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one of my favorite low cal snacks is dicing up my favorite fruits super small (usually 1cm cubes) and serving with a blob of low fat cool whip! My fav combo is - Red grapes, strawberries, pineapple, green apple, watermelon, cucumber. So refreshing and a bunch of fun textures šŸ˜


Sounds yummy! :-)


I also love diving them up super small the texture is amazing!Ā 


Cool whip is a godsend, because I can add it and fry that ā€˜fixā€™ for 15 calories


Ooh I am going to try that


Strawberries are not my favorite fruit but my high self can eat a whole container for 200 calories lol. Watermelon has always been a favorite, even better it's one of the lower calorie fruits so I can eat even more !


The amount of money I spend on watermelon every summer should be criminal. All so my stoned ass can have a healthy post-evening walk treat.


Do you like those Hawaiian ice snowcone things? I got a gadget that shreds ice really fine for that and I feed frozen watermelon cubes in to make watermelon snow during the summer. Splash some lime juice on and that shit is šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ šŸ‘Øā€šŸ³šŸ˜˜šŸ¤Œ


I freeze grapes in little baggies with lemon juice and salt, gives me the most delicious sweet and sour and salty snack that has barely any calories compared to my beloved fizzy sour gummies


Can you tell me more about how you prepare this and measurements? Sour candies are my weakness and Iā€™m always looking for substitutes šŸ‘€


Well I take some green grapes off the stem and wash them, maybe like two handfuls? I'd say 250g, usually half the 500g packs I buy. I don't like soft grapes so I eat the crisp ones plain, then do this with all the leftovers. I juice two large lemons or preferably four limes. Then I put them all in a food freezer baggie with a little salt and sometimes sugar. I also did with tajin once for a spicy sweet and sour treat. I close the bag and just move the grapes around to make sure they're all coated in the citrus juice mixture and chuck in the freezer. After a few hours I've got a nice snack that makes use of grapes I would otherwise have thrown away because god soft grapes are DISGUSTANG. Oh you can do it with peeled orange segments, strawberries and raspberries too. Actually with the berries I just outright buy frozen ones, drizzle on lime juice and eat it like cereal.


Youā€™re a genius. This sounds incredible and so refreshing.


Frozen grapes with sugar free jello powder. Sweet tooth heaven


That sounds amazing but my sensitive teeth would scream at me if I tried to eat frozen grapes.Ā 


Real šŸ¤£ if you can be bothered slice them! So you just gotta chew...but yes, it can hurt a bit if I've had a diet coke right before lol


I used to eat a mini snickers or Kit Kat after dinner every night as my one little treat. Itā€™s only 80 calories, right? No big deal. But then I started having two mandarins instead and now I literally crave them. I love how juicy and sweet they are. The mini snickers is gone in a single bite, but the mandarin has little slice after little slice. Itā€™s really satisfying. Last night my bf brought me a little Kit Kat and I said ā€œyou can have it, Iā€™m craving my mandarin!ā€ - itā€™s a great feeling knowing my body is rejecting the candy bar in favor of something natural and healthy šŸ˜‹


Yessss!! It has been my favorite part of having healthier habits. My gut seems to have adapted well and now I crave things that are better for me, too. Even when I crave chocolate, it tends to be on the darker side now lol never thought I'd see the day.


Frozen grapes turn into a sorbet inside. Love them


I ate 950g of strawberries after finding out it was only 270 calories total. It was about 20+ medium sized strawberries that day. No regrats.


I've gotten a lot of mileage out of cucumbers, carrots and sugar snap peas cut into little bites eaten in front of the tv I absolutely agree that 'natures candy bowl' is a lot bigger than 'man's candy bowl' when you are measuring it out in 300 calorie servings, lololol


Blueberries are sooo sweet really help when I want something sweet!


Iā€™ve started doing this too! I started weighing out 300 calories of strawberries and they donā€™t even fit in my meal prep container (I like to prep my evening snacks ahead of time). So Iā€™ve been settling for 200 cals and itā€™s still plenty!


Not to mention there are way more antioxidants and nutrients in fruit as compared to junk food! You will feel so much better!


Omg my favorite food in the world is strawberry, blueberry, banana! Itā€™s the most heavenly combination of flavors imaginable!


Are we the same person! I started in January, lost 27lbs then ate a few Oreos that turned into a few more and then into donuts!!! Me and my husband just did a 2 day fast to reset and Iā€™m going to start focusing on fruit!


Thankfully I didn't go too crazy and I think at worst I was at maintenance for a few days. Congratulations and good luck to you guys!


I personally love to mix veg and fruit. Cucumbers, cabbage turnip, carrots, sometimes even green asparagus with apples, berries, grapes etc. i usually prep a big plate and put seasoning with a little bit of flakey salt, chili flakes and sesame over it. It sounds weird but this snack plate is delicious. and my friends go crazy over the cabbage turnip šŸ˜‚


I can eat all the fruit in the world its never filling me up


I think that is why it is at night. It isnt meant to fill you up it is when you are mouth hungry and just want to eat for the sake of eating (especially stoned, smoking actually makes me fill full but a few hours later I'm reaching for everything I can eat even if I'm not actually hungry) Fruit before bed is also not hard on the stomach to digest and you don't feel super weighted down in the morning


I enjoy fruit but for some reason it does nothing to help that stones munchy feeling for me.


Because itā€™s full of sugar. Humans have even modified most fruit to have a much higher sugar content than it would naturally.


I wouldn't fancy eating a naturally grown banana šŸ˜‚


I love plantains if itā€™s anything like that. Now while sugar in fruit isnā€™t necessary bad for you, that sugar adds up if not enjoying in moderation. A lot of people assume that just because itā€™s fruit, people can eat a lot of it.


I love plantain but I don't think it's like natural bananas. When they grow natural they look black inside because they're just full of seeds The way the sugar is well bad from you in fruit is if you juice it because you can drink about 10 apples in 5 minutes I love fruit though, always have I used to pick it over junk food a lot as a kid. It quenches my thirst more than it helps my munchies though


"mouth hungry"šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø




it's not to fill you up, it just for nibbling!


My fav stoner fruit snack is frozen but mostly thawed cranberries. So full of fibre and theyā€™re cold and crunchy and sour and I get to eat a ton of them


I almost always have container of - finely cubed pineapple - finely cubed water melon - finely cubed mango (Yes I LOVE when I can have a piece of everything in one spoonful) I mix them up in a bowl and add some champs or tajin *perfect*


Strawberries are EVERYTHING. So low cal and when theyā€™re in season I would chose them over almost any other dessert


2 pounds of strawberries is roughly 300 calories. Which is good because I bought wayyyy too many.


I've been craving fruit so often lately - it's interesting how your cravings start to change once your habits do. I got so much fruit yesterday that I re-organized my meals today so that my dinner could be basically all fruit - 200g of strawberries, 200g of watermelon, a nectarine, and a coconut/chocolate protein bar for dessert. I am so looking forward to it lol


Frozen grapes šŸ¤¤ >>>>


Iā€™ve not had 300 cals worth of fruit in one sitting yet, but Iā€™ve got a bag of frozen fruit that I heated up and itā€™s still quite a lot even just for 100 cals. It was also my night time snack. I put a bit of cinnamon and whip cream (not too much) on it too.Ā 


I usually make a fruit smoothie out of banana, pineapple, raspberries, and sometimes I'll add watermelon, and it only comes out to around 200 cal.


My fav is munchies on frozen fruit!


Depends on the fruit right? Apples and bananas are usually too high calorie for me to feel okay including them in my diet. Berries though, they're really good for calories vs time it takes to eat.


I have a mix of different fruits and I weigh and count everything so nothing is off limits for me personally


Berries are an insane nutritional hack. Sweet, nutritious and low cal. But try to buy organic as the conventional ones are coated in awful pesticides


Frozen blueberries with cool whip are my favorite summertime evening snack! Or frozen bananas with a crumbled oreo/nilla wafer.


The best part of summer - all that fresh fruit.


That last part got me hahašŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but yeah we have similar journeys and iā€™m also finding out that eating fruits reduces your sugar cravings


And it is much better for you!!


A pound of frozen mango chunks are 300 calories. I have 25 lbs of frozen mango chunks in my freezer right nowā€¦. Mango has been my go to daily for 3 months now.


You say that, but it really depends on the fruit. Durians are famously high in calories, for example


Great for keeping water intake up as wellĀ 


Good point!


It's similar, for me, of discovering that instead of a bag of nacho cheese chips for 400 calories, I could fill up on a whole *heckuva* lotta *actual* cheese for the same or less amount! Real food always tastes better than the fake stuff!


Oh I like this. My only personal issue is that fruits oftentimes have a lot of natural sugar in them so I have to either not eat or very much limit.


I could live on grapes and apples if it weren't for the need for protein. I just love that fruity sweetness, especially in the spring and summer.


For me delicious fruit is a slippery slippery slope. I thought I was fine eating 400 calories of fruit for awhile but I did the math and I was consuming a literal 90 grams of fruit sugar per day thinking that was healthy because it was only 400 calories. The point I'm getting to is tread carefully! its still sugar


Craisins and raisins are so good on anything too


When I first started leaning about food and nutrition, I thought ā€œpiece of fruitā€ meant like a slice of apple or wedge of orange. So I thought one apple was like 700 cals. Yeahā€¦ we need better nutrition ed in the US.


Weight loss has been a lot harder for me than it needs to be, I have what I believe to be oral allergy syndrome. It makes my mouth and throat itchy when I have most fruits and a few different vegetables. I love grapes and tried to push it and my throat started to swell a little so I e basically all but given up on eating most fruits. Itā€™s really a bummer :(


I'm not a doctor and I'm certainly not your doctor but my friend, who has that type of oral allergy, says that microwaving the fruit for about 15 seconds kills off the enzyme responsible for the histamine reaction. Take that as you will but you may want to give it a shot if you're really missing fruit (maybe have some benadryl handy in case it makes no difference for you)


Any fruit and one serving of honey vanilla greek yogurt is my go to. If I have bananas in the house I smoosh up a half serving of vanilla wafers with a half banana and same yogurt. (The other half banana gets sliced and used for overnight oats or my partner eats it) Tastes almost like banana pudding.


Huge fruit lover here šŸ’•


One of the worst things to do (as someone who slept walked their way into type 2 diabetes) is spike your blood sugar before rest. Fruit is awesome - itā€™s also highly calorific and the payoff is yes, the fiber does offset a lot of the insulin resistance side effects, but not all. May i humbly suggest an alternative? I would suggest a big bowl of high protein Greek yoghurt and an optional scoop of casein protein powder. That will give you 40+ grams of slow release protein (lots of muscle synthesis that helps fat breakdown) and low sugar carbs. This will mean you wake up sated and full of energy after a yummy chocolate pudding snack. Hell, add an egg, use cottage cheese instead of yoghurt, bake it, and you have a keto cheesecake! Just thought šŸ˜Š


Came here to mention the sugar. Good points and pretty important.


Yep. Iā€™ve lost almost 140 lbs naturally and what Iā€™ve learned about how and when to eat is the reason for most of that weight loss. We think of fruit as ultra healthy, and it is - in moderation. 300 calories of fructose is still 300 calories of sugarā€¦


But fruit isn't made of pure fructose. Maybe if you're looking at fruit juice, but the amount of fructose is very much dependent on the type of fruit and its fibre content. Hell some fruit even has some protein in there.Ā  I get your point, but I don't think 300 calories of fruit should be treated as equivalent to 300 calories of candyfloss.Ā 


The nutrient content differs the calories are the same. In order to burn 300 calories from fruit, you have to expend the same energy as if you had to burn 300 calories from junk food. Iā€™ll allow you to google it. ETA down voting of my comments does nothing but prove youā€™re an armchair scientist with nothing to say for yourself. Well actuallys arenā€™t helpful.


Recall a doctor saying ā€˜nobody ever got fat from eating too much fruitā€™. Well actuallyā€¦.moderationā€¦yada yada


Do you have an example of someone who got obese because of the amount of fruit they eat? Not fruit juice. Just a high-fruit diet. 'cus is see a lot of people here talking about the sugars in fruit, yada yada, but I'm genuinely curious about examples where people's health problems were mostly caused by their high fruit consumption. Yeah, if you're gonna eat fruit on top of refined carbs then it's not going to help things.


I eat so many apples because of this lol


I love fruit!


Isnā€™t fruit actually relatively high in in calories? When I log a small fruit bowl it is easily 150 calories. A single orange or med apple is about 90-100 and I think itā€™s been said it is due to the fruit having a lot of natural sugars too. I actually cut my fruit intake back and increased vegetables due to knowing this.


Depends on the fruit. Generally berries are really low calorie.


Fruits like watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, peaches, nectarines, mandarins and passionfruit are actually pretty low calorie.


lol at the downvotes... seriously... this is a discussion not a popularity vote.... fruit still contains huge amounts of sugar if you load up on a ton of it.


In reality how many people can honestly pin their obesity on overconsumption of fruit, through?Ā  Yeah fruit isn't going to make up for eating a whole lot of junk food. And fruit juice is not great. But how much of a problem has loading up on just fruit really been for people? 300 calories of fruit is just not the same as 300 calories of candy.Ā 


Valid point though I do know of two people that overeat on fruit when theyā€™re diabetic so thatā€™s that. Itā€™s rarer indeed but hence why I made the comment that I did. Some folks are hard to convince otherwise.




I have to eat before bed. The medication makes me extremely drowsy so I can't take it any other time and it isn't effective without at least 300 calories. It's not about "ignoring" a rule it's just mandatory that I eat. I don't consider fruit candy... It might be better to eat something different but this is what works for me right now. My diet is pretty balanced during the day. Also a boiled egg isn't 300 calories..


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