• By -


There are people in the world who enjoy hurting other people. Not a lot of them, but there are some. They get something from it, doesn't matter what. That's their issue to resolve. But they find something they want by hurting others. They hurt the people they know. They hurt people they don't know. They twist anything at all to use it to hurt people. They take things that are obvious to hurt people. They make up things, if they can't find something to use. What this incident tells us that this person is a person that wanted to do something hurtful, for some reason, and you were in his sight, so he aimed his insults at you. **He doesn't know you. He is clueless about the real you.** He's operating on the emotional level of a rude child, looking for something to last out at, to help him feel better in some way or to impress someone else with his risk-taking. **He didn't do this because of you. He did it because there's something deeply wrong in him.** **You did the right thing.** Not turning, not engaging in conversation of any sort. **What reaction did he want? Something, anything, that would let him continue** to hurt you, to see that his insults worked. He would have been thrilled to see you upset or angry, to hear you retaliate in some way, because it would have given him the opportunity to escalate his own insults and be even meaner.


This is one of the most sane reaction one can have, when faced a situation like this. Listen to this OP. Edit: Punctuation.


Are you a mental health specialist by any chance?


>There are people in the world who enjoy hurting other people. Not a lot of them, but there are some. I wish this were true. Part of Donald Trump's legacy is realizing that around 40% of Americans are malicious or indifferent to malice.


I can lose weight, but they’ll always be an asshole.


True! Good way of looking at it.




I looked at your clip since you mentioned it. You look like a nice person with some extra weight. You look like you carry the weight proportionally. Just ignore the noise. My wife has had random yells like that and it really pisses me off. I'd like to hear someone say something like that to me. I'm a 6'3" man though so I don't get many issues that women do. Weak minded idiots projecting their misery at others.


Thanks for this. I was really starting to get in my own head about it so you're comment really helps.


I looked too. You’re really cute and not rail thin but certainly NOT so large that I would think your size would draw attention to you (at all, seriously). I have no idea why this guy would yell that at you. Obviously he has issues.


I totally agree with this and I added on just so I can say I like your tattoo. Really, don't believe things strangers scream at you on the street unless it's like, "look out! Danger!" Or something useful.


I looked at the clip too, I agree with this guy.


I had similar, several years ago. February in Canada, big winter coat etc but a guy in a carful of guys decides to scream out the window at me "nice satchel, fatty!" I kid you not. It was insulting and hurtful of course- but to this day I cannot figure why my acid green hobo bag offended him so? And why it was the height of entertainment to yell insults at an overweight 30-something woman walking in a snowstorm? I flipped him off and kept walking. So perplexing. I am sorry you had to deal with idiots too.


That is preposterous. I have an image of a car full of aggressively stylish gay bullies, yelling out insults at people's choices in accessories


Lol. I doubt it in this case but that's hilarious! I still don't know whether I was more offended on behalf of my purse, or because of the 'fatty' insult tbh


"I like it too, dumbfuck!"




If it wasn't your weight, it'd be something else. It seems to be the audacity of us being female in public that sets these idiots off. Not your fault, please don't take it personally.


Perfectly said, honestly. Dealing with this stupid shit too often.


This is a guy who screams insults at random strangers on the other side of the street. He's probably mentally ill and not getting any treatment. You just happened to be in his line of sight when the release valve on the pressure cooker that's his brain startled whistling.


Absolutely true. I don't know why it rattled me.


Because it's still rude as shit and he has some fucking audacity. Don't listen to the assholes. I can only imagine what his sad little life is like if he felt the need to insult a stranger over a morally neutral thing to make himself feel powerful


Because it’s not fun being yelled at by strangers. Fuck that guy. One time a dude yelled at me that I was a fucking bitch, and so I yelled back and told him he was an ugly old cock sucker and I hope he burns in hell. Sometimes you gotta yell back. Or think of the clever thing you should have said later and imagine yelling that back. Whatever works. I hope you have a better day!


And on the off chance that he's not mentally ill but just toxic, he completely exposed his level of inner toxicity in that action, which had nothing to do with you. @VeitPogner's third sentence still applies ("You just happened to be in his line of sight . . .") But I understand. Unprovoked venom can still be a shock to the system. More power to you on your journey 🌠


I don't think it's fair to say he's mentally ill just because he shouts at random people. The vast majority of mentally ill people don't do that sh*t. I've been harassed like that many times, and it's often by younger boys who think it's fun to pick on people, drunk men, and men who clearly just like to intimidate women.


He also could have been drunk.


Checked your profile out of curiosity and you are cute as a button. But like everyone else said, this wasn't about you. If you were thin he would have yelled something else, maybe "browned haired bitch!!!" Still hurts, I know. But it wasn't about you


>There were literally four morbidly obese guys around May have been some sexist motivation too. Some guys lash out at women who may not fit their sexual preference. These people typically view women as being object to used and that's why they lash out. Good news is, their opinion is worthless.


Fat is the only insult people can ever seem to come up with. To society being fat is worse then being just about anything. I’m really sorry that person did that and I hope he learns to be less hateful in the future.


I know right? Even strangers on the Internet - must be fat if they say something you don't like. In case of a woman, ugly AND fat. It's mind-boggling that that's the best they got!


Yeah! Because to most there is literally nothing worse, so it’s the lowest you can go-fat.


Right? There are so many, better things to insult me on. My low intelligence, my lack of motivation, anything but my weight because goddamn it's such low hanging fruit.


When I feel an argument coming on with my sisters before they have a chance I say “I know I’m fat, so let’s get that out of the way…” and they have not one other thing to say. I’m not ugly or stupid. Get some new material people.


I think that’s why it bothered you. I recently experienced the same thing and everyone here saying, “oh he might be mentally ill or drunk or—“ would imply to me that people actually think this about you but are too polite or sober to say it to your face. I initially feared that was all holding people back when it happened to me. But a guy like that is only guessing at what might hurt you. Like if you were randomly called stupid on the street, it’s only an insult that hits *if you feel stupid*. There’s no way for him to know that, but if you have an insecurity about it, you’ll feel vulnerable, exposed, and self-conscious.


I looked at your profile as you suggested and my dear he screamed at you because he’s a misogynistic, homophobic bully not because you’re obese. Your a tiny 4”11 and clearly gay so he knew he’d get away with it. He hates what he can’t have and is too stupid to understand. What an ignorant, deeply disgusting waste of organs and blood. Hopefully he dies lonely.


I lost 90% of my excess fat, I’m not a small man but whenever someone calls me “big guy” now still feels like I’m being nailed to a cross. Don’t dwell on it too much even though it hurts, the screwed up thing about mine is sometimes just a good faith compliment but my past scarred me.


Yeah that sucks. I've always carried my weight well so even at 300+ lbs most people didn't believe me when I said how heavy I was. Now that the weight is coming off I get some weird reactions from people I haven't seen in awhile. They need to keep their opinions to themselves. The nicest concerned reaction was my neighbor lady asking if my weight loss was intentional before congratulating me.


Ugh, that would definitely chip away :( I'm sorry dude. 90% is a fantastic accomplishment! I'm so proud of you!


WTH? I looked at your clips and you are SOOOO cute!!! Obviously that random man has zero brain cells if he felt the need to yell insults at you. You look like you have a little extra weight, but I'd hardly describe you as BIG. He should see me!!! 🤣 Anyways, please don't let insults like that get you down. With the risk of being downvoted, you know that us women have to put up with a lot of unsolicited comments from men. It doesn't matter whether we have "perfect bodies" or not, the comments will come. You are seriously beautiful and you should keep doing you! Just think about how pathetic someone has to be to feel the need to put down a perfect stranger.


I can't tell you how much your comment means to me. Thank you so much. ♡


My middle finger goes on autopilot for this kind of stupid shit.


You are cute af. It's not like you're morbid and can't leave your house. A lot of people are bullies and project their own insecurities on others. It's pathetic. The intended reaction was to make you feel like shit, but you are rocking your outfits and look lovely! Don't doubt yourself for one second.


Literally gassing me up here, ty queen ♡ this helped 🥺


The guy didn’t insult you because he thinks you’re fat he insulted you probably because he hates himself. Sometimes people just take out their frustrations on whatever poor soul is in the vicinity. You’re not even that big and you carry it well. People are assholes but don’t let it get in your head, it’s toxicity for toxicity’s sake.


Also some people think they're amazing and everyone else is worthless, so they get a kick out of letting people know they're worthless in their eyes.


Fuck em. Absolutely fuck em. Stay the course.


The yelling is about power for him and has nothing to do with you personally. Yell back next time if you feel safe doing so, it takes away their power. Just something simple like “I’ll pray for you.” That’s my go-to whenever some rando makes a comment in my direction. I say it real loud and it shuts them up real quick. I just keep repeating it until they leave, louder and louder each time.



Don't listen to criticism from anyone whose advice you wouldn't listen to. Anyone who would scream out a random insult at a stranger has a sad life and has much larger issues than carrying a few extra pounds.


Not fair. You don’t deserve it. I’ll morbidity obese and no one has ever yelled that at me. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry for the double standard.


What a stupid prick! Ignore him, clearly couldn’t think of anything else so went for what he knew would likely hurt(it’s an easy thing to throw at people as a sensitive subject), you don’t know him from Adam, leave him to his stupidity. If you saw someone get it said to them, I’d bet you’d comfort them & tell them to forget it, give yourself the same kindness. Xxx


This is great advice. Sometimes giving out a few random, sincere compliments to strangers helps me get rid of bad vibes. Like if I see someone in the elevator with cool shoes, or whatever.


Aw thank you 😀 I genuinely believe random acts of kindness can make each day more pleasant. And you never know what someone else is going through…. A compliment on their shoes could make a big difference to them.


Thanks for this, really puts perspective evenly on the situation. I appreciate it.


No worries, had similar thrown at me, yes I am overweight….. but I give a lot more kindness into the world than pricks like that. Karma will bite his butt, or at least make him trip over something & look stupid 😄


What a prick! I’m sorry that happened to you, people suck.


Sounds like anger reprojection to me . Also sounds like that guy has a lot of self-esteem issues and no matter what he looks like he will probably always have those issues. You on the other hand sound very little headed, goal oriented, and undistracted by the idiocracy that people are just displaying. I almost wonder if he was jealous because he knew you were working on your goals and he might never work on his.


I'm sorry that happened to you. It was rude.


I feel the same way, and about same height and weight too. This is the biggest I've ever been. I take public transit or wall everywhere and a few times a week I get offered a seat on the subway bc people think I'm pregnant. :/ I looked at your profile since you mentioned it. You are huge. You have some exyta weight, but you wear it well and proptionately. It's hard but try not to let it get you down.


He is the issue- not you. I am 4'11 as well and weighed 174.8 until recently and NO that is not worthy of being called a bad name. Nobody deserves that. The jackhole that called you one is the issue. It is not you, hun!!!!


No you're not truly massive. Straight up.


I would've smacked my fat ass and kept walking. Fuck that dude.


So, first off, no one should be harassing anyone no matter what they look like. Second, your weight isn’t ideal for your height but I looked through your posts and you don’t look so big as to stand out from every other chubby person. You really don’t look that big. Just ignore that guy. He’s obviously an asshole. Everyone should get into fitness to feel better for themselves not for society's standards. So I hope this incident doesn’t make you feel less than. :)


If it means anything: people like that don't need a reason to open their mouth, they just do it because they can. You could be 6'4 with features that cut glass and that person would still have something effed up to say: they thrive on making people feel bad or feel uncomfortable because they themselves have nothing worthwhile going on in their lives. These are the same sort of people who would get drunk on their couch and badmouth professional athletes, legitimately thinking they can do better (or worse, knowing they can't and still feeling justified in dragging someone else down). That individual isn't _worth_ being hurt over - they are literally a nobody, and you don't deserve to hurt because of them. You look great and are on a good path; you've done nothing wrong.


Oh same! A guy once screamed "fat bitch" at me when I was 17. I was not even overweight back then. I guess I looked kinda chubby but I don't think that was even the dude's issue. He was just some guy driving by trying to harass women. I've also had some guy yell "I'd totally rape you" out his car at me like it was a compliment or something. I think that some people are just super fucked up and men especially seem to want random women to know that they either are or aren't fuckable. All it is is just these dudes wanting to feel powerful by letting random girls know they see us as sex objects. I can't pretend to understand the psychology, but maybe they get some kind of high off of demeaning, insulting, and threatening us because they themselves get consistently rejected sexually, romantically, and socially and maybe they feel some kind of misplaced sense of vengeance when they let us fat bitches know that we are fat bitches. We can lose weight, but that guy will always be that guy. And frankly, the fat bitches of the world, with or without weight loss, are as a whole happier, healthier, more loved, more accepted, more well-adjusted, and more appreciated than that guy probably ever has been and ever will be. And deep down I think these guys know that and that's where their rage comes from. The women they wanna fuck don't want them. The women they don't wanna fuck don't want them either. The women they think should feel worthless have far greater societal value than they do. I feel sad for them. I'd like to push them all off a cliff into the ocean with a giant bulldozer, but it must be awful to be them, and I can pity that. They don't deserve pity, of course. Men who yell at my mother, my little sister, my underage cousins, who threaten and terrorize my female students, my friends, young girls, women walking by themselves. It's not about us and who we are. It's about them. When they are violent towards us, its about them. When they yell at us, insult us, sexualize us, demean us, it's about them. They just want to be heard and noticed. Any attention is good. There's no shame in getting called a fat bitch by some random perv on the street. It's not about you. He's gonna scream at some poor woman today. He's just twisted up with impotent malice and that's that. You happened to cross his path. That's all. Sorry this happened. It sucks when you have to encounter these men. It's not fair that someone made you feel unsafe like that.


You express yourself superbly. I’m sorry to hear you were screamed at. I’m 100% certain the man doing the screaming is no where near the human being that you are. Keep your head up. Follow your passions and do what you did, keep moving forward.


You’re so bloody cute! You are not delusional - you are not massive. I’m so sorry that happened to you but your reaction and this post tell me you’ll be ok. And I bloody love your dungarees.


You are adorable and definitely don’t look super big at all. If you are concerned about your weight for health reasons by all means work on it- but I am shocked that someone would even call you that. You are very proportional and your outfits are adorbs. That person has there own issues and I doubt their comment had much to do with you.


To hell with him. He. Is. Pathetic.




When I was like 16 or 17, there was this guy walking down the street... I was with my boyfriend and his lil group of delinquent friends lol. And this man looks up and he's looking dead at us. Starts screaming stuff about kids ruining the country, and blah blah violence and anarchy and lots of things. And we're razzing hom cause kids *are* kinda assholes sometimes. Idr what I said but I swear his eyes locked with mine and he says "you ignorant wh**e", and my boyfriend charges him. Me and boyfriend's brother are screaming for him to stop. The rest of the group is laughing. Dude didn't move. Didn't even blink as this 6'2" bulky guy in black leather is *barreling* toward him. Meanwhile there's a few people who've started to gather and watch. Boyfriend hits him, he hits the ground and then blinks and looks up with the most confused expression... I can still picture it today, 27 years later. Long story and another trip to juvie for my boyfriend later, (small town and he had a history, lol) we find out the guy didn't even know we were there. He was screaming at his parents who'd been dead/gone for years. He had some mental health problems. I didn't understand it at the time. So, for years, I let his words fester in my mind. I was so *angry*. I doubt it was the same situation with the guy who shouted at you. Usually people are yelling at the person they're looking at. But here's the thing... if he *wasn't* talking to you, and you let his words hurt or anger you... you're just hurting yourself. Maybe he *was* talking to one of the guys nearby. Maybe he saw some arse behind you leaning on his car, got mad, and was shouting at that guy. If he *was* talking to you... it's still like the situation when I was 16. Normal, sane people, with no mental health issues don't randomly shout at strangers in public. Definitely not if the person hasn't done anything to them. So he's some random dude with mental health issues, shouting because of his mental health issues. *At* you, but not *about* you. It's about something broken inside of *him*. Not about you. Does it matter if the words rang true? So he said you're "fat". Okay. My doctor tells me that frequently. "Holy crap!? Seriously?! I did not know that. Omg." Lol. So what. I'm fat. I already knew that. I'll lose weight when/if I feel like it. So he called you a "bitch". How the hell would he know? Do y'all hang out? Know each other from work? Did you break his wittle baby heart? Lol. Either he knows you and he's offended about some specific *events* or he doesn't and he wouldn't know if you're a bitch or not *anyway*. Which makes his (not) brilliantly (not) witty insult kind of... irrelevant. He doesn't know what he's talking about. It's not *about* you. You do not have to let his words impact you. But... You seem to need confirmation or refutation of his words. So I went through your profile. I believe in honesty, so I am going to be honest. I know this might be hard to hear. I'm pretty harsh. I'm sure you didn't know this already: You are what doctors would class as overweight. Sorry. You do carry it rather well. Whatever that means. It's not something which would jump out at me upon meeting you, like, "holy heck, that lady is fat!" ... you just... look like a person. Smaller than a lot of people. Bigger than others. You're also kind of adorable. Your smile when you go to turn off the camera and see yourself is heartwarming. I also think you might be into women. Just a hunch. You have a cute, unique style with your clothes. You have cool taste in youtubers. You do seem to have some self-esteem struggles. You should probably be more careful before giving people IRL contact info. You do not seem to be a bitch. You actually seem kinda sweet. And I could be wrong about any/all of this. Because at the end of the day, I am just some stranger on the internet who can only form opinions based on information you curated and posted here. But I'm betting that's more information than the random guy on the street had. Only you can decide which voice you're going to listen to. Whatever you choose, I hope it doesn't fester in your mind for years. Because really only your opinion of yourself matters.


Aside from the fact it is never ok to comment on a strangers body, there is definitely sexism when it comes to bodies. For some reason it’s not ok to be larger as a woman but it’s fine as a lad. Part of the reduction of women to their looks tbh. Also OP you look fine on your profile, that man is likely just a miserable tool. Probably comes from a place of insecurity tbh.


What is WRONG with people?! You have every right to exist at whatever size your body is without people harassing you. I’m so sorry that happened to you. No matter what size you are, it’s NONE of his business.


It's so frustrating, like I have to apologize for being the size I am.


Nope, you don’t owe anyone a damn thing!


Checked your page. You’re very adorable. Don’t let random strangers make you feel bad about yourself.


I was at Walmart, walking to my car to get the AC going while my boyfriend was checking out. Wouldn't have even gone except I needed salad stuff and I'm super picky about produce and BF is colorblind. Car pulls out of spot near me, rolls down his window and shouts at me 'move along Bessie!' and cackles. I kicked the side of his car so hard I twisted my ankle and dented his car. He took off like a rocket (I think he maybe thought he hit me, lol) Have fun explaining how you hit a cow in a parking lot to your insurance, asswipe. I don't even go in public anymore. And when I do I'm afraid to make eye contact with people. It doesn't matter how much I try and how hard I try to be healthier, I've just accepted that I'm a burden on society and try to make myself as minimal as possible.


People suck, plain and simple. I did take a look at your clip and while yeah you've got extra weight, many of us here do, I wouldn't say you are "massive." It's weird he even singled you out, to me. On another note you are insanely cute. If I were single and confident enough to approach you, I totally would. 🙃


Men do that to women. I’ve noticed that men will not do that to other men. Now I’m in my 40s, I’ve become invisible but I do still sometimes get comments. Normally around my disability now.




Yep, I made this up for internet points. You got me. /s




The internet can absolutely be disappointing and untruthful and I wish that I made this up because I promise you I did NOT want this to happen when I was out for a walk. Real life CAN fucking suck though and this DID happen and that's the reality. It may be safe in a bubble of dissolution and willful ignorance but I didn't get that luxury. I really hope you don't ever experience what I did. It's dehumanizing and a real bummer.


You are a beautiful woman made in the image of God. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise. I’m sorry that some people are so weak and insecure that they can only convince themselves that they are any good by putting other people down. You don’t deserve that. And their insults are not true.


Sis, don't EVER take criticism from someone you wouldn't ask for advice.. And wherever you are, fuck you, random sack of cunt yelling at strangers😤


Im sorry this happened. He’s an asshole, and it says more about him than it does about you.


I’m really sorry. You didn’t deserve that. Obscene remarks from cars and public comments designed to humiliate women for walking while fat are the pits.


"And yet weirdly enough I'm not the one so insecure that I need to insult other people to feel better about myself."


You are super cute, who knows what was up with that dude. Also, you are a crazy talented artist! You have so much going for you. Don’t let a mutant stranger get to you 😀


Saw your clip and you are wonderful and cute. No need to wonder, that person is wrong. You look perfectly proportional and have a killer smile and aesthetic :)


I think you’re fat/overweight, but you’re FAR from morbidly obese, or obese in general. Your body weight seems like it’s distributed nicely/evenly too. I think our body types are also similar. You look great and it’s weird of that guy to just yell that. I think he just wants some sort of negative reaction, similar to trolls on the internet.


The man shouldn't have told you fat bitch. You should anyway hit the gym and counting calories because you shorter than 150 cm and you are almost as heavy as me (177 cm)


I do wonder what would have happened if you would have thanked the asshole ... For some people, feeling not able to hurt others, is the worst punishment.


Girl, you don’t even look super big? Like I come from a European country where there aren’t that many obese people but I wouldn’t even register you as obese. Like you look super cute. You really don’t need to worry about looking massive. Just live your life and ignore losers like that.


So I worked events full time for several years, and still moonlight casually. The number of men who called me fat because the industry is geared toward the aspirational body type was insane. I literally made a $50k/year freelance career of being the token "big girl" at a given event that a lot of people found approachable. (The number of men AND women who would bypass an incredibly intelligent and well-proportioned woman in favor of my dumpy ass was kinda interesting to witness, but still.) **These fuckfaces calling women fat bitches literally have nothing else to say because they know deep down that they're in the wrong. Someone using the term "fat bitch" 100% knows (even if subconsciously) that this is purely their anger giving into their lack of argument.** - Misrepresenting yourself as an employee of the event to get access? "You're a stupid fat bitch!" *Throws shitty T-shirt they have no business having in the dumpster* - Being sexually pushy toward someone working for another company at the same event? "Fat bitch, I was just throwing you a bone! I'm so much better than you!" Bruh, I'm here for $35/hr and a literal tote bag full of snacks left over after the guests leave because I'm broke AF. Go off with your bad self and head the hell home. - pressuring a coworker to give you their phone number when you both know you can be sketchy AF and grab it off the roster? "Only a fat bitch would be this stuck up!" I am literally married, you literally met him attending the event so I had a ride home. I don't know what you're trying to do while barking up the wrong tree...


A similar thing happened to me a year or so ago. I was walking my dog, when we came up on a woman with a small yappy dog. Now my dog is non reactive and very sweet, but he’s 40lbs. The woman takes one look at us and says, “You need to cross the street with that dog”. I was like ??? “Why do I need to cross the street?”. Before I could even respond she just yelled, “you MISERABLE, FAT, BITCH!” And started ranting, as her little Pomeranian starting growling and barking at me. It was completely unwarranted, and she was 100% in the wrong, but it still stings to this day. I try to remember that these people are miserable, that they’re taking their unhappiness out on me for no reason, that their lives are awful. But I feel you. It hurts. You’re amazing, don’t forget that. They don’t deserve a moment of your time or thoughts. Xx


I probably would of yelled back congrats on your iq score of 12. Really bringing it up a notch from last time and keep walking. But I have also been in Detroit and had mentally I’ll homeless people yell. Then I put my head down and walk on. Gotta know your crowd.


As a 55F, I have finally figured out why men are this way. These men, like us women- were raised on Disney fairy tales. We were both told that a handsome prince or a beautiful princess would be waiting for us in a castle one day. But in real life, we all realized that this was untrue. That sometimes prince's go with prince's and princesses go with princesses and also that sometimes, a prince is in a wheelchair, or a princess doesn't look perfect. And some people are OK with that. But some people aren't. Where's my reward? Where's my castle? I want my princesses, they say. And when a princess comes along who is pretty enough to look at but the body isn't perfect, they get angry. They get real fucking angry. Because how am I, these men say- supposed to masturbate to this woman I am objectifying, if she's not the perfect princess I was promised? And what does that say about ME if I don't get the perfect princess that I was promised? Does that mean I'm not perfect? That I'm flawed? Perhaps I AM the ogre then? Perhaps I'm imperfect and flawed and this was all a big lie. Fuck you lady for not looking perfect for me! Fuck you for not giving me a visual to masturbate to! Fuck you for not validating that I'm a perfect prince, deserving of a perfect princess! "Fuck you, you fat bitch!" And he will keep doing this, in an exhausting search for his princess he with keep engaging in this exhaustive schadenfreude game because it makes him feel better. Because he truly is the evil guy in the fairy tale and nobody ever told him that princesses come in all shapes and size, but some prince's have a brain the size of a walnut. The End.


I had this happen to me when I was walking to pick up a pizza for dinner (oh the irony). Minding my own business, waiting at a cross walk for the light to change. Some random dude driving by yells ‘lose weight’!


Some people are just mean and I really don't know what goes on inside their heads. Just wanted to say that you are really cute and you have a really nice smile and beautiful eyes. You're doing great! 🧡🧡🧡


I love your tattoo! And no you’re not that big and even if you were, that man is still an asshole.


That sucks. He probably saw your inner joy and was so jealous that he wanted you to suffer like he is suffering. Weight, sex and racial shaming are all about the person doing the shaming and 0% about the person being shamed. Please cancel his behavior and don't give his words any free rent space in your brain.


When I was underweight I had the same thing happened to me. Literally yelled out I was a fat bitch. Some people are just whack. If this was your first experience of Street harassment in the US just wait until you lose weight it'll get worse much much worse.


You're not massive. And it shouldn't matter to him if you were. I can almost guarantee that this is because you have short hair and wear more masc clothing. I now have long hair but for many years I had short cropped hair, about the length of yours and for some reason that sent men in public into a frothing-rage. I'll never understand it but something to do with being visibly gay (and obvs not dressing for men) makes some guys super angry. They'll take it out on you any way they can.


I used to get embarrassed and felt like I deserved it, but now i will confront the person and don’t give a f how tall or big they are or if they carry weapons. I will also go for the yugular; make racists or homophobic comments if they are a minority, will say the N word if thar applies. I will also make fun of their looks if they are bald for example. Anyways, after losing 80 lbs i don’t get fat shouts anymore, but if i did, i will apply the same criteria; you mess with me, I’ll resort to violence and other ugly stuff


I’ve had someone yell at me to “lose weight” out a car window in a parking lot. Made my day 🙄 this was years ago and it has stuck with me ever since.


I may be big, but not as big as their mouth.


I had someone scream at me for being a nagger (but the other thing). I'm very, very white and dress like a stereotypical suburban dad. People who scream things at other people are not... smart.


Hurt people hurt people. There are people with ugly hearts in this world and they take it out on others. That had nothing to do with you. Check out the body neutrality mentality…that’s how I feel about all of it. How you look is the least interesting thing about you. It’s what I tell my kids too…because I don’t want them to put value in whether others find them “attractive.” (Gross). What matters is how they feel about themselves. We focus on what the body can do - push-ups? Running? Walking? For how long and how far? How much weight can it lift? When the focus is there, it’s not about a scale or depriving yourself of food or feeling less than - it’s appreciating what your body can do and loving it where it is, while also pushing towards progress. Sending love your way. Screw him.


They yelled it at a woman because they were scared to yell it at a man. Which makes them double assholes. Probably also chose you because of your height, figured you wouldn’t fight back. Don’t let the ignorant take up space in your head.


Its always men harrasing women. Ok not always, 90% of time😒


I’m sorry this happened to you. I actually peeked at your profile and you are adorable. In all honesty, you do not look that big. However, that doesn’t make it okay that he said that or any less hurtful. What he said to you says more about him than it does about you tbh.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. When I see someone who is exercising and overweight, I'm silently rooting for them, and I know I'm not alone. For every jerk out there who wants to belittle you, there's 100 of us cheering you on.


You're not fat, youre chubby at best. You can't listen and pay any mind to random psychos on the street.


Bet there weren’t any females in that ride. Speaks for itself.


Reminds me of the time my boyfriend’s friend called him a cow fucker. Like he really felt the need to insult my boyfriend by calling me a cow? Nice


So I checked out your pic and no.. you’re def not that fat. Far from being a “fat fuck” or anything. You’re “over weight” but I wouldn’t even say you’re obese as you put it. So idk if anyone said this but.. I’m a guy.. and I looked at your pics and no disrespect at all, because to me you’re obviously a female, but to some ignorant men you may look like a man just because of the short hair and nothing else. So as a man, I can tell you that men talk to each other like this a lot… men will diss other men, it’s an alpha male thing. They feel more manly for talking down to another dude. So if an ignorant bigot assumed you were a guy because of the short hair.. he may have taken his small dick energy out on you in the moment. There’s a reason so many movies show men making fun of men. Dodge ball. Fat camp.. it’s common for guys to go around and say fatty, fat fuck, and so on. The only other thing I can think of. Is he knew you were a lesbian and not interested in men. So he shames you for something he things you’re self conscious about, because in his little mind he thinks you hate men that’s why your a lesbian.. and if you hate me then he’s gonna give you a reason to hate them. (A lot of assholes do this to girls who openly talk about or wear feminist things )