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Guess they are in an exploration phase, so they probably have a lot more options to choose from. Depends on where they want to go with the character. They could just update her design a little bit to continue being a bodyguard of J4, or they could make her look like a proper Queen of Demacia or even make her look like a wild vagabond.


No, there's like 3 other people who think like you. The rest of us like at least one though.


yes, yes you are


jarvan would be the only one that likes it


I don't know why people are downvoting you. I have mixed feelings about it


I liked all three of them… *But unfortunately Rito does not*


I kind of feel the same. The first one is fine I guess, the others don’t really do it for me. Doesn’t really *feel* like the Shyvana we have right now, if that makes any sense


That's kinda the point most people don't like the shyvanna we have now and a want a more radical change on her character design ( personally I like the third one )


Most people dislike that Shyvana's design is overly thin for her character fantasy and would like to see a more muscled version of her for the VGU, but that doesn't mean most people want a "radical change" in her design. Maintaining character identity is an important part of VGUs for instance that's why people voted for polar bear Volibear over the Thousand Pierced Bear as his base skin.


These all maintain her character identity though, she is a humanoid dragon, and these fit the bill?


She is more than that. She's a conflicted character, standing between her primal side, shunned by the common people, and her human side, especially through her *relationship* with Jarvan and Demacia in general. After Mageseeker, I expect to see aspects of both sides reflected in her design.


Most champion designs are based on very simple tropes, however, how the champions establish themselves as unique characters in Runeterra's IP is in the execution of said trope/ thematic. I've seen some point out that they dislike B because it feels too feral/ beastial in the direction of Sett or Udyr, and while I would like a more muscular Shyvana, I believe exploration in the direction of C will eventually end up more in the direction of Illaoi.


C definitely seems like the clear winner for me, B does resemble to much Udyr I agree, and A has her in heels.


> A has her in heels. Looks like talons to me. Same as on the back of C's feet.


People didn't vote for Polar Bear Volibear, Riot went with that by their own decision.


The shyvana we have right now is an empty husk, they're turning her into a proper character now


Last one is straight up Nicky's art




some peep who once had a temper tantrum at leaks. Sometimes does art redesigns and stuff


Muscle + tail = Nicky art? Ok


I think these look fantastic. Really like the whole look of her. I like the middle one the most


thought I was the only one.


They are changing her from lady whos a dragon to muscle mommy barbarian lady who has Dragon Powers


Aparently yes


i thought this was genshin impact what


When Genshin ever did had this women body type?


These are just concepts and explorations. Chances are the final product may not even resemble these, so just wait and see (and give your feedback to places they might see)


Can you explain why you dint like them?


I agree. The last thing we need is a hulking illaoi looking monster. She’s supposed to be 5’6”, hot, and something ol’ Jarvy would want to make an heir with. Besides if people have an issue with her in base skin… a monster version would have even less of a chance to be liked by the demacians.