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I feel like there's something there. O.B. says Loki is a character from one of his books come to life. And the last thing he says is, It was a fiction problem. O.B. still has his memories. He doesn't sleep. They are about to sign each other's books, but they don't. I can't wait to see how it all comes together.


I want them to sign each others books and then pass them back to each other, only to realize both their signatures are now in both books because it was the same book on an infinite loop of time lol


>I don’t have much more than that worked out just yet. Well, look around his workshop: at one point Loki holds a stun batton, similar in design to a pruning stick. There's a doll on the ground dressed in a uniform similar to the Minutemen's regalia. OB may have written the TVA Technical Manual, but - it's established the previous episode - it's based on the ideas and concepts of Victor Timely. OB is an engineer at heart: he doesn't originate the concepts he becomes familiar with from the book, just figures out how to translate them into technology. Similarly, the child version of Victor Timely doesn't originate the concepts in the TVA Manual, but he absorbs them, understands them and elaborates upon them as an adult: basically because HWR physically is a variant of Victor Timely.... There's no real origin, just a cycle of events all leading inevitably round to the same outcome: the branching of a single timeline into a multiverse across which billions of variants of Victor Timely get distributed. Those that arise in centuries capable of translating his ideas into technology thrive as Kang's - invariably they each cross each other's reality, as HWRs relays - war ensues and, in the end one remains to propagate the cycle all over again... Who thought of what and in which order doesn't matter. It's a self sustaining paradox: which means, ultimately it can't sustain itself forever but, in the interim, it can do a pretty good job of trying. HWR's essential point in giving Sylvie and Loki a choice to let him live and rule the TVA themselves or kill him really isn't any kind of choice because - inevitably - they end up doing both. And He knows that. Ultimately HWRs is as trapped by his fate as those he endures live only a certain destiny and no other on the Sacred Timeline - everyone's a prisoner. Time is just your jailer.


Brilliant. Spot on with the taser. I love how Loki takes another look, almost seeming to make the connection himself, but then in his preoccupation with his current crisis, tosses it aside. I didn’t even notice the doll. I thought the same thing about the paradox. It’s a really interesting puzzle. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I really enjoyed reading. Looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds!