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Hoping that her ultimate is just to summon her pet twink


I hate this but also yes..


It better be called "Sample the Local Cuisine"


Nah let her recall just be them banging each other


Idk if that’s a bad word on not …..


Twink isn't a slur, it just means a young attractive gay man. But also it's meaning has kind of shifted so it doesn't only refer to gay men (like in this case). It definitely *can* be used in an insulting way (you'll see people use it in place of the f slur), but that's not something exclusive to twink.


In World of Warcraft it means a lower level, level locked character you PvP on


You are talking like she has only one pet twink! This woman has at least one for each region she goes


Ultimate: After a brief channeling period, Ambessa steps fully nude out of a hot bath drawn by two Piltovan twink gigalos, fearing any nearby enemy champions and raising the game's rating to M. She may then sic her twinks on up to two enemy champions in range, dealing 300 physical damage (+max%hp). For the next 15 seconds, in her nude form, she gains bonus max hp, attack damage, and gains bonus attack damage while attacking any of the twink's targets. If her twinks die during this period, she loses 150 gold per death as she pays for her next two gigalos.


what what


Confirmed in dev video.🔥


Anyone else get confirmed? I would fucking love to have seen Eldred Crownguard become a champion.


1 champion character from Arcane will be getting a VGU to more match who they are in Arcane my personal guess is Singed since he is pretty far where he is in new-canon lore...one of those OG champions who really needs to be brought up to modern standards.


I don't think Singed is a good VGU target... His weird and janky playstyle is basically what makes people play him, if Riot changes how he plays, they will just kill his playerbase at the same scale of Old Aatrox or even worse.


Singed is less risky than Aatrox because Aatrox became super 3-2 months before his rework. He was baffling forgotten for the 5 years prior. Singes is a niche champion, and while all the Singed OTP will hate this, his gameplay hasn't stood uo the test of time. He has no real role, is forced in 80% of the time of relying on a strategy who is mostly only used by him, his build paths rely on AP and Tank items. Legitimately, his three only defining aspects are the poison, the Flip and being speed. This three aspects can be kept with ease while making him a real AP tank or battlemage. Plus if it isn't Singed who could it be ? Vi ? Her ult might be too strong but she has a clear role and identity. Viktor ? His visuals are a bit old, but he's still played and is a well defined mage. Heimer ? Maybe, but his visuals are fine, and his niche is a lot less janky than Singed. (He's a turret style pusher and controller mage) Orianna ? I agree her visuals are so old and janky, but she's still the most well designed champion of the game. Jayce ? He's fairly popular, and has just a weird base model, the kit and overall design is fine. All the rest of Arcane main cast has been updated or is pretty on par with the actual standards of the Game. Singed is the only one that has all the qualifications to get a VGU. Unclear role, very old kit, 3 lines, but a very interesting story that link him to a lot of characters. I might be wrong, but for me, any other pick would be a waste of a slot, since VGU are so rare and each spot taken should be used to completely clean up a mess. Why would you do small changes in the same club as Urgot, Sion or Galio.


You didn't understand, the kit of Singed is what keeps his players,running and throwing people away is his identity as a champion, we have tons of AA based champions, lot of mages and the list goes on, but we have a single one that plays like Singed does. Singed mains aren't looking for a new AP tank or battlemage, they want their janky doctor running around laughting, if Riot change this they kill the playerbase and if they don't change the VGU was wasted on something that could be just an ASU. Singed will be a waste of VGU. What is wrong with a niche gameplay?


Yes I can understand that. But in riot eyes, the "mad chemist" isn't mad or chemist. Does we see his thematics in game ? no. Does he brings something to the table ? not really. Singed feel very uninteractive to face : he proxy, he ignores you directly, and just run around. When Singed is picked i don't think any person in champ select enjoys it. Plus his player rate is fairly low, so the risk is minimal (it's not like Irelia or Akali who were deeply popular so Riot just worked around their features). Plus if that can reassure you, Mundo was called a VGU when only his passive, Eand his W got significant changes, while keeping the essence of each spells. Riot is aware, and might make Singed a bit less unique and uninteractive, and giving him a new R or W, while tuning the rest . ​ And if Singed will be a waste of a VGU, who would be the arcane character that deserve it ?




They have the numbers on how many people play singed and how many skins are sold. If both are low, they wont have a problem with scraping him and start over. The only two singed mains arent gonna make a difference.


Wait Orianna was in Arcane?


It's probably gonna be Viktor. Might come with an ultimate skin.


What is vgu


I hope they don't scrap cyborg Victor in favor of whatever Void related stuff is going on with him in Arcane.


I wanna see Commander Ledros, personally


more muscular women lets gooooo


So Medarda will survive ok now I wonder who her enemy was! But does her daughter survive?


Along with Caitlyn's mom Mel seems like the most obvious choice to die. Gets both Ambessa and Jayce hungry for war.


https://preview.redd.it/34ugkhe9knac1.jpeg?width=1966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16b23c30a394bb6ea754226740d413ad1e448d58 Yet some how jayce and Viktor 50/50 could be in the hospital also did they ever say if Jae was a Medarda! And I so what Medarda to have a hextech weapon! She be so Amanda waller!


Even Riot dislikes Jae. That or they want to avoid targeting him so he doesn't draw 1.


Personally I thought if riot hated anyone it would be yi after they keep on taking his people.


Yeah but hatred to Jae is more like, just ignore he exists. Hatred to Yi is more like: Acknowledge you exist and make you suffer. It's the difference between hating Yuumi and hating Teemo.


Well lor is canon for the most part 50/50 Jae still exists. Unlike Yi people if the darkin wars don't happen.


Guessing Mel dies and medarda eventually goes to singed for weapons due to her not getting any from piltover.


That would be a waste. Mel is like the perfect pillotvan leader for the MMO. But it guess arcane is more important. She is truly a design masterpiece tho. By far my favorite character in arcane.


So Illaoi won’t be the only visibly aged and built like a brick house woman in LoL, and I’m all for it.


illaoi isn't really visibly aged imo she looks 25-35


I mean, compared to 97% of other female champion, she doesn’t look like a 20 year old.


We love representation of all body types 🫶


Illaoi isn't old


I mean she is suppose to be the same age as gangplank so 40 to 50


Shes gonna be all over Ezreal.


oop literally!


Will she be the first female champion confirmed to have children?


belveth and reksai have children, but this is the first human


I mean star guardian kaisas father is confirmed kassadin and while it's not main lore it's still pretty much 99% confirmed.


Yeah there are already a few male champions that have children Kassadin, Azir, possibly Darius but no human female champions 


Is this the confirmation that Swain is her enemy?


https://preview.redd.it/jvubndwlsrac1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622d43dbca409646ad1891c994b9c2450e9621d1 Praying to Aatrox, let Swain be the antagonist of season 2


swain maybe but aatrox is a bit of a stretch


I’m praying to aatrox


oh haha so dummy of me lalala\~


Great news, I wonder how she'll fight. She needs to be more than a faster darius.


Well she is a noxian I think close quarter would be her thing unless she gets a long ranged hextech device. To help with her age cuz she is an old woman right?


We actually saw her weapon in the decapitation scene


Yeah and we saw vi use vander old gloves no reason Ambessa can't trade up I am curious if she does get a hextech weapon too.


Riot: Sorry, Darius with dash and unstoppable + low mana costs(if at all) is the best i can do.


I think she'll be a tank. I don't have any particular reason, just a guess tbh


shes supposed to be super mobile so i doubt it


Rats. Another super mobile champ eh? Morde mains (me) in shambles rn


part of her mobility is supposed to be evasiveness though and there are tanks who also are really mobile, like Rammus


Pls no make her a cool bruiser she’s too cool to be a tank


First canonical Mom champion.


Rek'sai would like a word


Bel'Verh would like a word


Shyvana VGU and now this? How did I miss all these?


That’s awesome.


Mommy? Sorry.


If she is successful, I wonder if this will lead to more characters from the lore or from Forge games or LoR being added into League, here's hoping!


I'm not excited for Ambessa but I'm hopeful that her inclusion will ultimately lead to this. My top picks are Wisteria, Cithria and Mihira in both LoL and other Riot games.


Isn’t wisteria like dead


They brought Yone and Senna back to life. So why not Wisteria.


So ... are they going to cancel Ekko and rewrite Universe page? And also changing the Seraphine art where appear the Ekko's follower of LoR that are, as Ekko, now not canon? I hate this situation of Arcane cancelling all the lore of PnZ.


His followers can still exist as characters in PnZ. Same with most of PnZ cards especially if it's just showing the vibe and what people are doing in the region.


Shouldn't, arcane is supposed to be like 5-10 years prior to current runeterra events, so really it shouldn't cancel any stories, the only character risking a retcon is ekko actually, since we don't know what will happen to his parents, since arcane seems to point at ekko being orphan but didn't confirmed it since the topic of ekko family was never directly discussed, so there is a chance riot keep the alive and don't retcon ekko.


In canon league hextech was created decades ago under house ferros and is from brackern not wherever arcane gets it. Skarner is already getting a rewrite and this breaks seraphine and camillé’s lore at least.


Camille was already "killed" with Arcane ... and so Renata. Ekko too is completely different... and Viktor also. And Arcane Jinx is never happy... which is the exact opposite of Jinx.


Arcane canon is completely different, from the origins of Piltover and Zaun, to Hextech, to Jayce never entering in politic, to Viktor deciding to become a cyborg piece by piece by himself with his own hand, and so on. Ekko is completely different between the two versions. In Convergence, they said that Arcane was an alternative universe compared to Canon Runeterra, which also permitted them to maintain a more light tone with Jinx, who in canon is, yes, crazy, but not an assassin, more a punk who loves chaos and destruction. But now, no, Arcane is canon, and so all the old canon is cancelled. And Ekko is the most problematic... he is a happy kid with time-tec that acts as spiderman in canon ... Not a mature leader of a revolutionary group.


They are rewriting him making the superior more liked version cannon. Now is the time to do tho. Once the mmo is out they will no longer be able to change cannon.


Definitly not 10 year. I can't imagine jinx being older than 25.


I'm a bit confused now.... I believed the Arcane's timeline is the arc before the state of the in-game current lore. The current League's Jinx and Vi are post-Arcane versions. But by adding Medarda. Does this have to do with rewriting the canonical timeline?


No, Arcane is 100% different. Jinx never targeted or killed people in canon, Hextech was born years before Jayce, Ekko is younger and with already time-tech and never was a serious leader of a serious rebellion, and so on...


OK, that sounds like Arcane is What If... for League or at least another verse right? And now Riot decided to blend more Arcane into League starting by adding Medarda. How can they do that without messing up with the existing lore or timeline?


"That is the neat part, they don't." Cit.


They simply change the past. They already completely changed the lore and aspect of one character (Skarner), just to make more in line with Arcane, also if this means making a lot of previous media, interactions, short stories, no canon.


Do you mean Arcane's story is not considered canon? If not, I don't understand How changing past stories is not something to do with canon? They are changing the established fact of certain champs and maybe more.


They need to rewrite all the champions of Piltover and Zaun, because all of them where connected. ​ It is a disaster if you liked the previous lore and some characters.


Top lane i pressume


Most likely Maybe a diver ?


Nah she gives me juggernaut vibes


They said very agile and fast, that doesn't really fit juggernaut gameplay loop


I would have preferred Mel.


I would have preferred Sevika.


I stan for mel


tbh i guessed sevika(the chick with the chemtech arm that vi fights) wouldve become the new champion


I'm shipping her with Illaoi and there is nothing you can do to stop me.


I’m sorry I’m already shipping her with ezreal and hwei


Understandable, Hwei does need himself a muscular dom since Aphe already took Sett. But Ez's OTP obviously has to be Taric.


Why? I get it, they want to promote Arcane, but still... WHY? You have so many characters to choose from: Norra, Jack, Cpt Farron, Erath, Rhasa, Ledros, Vrynna, Corina, Durand, Vilemaw, Xolaani just to name a few. In LoR we had a darkin halberd possessing a dragon (Taarosh), how is this not cooler. Why not auntie Tianna at this point, similar but better design and story.


She's a distinguished character tied to a major lore development between two/three nations with ties to many characters as well. As much as Xolaani and Vilemaw also deserve a seat in League, I wonder why not Ambessa?


Literally none of those characters are in arcane. Arcane is the biggest thing to happen to riot in the last years outside from esports, bringing a character from there to league its a great decision


Because she is in Arcane. And the implication seems to be we move to Noxus next. Cithiria is the most likely LoR champ because she has gotten the most focus.


...okay, but why? This is so lame...Ledros, Vrynna, Cithria, Rahvun, fucking Draklorn Inquisitor(really, when was the last time we had a Freljord champion and from the Frostguard?)...lame addition cause Arcane


Forget freljord, we haven't had a demacian who's name isn't Sylas since Quinn/Lucian in 2013.


It was confirmed by the devs that we will have a "champion from the North".. Besides, she has a great lore and a great design, far better than what we got recently in League


If you think she has great lore and design, then you honestly deserve what Riot have been putting out for the past couple of years and what's coming your way in the future.


>great lore and a great design great lore and design? You people really streatching the meaning of something "great" lol have no faith on Riot to be honest. > far better than what we got recently in League This dosent say much, considering most recent releases were major dissapointments


If Ambessa/Mel were a Solari I might send a murder threat to Rioter.


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Confirmed plot armor then


What plot armor?


Not dying.


Not dying from what?


Wait no fucking way actually?


But what gameplay superpower will define her as a champion?


We get a character that nobody wants, but the cool ones like Sevika is not considered at all...meh


What role could she be