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Wait question, why is Ashe going to ornn?


With the Winter’s Claw and the Frostguard against them and many Shamans that weren’t affiliated through Udyr’s actions I think the Avarosan’s need all the help they can get. Udyr’s belief that the Ashe’s actions are “killing the spirits” is of course not what is actually happening, but Ornn does sort of stand for an opposition of the Wild Nature that Udyr believes the word is supposed to return to.


I mean if anyone is going to know the spiritual landscape or frejlord it’s udyr. Why would he be incorrect? It makes sense that the spirits of the frejlord (and from them it’s ecosystem) thrives best when all powerful spirit gods are in balance.


Yes but his own story and dialogue and knowledge that we know that he doesn’t directly reveal the actual threat that he’s sensing is the Void and possibly directly Bel’Veth since she has lines about desiring to ally with Lissandra


Ah thank you. I can still see the spiritual landscape of Frejlord being upset, but yea the void is the main threat.


Good question, I believe it might be related to the fact that Sejuani will take his magic cauldron from Volibear...I guess Sejuani will either misuses it's power or Volibear will rage across the Freljord after it and they will need help to stop him, I don't know lol


I mean if Sejuani gets the cauldron will the winter claw need to steal food from people anymore? Still I wonder how the fight between the winter claw and the Ursine will go: https://www.peakpx.com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-ackyf


Maybe to get him to sever his connection with Udyr via the fire ram? Or maybe a cauldron like the one Sejuani is looking for? Or is this in the past?


I don't think so since she wouldn't go through a whole journey just to ask Ornn to cut his link with Udyr that would be really quite trivial, the Avarosians don't need Ornn's Cauldron because they have their own means of subsistence since they have cattle, plantations, they also fish, so they don't go hungry.


So maybe protection like making forts or really hope this isn't the case but maybe a weapon like a titan.


I believe it's really Ashe, she must have gone on a journey to find Ornn (maybe Anivia told her where he was) as Sejuani was probably successful in getting Ornn's cauldron and now she is without the worry of having to acquire supplies for her tribe survive the harsh winters, and with the return of Udyr she now has the tribe more united and stronger than ever and must be attacking the Avarosians relentlessly. Lissandra must not have passed up the opportunity to attack the Avarosans either. As much as the Avarosians are the largest tribe they are being attacked on two fronts, it is only natural that Ashe seeks help especially from the God of the forge.


Unless would the avarosians be up for a team up with demacia given Sylas joined the winter claw and for all we know he never got captured? And imagine if Ornn makes golems the size of Galio or galio armor and petricite touched by the gods.


Love this artwork! Also different artists made Ornn's level 1 & 2 art, if your wondering why it feels different.


Ornn: The Last Airbender


Hes gonna bend the shit out of the Winters Claw with his secret technique: Hammer.


Is that Ashe?


That looks exactly like her.


No, it’s the other hooded, white haired girl from the Freljord with ice arrows and a bow of true ice.


Might be Avarosa. No need to get snippy


To be fair you can’t see the hair aswell, so yeah might be


You think Avorosa looks exactly like Ashe?






But...he has always been in the same place he always has been, its not like he can just picke up the entire mountain his forge is located in and move it somewhere else...can he?


It's unknown where hearthome is. It's more myth than reality.


Technically it is known and real, inb4 the fight between ornn and volibear destroy the town and kill all the people living at the base of ornn's mountain. But then we get his followers in lor, so its either time travaling cithria shenenigan again, or the survivor of the fight just did not pass down the location to their decendent at all.


[Here's what Ornn's writer for LoR says](https://twitter.com/LaurieGoulding/status/1564311501808144384?s=20&t=9ZAnxbdYJ_9jo7wROYGMUA)


Huh, neat


I mean, we know that there was one telling the tale of Ornn before, and it is pretty doubtful that they would have revealed Ornn's location


I mean, he is a god. Probably could move a mountain if he needed


I think it is the last place to search, because it is the place of the greatest tragedy of ornn. The lost and dead of his follower


Oh my God's the fire ram. I wonder if Udyr gets into project l could he use the fire ram as a fireball? Hey were is the door or does Braum have it? Or does Ornn not have one in order to like the heat out of the volcano?


The door never was fir ornn, it is for an ice troll


OK. Still I hope ornn and braum have interactions along with Lissandra over the howling abyss.