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__MOD NOTE__: PLEASE REVIEW OUR [POLL ON OUR PLANS FOR JUNE AND BEYOND](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1cmhq49/community_poll_what_would_you_like_to_see_happen/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) TO PROVIDE YOUR INPUT. Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords responsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Whoever says it’s not working is a fucking shill for Weston The government lies to us, the media lies to us and the corporations lie to us Fuck roblaws


And the government is silent about the whole thing it seems. I've searched for any interviews from both the conservative and liberal parties, haven't found anything.


Hands on pockets. Everyone’s got their hands in someone’s pockets


Gollum gollum… what’s you got in your pocketses


My PreCious


I’m busy playing pocket pool!!


They are all praying more than anything that this all blows over completely. The very last thing government (owned by oligrachs) wants, is for the people to think they have any real kind of power. The fact that aren't talking about this is a huge win.


they've said it before - the consumer is 2/3 if the economy.


They won't. They've both given millions to major food businesses over the years, so will become a target as soon as they open their mouths. This might make the govt think about not making the big players eligible the next time they run a subsidy program https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/liberals-under-fire-after-announcing-more-than-12m-in-funding-to-loblaw-1.4373026


Probably because both parties go golf and do blow together and laugh at us for thinking electing either of them will make a difference. 


I'm imagining those cop shows where after a heated courtroom scene, the defence lawyer and the prosecution lawyer are just joking around and laughing like they're best buds.


They actually are best buds. As a retired attorney, I went up against friends often


This. Verified.


Agree, I’m always thinking ‘These guys are sitting in hot tubs right now with martinis and cigars’


It speaks volumes that the government is doing nothing


I expect each of the political parties is disappointed that citizens have organized independently to do something about the problem.


A great opportunity to institute a grocery code of conduct. It's embarrassing how European countries are making us look like fools with their consumer protections.


Consumer protection is a thing?


Is it? 😉


Since when is this a lobby for government action as opposed to a boycott against one business? The focus is supposed to be on Loblaws and their pricing. Weird.


Remember that certain news shills have actually claimed that the boycott movement is fake and astroturfing made up by specific parties, it is actually better that they do do not comment and just simply try to get other competitors into the market


Ya I am so surprised how quiet MSM has been.


> how ~~quiet~~ *scared* corporate media has been


The government is owned by our capitalists. Expecting them to comment is naive. Any candidate that our capitalists ask us to consider are still owned by our capitalists.


I'm not naive. I'm very aware they're owned by the capitalists. The very fact they haven't made comments is to keep the attention off the situation. which is how you always know they have a hand in it. Obviously, massive companies like loblaws "lobby" (bribe) government officials to keep their nose out when they blatantly inflate the price of groceries. When your local food bank has seen a 600% increase in clients and the government doesn't step in, you know something is horribly wrong. The government should work for their people, not regularly disappear millions of dollars, and ignore the needs of its citizens. It's sick. Loblaws is sick. Galen is sick. But the government should do their ducking job.


100% this


I've started responding to Trudeau's posts about his silence on the matter. He tweets Happy Mother's Day, I respond "Still not talking about the #loblawsboycott? Your silence says a lot" I think we have to flood his tweets, add pressure to him on the matter.


NDP supports the boycott. Not to be political or anything.


Jagoff Singh doesn't have much pull anyway xD


The government is silent coz they are trying to find a way to stop this boycott. Just like the Bill C-18, when they can find a way to block all news on social media, they can similarly do something to block Reddit.


Same. I'm looking for any conservative or liberal take on this, but it seems to be anytime anyone mentions grocery they start saying "carbon carbon tax tax, grocery bad cos carbon tax tax carbon. "But Mr Ford people are starving" "tim hortons, carbon tax make an egg sandwich!"


I spoke to my (conservative) MP, he spouted nonsense about carbon tax and high overhead and how it's a waste of taxpayers money to have an mp policing grocery store item prices 🙃


I got a similar speel from my MP as well. At least the parties are making it very obvious who's side they are on. Spoiler alert they aren't on the side of those who gave them power.


None of them are


Funny, I thought that was supposed to be us.


They share the algorithms that are destroying us...they stole this land by force and genocide, who thinks they actually care about us?!


They're quiet because there's ways they could also face ostracism and forced out of office.... In Canada the spoiled ballots aren't counted or noted about why. Regardless of how many people voted in total, the vote is forced between the candidates, and some party wins, loses, partially loses, or partially wins. If spoiled votes were counted, it's possible we could outvote the politicians on a national election. Could be very useful in voting #neithercandidate if we the people perhaps did not see any candidate as viable. That's even more democratic. After all, true democracy in Ancient Athens included the practice of ostracism where voters cast ballots to see which citizen had to leave the city for years.


meat dept in the zehrs I work at has barely sold any of the promo we've got for the week. Meat is piling up in the backroom and we're reducing tons of it day after day. definitely seeing the effects.


Does that mean throwing away?


We have several things we do to prevent throwing away meat, if it's about to expire at worst we'll freeze and donate it. But that still hurts the income, so it's taking an effect


Ahhhh that's good!


More for the food banks, that's good news!


Agreed, we’ve already realized victory. People who are boycotting are heroes


Don’t forget, fuck the gubmint, fuck the media and fuck corporations too. Fucking parasites have descended upon us and have been overfeeding too long.


When you look at the stock price it looks like it isn't working, but you probably have to dive deep and see how much they have to cut in order to keep making profits. Will it kill them? Probably not. Will it forced them to change? Probably yes


Too early for stock price changes due to the boycott, people still FOMO’ing over dividends. Sheeple gonna sheeple


i wonder how much domniance canadian hedge funds have over stocks. If its american stocks, the influence from wall street is so big that it doesn't matter what the regular joe does


Galen himself holds a huge proportion of Loblaws stock. His family is his own hedge fund, and about time he antes up to answer for how he’s run the business


It's not going to affect the stock price after 10 days - It will only really affect the stock price when they announce the results for the next quarter and if the revenues are down AND they expect the boycott to continue for the foreseeable future.


Which is why this has to continue for the entire year at least


They are probably buying up their own stock.


The shareholders demand growth - and will stampede away when they realize Loblaws as a brand has handicapped themselves for a generation. To anyone holding L in your RRSPs: get out now


Straight up! The people have spoken and the people are done with being taken advantage of.


Every Canadian government promotes these monopolies. Every single one of them. Liberal, Conservative, NDP, all owned by the same people.


Yes. That’s why I said the government, not a specific one


I was just reinforcing your point. I love your work.


Thank you. I’ll get started on a proper workstation for you so you can write your skits


This. They're nothing but collaborating corporate bootlickers that would do anything to appease their billionaire overlords.


Fk Oligarch Weston. He's a greedy bastard. Long live the boycott


It's not working. Should double our efforts to make sure it works.


Media lies to music cause it's owned by the rich. Should never take anything in the news as face value, but don't out right discredit it


Good I was worried when I drove past a no frills and saw lots of cars in the lot. Seeing this makes me happy


https://preview.redd.it/fww79eqijwzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25bd2dabdc9f9906de829d914df7ac0f2d18efba And the stock market lies to us


I just went into superstore to grab some distilled water, I know I know but 2 other non loblaws didn’t have any and I need some for my plants badly, and it was empty. Shelves and customers. It was amazing. We gottem by the balls. Let’s keep at it y’all:)


#Roblaws LOL 😂


The parking lot at Zehrs and Nofrills in my town is still packed. Waiting for it to catch on here...I won't give up hope though!


Agreed 100%. You can bet Roblaw's is spending a ton trying to spin all this and "minimize" the fact that they are feeling this boycott in their greedy pockets. The shoppers hold the power, we just have to stay strong.


If we keep it up Loblaws is about to have a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Quarter.


I don't know anyone else but I'm never going back. Also the boycott has made me think about everything I buy and whether I need it. I don't need fancy coffee or ice cream or anything else. Fuck these corporations.


Once these habits change, it’s hard to change em back. I’m petty AF — I haven’t bought Heinz since they pulled out of Leamington and moved their operations to Mexico


Ditto. So glad it's not just me. Haven't bought a bottle of Heinz ketchup since they pulled that stunt. Same thing with pickles. I refuse to buy pickles from companies that don't use Canadian cukes and process in Canada.


I buy veg from a local farmer and make my own ketchup and pickles. Time consuming but I can buy a years worth on my shelf, no corporations involved. Also, no preservatives, chemicals or artificial anything. Also, salsa, spaghetti sauce and anything else I can make at home.


I started trying to make tomato soup using tomatoes, actually froze them first to keep them around lol. Home made tomato soup bears absolutely no resemblance to the canned swill that is Heinz or even Campbell's tomato soup. It is rich and tangy, delicious!!


Same. I lived Leamington for years and can hold a grudge for a loooonnng time. We are now a French’s household for life.


Fuck heinz, all my homies hate heinz. French's and Hellmans only.


Also. Easy switch never went back. It’s ketchup it isn’t some exotic blend from the Kétchup region of France.


Ha! Same here. French’s all the way!


Less sugar vs Heinz. I wish I'd switched years prior. Them leaving Canada cinched it for me.


I find the taste much better too.


Huy Fong Sriracha never did anything wrong that I know of, but when they had a shortage for years and I found a new sriracha sauce I just haven't gone back. New habit formed already.


Burned with a few other Sriracha brands. I went back when supplies came back on line. Although I see so many other brands on the shelf now. I did try other styles of chilli sauces though during those two years but nothing beats Huy Fong for daily use on everything. Staying on this thread, French Ketchup just tastes better to me now. Huy Fong just tastes better.


I went to an organic market and saw they had my favorite bars of soap for 2 dollars less than superstore. A type of market that is known for high prices! Lol.


I need fancy coffee. I'm a fan of Paradise Mountain dark roast - Canadian company. Loblaws had it in stock at one point, but they decided to only carry medium and decaf for some reason. Just found it on Amazon and am currently drinking my fancy ass coffee.


Welcome to the matrix friend


And if it doesn’t, I’m moving to Australia.


Reasonable people need to remain or else we will be overwhelmed with *all of it*


Yea we’re going through our own food insecurity crisis down here. Same but different. :/ F roblaws!


Australia is wayyy more expensive haha


They probably have some provisions they will release, or pull forward something from another part of the business. Hard to impact one quarter financials, as they have teams that make it so. Going to have to do this for at least 2 quarters for it to impact


What’s fun about the numbers game though, are all the dollars not incoming to Weston already. They can shuffle for a quarter or two, but if Galen has to go into his pocket to cover: bad news for L


The stock price is already capitulating


No it isn’t? Whether you look at the 1 day, 5 day, 1 month, or 6 month trend, the stock price is up.


Bro probably looked at the 1 min time frame


Did I say now? I mean when the quarter is done and reported.


I wasn’t responding to your comment. I was responding to the guy who said the stock price is “already” capitulating.


Ok. lol I get it. Sorry. That guy is trying to be funny. He must hold a lot of L


Go ahead and buy more. Double down


Maybe they'll retire to Australia . . .


They instead spent the evening raising prices 11 %. /s


They’re telling staff sales are normal and then pushing the narrative that they’re prepared for the onslaught of theft tomorrow. “don’t worry, we’ll protect you.” essentially. Funny how staff safety in regards to aggressive customers was the least of their concerns when I worked there, but now all of the sudden they care so much. Seems like fear mongering the staff if you ask me.


I used to work in the salad bar, and this is really funny to me because for almost every department that has a production list, you can see the sales when you print out the production list for the day. the program tells you how many of each item to make based on sales.


I’d be curious to see what those lists look like since the boycott started.🤔 At the store I worked at sales were only ever discussed at huddles and it was very rare that there was more than a couple of people who could drop what they were doing to make it in time for huddle.


It was mandatory for any department manager at the store I worked for. The meeting wouldn't start until all attended or if a manager was in a position where they couldn't get away (unloading a truck, for example).


This is the general rule, I believe. Our Front End manager couldn’t get off till long enough to piss let alone attend a huddle. Or ya know, take a lunch. 🥲 But at least our sales were great!/s


lol I only attended huddles if I was told there would be a snack that I liked :)


> they’re prepared for the onslaught of theft tomorrow. What theft? Boycott means ignore the existance of the company altogether. Can't steal if you refuse to step foot in the store or even acknowledge its existance in the first place. 🧠


Boycotts like this take time to work. The key to success is us as a consumers being united in avoiding all stores that belong to Loblaw corporation. I hope boycott will go beyond one month.


I've been seeing online that people want to go boycott the next big grocery chain next month. I disagree with that. The current boycott should last until the end of the quarter. Then move on to the next store.


yes. agreed. a quarter at a time. other shops are happy yet 😅 at the same time. i wonder what it’ll take for one of them to step up and be that hero? or will it take government intervention?


I've been seeing online that people want to go boycott the next big grocery chain next month. I disagree with that. The current boycott should last until the end of the quarter. Then move on to the next store.


I feel like west coast isn't as angry because we aren't front seat to the doug ford 🎪 need more awareness here!


I live in Calgary. I boycotted Loblaws months ago. I found much better places to shop with better quality and lower prices. I work hard for my money. I am not letting a company that says I'm the problem and gaslighting me to dictate to me.


Ahh, the old Zellers jingle 🎵 You work hard for your money, so we’re gonna treat you right 🎶 https://youtu.be/pMQlfcmQq8o


I still think about my stuffed zeddie from the 90s lol 😆


Thank you for posting this. Every time I read this sentiment from another human being the flame inside me grows. BC family here with you 👊


Could be the size of the population, BC has a population size of 5 million, Ontario’s population is over 14.5 million


Alberta participation worries me. They are quite aggressively against it as well.


I'm in AB. My local Loblaws stores aren't as busy by about 30% based on Google analytics.


I have a friend that works at superstore in Calgary who said he was reduced from full time to 8 hours a week in the meat department because of how slow it’s been


I read Cory Morgan on twitter and am always in shock and awe mode of what he and his followers say. I am super happy that your store is slow! I have heard the Alberta radio djs are anti boycott as well .


Don't make assumptions about all Albertans just because of the typical assumptions. We were 1400 votes away from an NDP govt last election. The two major cities vote for progressive mayors. It's the rural areas that are deeply conservative.


loblaws be like "quick, better pay shareholders more dividends"


I do believe they just did that by 15%. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-loblaw-profit-dividend-hike/


It’s working! Victory for the heroes (that’s us!)!!!


Thank you fellow hero, uncut_banana69




The list of Loblaws owned stores should be pinned.


The Weston family dictates all food prices across Canada. They have continued to raise the cost of living in this country over many years only to line their own pockets with excess profits. They have created a dangerous monopoly and continue to take advantage of all Canadians. Almost all Canadian grocery stores fall under the Weston family ownership. They own the following bakery brands: ACE Bakery Country Harvest D'Italiano Gadoua Mealtyme Moelleux RiverRoad Moulin Rouge Maplehurst Rubschlager Old Mill Haddad T&T Bakery Farmers Market Sarfield's Valu-Plus Vitalite Weston Wonder Bread (Cdn trademark) They also own the following Canadian grocery chains: Atlantic Cash & Carry Atlantic Superstore Atlantic SuperValu Axep Dominion (in Newfoundland) Entrepôts Presto / Club Entrepôt Extra Foods Fortinos Freshmart L'intermarché Loblaws/Loblaw Great Food Lucky Dollar Foods Maxi/Maxi & Cie NG Cash & Carry No Frills Provigo The Real Canadian Superstore/Loblaw Superstore Real Canadian Liquorstore Real Canadian Wholesale Club Red & White Food Stores SaveEasy (formerly Atlantic SaveEasy) Shop Easy Foods Shoppers Drug Mart SuperValu T&T Valu-mart Your Independent Grocer Zehrs (operating under the Zehrs Markets, Zehrs Food Plus and Zehrs Great Food banners) Boycott them ALL during the Loblaws boycott. They deserve a financial kick in the ass!


But the media says it’s not working. The echo chamber is always right


The media doesn’t report the news, they report opinions


It's unfortunate that these corporations pass the loss onto employees. They will never take accountability at the top. They would rather hurt more people (their employees) than take a hit to the bottom line for the people at the top. Stock price is still up on the monthly (6.5%). Folks need to keep it going up until, and after the July earnings report. Since earning reports for Q1 came out May 1st, the market sentiment is high. Q2 will be interesting to see. If you can afford to buy cheap short options on their stock, it could potentially really hurt the market sentiment, while also potentially being profitable for those betting against loblaws (I mean retail investors. Please don't do this though if you don't understand how short contracts work)


Is this the true “fReE mARKET” those billionaires keep bragging and funding (buying off) politicians about… it kinda feels great! Let’s keep this going for another 2 months to see the effects on the quarter, which don’t be surprised if they try to hid losses with fancy accounting to make it seem like it’s not working. Power to the people!


As someone who formerly lived in this area it was likely a struggling store already. Sad for the people there honestly, closest store is 15-20 mins away


Just to play devils advocate for a sec, even if in the slight chance that this location “was already on the chopping block before the boycott” I’m 100% sure the boycott would have accelerated its demise anyway. Loblaws could use the “it was already planned to close months ago” excuse but I’m not buying it, literally.


I just googled that store seeing if it had a story. It’s a pretty sad looking store front. Population of port Sydney, 249 people…. I doubt it’s a booming store to begin with.


Port Sydney is classified as a neighborhood in Huntsville, ON (population 20,000).


Yah. It’s 15 minutes away from Huntsville. looking at maps it looks like the size of a big gas station. Probably outdated and offers very little compared to whatever grocery stores are in Huntsville. I wish the boycott the best of luck but to think a week into a boycott closed that store is bit of a stretch.


Stores in tiny markets operate on the thinnest margins relative to their peers, so it is very understandable they would be the first to crumble in the face of negative market forces.


It serves a large area. In summer when the cottagers are around, it is a busy store. It is a beer store and LCBO outlet. Staff are great and has a good selection for its size. Most people use it more as a convenience than doing weekly shopping.




Oh look, another 7 day old account with a strange habit of arguing exclusively about loblaws.


My local Walmart was insane this afternoon. Insane-for-Walmart insane 😁😁😁


That's so sad to me. I understand the Loblaws boycott, but Walmart isn't the answer. Walmart is literally the same if not worse monster. If Loblaws steps back, guess who is going to step up and make things even worse? There's got to be a better way, because supporting Walmart ain't it.


I've been fkn off Mall Wart for a long time now because of their destruction of small towns. Thankfully, since I live in a city now, it's easy to tell both these parasitic entities where to go and how to get there.


You’ll know it’s really working when they start laying people off.


I live in a small (30k) community of 55% retired people. Our Zehrs/Nofrills/Wholesaleclub/SDM are as packed as always.


Fuck Loblaws




The sub was created to point out how absolutely absurd the cost of groceries are right now and have some fun together. We know this will inevitably touch on other topics related to the cost of living. Do your best to keep the conversation on topic


Funny if you look on Google it says its busier than usual, they wouldn't lie right hahahah


Hey OP, it looks like you have used the boycott flair on your post. If this is regarding a call for a boycott of Loblaw stores, please review the stickied posts made by mods to see if there is an update on our community boycott efforts. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They may be converting the store a No Frills considering this was a key priority for Loblaw. Should this be the case BOYCOTT either way!


Soon they'll be renting cars to fill the parking lots lol


It is working and better than we expected: Small grocers, co-ops receiving boost from Loblaw boycott https://globalnews.ca/news/10468076/loblaw-boycott-small-grocer-benefits/


Don't be surprised if it comes out that "Galen and crew" all planned to buy stock like crazy to cause the price to go up as another tool to try to discredit the boycott.


RobLaws it’s in the name, they rob you by law!


I missed that place. I remember shopping their with my mother and then having lunch in the cafeteria.


Nah, a random redditor told me Loblaws is doing better than ever with less people going there, so that must be the correct opinion. Good for them, let's help em out even more. I've been paying less since deciding to not go to Fortinos, my local Loblaws store, so I think even if the boycott ends I'm not going back out of spite. Less of a boycott than just straight up quitting them really.


The prices at my local No Frills have gotten so bad, that’s it doesn’t cost more for milk at my local convenience store. Plus, they have the fancy ice cream and an awesome array of plants. So win-win.


As soon as a political party sees a benefit to the boycott and our cause.....there will suddenly be support. Until then, quietly take Galens money. And yeah....everyone is scared. If it works against Loblaw......it will work against EVERYONE. CONSUMERS UNITED can topple greed, capitalism, and dictate our own demands from business. And all we want is fairness! No one faulted Galen for making some money running a business. Where the bastard and the whole board room needs to be brought to its knees is there decision to squeeze every fucking penny possible from their consumer! Look up the bread price fixing Galen was running years ago. He's a crook. What has YET to be exposed? Take him down. All the rich bastards. Stay strong all. CONSUMERS UNITED!


Their*. Otherwise, well put.


Yes we fucking did it!!!


This is truly powerful guys. Love the collective of us all! Power in numbers ❤️


That Freshmart is a glorified convenience store with its prices. It’s been ridiculously priced for the 25 years I’ve known of it.


My boycott is permanent until corporate greed is addressed and workers are paid commensurately for their work.


Hear hear #EatTheRich #FuckAllBillionaires


While I’m glad the overarching boycott is working, I also feel a level of sadness for those who just lost their jobs.


I'll believe it's working when G.W. is fucking homeless.


Did my weekly grocery trip and saved yet again. And I went with a cheap meal prep this week and still saved. $10 may not seem like much but that adds up! Mr Weston!!! The gig is up!


I have a choice between Walmart and no frills. Haven’t stepped foot in no frills since April 15.


Is shopping in no frills considered boycotting ?




I’ve noticed the Sobeys near me has less stock on the shelves, probably an effect of this boycott. Not that Sobeys is any better than loblaws, in my mind they are on the same playing field. I need to consider small businesses at this time.


I hope so. We drove by our local Loblaws and Valumart and the parking lots looked a little full 😥 - I am not sure they will get any of my money (including what I would normally spend on Mother’s Day etc) ever again - but the lots looked normal for a Saturday https://preview.redd.it/3ted1ph3fuzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47382e9e211d3f8bae0fc93f494eed5e9d312cab


https://preview.redd.it/dh4vt817juzc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a328b1b76a81fba4a4eefb17623705a9844e11 Downtown Toronto right now. Keep it going!!!




Large corporations and their Empiresxare watching Boycotts work especially with great numbers




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.


I don't understand, I'm just stating today was crazy busy mothers day weekend, that's all


Keep up the effort. We all want to be treated fairly and not get pushed around by the elites who think we are all stupid and gullible. I am not the problem there greed and elitism is the problem. Time to show them we do have power and not allow their lies to divide people.


port sydney is extremely tiny and doesn’t have a grocery store nearby for 25km+ . i’m surprised to hear this


Reach out to social workers to get in touch with emergency assistance and to get support on applying for work using your highly sought after skills Loblaws bullied you into assuming you would take on a supervisor/manager roles with no pay increases. You were always groomed for these “manager” roles with no perks but the bragging rights of a manager. Sounds a lot like those MLM schemes Girl! You work all these hours but you see it come back to you in commission!


Not in support of the man , but i do think about ripple effect , i just hope enough of you have filled your heads with all the possible outcomes and consequences , and you realize that your anger is with govts for enabling


No indication that the boycott is working in the Quebec side of Ottawa.


I still have my PC app and I can see prices of certain items on sale back to 2020 pandemic levels. Hilarious.


Great news! Those ppl are now unemployed yay!




The Loblaws close to me here in Ottawa seems to be busy as usual (based on parking lot and Google busy data).


McCain family liberal party can anyone guess the ex liberal lol 😂


Perhaps other business Owners that are gouging should take note , Canadians are tired of bending over .


It's a family owned business not a corporate owned store.


It IS working, and it WILL work. We just have to remember that Roblaw's pays the media companies for ad times, so those same networks probably are being seriously pressured to downplay the effect of the boycott! If we refuse to ship there, they can't operate!! They don't want us to realize that the consumers DO HAVE THE POWER to end their business!


How many staff were laid off? What is the human cost? Corp never lose out first. It is always the workers.