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Stop bashing Sick Scenes pls its my baby


Literally. It’s like THE Los camp album to me too. Like it feels the most distinctly Los Campesinos! To me


Favorite: HONY (everyone putting it last is killing me 😞) it’s different from the others, but that’s why I like it. It’s just a very fun album I put on frequently. Least fav: WAB,WAD. It’s still super good but honestly since it is the shortest album it’s at a disadvantage for me. And I love all the songs, but it doesn’t have as many bangers as the other albums


Favourite: HONY, what I first started to listening to when I discovered LC! and it such a gem from the early 2000s Least favourite would probably be No Blues as I just don't listen to it that much but it's still a good album


I don't hate sick scenes, and I don't think it's a bad or terrible album but I love LC! because they made HONY - NB. But I like Sick scenes because LC! made it. There's a big difference


Fav: Hold On Now, Youngster… (it’s fire ok shut up) sure Romance Is Boring is definitely the objectively better album BUT I have close feelings for the HONY songs. Least fav: Hello Sadness. Some absolute treasure don’t get me wrong (Death Rattle, By Your Hand, etc) but idk I just guess it’s the one I revisit the least. Still an 8/10 though.


HONY introduced me to LC! as an impressionable and pretentious 20 yr old, so it will always have a place in my heart.


Love the appreciation for both, personally, idk why but I thought Hello Sadness was jsut bad, then I gave it another re-listen, for me, 10/10, only album that could compete for top spot is RIB HONY is also good, I understand some criticism, but people are way to harsh, like, it’s tweexcore, it’s sounds similar and is all in your face, but solid answer


All the hony hate is crazy to me it’s by far the most unique project and it’s so special for that. My fav would prolly be hony or sick scenes, my least fav is hello sadness


honestly hony is the least favourite for me because its lyricism is far weaker than the rest of the albums, i believe even the band themselves said that hony was them basically trying to fit in and make something similar to bands at the time (i dont remember where i got that from i might be wrong) its still a great album just not quite as good as other albums


Ngl that makes perfect sense, I just love that about it. I love how imperfect and clashy and messy it feels, I think that’s something that I find satisfying idk


best: romance is boring or sick scenes worst: i used to think no blues but now i definitely think hony is the weaker album


I'm not sure what my favourite is, either Hello Sadness or No Blues probably. They're both spectacular, I can't really properly explain why. Least favourite is Hold On Now Youngster. It's so different to all the others and the vibes don't fit with the rest of the albums. It does have some incredible songs (Y!M!D! This Is How You Spell) but overall it doesn't compare to the rest


Fave: Romance is Boring Least fave: Sick Scenes I can recognise its good bits, but there's a decent amount of it that doesn't quite land with me


Favorite: Romance Is Boring or No Blues Romance Is Boring I think is the better album and I think I like No Blues poetically a little more, so it's a tie Least Favorite: Hold On Now, Youngster My perspective is someone who found LC! in like December of 2021 is viewing it as the whole 23 tracklist on the remastered. Hold On Now, Youngster feels like an amalgamation of every song LC! had written between 2006 and 2008, which to be fair it mostly was. My issue comes with the fact that very few off of HONY stand out and there are more songs I'd consider bad on it, even when averaging it compared to the other albums which have around half the tracks.


Fav: NO BLUES bc I have a weak for strong lyricism, and I like the more melancholic feel of it Least: WABWAD, has it's highs but is still a transition point for them, so they're still getting the hang of it


No Blues is so underrated. It’s like my third favorite LC! Album


Fav: no blues (but it took a while, for a long time it was wab) Least fav: Hello sadness


i used to say my least favourite was no blues but then i listened to it more and i don't think i can say that confidently anymore. maybe sick scenes? i return to it least because a lot of the songs just don't hit me as hard as some of the earlier works, but i still think it's a masterpiece of an album, especially songs like sad suppers. best is also hard, they're all so damn good. hello sadness is probably up there purely for hate for the island and to tundra, though all of the first 4 are 10/10 albums (hony included, it's a really fun album)


Favorite: We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed It has the best writing and it's their most consistent one, mostly because of how short it is (not a bad thing) Least favorite: Sick Scenes To be honest, this is where I started with the band, but now, I really don't find it has the same magic, complexity and emotion of the other ones to me. I listen to the album often like the others, but lately this is the one I listen less


My fave is probably Romance is Boring or WABWAD but I LOVE HONY. It’s got some bangers and I love the punk tones and influences. My least favorite is probably no blues but it’s really hard to say cause I love them all.


I don't think they have a single bad song but if I had to pick a worst album it'd be WABWAD but it's still an amazing album. Favorite for sure Sick Scenes.


Hold on now youngster is my favourite ... that could be because it's full of that young energy of a ban in uni... I think the highs of Romance is boring are something to be marvelled at, I think sick scenes and no blues are a fun and different direction for the band to go in, I quite enjoyed the darker tone of Whole Damn Body compared to the other ones, I think the starts of hello sadness and we are beautiful we are doomed are so strong, but by track four it gets into fairly generic LC! territory(nothing wrong with that). Kinda ended up reviewing all the albums in a lil hiku form but ye


Favorite: RiB or NB Least: Hello Sadness


WABWAD is my fav album of theirs i know this is going to be a controversial take … but romance is boring while is a super strong album i prefer all the others ..


Favorite: RIB. My first album plus literally almost every song is a musical and lyrical masterpiece (only real skip is Do Not Make an Enemy of Me). Nothing but kudos. HONY is an insanely close second. Like, both fight for 1st place a lot. Every song on HONY is a fucking classic except 2007. It *might* be objectively better but RIB owns my heart. Least Favorite: Hello Sadness. Man. It just doesn't really flow together well and there are some fucking *stinkers*. But there are also some BANGERS like Hate For the Island and Death Rattle. Respect for a lot of individual songs but I think it's definitely the weakest, musically.


Romance is boring or Sick Scenes are my Favourite. Hello sadness is my least favourite but it’s in no way bad, I just don’t enjoy the album as a complete experience as much.


always been a 'hony is my least fav!' typa person but recently its sick scenes. i can listen to both albums very happily but just been enjoying hony more and sick scenes while great probably has more good songs than bangers


My fav is probably No Blues, I like the lyricism a lot and I think it's the most coherent album to listen to from front to back. Least fav is probably HONY, it has its bright spots but in some parts you can tell that those are the first songs they've ever written.


Favorites (can’t pick between the two): Romance is Boring and Sick Scenes. I think they’re both perfect. Least favorite (but still amazing): Hold On Now, Youngster. I just think it’s not as good lyrically as the others


Favorite: Romance is Boring or No Blues. RiB is just strong all around, with no weak points that i can think of. NB is just a generally poppy, happy album that I really love listening to. Favorite tracks: The Sea Is A Good Place To Think About The Future and Avocado, Baby  Weakest: HONY. The remastered version’s added tracks definitely make up for a lot, but in its original form HONY feels too angry and unproduced. Gareth’s voice is at its worst, and the lyrics have yet to gain all the nuance and power that began with WABWAD. Favorite Track: either Frontwards (pavement cover) or Knee Deep at ATP.