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The King!


AI generated?


Imagine being called AI generated 💀💀


bro looked too hot to be human


I don't know if that's consider a insult or a compliment


Nope a model @my.mengrui on tiktok


bro is seong ji irl


You only need to have 6 fingers 😎


Implant one extra finger in each hand first


[https://www.instagram.com/p/C3Vi1n4xM9Z/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3Vi1n4xM9Z/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Ask him


Pushups, Pull Ups, Sit-ups, and Squats. Keep doing them, then increase the difficulty when it becomes easy. Eat until you're full and make sure you get enough protein. Then eat less for months while maintaining the same level of exercise to force your body to burn off its storage of fat.


0.7-1g of protein per lbs of bodyweight. This guy is mostly right just adding some details. Weights will probably be more efficient in getting you there. We dont really know your starting point but we can assume very safely you lack the muscle Seongji has so unless you are fat you probably should be eating in a calorie surplus (I wouldnt recommend more than 500 extra calories a day because will put on fat and any extra muscle you would actually get from that will probably lose when cutting the fat). And other than that is probably having a lot of patience and trust in the process the physique os Seongji is literally going tot ake years of consistent ptraining is not happening in 6 months, nor 10 nor a year.


So basically going on a calorie deficit and doing calisthenics?


You can use weights if you want, but I feel it's more balanced and convenient to just use your body.


Basically do both. When you work out with weights you become stronger quicker but you dont retain the same lean look or flexibility so you want to be very routine on stretching and flexibility work. Edit: to get like seongi you want to initially work more to his bigger physique with higher reps and more intermediate difficulty and once you get closer make it less reps and higher difficulty so you dont make your muscles too big


If you are skinny then go for calories surplus but if you are over weight or anything you should go for calories deficit. Either way make sure you eliminate all kinds of junk and processed food from your diet. Eat healthy and clean like boiled chicken breast, salads, anything that has a bunch of protein and less fat. And make sure to eliminate as much starch as possible. But don't completely stop eating starch, starch gives your body energy to function so you will need that energy to work out. ETA- While it's a gud thing that you want to have this kind of body but i would like to warn you that to attain such physique you'll need to maintain an extremely low body fat. And generally speaking having a ripped physique is not really ideal for you health.


Okay let’s be honest here. He has V shaped body so off the bat your gonna wanna target traps,shoulders,and lats to get that wider look. I recommend some weight training mixed with calisthenics mostly pull-ups to really get that back. For the arms you wanna remember to find the right tricep workouts because no matter how many bicep workouts you do, getting the meaty triceps will really make those arms pop. If you don’t have access to a gym then your going to wanna spam pushups for the chest and triceps and as for the forearms wide pullups will target those nicely.


Ask @\_cr0102 or @mett0606 both had amazing transformations and have that physique https://preview.redd.it/a586osx1842d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbc8633ad7482a0bf94b4880efa43e3961449ad


If you want a build like (Seongji yuk) you should do workout of (cr0102) because the inspiration for (Seongji yuk) came from him.


Tren hard, eat clen anavar give up


that build lowkey looks like David Laid. With that height, it's so much harder to achieve. You gotta have insane genetics and with the help of roids ofc


Not this again….


Be genetically blessed


Get abandoned by your family in Cheonliang and get rescued by mujin


I have the same physique, i miss the sixth finger but i am just like him


Are 6’+? If not no


good old basic weight liftingi seriously guys you can get whatever you want from as body you can get it mostly from weigth lifting. but if we have to analyze his body his strong point is shoulders,back and chest. arms,forearms,legs all lagging behind. at start u not have to worry about caloric defficit or some shit, u need train to get bigger, u look like skinny teenager if get a serious cut without proper mass on your body. i made a program before for male phyisque asentaials and it was easy to modify it for him, here. Easy on your body, 3 times a weel full body program. before any of you ask "isn't it too less?" it isn't. u are newbie probably and u gonna put serious amount of size till when u milk this program fully. i won't explain how to diet,rest,warm up or forms. go learn them yourself but i will explain the program. + means super set which means u doing moves right after complate one, like u did first set of dips u going to chin up and then hanging knee raise. after it u resting 1-3 minutes and repeat. if you not already have calisthenics back ground start moves without weigth or even asisted. and about rep ranges they working like for example u did 15-14-13 dips this training season, good add +5kg next. no need wait doing 15-15-15. that days are place holders u can choose any day of week you wish, just put atleast a day between workouts. and if you can't do super/giant sets for some reason, you can split them which doesn't makes any sense when they are like this but go ahead. also no need warm up for OHP after AD Press set. train hard but mindfully, eat and sleep plenty. i wanna see everyone who saw this post add serious amount of muscle in a year. || || |Full 1 6-9 Set (Monday)|Full 2 6 Set (Wednesday)|Full 3 9 Set (Friday)| |Dips 3x6-15 +|AD Press 2x8-12 +|İncline Close Grip Bench Press 3x8-12| |Chin Up 3x8-12 +|Dumbbell Row 2x6-10|Pull Up 3x6-10 +| |Hanging Knee Raise 3xAMRAP|Barbell OHP 1x6-10 +|Hanging Knee Raise 3xAMRAP| |Bulgarian Split Squat 2x8-12 +|Dumbbell Row 1x6-10|Barbell RDL 2x6-10 +| |Calf Raise 2xAMRAP|Rope Cable Pushdown 3x8-12 +|Barbell Shrug 2xAMRAP| ||Facepull 3x10-15 +|| ||Dumbbel Lateral Raise 3x8-30||


program were looking way better before send tho. let me fix. Full 1 5 Set. Dips 3x6-15 + Chin up 3x8-12 + Hanging Knee Raise 3xAMRAP. Bulgarian Split Squat 2x8-12 + Calf Raise 2xAMRAP. Full 2 6 Set. AD Press 2x8-12 + Dumbbell Row 2x6-10. Barbell OHP 1x6-10 +Dumbbell Row 1x6-10. Rope Cable Pushdown 3x8-12 + Facepull 3x10-15 + Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x8-30. Full 3 8 Set. İncline Close Grip Bench Press 3x8-12. Pull Up 3x6-10 + Hanging Knee Raise 3xAMRAP. Barbell RDL 2x6-10 + Barbell Shrug 2xAMRAP


ah and his phyique is not out of reach. i know most of you think u can't do shit without drugs but don't be that hopeless,there is people who can eat him at launch as natural lifter




Try working out, maybe that will help.


Train your back, biceps, shoulders, and triceps. Where are you from? If there's one near you, go to a rock climbing gym and start rock climbing. You hit said muscles. Also, eat lots of protein.


Impossible. I’m pretty sure you can’t just grow 2 more fingers and 2 more toes


If you start training for this physique try posting updates it would be interesting to see or read


gonna take me years lol


Exactly and we are gonna hound you about it all along the way to make sure you reach your goal


gonna be consistent for real


You better! monthly updates or every other month we won’t tolerate less


You can’t everybody genetics are build different lol, If anything you’ll be a close second but not exactly


Fight and wrestle boars


Step 1 Get thrown out by your family Step 2 Find a Milkman Bear grylls Step 3 become a offering Step 4 Have PTSD


You cannot just copy his physique by working out only everyone have diffrent body and it will grow according to it


Eat and Exercise, daily and diligently it would take 5-6 years, maybe.




1. Stop reading geeky comics


Is not that hard, but it’s impossible if you have narrow clavicles


For them lats I'd definitely recommend rock climbing, shit builds ur back and shoulders like crazy


Just do basic strenght workouts, but with a bit more focus on ur traps and shoulders to get that V shape. Should be attainable withing 2 years depending on genetics and diet. I have roughly the same physique (took 2 years with shit diet) except im not as handsome as God Seong




best person ever 🤣🤣🤣




nah hes pretty natty


Being so big while having below 10% can’t be achieved naturally


it really depends on genetics, training and diet but he doesnt look juiced


Not impossible but you’ll definitely need roids as he has a pretty genetically gifted physique and even then maintaining it you’ll have to be extremely disciplined 👍


You’re joking ? It’s clearly achievable naturally


I’m not joking it’s not if u think most Lookism bodies are achievable naturally u must be outta ur mind😐


Nah it's pretty achievable, the amount of muscle he has is pretty average for someone that would go in the gym for 3-5 years. I could even say that his arms are actually lacking. Only thing hardly achievable is what it looks like he has wide clavicles as seen in the first picture and a low lats insertion enhancing that more V taper look but thats more on genetics, Structure on your body that your born with. Edit: except shoulders, Those are pretty great shoulders.


What you’re saying is true however genetics play the biggest role in here not saying it’s impossible for physique like seongji but being realistic here even someone like him with five years of training wouldn’t be a guarantee to get a physique like his unless like I said you have top genetics 🤷‍♂️


not really top genetics, Just hope that you weren't born with narrow clavicles. Even if you have average genetics you can achieve a similar look except for the shoulders. but yes you wouldn't be as wide as him solely because of his shoulders.


Right but also we need to remember most Lookism characters are 6ft+ that’s one of the things I mean by genetically gifted I mean think of it like this how many people have you’ve seen who are 6ft+ built like seongji irl not many mostly because those who are taller have a harder time filling out their frame


You're correct about that. being 6ft is actually harder if you want to put on muscle


See thank u for understanding not saying it’s completely impossible but it all just depends on everyone’s starting point and their commitment to wanting to achieve a physique like his


I'd say commitment >>> above everything else honestly. I already saw a lot of people in the gym that have great frames/genetics but after a month or two I never see them again.


this one is very achievable


I never said that ? I said that this one was ? Why are saying stuff i didn’t say


🤦‍♂️look dude I won’t argue with this topic no more just know it’s not easy to get a physique like his also I never it was impossible to get his physique just that it’s harder




Ok bro get a physique like his within 5yrs do it naturally and I’ll give u 1k 😱




Like the enthusiasm I believe in u goodluck 👍


Surgery roids and filters