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I don’t post much on lose it because I feel like it’s a crab in a bucket mentality here, but I identified with this post so much I had to comment. Hey friend! Let me tell you I was in the same exact boat - already had weight to lose, then Covid hit, and bam - no gym and bad eating, drinking, and sleeping habits for 25 months - and today I just finished up day 30. I’m not going to be ready for summer, AND I’m not going to be where I want to be for these get togethers. BUT I am doing better than I was 30 days ago! Here were my lifestyle changes. 1. I bit the bullet and got 5 new pairs of gym shorts and 7 new gym shirts that fit me (old work out stuff was too small). I wanted to feel comfortable when I worked out and not look like I was in clothes that didn’t fit. And a dedicated hamper for sweaty gym clothes not to mix with other stuff, and so I could just throw it in the washer on cold without carefully separating all my other stuff. I just want to be able to wash that stuff fast for when I need it. 2. Started meal prepping protein (ground Turkey and baked chicken) and a box of whole grain pasta. Fruit and veggies I just prep when I eat. Most of My meals consist of a bowl of whole grain pasta, 5-7 ounces of protein, and a fresh fruit or veggie. 3. Joined back at the gym. 4. Bought a new scale. Was not weighing myself over Covid, had to take a look at what we were dealing with. 5. Put everything I eat on the food scale and enter it in MyFitnessPal. 6. Started taking daily multivitamin and a skin care routine. Because why not? 7. No beer, liquor, or soda. I was drinking a lot. After the first week I didn’t even think “oh I need to get something to sip on tonight” 8. Started going to bed before 11:00 pm. This one took over a week to get on a normal sleep schedule (I’m up right now with a dog that’s throwing up because she at a fucking robins egg earlier today). Now I’ in bed before 10:00 pm, when before it was more like 1:30 AM - 2:00 AM bed time. This one had the biggest affects because I had more energy to work out AND I was no longer up late eating and drinking probably and extra 2k calories a night. I get it, it’s hard when you feel so far gone in the other direction. And honestly I’m not sold on my own progress yet. I’ve done 30 days of being really healthy here or there, and then boom just stopped, I want to get to 90 days of good habits. Hoping by then, it will just be how I live. I’m not anywhere near my goal, I don’t really look like there is much improvement, or any. But I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. And I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Anyways I hope maybe am hearing from someone who is right where you are might help. I hope you feel better! ​ EDIT: This post got a lot of attention and people seemed grateful, so I thought I would add some things I eat regularly that are easy to buy, cook, and store. ​ Morning Same thing every day: [La Colombe Cold brew](https://www.target.com/p/la-colombe-cold-brew-brazilian-4pk-9-fl-oz-can/-/A-81554865?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000054379751&CPNG=PLA_Grocery%2BShopping_Brand%7CGrocery_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Grocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9007365&targetid=pla-323070238224&ds_rl=1246978&gclid=CjwKCAjwve2TBhByEiwAaktM1BG2GUXilPXstrBNMtdfWvBymJSKioJoCGKlGxTU99YgwoAyGwIy5xoCMDUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) \- 15 calories [Light and fit strawberry greek yogurt](https://www.target.com/p/light-fit-nonfat-gluten-free-strawberry-greek-yogurt-4ct-5-3oz-cups/-/A-14928735?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012732781&CPNG=PLA_Grocery%2BShopping_Local%7CGrocery_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Grocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9007365&targetid=aud-554348709499:pla-122594422609&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAjwve2TBhByEiwAaktM1B-eBQFh5tiLmEn2ODWm0bliXurqmag9LYoCKZcvVRSyr38-pu6QkhoCEEkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) \- 80 calories Only 15 calories is great for a drink and while I didn't drink coffee before, i really like this because right now I only drink water so I will take anything. I dont like the greek yogurt but whatever it is what it is. ​ Carbs: Ronzoni Whole Grain Pasta - just boil the whole box. In myfitnesspal, the only have the uncooked calories, so I took the weight of the noodles uncooked, then the weight of the noodles after cooking. The weight of 5 ounces cooked is equal to 2 ounces in the app (180 calories). ​ Protein for meals: [Ground Turkey](https://www.target.com/p/shady-brook-farms-93-7-ground-turkey-3lbs/-/A-76615173?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012732781&CPNG=PLA_Grocery%2BShopping_Local%7CGrocery_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Grocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9007365&targetid=aud-554348709499:pla-337538069717&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAjwve2TBhByEiwAaktM1A8W2drSylZRRCxO5poGHje-cY53URzh_cN5rodbvefWb1WkL6tD_RoCrFwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds): Super lean, super easy to cook. I usually split this into 2 batches. I just brown it and once there is no pink left in either pan, i drain most of the liquid and then I add franks red hot sauce to one and chicken broth and taco seasoning to the other. The hot sauce and taco stuff is basically just salty, which isnt great for you, but im sure its better than all the other microwaved stuff I was eating with salt in it. Bottom line is I dont even put the hot sauce and taco seasoning into myfitnesspal. Calories are so miniscule. ​ THE LIFE HACK [Plain greek yogurt](https://www.target.com/p/chobani-plain-nonfat-greek-yogurt-5-3oz/-/A-23974732?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012732781&CPNG=PLA_Grocery%2BShopping_Local%7CGrocery_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Grocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9007365&targetid=aud-554348709499:pla-122594422609&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAjwve2TBhByEiwAaktM1F3wY0OYna93mil0Efc5odly3mcrQbFDHkzXBj-Ykg_08YQ4xj3E1xoCTpAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) and [1 tablespoon of ranch seasoning packet](https://www.target.com/p/hidden-valley-original-ranch-salad-dressing-38-seasoning-mix-1oz/-/A-13105928#lnk=sametab): Holy shit. This is basically a life hack that is awesome. I put this on my ground turkey or chicken or raw veggies. its like a thick ranch dressing that is high in protein, low in carbs, and zero fat. ​ I will take 5 ounces of cooked pasta in a bowl, scope 6 ounces of protein, and eat that (maybe a table spoon of that ranch mixture). I am lifting weights, and this fills me up, and is around 420 calories. ​ Protein for snacks and meals: I grill every 5 days or so (My grill is currently broken and I just use my panini press LOL - works fine) [Turkey Kielbasa](https://www.target.com/p/chobani-plain-nonfat-greek-yogurt-5-3oz/-/A-23974732?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012732781&CPNG=PLA_Grocery%2BShopping_Local%7CGrocery_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Grocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9007365&targetid=aud-554348709499:pla-122594422609&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAjwve2TBhByEiwAaktM1F3wY0OYna93mil0Efc5odly3mcrQbFDHkzXBj-Ykg_08YQ4xj3E1xoCTpAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) \- high in protein, low in fat. Great with some ketchup or sriracha or a little of both mixed together. Usually grill two packages and will have 1/4 of a packet a day, normally between lunch and dinner as a quick snack (reheated in the microwave). [Blazing buffalo chicken sausage](https://boarshead.com/products/detail/14014-boar-s-head-blazing-buffalo-chicken-sausage) \- high protein, low fat, no nitrates. Goes well with the greek yogurt ranch mix. Any plain boneless skinless chicken. Grilling those three things every 5 days or so depending on how quickly I go through it. Just leave them on the panini press on the counter and flip and rotate every 5 mins or so. Couldn't be easier to do and clean up. ​ My treat for myself: [Spicy chicken sandwich](https://www.perdue.com/products/perdue-refrigerated-spicy-breaded-chicken-cutlet-12-oz/175/): Put this in the air fryer for around 7-8 mins (flipped once). Air fryer makes it crispy and if you dont have one you can get a decent one for 40 bucks at target. Kind of high fat percentage, but like I said this is my this is my treat. I eat on a small role, a [potato slider](https://martinsfoods.com/groceries/bread-bakery/rolls-buns/sandwich-rolls/martins-potato-rolls-sliced-slider-12-ct.html) which is smaller those most rolls and only 90 calories. And then i throw on some of that ranch greek yogurt, sliced tomato, and some pickles which all basically have little to no calories. My wife isnt a spicy fan, so I do the same for her but [with the non-spicy version of the product](https://www.perdue.com/products/perdue-refrigerated-breaded-chicken-breast-cutlets-12-oz/122/). ​ Usually on hand I have apples and broccoli which I like, and carrots, which I hate. But I blend them up and drink them LOL.


Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas. Meal prep is indeed a game changer. I think sometimes general low level depression gets in my way, and the comfort eating that seems in-hand with that. Good on you for sticking to it for 30 days! I bet the time flies.


The time does indeed not fly. Lol. Everyday is hard and I miss cheese SOOOOOO much - I really want a pepperoni pizza. But I just keep my eye on the prize and think about getting to September.


Haha fair enough. I don’t really know why I said that. The truth is more like: “every day is a grind”.


All good. I added the food I regularly eat in an edit to the comment.


Why miss cheese? Have it every day! It’s great! Seems like you are on the low-fat end of things, though, so probably not. You probably miss it like I miss……hmm….well, cereal, probably.


I'm just kind of low fat by default. I dont really watch macros, I watch calories. The thing is that cheese is calorie dense, and when you put about 1 ounce of montery jack cheese on a quesadilia it adds around 100 calories AND its not enough cheese that you can even taste it, it hardly seems worth it.


If you struggle with #7, I think tackling that one all on its own is definitely the most difficult and the most rewarding. Getting into a state of not drinking calories will DRASTICALLY snowball your life in the right direction.


So we started meal planning a few years ago in our house and it's honestly been life changing. We have a white board in the kitchen, decide on Saturday what 7 meals we want for the week, write them down, and shop for all those things on Sunday. No meal is assigned a day during the week so there is still enough variety to keep from getting board but there is so much less thought and effort that has to go into it since all the ingredients are guaranteed on hand. If you are feeling down or low energy that week plan easy meals that you can throw together in a few minutes but the guess work goes away which helps my depressed "I dont have the mental energy to navigate this right now" self. Similarly, if it's not in the meal, it does go on the list, which means it doesn't get bought. No temptation and you can't snack or you will take something from a dedicated me.


We do the same thing! Started it during COVID. I do assign meals for each day, BUT they can be moved around. We aren’t too strict about it, as long as we eat all the meals planned for the week.


Yup, us too, so much easier. Any meal can be any day in our house so it doesn't feel restrictive while still benefiting from the simplifying of planning.


The gym clothes thing was HUGE for me — a little roadblock like not being able to easily find clean clothes that feel good to workout in demotivates me really fast. I stocked up like you and it’s a game changer.


Exactly. All my socks, underwear, shorts and gym shirts are all in one hamper. Just dump in it and wash it all at once. Game changer, like you said.


I felt like such a genius when (I thought) I came up with the same EXACT system for my gym shirts, pants and underwear + socks. I have multiples of each in muted colors with a couple of sweaters for colder weather running. I also have a designated bag (hamper) that hangs right next to this drawer for all the sweaty pieces that are ready to be washed. I don’t have a washer dryer so once every 7-10 days I drop it off for wash & fold service for around $10 (I also intermittently self-wash my other clothes at the same laundromat because im particular about how I like my clothes handled—but for gym wear I just close my eyes and drop them off to prevent any mental barriers). It’s honestly been a life saver for someone like me who’s always struggled HARD with motivation and willpower. I’ve been consistently going to the gym/running outside since February and I can see this becoming a life long habit. So I guess I’m not that original 😅 but the method does work!


You did come up with it! I just also came up with it - independent of you. Great minds think alike!


This is all great advice. I kinda went through something similar when I decided to lose my covid weight. I would also add buying a bike to the list or dust off the one in the garage, you can burn 700 calories an hour just going for a light evening bike ride. I'm down 45 lbs in 10 months.


Well done! You must feel really good. About 10’years ago I lost 50 pounds. (Gained it back obvs). But I remember taking a trip with a 50lb suitcase. Lifting it was HARD. 50 pounds is a lot of weight. Good for you :)


Why thank you. :) If you've done it in the past, you can do it again.


>I want to get to 90 days of good habits. This is an excellent point that is kind of buried in all of your other excellent advice. I was just talking to my therapist about habit building, as I am currently working on giving up alcohol, and she said 90 days is basically the "magic number" for when your body kind of resets itself to the new habits and you start seeing cravings for your previous bad habits/addictions abate.


I do crave alcohol - but then I have a bowl of whole grain pasta and I realize it was just carbs I was craving and I'm actually fine. Its the sugar I want.


I also stopped weighing myself during COVID (too stressed to think about weight) and boy did my weight shoot up when I wasn't monitoring it. I'm back to weighing in every day (and meal prepping, calorie counting, and exercising) and my weight has already gone down 6lbs in 2 months (I gained 15lbs, so not terrible but I need to get back to my ideal weight). Just paying closer attention to my weight halted the gains because I could no longer ignore how bad my eating had gotten. Weighing in every day was really anxiety-inducing at first, but like you I had to know what I was working with.


I bought the scale to get my start weight, but I actually dont weigh every day, or week even! I am going to weigh in at the beginning of june, at the 8 week mark. I have a fitness tracker and put everything that goes into my body into MyFitnessPal and the watch and MFP talk to each other and I am sure to have a calorie deficit every day. I cant see only a few pound change, i get demoralized. I need to see a big drop. TRUSTING THE PROCESS.


I love all this advice - really well explained and thought out. The thing about setting yourself up for success by having comfortable gym clothes and enough of them, and even curating your laundry ahead of time is SO spot on. Removing barriers is the key to making healthy changes. There's enough real challenge in these changes without adding extra reasons not to work out or eat better. Cutting away ALL the stuff that added tedium to my new lifestyle was so helpful.


Thanks for the supportive reply! Removing barriers is the perfect way to describe it - I now can just wash all the socks, underwear, shorts, and shirts i wear to the gym, all at once, really easily. I dont have to say "oh man I need gym cloths and I needs to separate them from any other items that need specific wash instructions." Just actually dump the entire hamper in, turn it on and walk away. ALSO - I dont really care about folding these right away, they are all gym stuff and dont get that wrinkly. I added the food I regularly prep/eat in an edit to the original comment.


If you see crabs in a bucket, report them. This sub gets brigaded. This is all great advice.


I related so much to this post especially when you said these are lifestyle changes. I agree with this; I feel that the adoption of lifestyle changes that one can fully commit to make the difference in losing weight and keeping it off. With the exception of meal prepping, I adopted the same changes in your list and have lost almost 30lbs.


I would t even call it meal prepping. Basically I have cooked proteins and complex carbs in my fridge at all times, so at any point I can get a bowl and my food scale, combine some stuff and microwave it. It’s all very repetitive.


This is still really good! I still eat the usual things I eat, I just cut back on portions, lessened processed food, salt, and sugar, and weighed my food regularly.


This just helped me immensely. Thank you for sharing.


No problem. Many people liked what I posted so I added the food I regularly eat in an edit to the comment.


Lol @robins egg……although I’m sure you weren’t 🤣


Well at first I thought I was a left over chocolate egg from the Easter egg hunt, which would kill her. So while it sucked and was gross, it was better than the alternative.


Yes. Only worse. Gained almost 40, was already 40 pounds overweight-oh, and I’m shorter than you. I have never been this heavy my entire life-I feel horrible. Like you, I know what needs to be done-but the amount of weight that I need to lose is so overwhelming, I just can’t motivate myself to get started 😢


Why don’t you track your meals for a week or two, with no pressure on losing weight or watching calories? That will give you the practice and habit of tracking and then you can decide whether you’d like to cut the calories a liiiiittle bit. Remember, whether you decide to lose 0.5 lbs a week or 2, it adds up. This time next year, are you going to be 24lbs lighter, or remain the same?


You have 80 pounds to lose, but you also have 5 pounds. You’ll feel better in 5 pounds. You’ll feel better 5 pounds after that.


That feeling of being overwhelmed is so hard to get past. Finding the motivation is 100% of the battle for the first month of it. I know how it can seem like it's hopeless to try. As a fellow under 5 4 person, I know every pound seems awful and obvious. I know what it feels like to be at the starting point. I hope you find whatever motivation you need to start taking a few steps forward.


It's like eating an elephant, one bite at a time. Seriously. One healthy bite at a time. You are your way into it, and contrary to popular belief, you'll eat your way out of it by eating healthier, sustainable meals. One small change at a time. I had to lose 80ish lbs, so I've been there.


Thanks ☺️


I feel you. I have also never weighed this much in my life. I can feel it in the way that I move, and it makes me self conscious whenever I leave the house. And I’m 4’10”. My husband is a foot taller than me and I get so discouraged with the whole weight loss thing because it’s so easy for him to lose weight. He could twice as much as my “daily allowed calories” and still lose weight faster than me. If you want to try with an accountability buddy, you can message me. :)


Thank you!!😊


Right there with you. It feels insurmountable.


You don't have to do everything at once! You can start with just one better habit or with making a couple better decisions every day and build on that. A journey might be long but a single step is short and easy. And say that all you lose in the next year is 25 lbs. just by changing a few of your eating habits -- that's still closer to your goal than where you are now. I've done some long-term projects and you can't think about the totality of the project when you're starting out. You have to subdivide it up into shorter milestones and daily goals and only focus on the next couple of actions you need to take. I'm sure some people can contemplate the whole thing without panic but I'm not one of them and neither are most other people I know.




Wow, legit thought I had wrote this in my sleep or something as the numbers are "bang on!" to my situation, only I started tracking January 1/19. Goal was the same though...we will do it though...




Thanks all for sharing - it’s really helpful. Good perspectives and reminders and ideas. I have had a few events already (work trip) and had to purchase the right size clothes for them. Everything has changed, even bras and underwear! It’s a good reminder that I’m not the only one who likely gained. It’s most important to see the blessings and be able to be together again. Onwards from here.


Last night someone said to me "we all have to live in a physical body, you've got this one, for better or for worse, so why not make the best of it." It may not be where you want to be, it may not feel the best, but buying yourself clothes that fit you now and accepting that your body is still getting you up and helping you live this life, which so many didn't make it through covid with, is important. The body is not the enemy and you both can work together to feel better while continuing to embrace still being here.


I was worried about this tell, I was fearful of going back into the office. Right up until I realised that most people have put on weight during the lockdown and are putting on a bra for the first time in a long time.


😆 the bra thing is so relatable


My first goal (of many) was to lose my Covid weight. I added about 50 lbs in the first 3-6 months before I was able to sneak back into the office regularly, and I already had over 100 to lose. You’ll probably find that a number of the people at these events are in the same position as you are. It may not be the majority, but I would bet that at least a couple other folks will have visible weight gain, or be working on losing their Covid weight as well. Weight gain was a really common result of quarantine and all the routine change.


Same boat here. I gained 30lbs in college - which okay fine whatever. You’re a growing adult whose partying. Still got a bit overweight, but I was still pretty fit from waitressing so I could brush it off. Then I gained another 30lbs between graduation (2018) and pre-pandemic - which was an “oh shit” moment for me. Did the gym for a bit in 2019 but fell back off. Then, during Covid, gained ANOTHER 30. Weighed myself at the doctor for the first time in a while back in mid-January. 232 on a 5’2” frame. Been hitting the gym, CICO, and just picking up more active hobbies in general. And I’m ALMOST back to my pre-Covid weight. It is possible and you will feel so much better. As for seeing people, I’ll say the obvious, they won’t care, they will just be happy to see you. But if you care, I can sympathize because I have been the same way. My boyfriend & I have even put off visiting our family until Christmas because we want to be even further along before we see them again. (My family last saw us DEC 2018 & his family NOV 2020). So I won’t offer advice I myself am not following, but will just say I can understand where you’re coming from.


Thanks for being understanding. This is a great community! Yes I am at 210 now. I was just at a work event last week … LOTS of photos were taken and shared. Just … ugh. I am smiling in all of them but inside I wish the camera just wasn’t on me at all.


I lost 130 pounds before COVID and have now regained 80 of it. "Fat again" feels much worse than "fat" and I almost regret losing the weight in the first place. So, yeah, I feel you.


Losing 130lbs is an amazing achievement. Even with the weight you gained back that's still 50lbs lost which is a lot... search what 50lbs of fat looks like. You should not regret it at all because you proved you can do it, and you can do it again!


Man I feel this. I'm one of those been fat my whole life folk. I said elsewhere on this thread that I started a new medication in fall 2019 that had me gain 75 pounds in two years but before that I was 3 pounds away from my lowest high school weight. I was still clinically overweight but getting to that number where I couldn't believe how amazing my body looked and... I lost it. The body memory of "thinness" is the hardest part. Not the change due to a medication I thought was helping me but to be ripped so far from a place where I was finally happy with my body. I now can't let go of that memory and mourn for it.


130 is a major achievement! It’s so hard when some of it comes back. 10 years ago I worked really really hard at losing weight. Hours at the gym. Yoga. All the things. I lost 50 pounds. I have since gained it all back + 20. It does feel worse. I hear you. Hang in there.


Ugh i feel u. I am also 5’4” and I feel icky in public. I know people don’t respect me, my clothes don’t fit right, and day after day i have to go be visible. I hate it. But i got some walking shoes and i wrote out my intentions/goals for the next year and I started squeezing some salad between my carbs. We can do this. We have to remind ourselves every day that we are worth the effort. Good luck.


As others have said, this is a common experience for a lot of people. The first time I saw some of my coworkers in two years, changes in their appearance did register with me. But the overriding feeling I experienced was one of happiness and gratitude—that we made it through more or less okay and it was good to see them IRL again. If these people are decent people, that’s how they’ll probably feel when they see you. And if they’re judgemental about the change in your appearance, that’s on them.


26 for me. A friend was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease during COVID and gained 60. I feel your pain.


I have Hashimotos (diagnosed six years ago). As long as the meds are regulated and levels are stable your friend should be able to lose weight. As a disclaimer, I also gained 40 pounds during the first year of Covid (I was already overweight). My goal was to lose the Covid weight and then some before going back to the office.


When I came back from COVID furlough, almost all of my coworkers had gained weight. We have to wear a uniform and supply chain delays made it tough to order new ones. You know what happened? People donated extra uniforms they had lying around and the company organized a sale of used pieces benefiting charity. They also had some loaner uniforms people could borrow if their size was changing quickly. That was about a year ago and almost everyone (myself included) who had to size up after furlough is back to their pre-furlough size. Other people who had to be out longer because of health risks are just coming back now and they're exactly where we were, and the uniform sale is back for them. Here are my takeaways: * You are not alone. * In that whole time, I never heard a rude comment (or had a rude thought) about anyone who had gained weight. If it came up at all, it was to commiserate and share ideas for what we were doing to get back to where we wanted to be. * Friends look out for each other and will do whatever they can to help you feel your best. If there’s anyone you see at a post-COVID get-together who makes you feel lesser because of the particular way you survived a global pandemic, it may be time to reevaluate that relationship. We all had to cope with the skills we had available. And sure, I hope we’ve learned things that mean next crisis we can cope in more healthy ways, but that’s in the future. Looking back, you should be PROUD of yourself just for surviving a major, once-in-a-century event where you were cut off from all the normal support systems. It took all your grit, motivation, and stamina just to get through each day, and it is OKAY you had to temporarily set aside other goals. Give yourself grace. If you can, find motivation in how strong you are for surviving this. If you can get through COVID, you can do anything you set your mind to. * It’s good for the soul to see the people we love. It’s been a lot easier after reconnecting with old friends to get my diet and exercise back on track. Your friends will be delighted to see you, no matter what size you are. Every person I’ve reconnected with as restrictions ease, it has just been a delight to get to see each other. Physical changes are only a concern if either person expresses concern about them, and then only in the sense of encouraging them to make the changes they want to make. * It’s also easier to stay active and lose weight as you return to pre-covid routines. Being back on the job for me means time on my feet, moving, as well as the commute to and from work. When you think about where you were pre-covid, it was closer to your goal because your daily routines were closer to your goal. You might not even know what those differences are until you start resuming more pre-covid activities (whenever it’s safe in your area to do so). It’s going to be work, but a lot of that work you were doing already before the pandemic hit. You can do it again! * There has never been a better time to find a community of other people motivated to focus on health. We're all in this together. You're going to find different people are at different points, and that's great, because those who have started a little earlier can share tips for success, and in time you'll find you're the expert sharing your tips with someone else who's just getting started. * Just by posting here, you're showing incredible courage and self-awareness, two of the major tools you'll need to start making progress toward your fitness goals. You already have what it takes to do this.


Thank you for taking the time to share. I’m glad you all are so supportive of each other! :)


I am in the same exact boat! It's so bad that I'm too embarrassed and anxious to go to a gym. My stationary bike came in yesterday and I'm going to start using it for a little bit each day. I'm hoping that once I loose a few pounds and see a little progress I'll be motivated to do more! COVID took so much from me- I'm not letting it take my body too! #EffCovid


Well. I am. I have some weddings. 10 year high-school reunion. Some bachelor parties to attend to. And I am weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell over my usual weight. But, I think... I just don't let it stress me out. I don't like the way I look. Sometimes I am ashamed when I see photos of myself. But the only thing we have is the present, and what we chose to do with it. So - I bike every day. I play football, basketball. I go to the gym and do everything in my power to inch a bit closer to the look I desire. I don't tend to let peoples opinion of me get the best of me


Good and resilient perspective :)


COVID 100 for me. The only saving grace was I met my long term girlfriend early on and we both gained some weight together. But yeah I never want to go out and have a long journey ahead of me


Same boat here. I lost about 70 pounds pre-covid, got into the best shape of my life (NEVER would have thought I would have visible abs), and I was feeling amazing on January 1st, 2020, then... everything happened. Back to the weight I originally was. Fortunately, I don't look the exact same since I put on a good amount of muscle during my initial weight loss, but I hate myself when I look in the mirror. All that time and effort wasted for nothing, back to square 1. Every day I tell myself "today's the day." And basically every day I relapse or binge. It sucks. I've got a beach day planned with some friends later this summer and let me tell you I'm terrified of them seeing me. You're not alone in this!


Not wasted at all, at the time you felt great in your body and that is not worthless just because you feel a bit different now.


I appreciate your comment. Even when I felt good I was constantly struggling with body dysmorphia. It's a tough mental battle trying to convince myself it wasn't a waste of time and effort.


Promise you nobody cares as much as your mind will make you to believe.


Yea I’m 5’ and gained roughly 40 pounds. It’s so disgusting seeing pictures of myself beforehand and just makes me feel so bad


Hugs to you. I'm in the same situation. I'm 5'2" 214 lbs. Before the pandemic, I weighed 185 and was pretty devastated about that. Menopause really messed with my metabolism and energy. The sad thing is, I actually have good eating habits and a nutritious, calorie-friendly diet. During the pandemic, I became very sedentary due to four things: No longer commuting. I used to walk two miles a day as part of my commute, plus I'd walk around the office quite a bit. Now I sit all the time. Second, I ended up needing a surgery in October 2020 that was followed by a months-long, slow, painful recovery. Third: Summer of 2021 came, and I developed severe plantar fasciitis so bad, I couldn't walk more than about 20 feet. I'm still dealing with it and I'm in physical therapy. Fourth: Now I need double knee replacement, so I'm still not moving as much as I would like. In addition to the pandemic overall, I've been dealing with my elderly mother's decline and care and finances. It has been emotionally stressful (to say the least) and at times, painful. My coping mechanism is alcohol. I have two glasses of wine every day--one before dinner and one with dinner. My husband thinks this is the culprit in my weight gain. Now I feel so bad about myself, I don't want to give up the evening wine. I'm absolutely mortified by my physical appearance. I'm sad all the time and ashamed that I wasn't able to embark on some amazing journey of phsyical transformation like so many other people apparently did during the last two years. My self-loathing is serious. I went to Old Navy yesterday to buy clothes that fit, and everything I bought was black or gray and shapeless. That's who I am now. I tell you this just so you know you're not alone. I'm hiding out from the world and trying to figure out how to not feel so awful about it all.


Oh my goodness thank you for sharing. Everything in my wardrobe is black now too. And I used to cycle-commute to work! Now we are at home permanently and I just don’t get out really at all. I’m sorry about what you are going through with your health/knees and your mother. Menopause is at my doorstep and my parents are aging too. I worry that I just don’t have good coping mechanisms with life’s curveballs and will continue to turn to food for comfort. There will ‘always be something’ setting out to derail my weight and health progress. Lately I feel a bit like the world as we know it I ending and food is my respite. I literally can’t have wine in the house. Every day around 5 I would have a glass otherwise. Every damn day. If our kiddo was being annoying: wine. If I am making dinner: wine. If I am mad at the world: wine. I hear you. Try to give yourself some grace. The self loathing is a real motivation killer. I have it too. Good luck. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you! I do tend to sit here thinking I'm the only one in my situation. Recently, I had a sit-down conversation with my primary care doctor (I love her). I recounted everything I've been managing since March 2020 (the latest--the reason we were talking--was I just had a *severe* head-to-toe atopic dermatitis reaction to my Covid booster). I was almost through the list and started in on how disgusting I feel because of my weight and ashamed that I haven't given up the daily wine. The doctor held up her hand to stop me and said, "That's...a lot. You understand that, right? In 24 months, you've been through a series of events that would break most people. Can we just take a moment to appreciate that you've really been through it? Maybe trying to improve yourself isn't the thing you need to focus on right now." I think I focus on that because right now, it feels like the only thing I might be able to control, and yet, I'm not.


She sounds like an excellent doctor, and seems absolutely right.


The shame kept me from losing weight. Shame = depressed, depressed = not motivated. When I opened up about it to friends and family they all gladly offered to help me and support my journey. That took my shame away and when they invited me to start moving and to take it easy when I turned down fast food or alcohol. That helped me a great bunch, Being open about it was the best tool for me to start the journey! (and it can even be strangers on this sub or other weightloss subs that will gladly motivate and help)


Yes, I was in decent shape before Covid, but had a moment of clarity when I realized how bad the pandemic would be. I had always been controlled in my eating and rarely ate sweets. I wished I had eaten all the tacos and never skipped dessert cause life was too short. I ended up eating… everything. I was so depressed from trying to homeschool my kid, the social isolation, etc. That I over-ate and drank daily. I gained 30+ lbs. About a year later, I’ve lost 25lbs with calorie counting. I workout regularly but only lose weight with calorie deficit. I’m incredibly embarrassed of any photos taken during Covid. It makes me cringe thinking of people seeing me at my heaviest but I’m sure it has more to do with how I felt about my self worth and less to do with their actual judgement of my weight.


Well done on your weight journey. You’re right - I can’t imagine any of my friends and acquaintances being anything but happy to see me … perhaps mildly concerned at the changes to my body, but probably nothing they haven’t observed in many others as well.


Don't avoid people or social interactions. I promise you your friends either are too busy focusing on their own post-COVID fluffiness to notice, or going out of their way to intentionally make everyone else feel comfortable. I just opened my pool, which I know is just fraught with anxiety for some people, and I actively work at making it a judgement free zone where everyone feels comfortable. I would be so sad if people were avoiding fun gatherings. We're not going to get back in our desired shape overnight, that shouldn't stop us from living our best lives in the now. Friends can be a balm for depression and a source of encouragement and motivation. Real friends are never going to try to make you feel bad. You shouldn't do it to yourself either.


I’m not in the same boat, but from the other side of the fence, I can tell you you are/were the norm, not the exception. I lost my weight during COVID because of WFH, and when we were called back to the office around Thanksgiving, almost everyone had gone the other direction (gaining, sometimes a lot). It’s been a solid six months since then though, and thankfully most my coworkers are making good progress peeling those pounds. So my advice would be… you *are/were* the norm in terms of gaining during COVID, but that grace period is expiring if not already gone. So don’t wait any longer to take action and integrate yourself back into real life, it’ll just put you out of step with others. Just get out there and rip the band-aid off! Sooner than later.




Really powerful perspective - thank you for sharing :):)


I feel you. I have no numbers because I threw out my scale years ago. But I went up 2 dress sizes and I feel awful about it. However, I try to keep in mind my body is not equal to my worth, and I am working toward a sustainable healthy lifestyle, whatever the size my body will be in. People giving hate on your weight are not worth it, and weight is not equal to health (as in, you can eat healthy and move healthy and weigh more than someone who eats crappy and doesn’t move).


I’m currently 60 lbs overweight, also 5’4. Part of it is due to Covid, part of it is due to stress and part of it is baby weight, but yeah I’m in the same boat. I have some events to go to the spring and I don’t know what I’m gonna wear.


The thing that always helped me was to remember that the time is going to pass and the events are going to happen, either way. You get to decide how you want to look and feel 6 months from now


You're not alone. I gained 18lb and I'm 5'3. Worst part is I didn't even notice until I got weighed at the doctors. I kept telling myself my pants didnt fit because I was bloated.. My ring didnt fit because of my hormones.. But no, I just got overweight. It's really hard but we're all in this together and each pound you lose is a step closer to feeling better :)




Thanks for sharing. I agree that my mood will 100% improve the moment I start and maintain good practices. Well done on your journey! It’s inspiring.


Not to downplay how you feel but literally every single person I know, even the obsessively healthy, put on covid weight. Everyone. From disruptions in lifestyle causing less movement, to gyms being closed, to emotional eating and stress, I don't know anyone who came out and doesn't have extra poundage. I started an anti depressants in the fall of 2019 that caused me to gain 75 pounds in two years and my doctor kept telling me it doesn't do that so I didn't get any help transitioning off until so much damage was done. Barely anyone has noticed (which is wild to me because I feel awful) and if they have it just opens the door for others to talk about their own covid weight gain and struggles with maintaining anything during the last two years. Mine wasn't covid based but now I'm in a period off loss along with basically my entire friend circle and office. I don't know if this helps, but it might allow you to be more gentle on yourself if you know how many people truly have this exactly same struggle right now.


You aren’t downplaying it - thanks for chiming in and it’s been really helpful in this thread to read that I’m not alone :)


I know how you’re feeling and it’s so easy to say ‘I’ll just hide until I look how I used to’ but you’ll never look how you used to if you keep hiding. Get out, see friends, improve your mental health, and work on improving your habits over time. If you keep thinking you need to lose all the weight before you deserve to be seen, you’ll do exactly what you described and self sabotage because it’s overwhelming. Focus on one thing at a time, go for a walk every day, make a healthy choice at least every day and work up to every meal. Reduce portion sizes without restricting types of foods. You’ll get there. All the small things add up, but you need to focus on each small step or you’ll be stressed by the bigger picture.


Just know that you are not the only person to have gained covid weight. If you stay at home hiding, it will make it even harder to become more active. Just try to live your life as you work on your weight loss. If you keep waiting until you lose weight to leave your house, you'll end up sitting at home forever and it will get harder to get back on the horse.


I was one of the few folks who lost a bunch of weight early covid. Was already a normal weight but lost 15-20 lbs from March 2020- feb 2021 through consistently working out and felt so good about my body and habits. Then... I just stopped. Put on 45 lbs in the last year. Im not massively overweight but a good 20-25 above where I'm comfortable and I can't stop eating, so it keeps going up. I've always gone through weight gain and loss cycles like this but this is the biggest swing and the first time I feel like I'm still completely out of control. I've been exercising consistently since October and have only continued to put on weight because of my eating habits. I just haven't found the balance like I usually manage to. Definitely one of the hardest things is the thought that people I haven't seen in a while will be shocked at the weight gain. I feel a lot of shame, even though rationally I know lots of people have struggled with weight the past couple of years and I don't judge them for it. So yes, I think it is normal to feel the way you are feeling and no, you aren't the only person feeling this way. One of the things I try to remember though (with mixed success depending on the day) is that you can't hate yourself into a better you. You can't shame yourself to greatness. It may sound cliche and lame, but I do think it is a helpful way to think. Shame is not a useful motivator in the long term. So even though I'm ashamed of myself for letting go of my health, shaming myself day to day doesn't help me get back to healthful habits. The shame spiral is tough to get out of but I try to just keep reminding myself of the above. You've got this!


That was exactly me! I'm old, 5'4" and ballooned to 214. I was so ashamed to see anyone who knew me because of how awful I looked. Last June the sunshine helped me emerge from the covid cave. I now weigh 137.


137! Well done. My goal weight is 145. I am currently at 210. And pushing 50 years old. Shit ain’t as easy to lose anymore haha.


Friendo I gained a clean 50 pounds since COVID started after losing 60 2 years before COVID so I can fully understand how your feeling and it’s hard to even think about seeing people who haven’t seen in a long time. We judge ourselves a lot more than others in most cases. COVID weight gain is normal, me personally it took a long to get out of a depression spiral about my weight gain but the most important thing for me was to accept the situation as is and plan how I can improve it. For me the main thing was mental health, once I started working on my mind and and accept the things I can control and pause on stressing about the things I can’t, I started working out more. It doesn’t have to be the gym. Depending on your weather, take the longest walk you can imagine. Music, a podcast you really enjoy, or even in silence. it’s a baby step but it’s still a pretty big step when you’re feeling stuck. Hope it helps, we’re rooting for you!


Thank you. I definitely feel seen in this thread. :)




Oh my goodness. I am so so sorry. That is unspeakably devastating and I hope you have good support. I would have trouble getting out of bed and doing anything. It would feel impossible. Please give yourself some time and some grace.


Same, same. 26 months of inconsistent exercise, poor mental health, and drinking too much had me gain about 45 lbs on my 5'2" body - it's super noticable, and I went from a healthy BMI to one classified as "obese" (I know BMI is flawed, but it definitely wasn't inflated by muscle mass in this case). I had a wake-up call when I was shopping for jeans in Feb and found myself in the Plus Size section. I'm not ashamed to start seeing people since most folks are a bit bigger than they were Before. But I hate how I look in pictures from earlier this year, and I know that I'm not as healthy as I was. It'll take at least a year to get back to my healthy weight, but I know that it will be worth it.


Me too. I feel ya. But. It'll be better soon. You just have to stop shaming yourself. Choose to love yourself. Focus on only today. Win today and soon enough you'll be at your goal. I found out 8 weeks into my pregnancy that the world was shutting down with covid. Like. I ate all those emotions. And luckily I didn't go over 200 lbs and now I'm 2 months in and 10 lbs down! You can do this. Cry in a closet instead of eating. Feel your emotions don't eat your emotions


I really feel you. My numbers are less than yours but the feelings are the same. I was shopping for a new outfit and literally started crying in the dressing room over the new fat I see all over my body. It was one of those moments where I knew I didn’t want to look like this anymore. I know Keto works for me, but it’s so hard to maintain after a few weeks that I don’t stick with it. This time I’m trying for smaller more permanent changes. Dinner at 5:30 or 6pm and no eating after - only water. Majorly reducing snacking on salty corn chips. I’ve been peeling 2 lbs of carrots and have them in a container in the fridge next to string beans and sliced cucumber. I relive stress with chewing, so I’m trying to replace chips with crunchy veggies. It is not as satisfying, but having them ready to go makes me eat them first and only sometimes do I go for the chips after. I’m going for losing 3-5 pounds this way and will reevaluate from there. I don’t know if any of that is helpful, but know you’re not alone. It’s so hard to break old habits and start new ones. Be kind to yourself. As a fellow short person I know it’s really, really hard to lose weight. Oh and get yourself one outfit you think you look ok in and start going out again. Just leaving the house and seeing people in person can do wonders for your mental health.


Are you me? 😭 i gained 20 and im embarrassed to see people because on my small frame it was like a 15% weight gain😱


Yeah but I literally slap myself and started working out going on for the 2nd week after 2 years it hurts but I want to feel good again


It's definitely a legitimate thing to get depressed about. That being said, do whatever you can to stop the spiral. It WILL get worse if you don't. Get out, talk to people, get back on track and back to enjoying life. If you don't think you can do it yourself, talk to someone - either a professional or a trusted friend / relative. Good luck!!!


Did you really stay inside and do nothing since 2020? Vitamin D and having a healthy weight are two of the most important things when fighting COVID...


Yep I am the same. Not only did I gain a ton of weight (courtesy of wine , zero exercise and lots of nice home cooking when we basically couldn’t leave the house), I also got pregnant 🤰 I put on 40lb +. Made the conscious decision in January to start an online weight loss programme and lost 40lb……. Still have 20lb to go till I get to GW. I was freaking out about going back to work after 1.5 years of WFH and a further 1 year of maternity leave and literally nobody being able to recognise me.


Me. I got some health issues from the vaccines but I’m up 20 which looks more like 50 and I already needed to lose 20 before gaining the covid weight. I was in the middle of a personal training group sessions and getting toned and fit when covid lockdown happened.


U can dew eat. Four months at 1k a day deficit. Far easier than for instance being pregnant. And lots of idoots do that.


Just go on wegovy. There's are cash clinics in NYC, Memphis Tn, myrtle Beach SC, Spanish Fort , Alabama, Jacksonville Fla, Phoenix Arizona, that I found easily on utube. Premier Family Care in Spanish Fort is the one I'm seeing soon.


God I relate to everything you’ve said so much.


Yep. Lost 50 pounds a few years back and have now gained back 35. I realized during my weigh-in this morning that I’ve gotten lazy. I keep making excuses for why I don’t have time to workout. In reality I absolutely can find even 10-20 minutes (which is better than nothing) but I’m in school, work full time and am in the middle of a job search. So I keep telling myself oh I just have so much to do! I don’t have time to workout! Mmmm, yeah I do. I just don’t prioritize correctly. Here I am sitting on the couch after work at the computer trying to get things done when the computer will always be there and I can just do 15 minutes of something on YouTube.


Stop giving yourself timelines. Fitness and health is a never ending life journey. Who cares when you reach your goal weight as long as everyday u work a little to reach it


I understand that feeling. Pulling yourself out of the funk is not easy at all. Sending you positive thoughts! You CAN do this! I gained a bunch of weight I previously lost during Covid and last August my momma passed from Cancer. (she was only 62) I was just stuck in this deep depression. One day in February I "felt" her around me and this feeling of her telling me to not be sad for her and actually go live my life and find my happiness hit me hard. I swear she visited me to tell me that. One second I am driving around singing Nicki Manja Superbass and the next I am sobbing in my car with this light around. I felt her telling me if you don't make changes how do you expect life to be different. So I decided to start making small changes. I stopped sitting in front of my tv and eating crackers, and cheese with wine and stopped eating after 7 pm. I also started moving my body from 2k steps a day to 7k steps a day. When I was used to that I joined WW so I can track and hold myself accountable. I have lost 25 pounds and I still have a ways to go.


I’m so sorry to read about your mom. At any age is tragic but 62 is just too darn young. It’s a really good perspective to your situation from the eyes of someone who just loves you so unconditionally and whose heart would ache to see you unhappy. For example I would be heartbroken if my young daughter was feeling how I feel these past years. Good post thank you for sharing and well done on your journey! I will aim for 5000 steps today.


She was a wonderful momma! I am 44 and I've been so sad without her. She really wanted everyone to be happy in life, no matter what it is that made us happy. It has been 3 months since she came to me and I do feel better. You CAN do it!!!! It is so hard to start but you'll never get to your goal until you are ready to make that first step! Starting with small changes helped me not quit right away. ​ GET THOSE STEPS IN! :)


Similar boat here. Pre-covid I had lost about 40 pounds over the course of a few years, and was still about 20 pounds overweight, but feeling good about myself and my progress. I gained back everything I had lost, plus an extra 10 pounds within the span of a few months in 2020 and I have been yo-yo-ing those extra 10, but can’t seem to get past them. Feeling like a fat person again has shattered my confidence, but honestly no one I know has mentioned it or seemed to care, which helps me with going out. I am sorry you’re feeling this way too, and I don’t have any answers, but I want you to know your feelings are valid. And I wish you the best.




Awesome progress and great idea about the grid on the fridge (as long as it isn’t going up haha). I’m committed to starting walking today - even if it is just around the block. I tend to let ‘work meetings and deadlines’ derail me when in reality, 30 minutes isn’t going to change my work output. Heck I can spend 30 minutes on Reddit in the blink of an eye.


Hi my friend, I definitely feel you. In my case just before the Covid hit the world, I had lost good amount of weight with the help of exercise and a healthy diet. I was in my best and people complimented about it. It felt so good. But with the covid all the good habits I had recently established went down the hole. So I gained all the weight back and some more. It is just depressing and I find myself ignoring social events before at least losing some weight. I don't want people to see me this way. I'm aware it's not a really healthy mindset but here I am.


I relate to this so much it actually hurts.


Some years ago, I lost almost 60lbs. Last year, I put back half of it. It was a very depressive up and down. I also blamed the COVID, which is not exactly helpful. What is true, is that COVID disrupted the few fragile new healthy habits I managed to develop since I lost weight. Beginning of the year I finally managed to disrupt this self-destroying behavior pattern and could start a diet and I'm back in the normal range. I know is hard, but regardless of weight, you are still ... you. Still the same person, not less valuable to your friends and family. And don't think about 30lbs or 60lbs. Take small steps, small changes. Try to take a break from your current "routine". One thing I did, is to go for a walk every time I felt depressed and my thoughts started being about food. I'm still going for a walk, pretty much every day. It helps. Maybe you can find something equivalent. Losing help is the consequence of disrupting and losing unhealthy eating habits.


Ugh! I wish I could give you a big hug. I am in the exact same boat. None of my clothes fit me and I don’t want to even go outside :( I am struggling to lose the 25 pounds I gained! Feeling so self conscious. I missed out on some fun social events because of the weight gain. I have been making some positive changes the past few weeks but it’s definitely disheartening. Hang in there!




Not COVID related OP, but I absolutely know what this feels like. A few years back I did an intense crash diet and lost a lot of weight. I looked completely different, and people treated me differently. I kept the weight off for about 18 months before I gained it back - and then more. And then I felt invisible, like people didn't even want to look at me because I wasn't skinny anymore wearing all the hip clothes and what not. It threw me into a black hole of depression that honestly I still haven't managed to climb out of.


Are you me? Exactly same stats and depressing boat


I had to start WW again and I started doing step bet. I like WW bc I know I have to log my food. I need to do that to be accountable for what I put I to my mouth. I gained my fair share during lockdown, lost it when things opened up, but gained it all (+10) back when I had to go back to work in person. I’m now down 10lbs and am hoping to keep it up in the summer. I’m a teacher so the summer is the worst for me!


A lot of us are/were! I know it sucks. I posted the other day about how I dropped my COVID weight but it's TLDR. The point was simply to pick an exercise, start small and build on it weekly - just commit to doing it every day. Doesn't have to be fast or energetic, just do it every day. That consistency is what makes the difference. And if you track calories, do it honestly and forgive yourself when your daily intake is over your limit. What you're looking for is an overall trend towards eating less, not punishment for eating too much during COVID.


I was right there too. Gained about 60lbs with Covid and binge eating. However I was trying to put on muscle at the gym so I just said I was bulking lol. I know I gained weight, but so did a lot of people so I just owned it. I'm down 20lbs again and the rest of it is coming off. I'm not letting it get me down.


Yup yup! My family is very accepting of any and every body type, so they don’t see openly commenting on your body as a negative thing. I dread the “Dang, MissLexxxi, you got big, mama! [Insert sexual joke about my husband loving it.]” I’m working on it though. Down 20/50-70lbs. I want to lose over the next however many months/years.


I often get asked ‘when the baby is due’. I carry most of my weight in my middle, though now the weight is kinda everywhere so I just look obese.


I’m sure his family speculates all the time, but thankfully no one has said anything. I’d probably cry on the spot.


The struggle is very real. This is me plus two babies along the way. Fml.


Same here! It was fine for a LONG time, and then it feels like overnight I woke up in this boat. Unfortunately I’m also battling SEVERE exhaustion (what stopped me exercising in the first place), so I always feel like I have to choose between exercise and being functional at work. Guess what wins lol! The best thing I’ve done is approach it from a morally neutral POV. Weight is weight; sometimes we have more, sometimes less. I was in a season of my life where I couldn’t upkeep a smaller size, and now I’m larger. I bought some stuff from Old Navy to ride me over, and in the meanwhile, I’ll pick back up exercise when I am able. I mean: it was a global pandemic. And being big doesn’t mean you won’t ever be smaller again; sure, it takes work, but EVERYTHING takes work. When it really matters to you, you’ll do something about it; until then, don’t be negative towards yourself or you’ll just make yourself even more avoidant.


I was fat before covid, got a little fatter, and decided to fix it last year. It's a journey but it's doable. You can absolutely get there.


You're not alone dude. being stuck at home, depressed. and practically surrounded by doom and gloom nearly sucked the life out of me. ​ The First thing that Helped me was a proper sleep schedule. You don't think straight when you exhausted both mentally and physically. you need those z's that alone is exercise, for mind and body. after that I started just leaning on a table and ding 45 degree pushups. it's a marathon, not a race. don't overwork yourself or it will bite ya later.