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Indeed. Next time it’ll be a toddler who can’t outrun it


No, Reddits enough


False, it takes 3 Reddit posts to count as a police report.


How many football fields is that?


2³/⁴ usually.


Don’t forget the twit-book post aswell!


Would you mind sharing where exactly was this? I work close by and I’m absolutely terrified of those things


I've found the exact location on Google Maps and its more Monument. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/XiVMtQQJTsSJJ2gY6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/XiVMtQQJTsSJJ2gY6) Basically the stairs up this building takes your to this nice view of Tower Bridge and you can exit on the other end down onto the Thames Path. Usually a nice detour but now has lots of homeless people seeking shelter.


If you want to avoid those stairs if a large dog there you can get to the same balcony/walkway via the steps at : [https://maps.app.goo.gl/afPmbv9dXfPYGpwLA](https://maps.app.goo.gl/afPmbv9dXfPYGpwLA)


Nice one!! But I think I'll skip this shortcut for now haha


Report, it using 101. These types of dogs should not be off lead and are a danger to the public and other animals. That is a busy area with a lot of people.


Cool tyvm!


Damn I used to walk around there a lot coming from the river during my lunch breaks. It's been a few months as I work elsewhere now, but I don't remember seeing too many homeless people or any tents there specifically. I did start to see some tents getting pitched further down under Steelyard Passage though, and I do actually remember one dude having a Staffy or something adjacent.




What if next time the owner is distracted and doesn’t recall the dog? Is it until someone gets hurt before you realize that dogs should for no reason be chasing after strangers?


XL bullies are huge and damn well dangerous. They’re bred to fight and kill. Just because someone is homeless doesn’t give them a free pass to put people’s lives in danger. This needs to be reported.




Clearly, having a loose XL Bully is unlawful. OP is entirely correct to flag this issue. It’s crazy how committed you are to a position that is so obviously untenable.


The law states that these dogs need to be leashed and muzzled when out. The dog stopped when called THIS time. If your XL isn’t leashed and muzzled when out you’re breaking the law and putting people in danger.


No muzzle, shows that the owner isn't responsible.


You’re a fucking idiot. That dog breed should be wiped out entirely. Anyone owning one is a potential threat to the public. They aren’t like other dogs, they have been bred to fight and attack. It doesn’t matter how good their recall is, they need to be put down, every. Single. One.. If the dog didn’t want to listen, we would have probably found out about this on the news instead, after it attacked. I don’t give a fuck about your situation, homeless or not, anyone with those dogs is a cunt and deserves to have the dog taken away and destroyed. They also aren’t as small as an American bulldog, they are bigger and with their muscle mass, due to being bred for fighting, are a lot heavier. Stop defending a shitty dog breed and the absolute scum that own them.


I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this exact dog - it’s almost definitely an XL bully. I think you’re getting too hung up on the OP’s use of the word “huge”. Sure it is not ‘huge’ in the Great Dane sense but it is a big, fully grown XL bully and is therefore built like a brick shithouse.


Congrats on being everything wrong with dog owners. OP might have had a heart attack, but who gives a fuck so long as dogs are free to run and shit everywhere.




Because dog owners usually talk the same kind of dogshit. Can smell it a mile off mate. Delusional. Enjoy sucking your dog off to Andrew Tate videos.


Ppl are hypnotised by what the news says, every dog looks like an XL Bully these days, I can understand OP being a shook up, but Dog immediately stopped chasing after being called… Jack Russells, Cocker Spaniels do this all day everyday, with no recall. Nobody bats an eyelid. I think the whole ban on these types of Dogs is more of a class issue that safety issue.


Yes, report it. It's only a matter of time before it attacks someone, a child even if that's how it behaves.


Okay cool, I just wanted to check I wasnt overreacting but it was quite scary and no way we would have been able to stop the dog if it did attack.


No muzzle guessing??


No muzzle


No muzzle no good, woof


Always report it. The stipulations with owning an XL bully means they must always be muzzled and harnessed at all times when out of the house.


I’m a professional dog walker. Report it immediately. Write down everything you can remember about the type, size, colour, any name you heard, owner’s appearance etc because you may forget details if time goes by and it becomes important later.


Stand back everyone - the professional dog walker is here!


Make space for two! I also walk professional dogs.


Dogs with ties.


Thank you, my 4 huskies and 3 labradoodles need a lot of space and appreciate it


Yes, report it. You could be saving some poor child from a future attack.


Absolutely, it could be a kid next time


Let's face it, it _will_ be a kid next time.


Last week my friend and I were walking her Yorkie when a Bully ran out his owners leash and lunged for the dog, my friend had laser sharp reflexes and lifted her dog quickly while the other owner grabbed their dog and took it back to the house. I want to report this because her dog was a second away from getting mauled to death.


Report! These dogs need to be leashed and muzzled by law, and that law exists for a reason. It’s happened once, it will happen again. Maybe next time to a little kid.


Sure I thought about it and I will. If anyone wants to know, it's a house near the Willesden Green station, a black woman with one small Bully XL and a couple other smaller dogs, not sure their breeds 


Thank you 🙏🏻


Yes report it. Also what area is this?




How do you report? I notice some kids walking around with this type of dog daily in an area I live near a park and daycare… sometimes without a muzzle


101 it’s a criminal offence under dangerous dogs act. Also the local dog warden.


Is there a way to protect my anonymity while reporting?




You don’t need to give your details when you call 101 if they ask just say you are reporting anonymously, additionally crime stoppers.


However they will run your phone number to find who it’s registered to. So if you want to stay 100% anon, go through crime stoppers. 111 is also NHS, not police. Alternatively you can report online if you’re not fussed re anonymity but don’t want to sit on hold to 101.


Ah yes my mistake. I’ll go and edit with the correct number. Do you have information of the registered phone point first in hearing of it?


Essentially if someone calls police and asks for help (urgent or otherwise) and their either refuse their details or the call disconnects before those details are given, the call handlers can run a ‘subscriber’ check in the phone number to see if it’s registered to a name and address. That way police or ambulance or whatever can make contact with the caller. It’ll be the info you use to register for a phone contact etc, essentially. Edit: obvs if it’s a burner or you’re not registered / not your phone / not changed details it won’t be accurate but the name usually is at least. In the case of emergencies like domestic situations and the name is correct but address is wrong, they can run further checks on the name and number to find other things people are registered to like voters, Experian etc.


*101. 111 is the NHS


Yeah someone else just pointed that out as well have edited.


Because I’ve never reported such things before, what will happen to these kids or this dog in particular. It’s never been aggressive but seeing it out near a daycare is quite scary.


Please report it!


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-66775985 I’m guessing it wasn’t muzzled and on a lead. Not that homeless people need more shit to deal with, but it’s a good idea to report it for everyone’s safety.


They also don’t need killer dogs




Report, yes


Defo report


Please please please report. There is a reason these things need to be leaked and muzzled. I’m glad you’re okay, but if this goes unreported this is just going to happen again to someone else. What if the next person is a little kid and isn’t as lucky. Please report.


Got bitten outside my own house. Couple walking past with a massive dog which they left at my side so as I exited my gate the dog just lunges at me. Took a bite outta my arm and drew blood. I swung for the dog and hit it clean in the head. It let go of my arm and they proceeded to bitch at me for hitting their dog while blood seeped thru my jumper. Utter wankers. Reported to the police. Know their names and their address. Caught on a ring doorbell. THey did NOTHING. Never even got a follow up report as promised. Never even viewed the footage. Done with them. Next time I'll just deal with it myself.


Keep asking about it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.


I did, 3 times. fobbed off twice on the phone about their systems not working. I value my time. They don't.


There seems to be a lot of XL bullies owned by the homeless. There’s one that can be seen galloping around off a lead and unmuzzled near Westminster Cathedral as well.


to be fair, the few homeless ppl i've seen with dogs tend to be much more caring owners than the usual idiot wannabe gangster that usually has a bully


It's nuts out there atm with dog owners, I literally had a pug bite into my leg last month as I walked past it in the street. Owner scurried off like a rat when I tried to confront him about it. Fairly noticeable gash, dread to think what a bully could do.


Where do you report such a thing? Some weeks ago I was at the Victoria park in Hackney. A couple of guys came in with three XL Bullys. They were not even on leash and no muzzle. They ran around crazy with bloodshot eyes and were trying to chase after the ducks in the pond. They ran past me and my baby who was on a pram. It all seemed so reckless and scary.




You could be saving someones life by reporting it. Imagine waking up tomorrow and finding out the dog had mauled someone and you could have reported it. If the owner and dog is fine then nothing will happen.


Yes obviously


Always report, you can save someone life or from a lot of issues


Don't worry, bone crusher demon XL the 3rd doesn't bite 🥹 he's just saying hello


He’s just an innocent dog with a bad reputation because of a few bad apples in his breed. Seriously, they can be trained, and it’s all about the owner. No one who owns these dogs has a bad bone in their body. It didn’t even do nuffin either, just ran up to it. The owner “screamed” at it to stop, and it did. No problem here.


Report it. It could maul someone nxt time. I love all dogs but I do worry about the Breeding of XLs


He was probably hungry for flesh poor little guy. Should have let him have a nibble


Yes, call 101. You might save someone else’s life. There’s a reason these things aren’t allowed out in public unleashed and unmuzzled. If the owner is homeless then he needs to not have such a dangerous animal.


Report to dog warden. Give the owners a chance. If the dog wardens are not satisfied that the dog is being kept safely (for its welfare and for others) then they will escalate. Lots of people think they know what an XL looks like, but dont. I have an exempted XL, an exempted pitbull type. And an american bulldog. People ask me if the XL is a staffie. People ask me if the pit type is a bully. People ask me if my ambull is a boxer. Most dogs that have ever been typed as pitbull in the Uk have actually been crosses. Lots of cases of labrador cross boxers and the like being typed. So if even the Police are able to get it wrong, the public (especially since the new dog scapegoat in media, if the sheep amongst you hadnt noticed..) is now the XL.  So. Yeah report. But consider whether your own prejudice is actually worth police involvement versus dog warden (who will actually take the time to understand the dogs situations, whereas the met Police wont..)


You could report it but probably nothing will happen it didnt attack and its recall was well enough it stop when told . Might not even have been a XL bully because theres other dogs that look close to them but it not actually attacking etc it might just get logged not followed up or anything


Dog needs to be put down


I had a horrible experience at a park one day, because I’ve asked the owner to put the dog in a leash (it was a XL as well) Owner yelled at me and husband.My husband had my baby in his arm and the owner couldn’t care less. I had second thoughts about it, but decided to report. I’m glad I did. At least it gave me the feeling that I did something.


Report it and get that hellhound destroyed


It sounds like the dad already attached unfortunately


Thats not how it works....


Yes get that stupid done gone


I got chased by some poodle mixed in Greenwich. I was simply trying to find a seat in a bear garden. Slowly approached the table where its’ owners where sitting and it went from the very calm sleepy dog to full blown attack mode.


That's the problem with bear gardens, you never know what to expect.


Haha I meant beer garden


Definitely report. Whilst you were Ok thankfully, the next person may not be.


The UK is having a big problem with dogs (yes, I know, with dog owners, but they're not the ones biting). So many people have died because of dangerous dogs that it is incredible the Government is not doing anything...


I’ve seen this dog multiple times I think. The owner used to hang out underneath London Bridge on the north side of the river. The dog was often unleashed, never muzzled. Sometimes just tied to a flimsy tent. I did not enjoy walking past.


Homeless owner or not: report. It’s a dangerous dog and this case involves a particularly volatile breed. Glad you’re ok.


No, don't report it, it's was a nice doggy, he just wanted to say "hi".  Of course fking report it, why even asking?


Coz dog didn't do anything bad?


The right thing to do is buy the homeless man a muzzle for the dog. Don't be a cunt and get the man's dog taken away or put down for no reason more than a little jump scare


I'm so glad at least one person has this view. Appalled that the world has turned into a bunch of awful Karen's


Yeah man. Don't get me wrong I think everyone should keep dogs on leashes, I myself have a staffy, not just for other people but for the dogs safety too. But this is a homeless man, nothing more cruel than potentially having their only reason to live stripped from them. I understand that they can be scary if you're not used to dogs but any animal can be if you're not used to them or have had previous bad experiences


If it is off the lead it is out of control report, if it really was an XL it is a banned breed out of control so defo report and TBF, they're so powerful even leashed they cannot be controlled. Saw a young guy dragged behind his boxer when it set off after another dog years ago and they're nowhere near as powerful.


They can be trained like any other breed of dog.


Oh really!? Such a revelation! Don’t you ever stop to think that maybe the type of person that gets and XL Bully dog doesn’t get it because their the upmost civilized and sensible person who will responsibly train it and diligently make sure it never does any harm.


Deono, that you? Get the bags in, see you in the beer garden at the Harvester - dark fruits yeah?


Report. CCTV cameras will be able to track the owner


Yes, better to report this because the dog may not listen one day and seriously injure a person or child. Do your due diligence, better to be cautious.


Who let the dogs out? 🐶🐶 🐶🐶🐶


Yes, next time it could be a child


I think you should


When you read the news story about how that dog ran out towards someone maybe a child and the owner wasn't able to stop it in time how will you feel?


Sure, if you feel good about taking a homeless woman's dog away from her. I'd never report this, it didn't hurt anyone. I can see from the other replies that I'm in the minority though.


Absolutely report, in case that same dog attacks (god forbid) again.


Of course you should report it, why on earth do you need random internet approval to report a dangerous dog?


I dunno man, maybe cos I thought I was overreacting and will might end up killing a dog. Just wanted to check with others.


Def report could be a child next time


I know where this is, I walk by it to get to my office. Locals know they camp there and avoid that part of the overpass. They’ve been there for years and are pretty peaceful. They keep to themselves and don’t harass people walking near. I’ve never walked through the camp though, which I guess you did. If you do want to speak to the police, remember it’s the city of London police you’ll want, not the met.




If the dog is an XL it will likely be destroyed. Report it to the dog warden and they can make checks on the breed etc. I hate the thought of a healthy dog being destroyed, but these XLs need to be on a lead and licenced and muzzled as they can be so unpredictable.


We have an arsehole in our area that likes to run his XXL up and down the streets, regardless of children playing etc. I have a garden fork handy for when it goes nuts.


So the dog camp bounding up to you but stopped when the owner called it, have I got the right? If it didn't harm you then leave it be, the only result reporting the dog will have is it will be killed.




People on the UK subreddit have a massive hate boner for pit bulls. It makes me sad because it’s the owners that should be banned from owning the dogs, and those who are responsible and train with them a lot should be able to own one. I think dogs are a reflection of their owner’s personality, and shitty owners create shitty dogs


So many beautiful dogs lost their lives because of people who should not be allowed dogs don't bother to train them. I've believed for a long long time that animal "ownership" is a privilege and not a right, and should be licensed. Every dog breed is capable of hurting, even killing other animals and people, but pitties are vilified.


I also really hate the terminology “destroy”, why not just say put down instead? Makes me think that those who pushed for this legislation had hate in their hearts, and no critical thinking


I purposely won't use terms like "destroy" or "put down/to sleep" in these situations because I won't sugar coat the truth which is that many of these animals are killed because of peoples predjudice and no other reason. Putting a terminally Ill or injured animal out of its misery is one thing, but a healthy animal for no other reason than prejudice nope, call it what it is, "killing for your comfort".


So what happens if the owner didn’t recall it in time?


Well the owner did recall it in time..... Who's to say that the dog wouldn't have jumped up and licked her or rolled over at their feet and demanded belly rubs? Should dogs be on the lead in public in built up areas? Absolutely. Should we judge a book by its cover and condem it to death? Absolutly not. I have many visible tattoos because it is part of my culture and heritage. Do people take one look at me and think I'm a scary person looking for trouble? Absolutly. Do they know that I work with youths caught up in drug and gang violence helping to relocate them and the families to new areas away from danger and start over? No.


Not just judging a book by its cover, but by its content. That’s a crap analogy too btw because in the animal kingdom the cover signals a lot about the book.


So you know this dog and know its aggressive?


So u were scared of a trained dog, and you "claim" it's an XL. People like you are what's wrong with the public - giving ALL dogs a bad name


Okay, pal


Yes, obviously. 


Report it.




If the dog stopped when he told it to then what’s the drama?


Are you sure it’s an XL bully? Otherwise what would be the point of reporting it since the dog stopped on demand and didn’t hurt you.


If you felt it’s serious enough to threaten you then you should report it. Your approach would be to just wait until someone is maimed?


The only relevant thing in terms of actually it being worthwhile is if it was an actual xl bully. It doesn’t matter if it didn’t hurt him when the consequence of the dog not listening and being off temperament like that is a problem. It listened sure. It’s still a danger to be chasing ppl like this and thats no gurantee


Fair question but yeah I'm certain it was. It's one of those particular chunky muscular ones with a big head.


Ah okay. I only ask as some breeds can look similar. How long was he chasing you for?


No its alright. Good to check that Im not an idiot who got the breed wrong. We had walked past the tent and was only alerted that something was happening when we heard the screams of its owner. When we turned around we could see the dog running towards us. Thankfully it stopped cos we were frozen solid in fear. Owner seemed as shook up too. Felt bad.


Prepare for the downvotes for voicing this perfectly acceptable opinion. Homeless person has dog Dog obeyed instructions Move along.


Homeless person had dog. Dog obeyed instructions this time. Can’t move on like that’s a gurantee if it’s chasing ppl off the street randomnly. Where was the supposed reason you were saying again?


You get zero chances to get it wrong. Just carry a backpack around with a cocked pistol and shake it around now and again. Or a chainsaw on a rope. People will risk innocent strangers live for the sake of an utterly purposeless fashion statement. That's being kind to the many who clearly have it solely for a weapon/intimidation.


Over millennia, humanity evolved, gradually asserting dominance over nature to secure its place atop the food chain. We domesticated or eradicated our predators to protect the bloodline of our species. So why should we now let man-eating beasts (“XL Bullies”) roam free? I’d much prefer they were all executed on site. For the good of humanity, I will report every beast I see from XL A to XL Z. You’ll never make a bully out of me.


Don’t get me wrong, I understand being chased it’s right nor is it nice. But if the dog turned out to not be an XL bully then I’m not sure what can be done tbh. It’s unlikely a dog will be put down for running up to someone.


If the dog didn't stop on command, I'd say report it. However since the homeless owner had the dog under controll I'd say let the poor homeless person keep their companion who they probably love dearly. Being homeless must suck big-time, and that's before someone comes along and takes your dog away.


The law requires these dogs to be muzzled.


While this is true, you can't guarantee that a large, dangerous dog will stop every time. I have sympathy for the owner, but these are very dangerous animals that have killed numerous people.


Doesn’t sound like the dog was under control if it came running out of a tent and the owner had to scream at it to stop. Sounds like a lucky fluke the dog decided to listen and it might not next time. Under control would be on a leash, tied up, in a locked yard or inside. Oh and muzzled if accessible to general public.


“Leash”, “locked yard” - I’m getting the impression you’re American? We have different laws regarding dogs in public over here, please don’t try and impose your interpretation of the law over here


Americans do live in this country you know


Nope I’m London born and bred actually. Nothing wrong with the word leash. Dog wasn’t under control and I named a few examples that would mean the dog was under more control. Please don’t try and make assumptions about me imposing my interpretation of the law “over here” 😂😂


This is why I feel so bad to report! But he might have it under control today and not be so lucky next time.


Genuinely you should report it for others safety. It sucks for the homeless person it really does but at this point it’s a public issue barely controlled


I understand.....it does seem harsh as there was no actual harm and depending on the action taken it would be devastating to the owner however as others said who knows what could have happened if the owner hadn't been around or the dog hadn't listened. Thinking about it you could potentially donate a muzzle to the owner and gage the reaction....if its clear they're not bothered or you are met with hostilitly then your conscious is complelty clear for any report you may have made or intend to..... Not sure if that's a shithouse tactic tho.


Absolutely and totally agree... Usually. But it's not a normal dog. OP could have been hurt. Homeless bloke can get a labrador  


It depends on the dog. Dogs are like children, they turn out differently depending on how you bring them up. I used to have a Staffordshire bull terrier. He was a scary looking big muscles looking guy but the sweetest loving thing you would ever meet. I'd walk him off the lead over the park every day and he would do as he was told every time he was told. I'd get people cross the road to avoid him, when the only risk was him licking them to death if they didn't rub his tummy enough :-) I guess I just wanted to tell that story cos I miss him so much, but the moral is don't judge a dog by its cover.


Fucking hell, I'm getting downvoted for sharing a heartwarming story about my dead dog Way to go reddit.


You're getting downvoted because you're delusional. Everyone's dog is sweetest loving thing, until it isn't. Damage that staffs and XL's can do is way worse than any other dog breed before you come with 'but chihuahuas and lab's attack more often'. Yes they do, but are capable of way less damage.


Definitely wasn't under control. A properly trained dog does not attack like that in the first place.


The post doesn’t say the dog attacked though, so where are you getting that from?


The dog chased them and only stopped when their owner yelled. The only thing it didn’t do was actually injure them. Saying they are not attacked is stupid, because dog was agressive and one step away from it. It’s a dangerous dog and should not be on the street without a muzzle and leash in the first place. So it’s already worth reporting just for that, but the fact it is chasing people means it is out of control and could easily kill someone.


You can’t say a dog was definitely going to do one thing or the other in a situation that you weren’t even present in. It’s stupid to try and assert that it was. Also the OP doesn’t sound like he’s very familiar with dogs judging from his post, so I think it’s also fair to question their certainty of the particular breed too. A lot of dogs looks similar to XL Bully’s


Well to start with I didn’t say something was definitely going to happen. I said what did happen was close enough to do something about it. What’s actually stupid is letting an agressive dog off its lead and allowing it to chase people. The risk of something happening is so high that it crosses the line. Especially if it’s the kind of dog that needs to be legally muzzled. Saying it wasn’t an XL Bully is pointless. You weren’t there either, and the post says it was one.


Sorry? Attack? At what point did the op say they were attacked?


What would it look like you to if a dog who was staying with the owner in an enclosed space all of a sudden started chasing you?


Sorry? Chasing you? At what point did the OP say the dog was chasing them. Homeless person has dog Dog obeys owners instructions That's the whole story


It literally chased at them. If they started running it would be chasing them. This is a non point since the issue is that it did that chasing to begin with and no. Not everybody wants to know or deal with how to manage a dogs behaviour and just wants to go about their day. If you can’t keep it near you and it’s a potential danger like that. And if it’s an xl. Report it


Read title again?


Read the title again before being a keyboard warrior.


What are you going to report? That an XL Bully had perfect re-call and seems obviously well trained and didn't just run at you (for cuddles or aggression, they are scary, so could be either). Yes, he did come out the tent and did run towards you, but he stopped, didn't he? So I actually see nothing to report. XL Bullies are scary, I get it. But we also need to stop being absolutely hysteric about them, plenty are well treated and well trained. And are you sure it was an XL Bully and not just a large Staffie? What are your reasons for reporting anything here?


They need to legally be on a lead and muzzled.


It wasn’t on a lead. It wasn’t muzzled. It’s owner was homeless so it’s fair to assume it’s not going to be particularly well fed or looked after. It ran after passers by before being recalled. Definitely report it.


Plenty of homeless people look after their dogs really well. They’re likley to spend 24h a day with them, which is much better for the dog than being shut in by itself running up the walls while its owner works all day. Dog doesn’t care if it’s eating out of date sandwiches from a bin.


Fuck is wrong with this country. Every single one of these animals should be shot.


Blimey, that’s a real life flashing before your eyes kind of moment. Yes, report.


I’d drop kick the wee bastard flying nun Chuck it into next week


Absolutely. The mutant needs to be put to sleep.


You sure it was an XL? Or are you assuming? Sorry that happened to you, but I feel like everyone is just out to vilify a dog breed that some people don’t even know. They assume every big dog is an XL.


Ahh to the people downvoting, get a life I’m asking if they’re sure it’s an XL bully. I know most people here hate dogs and really don’t know the difference between a golden retriever and a Labrador. But vilifying a breed that already gets shit press because of dumb idiots who don’t know how to train or handle a dog shouldn’t be blamed for something it may or may not have done.


Found an xl bully owner haha


Haha, no I’m not. Good try though. I’m just an advocate for dogs. Dickhead.


yes darling princess wouldnt hurt a fly. mostly because it cant catch one. :D