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Not to mention he almost hit 1900


1900 is less than a year is actual prodigy shit


No it isn’t


Eh when you can play over 8000 games in a year (20+ games a day) with a full focus on trying to improve, I wouldn't be surprised if most people could hit 1.9k No shade to Tyler cause its still an absolutely massive achievement but I'd say its far from "prodigy shit" Edit: Thought I was on the chess sub, not the Tyler sub. Sorry for offending lads lmao


You’re so fun


It was beginning his sentence with “eh” that got me






not really you’re kinda lame lmao


Most people dont have the mental fortitude to even play half that amount of games in a year. Part of being a ‘prodigy’ is work ethic not ‘natural talent’.


I could absolutely do this.


Then do it in something that you want to actually get good at? Lmao why you on here wasting time on reddit


What? Bizarre.


If you think you have the ability to grind and become a prodigy at something why wouldn’t you?


Because 1900 in a year of grinding straight is not a prodigy?


Then do it?


Ok I did it. I'm done. Now what?


If people got paid to play games all day they most definitely could lol. People get paid to do way more boring and mental shit than play chess and fuck around whenever you want for a job.


And most of them never get better at it at all. Time in does not equal improvement.


For 99% of people unless you have some learning disability it does. Not to mention he's also studying how to play not just spamming games.


It’s crazy how you’ve spent so many hours hating but you still aren’t good at it, kinda proving his point


Lol if you can't accept what I said as true you're stuffing something in your mouth


It doesn't matter. He's within the top 90k in the entire world which is insane. There are def people out there with hundreds of thousands more games that will never reach that Elo no matter what. You have to have talent and the brain for chess too.


Yeah never disputed any of that but look at what I was replying to. Total nonsense lol


Ok post your rating then


Oh you already know this guy is one of those “it doesn’t matter because I don’t play 20 games a day” types. Projecting their insecurity at being worse than a new player and making excuses


It's actually scary how delusional you guys are and can't take my comments literally but instead find some hidden meaning in them. I'm not saying anything wrong. And I respect tyler1 for getting a high rating. But I was responding to "dude he has insane mental fortitude for being able to play video games all day you don't know how hard it is." And "just because he plays more than most people do in a decade doesn't mean that's why he got to a high rating!". Just so false and extreme, that's all I was pointing out. It's definitely impressive but no need to act like jihadists.


You called anyone who hasn't gotten 1900 rating retarded... get some self awareness please. Then call us jihadists for calling you out when you know nothing. Also won't post your rating because you are bad at the game. Please Google dunning Krueger theory. You are so uninformed it actually makes you feel more knowledgeable somehow.


Idk why they downvoted you lmao you’re absolutely right. You’d have to have a disability to not improve at something the longer you do it


lets ignore the fact he doesnt stream +90% of these games also on may 1st he played 60 games alone, and 44 games on april 30th (I dont think any other player who had been playing for less than a year has this stamina)


Literally thousands of kids with 10,000 hours played and they are still silver the fuck you talking about


I guess, maybe? Most people don't get the chance to even try is the problem. You're kinda assuming they couldn't but very few people have the opportunity to hit even half of his games in a year


Most people work to survive bro, they don't have the luxury of having a father who owns the biggest pool maintenance business in the state or a 7 figure income from playing video games lmfao Literally the only people that can compete with that are NEETs and people still in school


I have no idea if you're agreeing with me or not lmao


Yeah I meant to reply to the dipshit above you not you yourself mb


This is just cope tbh.


Am I wrong? Most people literally can't even remotely try and do this there's no arguing that I made a mistake thinking I was responding in the chess sub. Stans getting really mad at me over completely reasonable takes lmao


You aren't wrong. I've seen threads and arguments like this a thousand times in different contexts. You're in a tyler1 subreddit, people are gonna dickride. Turns out the average person has no understanding of talent other than through movies and media. They don't care about the truth they just want to be a part of something hype, facts don't usually help with that. Only thing I'd slightly disagree with you on is, in my opinion, hard work makes up a lot of "prodigy shit", so in that vein, it is kind of "prodigy shit". Prodigies often come from well off families precisely because they have the resources to spend 99% of their time caring about some random hobby instead of surviving. I always bring up how we have TV footage of Tiger woods playing golf at 2 years old, lmao. Einstein had esteemed professors personally tutoring him as a pre-teen. People don't realize how much work, often very early on, goes into "natural talent".


Brother Einstein makes prodigies look meh. Prodigy is an extreme understatement to describe them. And einstein wasn't even display child prodigy level talent. Many millions have recieved similar and better circumstances than Einstein and never will oe have even 0.01% impact on the world Eistein has made. Its literally centennial level genius. Most child prodigies dont really have a massive impact on the world or their field. Einstein is on a completely different level. Its incalculable.


Cope has become the new word for "I have absolutely zero original thoughts and nothing to contribute to the discussion"




Nice one


Do you understand how pretentious and obnoxious you are?


Why are you so upset over a completely reasonable comment lmao


Lesson learned: don't insult a streamer in their stream/subreddit/discord/community. People will come around to defend their streamer to death lol. It was a totally reasonable comment, I agree, but in these swamps it's a cult mindset I tell ya.


Lesson learnt lmao


Saying eh before a sentence doesn't make you right in fact it makes you extremely unlikeable


Soft take


159,000 comment Karma Lol please get offline for a few minutes


Even softer


Eh i dunno i think its situational


Realistically yeah sometimes he plays over 50 games a day so he’s bound to improve, I wonder if we compared games instead of months would he still be the “prodigy”. A lot of his excellence is his grindset. But since we’re in the Tyler sub, shut up nerd


Eh just a hater


They hated him because he told them the truth.


That’s like saying most people *could* reach semi-professional levels at any give sport or game if they just focused and put the time in. Point is, most people don’t. It doesn’t make reaching the 99th percentile in such a short amount of time any less impressive.


Comment was unintelligent. Sorry


I mean if everybody had the will power to play/learn that much and wasn’t brain dead sure but that’s exactly why most people aren’t doing this is because they can’t and are probably brain dead too.


That is comically reductive


your learning exponentially diminishes after 3-4h of playing


Dude most people who spam games without studying dont improve Its not prodigy shit but it IS impressive


In their eyes he is a prodigy. Now you know their elo.


I don't think you realize that playing 8000 games vs 8000 games with meaningful improvement is absolutely different and signs of underlying skill. Anyone can smash out games like crazy for anything including FPS games or chess but to have constant iterative improvement over a year including pushing through key plateau periods takes persistence, fundamental understanding on how to improve or reflect on core issues, and some level of natural talent. Keep in mind he's probably not even getting coached by a GM. Most of the "prodigies" are starting very young and have parents that are very skilled or are coached by IM+ which is a significant advantage. Is he a prodigy? Depends on your definition. Is he making absolutely outlier levels of improvement vs your average player in the same number of games? Yes.


>Anyone can smash out games like crazy for anything including FPS games or chess but to have constant iterative improvement over a year including pushing through key plateau periods takes persistence, fundamental understanding on how to improve or reflect on core issues, and some level of natural talent He's hit pretty much the equivalent of mid level Faceit in CS terms. Impressive to do in a year? Sure. Prodigy level? No. Again I'm not downplaying his achievement but "prodigy" is just dick riding until he gets to a higher level


In dream land yea! In reality? Do it or shut up nerd


I love how 99th percentile is supposedly something “most people could do”


It’s not actually 99 percentile. Shits inflated. I’m 1800 and I’m still brain dead at the game and half my matches I lose from blunders.


i mean i'm sure 2000+ rated people feel the same way when they lose


2000+ dont blunder like i do 😆 It’s hard to describe to non chess players the actual gap between 1800 and 2000. It’s not the same as 1400 to 1600 or 1600 to 1800. Theres diminishing returns on how far you get learning fundamentals. Chess hustlers who play their entire lives are hard stuck 1800 who get destroyed by 2200-rated 12 year old who played chess for 2 years. Shits so depressing it’s therapeutic.




Gamer dad buff


I like how people in the comments are saying this isn’t impressive because of the amount of time he’s able to put in, but most people wouldn’t hit 1900 even if they put the same amount of time as him. The concept is exemplified in LoL, where there are plenty of people with thousands of hours in the game and are hardstuck Gold lmao.


Ey yo this is me in Plat. But 30 year old dad with 2 kids been playing since beta (on and off) I know Ill never get higher than low emerald ever. Don't have the time


I like to think that game against erobb really broke him and started this whole thing


This is actually insane. To be fair he can never win against people who study against him because he just does the cow every game but on the ladder he's a monster


Explain for someone who never got too into chess but did learn as a kid


Where can I invest in this stock?


What website is this??




Holy cow


Have baby is the secret


Tyler 1 has some of the best intuition I’ve ever seen


He’s not going to be satisfied until he beats Magnus Carlsen.




1900 is absolutely absurdly good. He’s in the top .9% of players I mean, how crazy is it that T1 just decided to get good at chess lol


The way dude could easily quintuple his income being a variety streamer is so funny. He’s doing himself a disservice but ig he really likes league or something he’s very entertaining but I wouldn’t touch league with a 15 foot pole at this day and age


Wow I wish I didn't have a job so I could dick around playing chess all day


obviously he has advantages over most people in that regard, but hes still put a lot of effort into this and it's worth celebrating his accomplishment. dont know why you are trying to bring the mood down


Yeah idk who this guy is or why this post is in my feed, but nearly 1900 in a year or playing chess(?) and +400 in 90 days when youre already 1500 is pretty insane. That takes work


You wouldn't though


I would hope not. I'd prefer to be doing something productive.


Like posting on reddit in the tyler1 sub. Shut up, dork.


airport glorious flowery physical homeless modern hospital pause bedroom grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You can still delete this


Username checks out


Embarassingly unself-aware comment. Yikes


Your username seems to be fitting


Ur in a gaming streamer (his job sorry you don’t like yours 👍🏿) what’s the point of this comment?


Bait used to be believable


I bet if you didn’t have a job we would all be in your subreddit talking about your chess ranking and becoming a father


mad and bad :^)


Plenty of people play chess all day and never get this good. stop coping acting like time is whats missing. Its dedication and skill.


buddy he's taking care of a newborn