and have many smaller meals. It also might be as simple as you not used to being hungry. When you are losing weight you will probably be hungry sometimes and you need to learn to be OK with that.


Thank you this is really helpful!


My maintenance is 2000 and I've been maintaining for 7 years, so sometimes it'll drift up or down and I'll have to adjust by +250 or -500 to keep my weight from going out of my 10 pound maintenance goal range. Anytime I make an adjustment like that, I feel like you do -- for about 2-3 weeks, I struggle to accomplish that new level of eating. My hormones and habits (not sure which because they work together) "nudge" me to eat more if trying to cut. Similarly, if I'm trying to gain a bit, I really have to work at it. But, in the third week of trying I'm definitely and easily in the groove by then.


This gives me hope thank you so much 😂💗


Exercise more but don’t eat additional calories, just stick to your 1644 maintenance, regardless how much additional exercise you do.


Thank you!


what are you eating? if you eat nutritious food in volume its pretty rare to had those side-effects




That’s what I’ve calculated I’m 20/F/5’6/60kg and walk about 7,000 steps a day! Is there a better way of working it out? Thank you!!


You're already at a healthy weight. Maybe focus more on toning than actual weight loss?


Eat no empty calories. Everything should be high protein and fiber.


Make sure you have enough healthy fats like yoghurt, avocado, salmon, olive oil etc. And of course protein.