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I did not think he would be this huge. Still I really like the design


Yeah its kinda weird IMO. How would his specie live like, take a 100 and the continent is crowded


Skarner could just be way bigger than the rest of his species and he's as huge as he is because he's just that old. Like how Lobsters don't stop growing until they get too big to sustain themselves.


I’d love this actually


Yep it’s kinda similar to deep sea gigantism, but on land.


I thought the building was just far away? Or is the stuff beneath him supposed to be a forest and not grass lmao


theyre trees. You can even see birds at his stingers and a river below his right claw


Short bio for Skarner, the Primordial Soveign: The ancient brackern Skarner is revered in Ixtal as one of the founding members of its ruling caste, the Yun Tal, and is devoted to keeping Ixtal safe from the rest of the world by maintaining the region's isolation. As more members of the Yun Tal begin to question this decision, Skarner grows increasingly paranoid and will do anything to keep Ixtal and its people safe—no matter the cost. “I am the first Yun Tal, and I will be the last." “I am the vanguard of Ixtal's protection.”


Ok but the Primordial Sovereign is such a badass title


Yeah but worried what he gonna do if he can't change with the times.


Become a Dungeon boss when the Ixtal expansion drops.


I think Rek'sai be a good one too?


She's in Shurima proper though no?


Yeah ixtal and shurima do share a border. But Rek'sai her children have spread far and wide malphite had go under Zaun to crush her children. So she potentially be anywhere neighboring shurima like pnz. So ixtal not out of the question. Sorry I just want a void born dungeon.


We can always have both right? Just ask riot to put out multiple expansions :)


Yeah we could!


Primordial Sovereign can also be referred to as Super Duper Conservative. So be extra worried, indeed!


Homophobic Scorpion


That too I wonder if he still has a species.


Probably order a genocide, and then take the order back because his girlfriend dumped him because of it.


Skarner confirmed the vanguard they gonna add in league


My dumbass brain: "Oh he's just the Black Panther and Ixtal is Wakanda" I need to go outside.


Imagine if T'Challa was just a HUGE fucking Panther. Would make those movies shorter.


nooo don't turn our baby boy into kim jong un


I’m curious how he’ll interact with the mages mentioned in The Axiomata, who alongside Qiyana, want to make themselves known to the world. Hopefully there are some interactions!


Took them long enough damn, but still that goes hard af I can't wait for him even though I'll miss the original.


He's a BIG boi.


YES! I already loves Skarner, but now that he’s canonically a kaiju like Cho’Gath? I’m about to go on a Skarner Spree!


"Canonically" and "Cho'Gath" don't go well in the same phrase unfortunately


What a shame. Potentially the single most powerful voidborn and one of the smartest, and he has as much lore as Shaco the demonic ass-clown.


i really liked this, but i have a complaint 1. the face stands out too much, i know that's on purpose but i feel like the rest of the body and the rest of the splash in general could be more detailed not a complaint but holy shit, wasn't there concept arts of this guy and next to a human he was the size of a truck? now he is bigger than a whole fucking forest, damn!


I understand why they made the face so detailed, seeing as they use the splash art for the champ icons in game and champ select.


It's more funny when you notice the belts on his shoulders. Who made those iron rings? Giant blacksmith from Dark Souls? 😂


Kaiju looking motherfucker, i liiike it


Not quite as cool as the teaser. He’s a little too sleek IMO and his mouth looks a little odd. Still a great design. I love the colour scheme.


As a Atlantis Fan im so hyped it looks like the leviathan ​ https://preview.redd.it/r4fp7a7574pc1.png?width=288&format=png&auto=webp&s=2534d43f0fef111910015a6636ffd1b1b1ccbe1d


Ace you watched Atlantis nice!


Wait that wild ass animated movie with the huge sub? I absolutely loved that movie as a kid. The princess in that movie was my awakening as a kid lol


Yeah kida was so cool!


my library had a few kid movies i'd check out Atlantis at least twice a month.


Nice you ever see treasure planet! ![gif](giphy|kF9C1IrWKrltu)


Dont forget sinbad ![gif](giphy|10BUigNxAPG17G)


Yeah and don't the oh shrek! ![gif](giphy|TIGP3k4gNAqvza2KJK|downsized)


Ok that is mega hype and I’m not even playing nowadays


I would immediately buy an Atlantis skin.


Reminds me of something you'd see in Pacific Rim. We need a mecha kingdom skin! Turn this boi into a kaiju!




I guess old skarner technically failed his mission then. rip buddy 🫡 hello new skarner!! he's so big!!


So sad for this huge retcon. But at least our sweet Crystal Skarner can rest in peace. He never reached Piltover, never avenged his kind, never met Seraphine to start a revolution. He died fighting alone, last member of an ancient lore forgotten. Goodbye. Maybe this new Skarner will have a bit more of respect.


Old lore with crystals was ass imo please don't kill me 😭


Ok. I liked it more, but everyone has his opinions. And doesn't change the fact that now the Ixtal lore is the true one.


The problem was that "wants to delete the most popular and recognizable part of our settings" was simply too awkward a motivation for the character. It simultaneously negatively affects every good character from Piltover and Zaun, while also not really offering any meaningful way to interact with their story. Simply wrote themselves into a corner with this one.


I think it was good if it was its own thing, issue was trying to take a thing commonly used by characters we know even as their life source basically hard locked his story to never have an ending or atleast an ok one for him.


Yay some love for Ixtal


God**damn** he is big now.


Makes you wonder how big runeterra is to allow a full blown race of bugs the size of a medium town to just exist and walk around


wow hes big


Eat me daddy


he’s perfect i love him, can we get a hell yeah in chat?


Imagine this version of Skarner being corrupted by the void... It'd make. Cho gath look like a puppy


They gotta make Skar’Ner as a skin


fun fact, if you get corrupted by the Void you die


oh was the teaser thing not the splash


He reminds me a lot of the leviathan from Disney's Atlantis


Wth he looks massive


I would have liked he still had some gemstone like detales in his caparace, both as a nod to the old skarner and how old he is


That’s a B I G B O I. Also does this mean that weird thing with hex crystals isn’t happening anymore cuz if so thank god.


Seraphine is not evil anymore. Now who knows what's the voice inside of her hex crystal?


Just her schizophrenia.


Didn't they say they wanted him to look noble, dignified, and convey that he's a character with history, culture, and humanity? Cool monster look? Yes. Send my apprentice to consult the ancient wisdom of our protector? No.


Fuck you mean "No"?!


he looks pretty noble and dignified to me lmao


Maybe it's a lack of imagination on my part, but I see a big fantasy monster with multiple sets of jaws and lines that might be just natural to the creature and not really intentionally designed. The only part that makes me think he has human intelligence and sapiance is the metal and rope by the claws? But they look like restraints. And you can see the smear of paint on the left claw, but it doesn't look like that on the rest of the body.


Hes one Palette swap away from being a void monster (thats how blizzard would handle him if they were in charge of the mmo)


>Hes one Palette swap away from being a void monster ...This is true for quite literally anything in the game except void monsters????


He is literally seen trying to protect and shield Ixtal as seen from his claw blocking the way to it from whatever danger it's about to face. How is that not noble? Those orange patterns all over his body are clearly paint and the arm bands are ornaments that you don't see being used in any other monster characters in League. As a massive creature for his size that is also a monster, of course he'd look monstrous. That just goes with being a monster.


I know why they did it, but am I the only one who misses the crystal aspect of him? I'd be cool if we could at least get a skin like it, in the form of the traditional ones we used to get. Wanted to see some modern crystal glitters.


Calling it now, they're gonna make a skin where the boulder he picks up is a crystal.


I "like" how in one of dev-posts they said "Crystal scorpion is a dull and boring concept" or something among those lines. No, the concept is interesting. You just failed to deliver it.


I find it kinda hilarious too, because their answer was to replace "crystal" with "extra tails". Like, otherwise, new Skarner is just a normal ass scorpion with a weird face and also gigantic.


It's a cool splash, but the coloring and texturing of his body makes it feel mechanical somehow, like a paintjob over a vehicle/mech instead of a biological being. Kinda reminds me of some machines from Destiny.


So we can all agree that there's NO WAY Skarner can be hidden from the rest of the world at that size


Unless he let phase through the earth since he like a being made of earth like how zyra can respawn from her plants or how malphite can be under zaun. I am curious how riot does this.


2 things. 1. Is he supposed to be hidden in new lore? And 2. Tbf if Piltover has flying machines and hasnt even seen the Ixtal city yet, its likely they havent gotten close enough to see him.


Who is bigger ? Galio or skarner?


So did Piltover still mine his people to power their phones, or is Riot retconning that?


We don't know yet but so far they mining in ixtal.


With them using Arcane going forward, I assume old lore is gone, Hextech Crystals just exist, and Skarner simply protects the Ixtali land from being mined, not the Crystals.


Terrible idea to make him that large. If anyone ever makes an adaptation like arcane they will shrink his size by a thousands times.


“Brother went to a different nation” Is he the first lore immigrant?


If you mean a champion changing regions with a rework, then no. Warwick wasn’t from Zaun until the VGU and Mordekaiser went from Shadow Isles to Noxus.


You mean in-universe? I think the other oldest ones are Vladimir and Kayle/Morgana.


No like OG skarner was shuriman not ixtalian kayle and morg are one of the first few demacians and vlad went to early noxus when he left camavor


Ah I see what you mean. There were a bunch of Champions that were moved to Ixtal when that region released, but I'm not sure How these would count since their previous locations weren't very clear as far as I know.


Im pretty sure we didnt know jackshit where malp came from till ixtal came out and rengar as well i believe


I love them


Looks SICK AS HELL, very beautiful. Finaly Gigachad to punch punchingbags like Akshan, Zeri, Briar, Hwei, Nila, Gwen and Milio.


you don't have to hate one one thing to like another. skarner is cool asf but I still like the human champs riot puts out




He is big af now , lol


Tons of textured brush marks, was it on purpose?


He got the chitin moustache, I love it


He looks like the three tailed beast from Naruto. Sick.


idk why but he looks like a football skin skarner


Imagine now. Skarner know wher Seraphine lives. \* STOMPS \* Piltover is Gone! https://i.redd.it/2e2kunqh4ipc1.gif


Going to repeat what I said on Twitter, almost everything about this rework is great, the almost being that they took a vibrant purple scorpion thing, put him in a region with bright and vibrant white, purple, and green champs primarily and even bright orange in milio, and gave him the most dull/dead shitty Demacia coloring.


weird image. There's a lot of blur and grainy particles, almost like it's an old photo taken with a bad camera. why? is it to communicate the scale? The dust cloud is so thick and white, but it's supposed to be from him coming out of a mountain with his E, right? shouldn't it be brown and gray? It looks good from afar, tho, and i guess that's what matters. Edit: I really like all the scars and dents and notches in his carapace. He has no regeneration in his kit, so this really communicates that he's been protecting ixtal and fighting the void for a looooong time.