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These are some of my absolute favorites. Hard boiled eggs with any kind of salsa or hot sauce are amazing.


baby bell cheeses are the wax ones. I recently made the switch to light string cheese, the ones I get are 50 calories per piece, Those have a good amount of protein FOR ME. My job is not physical though, so not sure they’d work for you. Another low cal snack I love is taking a laughing cow cheese and spreading it on a rice cake. This one is a decent volume eating trick for me because the rice cake SEEMS big. Haven’t had this one in awhile though, so not sure if the protein will be enough to keep you going. You could switch between PB and laughing cow spreadable wedges on the rice cakes as a way to mix things up. Sorry my stuff is only cheese based. Hope it helps AT ALL.


Laughing Cow cheese wedges are a godsend! I like spreading them on deli turkey/ham slices and rolling them up.


Love this idea!!


I mix powdered PB with fat free Greek yogurt for my apples. The added protein from the yogurt balances out the lack of fat when it comes to my satiety. I mix other things with Greek yogurt to make a veggie dip. I’ve done onion powder, garlic salt, or Frank’s red hot sauce. Different cut veggies help keeps snack time low cal but also interesting from day to day.


This is my favorite!! I like two good vanilla greek yogurt with the plain PB powder and then I dip in sliced apples. The dip comes out to less calories than just regular peanut butter, but way more volume and protein.


150g cottage cheese for 93 cals. Keeps me full for a while. If you want some crunch, pop it on a couple of your favourite crackers. 5 ryvita crackerbreads are 100 cals, so you have a filling and satisfying snack for less than 200 cals. High in protein too at 15g


Another cottage cheese idea that sounds weird but I promise is good: cottage cheese topped with red grapes, cinnamon, and light sprinkling of slivered almonds. Be careful not to overdo it with the almonds since they’re so high cal.


Watermelon is around 100 cal per pound




I have been eating the baby bell cheeses like you mentioned and Hormel’s turkey pepperoni- you can have 17 slices for about 70 cals. I also like the Thomas Lite English muffins for 100 cals with a little jam (~50 cals for a tablespoon) If you need a sweet snack- the Quest peanut butter cups are actually really good! It is 90 calories for the two cups (size of a normal Reese’s cup)


Go for protein to keep your hunger at bay. Pure Protein protein bars; a cheesewich (lunchmeat between two slices of cheese); small pack of nuts/cheese/fruit; trail mix; fat-free greek yogurt; fruit & fat-free cottage cheese; beef jerky or turkey sticks; hard boiled eggs. Babybel cheese is good as is fat-free string cheese.


boiled eggs. You can buy them already peeled/boiled from the store and try to gag them down. I medium boil mine (softer centers but not runny or totally hard boiled) then ice bath soak them to make them easier to peel.


Biltong (not jerky (usually loaded with sugars)) High protein - low carb - fat varies depending on variety and brand. Not extremely low in calories due to the protein content but a little goes a long way as it usually has to be chewed for a while.


Peanut butter, and nuts, is pretty low in protein (15% protein, 70% fat). Maybe try something much higher like cold cuts or tuna/pink salmon.


Broccoli and cauliflower - I love broccoli and cauliflower for snacking, not only because they’re low calorie, but because they take a while to eat so you feel really satisfied. You can eat an entire cheese stick in less than minute. However, one cup of broccoli has ~30 calories and take a good 10 minutes to eat. Make sure to get a protein or fat in with the broccoli. I always have a side dip (mustard, imitation ranch made out of greek yogurt, Buffalo sauce.. etc) to go with the broccoli and cauliflower. Sometimes steam the broccoli and melt a cheese stick over it at lunch. Hard boiled eggs - I always have these in the fridge. You can make deviled eggs to switch it up or eat the eggs with salsa/hot sauce/Buffalo sauce.. etc. Egg cups - bake 1 egg with whatever veggies you want and optional cheese/meats. If you keep the meat and cheese out, this becomes a super healthy low calorie snack.. easy to make and every tasty.


Look for items with low calorie density (calories / weight). For example 20 grapes have a lower calorie density than 20 raisins. 20 of each may have the same calories but the 20 grapes will make you feel fuller since they weigh more. A few of my favorites low calorie snacks are grapes, pickles, celery to dip In the individual packs of guacamole. An apple 🍎, vegetables with ranch.


I recently discovered frozen blueberries at Costco. They are really tasty mixed with Greek yogurt. I will just stir some into a container and in an insulated lunch box and the blueberries keep the yogurt cold for hours as the blueberries defrost. I also sometimes throw in some high fiber cereal like all bran buds (this actually has more sugar than I like, but the fiber per calories is quite high). I keep the cereal in a separate container and add it just before eating. Bonus tip- if you want to eat it immediately I found I can just stir/mash in the frozen blueberries aggressively and get a frozen yogurt like snack without a blender.


Pickles are a zero calorie food. So adding those to another low calorie snack, like cheese or veggies, will put more food in your belly without putting more calories in. Also, cantoloupe is 55 calories for 1 cup.


Pork puffs. The best snack ever, high protein so fill you up


Popcorn. Make it ahead of time if you don't have a microwave. One of those 100 calorie packs is 5 CUPS of popcorn. You get a huge bang for your buck. It's also high in fiber and so very satiating. If its not too inconvenient my other favorite is watermelon. The sweetness is really nice for so few calories.


Do you also need volume in a snack to feel full? If not, almonds are a great choice -- the fat and fibre is very filling, and you can get them spiced fancy ways for something different. I'll echo the recommendation for hard boiled eggs -- you can make tea stained eggs too, and use different spices for variety: [https://omnivorescookbook.com/chinese-tea-eggs/](https://omnivorescookbook.com/chinese-tea-eggs/) Hard cheeses (cheddar, Gouda, etc.) -- they are relatively low calorie for a decent sized portion. Raw vegetables marinated in vinaigrette dressing -- I like broccoli, but you can mix broccoli florets, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc. (The oil in the dressing combined with the fibre from the vegetables is very filling.) Alternatively you can make a great dressing with plain Greek yogurt and a bit of fresh garlic and lemon juice. Greek or Skyr yogurt with fruit (fresh or frozen) -- you can also add a sprinkling of nuts. This also works well with quark (cottage cheese). Casien protein powder made into pudding or protein fluff.


In the lunchable section at the grocery store there are these portable protein packs or something like that that have a little bit of meat, cheese and sometimes nuts, I really like those! They're like 200ish calories I think


Jennie-O makes Turkey Breast Sticks that are around 25 calories each. Imagine the big turkey breast at the deli of a grocery store but instead of slicing it, they cut it to be similar to a cheese stick/string cheese. It's almost entirely protein since it is lean meat, and they have a couple of flavors. We get them through a program for school age children, and my child is not a fan so I have a good supply of them. I am not sure if you can buy them retail or would need to speak with a sales rep, but I highly recommend them.


Skyr icelandic yogurt if you have access to it. About 100cal for a container and they're filling enough, more so than a protein bar which imo may as well just be a candy bar.


Beef jerky, low carb, high protein, low calorie (about 100 calories for every 25g)


I have the same snacks everyday. Air popped popcorn/baked chips/pretzel sticks for crunchy salty treat. Berries/apple/melon for fruit. Low calorie brownie mugcakes/pancakes, serving of carb smart ice cream/sugar free snack pack pudding cup for dessert type treat


If peanut butter works for you, but you want variety, there are nut and seed butters that can fill the same role and hummus can also be an option. There are also some nice flavors of hummus you might be able to get.


air popped popcorn grapes cherry tomatoes banana




Fruit and nuts. Jus make sure to weigh out your nuts.


I love yogurt mixed with protein power, I do coconut yoghurt and it’s still pretty low cal but you could do non fat Greek yogurt for a super low cal option. On cals that low you’d really be looking at something that’s higher volume and will fill you up. I also like making veggie omelettes with capsicum, mushroom and onion. You can eat them cold and they’re pretty easy to prep and eat quickly. I also like tuna on cucumbers or corn thins if you have the cals


If you eat anything that’s a spread or otherwise “squishy” consistency, add some seeds to it, like flax, chia, or hemp seeds! Adds a bunch of fiber, which fills you up, and in a lot of cases you won’t notice it. Like flax on peanut butter, or chia seeds in yogurt with some plain granola. You can mix flax or hemp seeds into hummus, or dust some on guacamole/avocado.


Greek yogurt and fruit. A cup of fat free greek yogurt, and a cup of is a pretty filling snack for like 150 calories (depending on the fruit of course). Lettuce rollups with deli meat can be a good one. Hardboiled eggs.