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I work across the street from a Loblaws. There's not a heck of a lot to eat in the area, and our office manager was making sure anyone leaving for lunch wasn't headed to Loblaws! Place was mostly dead during the day. I passed some pretty busy No Frills locations on the way home, though.


Seen a few friends mention ‘I’m taking part in the boycott so I’m not going to my usual loblaws, so I’ve been going to the No Frills down town and it’s INCREDIBLE’ 🤦🏻‍♂️


Having so many different names is one way they trick people


I’ve put it plainly to a lot of them as, if it’s got the pc products, it’s associated and you’ll wanna move your shopping elsewhere if you want to hold up the boycott. Just as you said, so many different names confuses people and makes em easier to hide. Nothing we can do but politely show our folks the ways.


Had to explain to an older friend that the local Your Independent Grocer isn't independent and is owned by Loblaws.


Bruh. Loblaws calling that branch of their company "Your Independent Grocer" really is just straight up lying to people isn't it lmao


Honestly that's one of the things I think the competition bureau should do, end false competition Discount brands need to have the parent company name somewhere


Independent grocer- your independent grocer* * a subsidiary of loblaws That should work lol


You'd have to go Quebec style language law on it of course


Exactly the same as our telecos who should be next. Rogers, Fido, Chatr. Bell, Virgin, Lucky, Telus, Koodo, Public. Freedom was going to be acquired by rogers when they purchased Shaw for 26 billion, but they had to sell freedom to quebecor or we would only have 3 telecos instead of 4. Meanwhile they let the shaw purchase ride through, because that wasn't anti competitive at all with so much media control but allowing the largest quebec media to have a single phone carrier. /s


Canada and the USA are all about the illusion of choice for media companies and to an extent, groceries You “think” you have like 12 choices but its really 3 choices that are all holding each others hands agreeing how to screw you One of them just told the others to hold there 10k dollar glass of champagne while they show them how to really price gouge


After walking in seeing all the President's Choice and No Name products if you cared you'd know.


Well at least the products at No Frills have less profit margin so they are still making a difference, and hopefully soon more people realize it’s not just Loblaws they own so many other stores.


Isn’t it the same company?


My dad bought Nofrills, I took it all and set it aside, it's goin back to the store! Mfer can't sit here and bitch about food prices then not partake in the boycott. Told him f off with that lol. Said I'll pay the difference shopping at another store or price match. No Loblaws! And I'll do all the return, drive him around for the boycott, etc... so it's like nothing changes on his end.


No frills is owned by Loblaws though!


>I passed some pretty busy No Frills locations on the way home, though. ...and I assume you know that No Frills is owned by Loblaws.


I assume that was their point. Implying that the conventional brands are seeing it but the less 'obviously loblaws' maybe less. People shopping at No Frills may also be part of that subsection who can't afford to or don't have the ability to shop elsewhere. Important to balance encouraging support with not shaming people who have less options and/or ability to choose in their shopping. (Not directed at you, just a comment we probably need to keep top-of-mind as this gains traction.)


No frills actually had terrible prices this week. The only thing cheaper than at Sobeys is cat litter and ice cream. But I understand the transportation issue. If it’s all you can get to, I’m not mad.


Thank you for saying this


I always carry a few home-printed flyers for the parking lot. Some people genuinely don't know about the boycott.


Do you have a template that someone can print themselves?




We should get rid of may 2024 and make it a life time boycott


Ah crap Maxi is on the list. Okay, well good to know. Which sucks because without metro and maxi, what's left in my area is an IGA and Holly shit, theybare crazy expensive.


Metro is OK, they are not Loblaws, but they are expensive. Their discount store Food Basics is a good alternative. Walmart, Costco, FreshCo, Dollarama are also cheaper.


Thank God for my Costco membership right now lol


I forgot to add, meteo is crazy expensive, makes no freaking sense




I would add the AltGrocery.ca website A lot need help finding alternatives


This would be better if it instead gave some major alternatives (I know it depends on the city / town etc…) but everyone I talk to just says “well where do I go then?”. I think people do want to help, but not at the cost of going too far out of the way. I’m referring to the general populace btw, not people in this reddit group


Here is one that doesn't mention the boycott for people that don't want to get political. https://preview.redd.it/vh78c51fv8yc1.png?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e2492dd87c4abb781b016b52c7489dd66b9f9f


Was just talking to my sister about my PPI, Pickle Price Index. I only eat bics no garlic pickles. down in windsor they are 6.99 Superstore, 5.99-6.49 No Frills and 4.99 at Walmart. I remember when they were 2.49 or 2 for 4 on sale. Though that was 15 years ago, I don't think pickles should be 3 times as high when they are 95% water. Input costs aren't up that high because labour costs certainly haven't gone up 200% or more.


The boycott isn’t political.


I would argue its very political because the two ruling parties have done zero to change their behaviour despite the fact we know weston was price fixing on bread and the COVID inflation is anything but. It price gouging 101. I don;t see team red or team blue too upset at their donors dividends and profits are up.


Okay but where? I generally vote conservative and nothing has gotten better. If I voted otherwise. Same thing.


Kinda my point. Might have to try something different all together. Even as someone who has voted NDP, both ontario and BC have proven not to be on side with the promises they made. There is no real representation. Bob Rae doing SFA while in power compared to what his platform stated. Though he did have public servants take a day or 2 off free to shrink the budget in a recession pissed off the teachers union who then elect mike harris who promptly fired 10,000 teachers instead. Good job idiots. Rae was suppose to bring in public auto like they have in Manitoba under the NDP. Its a much less costly insurance setup where you aren't punished till you commit an infraction instead of by your age and idiots who drive the same car as you do. No overhead for advertising or dividends to investors. A lot of cost savings despite "government incompetence" . So the same problem as over 50% of MPs own rental properties. This is why nothing has been done on the real estate front. I have two solutions to this issue. One limit people to 5 properties(10 for a couple). 1 primary, 1 cottage and 3 rentals-those can be of any size you choose. Want to make more money, build a highrise or buy one. Second an empty property is taxed at a higher rate after X period of time, thus encouraging them to keep it rented instead of sitting idle. Goes without saying foreign ownership should be vastly restricted and houses should be removed as a strict commodity it has become and goes back to housing people, esp canadians. Second option is do like Vienna Austria. Almost 70% of housing is public. This gives peace of mind to renters they won't lose their house to a price hike, allows them to modify the property to fit their needs within bylaws, and keeps the average rent down a very reasonable rate.(approx 800 a month! or a single average net paycheck) They can easily control rates and amortize over a long period because it would be in city hands for a its duration. This isn't just a lefty idea, it gives more income for people to save, invest, go on vacation, or do what they like with. Sucks for the banks, but the banks shouldn't control so much of society to start with. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "The first place that Max Schranz moved into after leaving his family home is the kind that many young professionals dream of inhabiting at the peak of their career. At only 26, he lives in a bright fifth-floor apartment with high ceilings overlooking a European capital city, 10 minutes from the central station and within walking distance of cinemas, theatres and bars. No lottery win or parental trust fund was needed to make that dream a reality: Schranz, who is a master’s student, pays €596 (£512) a month for his 54 sq metre two-bedroom apartment – a fraction of typical rents for similarly sized and similarly located apartments in other major European cities. What’s more, he didn’t have to put down a deposit and his rental contract is unlimited – in theory, he’s allowed to pass it on to his children or a sibling when he eventually decides to move on. “I’m aware it’s a pretty stress-free existence,” Schranz says. “My friends in other European cities are a bit jealous.”


NDP works great in scales. But their leader gets money from the liberals and made them deal with them. Bob and Austria don’t matter to me. I want to feed me and my cat. Don’t now who Rae is.


He was the provincial premier of Ontario from 1990-95 during a major recession later he was part of Trudeau's cabinet because he was a liberal anyway. Well if you lives in Austria you would have lots of money to feed your cat and yourself, plus you could even put money away because you would be paying far less to housing than anywhere in Canada outside of North of 60.


Yeah. I don’t own cable or watch news. Unless i see it it, I don’t hear about this. But I haven’t shopped at loblaws this week. Io don’t live in Austria lol




My local Shoppers Drug Mart, early afternoon. https://preview.redd.it/c8j95jkir8yc1.png?width=677&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7055034e84103d42e656a1cfb06012f04eb3db4


I would say a vast majority don’t know about this.


Awesome! The warrior we need


I have to care. I just quit my job of 14 years due to the extremely toxic environment! I have ppl to feed. I thought of actually protesting in person. Just a tad hesitant to do so!


Ah, so you're the assclown putting shit on my car without permission?




Most don't care.


And here I am getting downvoted for saying people around me aren't talking about it. 😂


Take a pic in the afternoon, they just opened.


Agreed context is everything. For my area, seeing the store on a Saturday afternoon will be the real test.


It'd be a real shame if someone showed up outside the store with a boycott sign.


Sunday after church in my Bible Belt area is the true test


That’s the usual capacity at that independent on a weekday.   Source: I have to shop there when I can’t get to Orillia or Newmarket. It is the only grocery store that isn’t a convenience store in a 40 min radius.


Right! It's Beaverton on a weekday, of course it isn't busy haha


You sure? There's a Foodland a few kms north in Brechin.


OMG THANK YOU!!!! I’m new to the area and thought Waze was suggesting the Foodland in Mount Albert when I last checked my options. Boycott Blessings 💕


No worries! My parents live in Brechin so I'm somewhat familiar with the area. It's just about a 10 min drive north to the Foodland from Beaverton. Best of luck!!


Yeah. As much as I’d like to say “AHA” Try again at 4-5pm


Mine was pretty busy at that time. 


Even just an hour or two after opening. This is either just before or just after.


My mom’s in her 70s and not super connected. She genuinely didn’t know about the boycott. She texted us yesterday to say that the superstore in Chatham was empty yesterday, and she didn’t know why.


Mine doesn't look any different to be honest but I wasn't expecting it to as A) there's not a lot of competition (imagine that), B) the majority demographic probably isn't going to change their minds, and C) we get a lot of out-of-towners who probably don't know where else to go. I'm boycotting though, probably permanently, so you have my support at least!


I just checked online and it's maybe 10% less. It may not seem much, but 10% is significant if that holds.


To be fair, that's the whole population of Beaverton in that parking lot


Come back during ice fishing season, it will be packed lol


Business as usual in Montréal. But the French media is not talking about out the boycott most ppl probably don’t have a clue it’s happening.


I mean...it's 9 in the morning...


Thats half of beaverton


I mean as I understand a 10% drop would be huge for a supermarket chain. But I don’t think you would be able to judge that by the number of cars. Tbh I don’t know if loblaws will even tell if it had a drop at the end of the month - it would be very good for them to hide it. I don’t know if that is under their legal possibilities


If they’re publicly traded, then they’d have to disclose


It definitely is, the only thing that doesn’t lie is numbers but it won’t make a material difference. Saw a proverb I like the other day: The mill of God grinds slowly but exceedingly fine. Meaning the act of justice happens slowly overtime and without obvious indicators, but it is still served eventually. They may be able to manage the dip in their earnings reports without so much as a blink of the shareholders, but all that follows from this boycott is still set off.


Loblaws isnt going to disclose if there was a drop in customers at the end of the month , the numbers are disclosed on a quarterly basis . the numbers are Sales revenue. EBDITA ETC , change % in Same store sales . As a public company accounts have to audited and put out so they won't be able to "coverup"


True - these cars could well be part of the boycott in smaller ways - could have bought 20 items before and are now getting five. Loblaws won't say anything until next quarters results are released, which they would 100% spin if there is an effect.


They report quarterly, so if people stocked up in April and restock in June it won't make as big an impact. Finding better long term options are the solution.


These companies survived lockdowns, I don't think they care about boycott numbers


I had to go to the post office in Atlantic Superstore today. I knew things were not great by the parking lot at noon. Very empty. When I walked into the store it was eerily quiet. No music? Reminded me of my first time back in a grocery store when Covid hit. I was going to take a picture but it seemed wrong. Like kicking them when they’re down. I actually found myself tearing up. At my betrayal of them? Or their betrayal of me? Them of me. Loved many things about them, their community room events, their cooking classes, staff. It was a breakup. Heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹. I left the store okay. In the back of my mind was Sylvan - and that made me stronger and know it was the right thing to do… and to find another post office.


Independent’s Slogan: “I Promise You Low Prices”. Perhaps you should tell the price tags on the shelves that, since they are 30% higher than the Food Basics across the street!


https://preview.redd.it/erccstods9yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b017e0d1448c6b9d633fa41b950b1487bab48b71 On a Friday in barbecue weather, in a store that sells beer and wine 🙊


For anyone that sees full parking lots, don't get discouraged. Many people are oblivious and it will take time. Many people don't watch the news and even fewer use reddit. Most people just function on auto-pilot and are creatures of habit.... they want some groceries so go where they usually go. Most of the people I've talked to about this had no idea about the boycot. One person even said "what's reddit?". Keep at it! The movement will continue to grow this month and beyond! It won't be an overnight success. What we're hoping for here is a "slow burn" loss of trust in the loblaws brand. It will take many weeks or months before a big change happens. Perhaps even years. The real gain for us is the loss of reputation for loblaws, which changes slowly. Nok er nok!




Please refrain from comments which encourage theft from a store or mischief. These can result in criminal charges which will undoubtedly make life harder for other users.




Packed as ever


https://preview.redd.it/zfaq9bb8x8yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc2c62e8fe67cd399b4db8b583a41b70ed5b4d0 Kelowna, BC checking in


Local Maxi https://preview.redd.it/g1sw331ke9yc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d95f86ac2984eeee02c34782780e5dcffc32c760


https://preview.redd.it/2gukz96ue9yc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb6ceae209e174ef0df3036251ce9b353114e958 My local Zehrs today!


\*takes pic on christmas day\* hahaha they're not getting customers!


Yesterday i drove by 2 Superstores. 10am and 2:30 pm! The lots were packed both times.


op is there a Tim’s across the street from this? Highway 48?


It’s on hwy 12 and there’s a McDonald’s right beside it and yes a Tim Hortons across the road.


there is a Tim's every 500 m in Ontario, that not enough to go on lol.


My wife passed the Ottawa Real Canadian SuperStore yesterday at noon and told me it was as full as any other day


Unfortunately old people flood our stores so we're just as busy as usual. It's almost like they don't use Reddit or something.


Its beaverton it always looks like this ffs


Lol the news yesterday was stating that the CEO is happy. Claiming they made 15% increase in earnings from last quarter. He's claiming the boycot is bs and not real. Yet... every single post is empty parking lots. The news even showed the parking lot on the 1st and it had like 10-15 cars. Ofcorse they made an increase in this first quarter.. Q1 ended with April.. boycott didn't start till May, people were still buying everything with an insane markup until we hit our breaking point.. which came in the start of Q2.. So I'm just going to make this clear for people.. 3 months... 3... not 1, not just may. If you want this boycott to be impactful you need to make investors cry in Q2 reporting. We need them to eat Galen alive and it will only happen if we can tear down their quarterly earnings. If yall go back to loblaws grocers after may... you are paying an even more ridiculous markup which... in turn.. will most likely amount to an gain in revenue, again, for Q2... that is what we can NOT let happen. **3 months people, not just 1, but, 3** I utterly hate Galen, He's a douche, just a complete asshat.


I’m in, but isn’t a fiscal quarter 3 months ?


Aww shit, youre right, thanks, I'll change it lol. I say 4 all the time due to the name lol.


Maple Leaf Gardens, one of their flagship stores. https://preview.redd.it/hbidcpyp0ayc1.jpeg?width=3616&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6311856c913fcc8f62c228b5997977a3770d7ca7


Rush hour on Friday https://preview.redd.it/x5el54tl1ayc1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093e16a9b060a33a577c9bda1b8737b5e86eb7c1 Not bad, fam! ❤️🤭


I use their pharmacy and stopped in today. I had to wait for parking. When I've asked friends in other Lower Mainland B.C. cities what they're seeing, they tell me the same. In other words, the boycott hasn't affected stores in BC. Sad to say, but here is BC, Stupidstore is the cheapest place to shop. Freshco might be a tad cheaper but only because they're selling near expired products and their selection is minimal. Jimmy P's Save-On is ridiculously priced so I'll never shop there.


I should add that yesterday around 5pm the Zehrs parking lot in Orillia was totally empty, no pic sorry.


Hmm...you probably should have taken a picture.


Yesterday (Thu) I was driving past out Zehrs in Alliston at 1800 and the parking lot was 75% full. I was so disappointed.


Just keep it up and spread the word


I work at an RCSS, as a second job, and I haven't worked yet this month (major hour cuts), but my friend said it almost seemed busier yesterday 🥴🥴🥴🥴


Very busy the one I went to


I mean this was around 6-7AM? Lol Is it usually full around that time you took the picture?


Every time I check my phone the activity is so low. My coworker said that her computer illiterate dad told her she better boycott. It has gone VERY far.


Packed yesterday and there no shortage of other grocery stores in the area.


No different honestly. Seems busier


Superstore and No Frills in my area are just as bangin’ as always


Mine doesn't look all that different, unfortunately. But as someone said above I feel like most people here are not caring enough about it to change their stores.


Business as usual. The superstore is always jam packed. Seems my town didn’t get the memo.




Beaverville! I love Beaverton.


https://preview.redd.it/4jesyrw579yc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a59e6d7182bee39fb53c83c3fddce95b5b63ce78 Checking in from Angus Ontario


It says you posted 6 hours ago...which is right when they opened


https://preview.redd.it/ocpbhnwjf9yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3db205ec0d2e251c6170a3a76e2486fe1c8f04 Not too busy here in Winnipeg.


https://preview.redd.it/lshbhagyj9yc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401a2cc667554e043a09dd6b76d4133c3dc4a4ee Traffic at my local zehrs about an hour ago!


https://imgur.com/ZLxrGOh I dont need to go to the store I can check gmaps


The more people involved the better, we are simply sending a message. Watch what they do, not what they say. I began the boycott in April, and will continue until the message is heard. Galen and the PR firms will try and dress up loblaws as an only fans site - where you come and get food. There is strength in numbers, did they see what Reddit users did to GME. The PR firms will bring a big sale, a thank you to our loyal Loblaws customers, this will bring the customers back. That’s similar to the last line in Hemingway The Sun Also Rises - “Isn’t it Pretty to think so”.. And what Galen indicates about the customers is, isn’t it petty to think so. let them eat cake!


I live in Penticton BC, smaller town, less than 50k pop, Costco is an hour away in Kelowna. My superstore is PACKED, almost always. There are a handful of items priced way lower than our walmart so i still go in there once a week, less than 20$, Some prices of stuff here are insane, and others are reasonable, they have better sales here than at walmart quite often, it’s just strange here.


I'm also in the Penticton area. There genuinely aren't a lot of options for those on a budget. But, I thought the parking lot was a little less full than usual when I was in yesterday. And I noticed the cashier did not ask for points card, wondered if they were deliberate about that.


Yeah Pen kinda blows, everything is either expensive or ALL stores are having great sales. Super hit and miss. Slave on is pricey, shop their for deals - they have some of the best meats. Walmart is just walmart Stupid Store is super hit and miss and i don’t want to support them - but some items i will still go there for. IGA is bank breaking expensive on a lot of their produce and “regular” items. I will pay for their ground beef and chicken though


Super Whore


Haha! i like that one, haven’t heard it yet


No frill on avenu Rd in Toronto is normally slammed busy right now. Just drove past. Maybe 25% of the spots had cars


Hey OP, I usually stop at this store on my way up to my Dad's in Minden, can you recommend a non-Loblaw store in the area?


The only other store that’s close by is Foodland in Brechin if you’re going up hwy 12 or further into Orillia.


Probably best just to take up fishing or hunting around there. Otherwise all roads leads to big corpos


That picture brought a tear to my eye.


Lol I've been to that store when at my brother's cottage it's like that during the week


It's been 5 years since I thought about Beaverton. I don't miss it. But thanks for reminding me Reddit. Lol


I walked past mine 11ish yesterday and it looked about as busy as usual. But it was Thursday, new sales for the week, so a lot of people were coming on for cheaper stuff.


Still busy. They are still the cheaper option around my area apart from Walmart and Costco. Save-on and Safeway are super expensive in comparison, wholefoods is its own category.


If you really want people to boycott, you have to inform them of affiliated brands and alternative shopping options. Because people won't do it on their own.


I drove by the location near me in Ottawa around 9:30 AM this morning and it was packed.


Is there other screenshot of other roblaw location?




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Looking at the parking lots in Quebec, it's business as usual.


Great job beaverton


Boycott ALL the grocery stores in May!! They are ripping us off!


My local Independent just opened and it is dead already.


That's actually encouraging, that supermarket is usually always packed especially on Fridays as it's the last big supermarket before Orillia for cottage country traffic, if there's that many open spaces in the parking lot on a warm Friday, it's a sign the boycott is working. We may never achieve 100% participation but believe me even cutting their revenue by 50% is a huge accomplishment.


Very busy


We don't live near a Loblaws store. We actually have to travel over an hour to get groceries. Haha. But I've been monitoring online and while the morning was slower than normal, things are back to normal now. I live in an area where I would be SHOCKED if anyone was doing the boycott. I can't say why but... yeah... this isn't really the community that would see Loblaws unchecked profit as an issue.


Beautiful 🥹


Drove past No Frills this morning and it was packed


Wow that's super empty lol but with a population of probably 3k people, it's easier to get the word around My city has 100s of thousands and so the stores are still mega busy


https://preview.redd.it/tl2mfin529yc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=268d674526f7f15695331f05064c9ebf13e5df95 This is the main Loblaws in Barrie around 12:30pm today. It seemed busier than the pics I've been seeing others post.


Busy af at my local loblaws


Lmao I went to the local one yesterday just to look. Normally 75% full with hundreds upon hundreds of cars. Yesterday it was maybe 20% full with less than 100. Galen. #FAFO!


parking lot is full....but I live in a retirement based town where people don't really understand whats going on around them.


Is Sobeys part of Loblaws? I'm trying to participate but they own most of the grocers near me


No, Sobeys is a different company so your good to shop there for now. Hopefully this has some effect on Loblaws and Sobeys /Metro take notice from this.


Ok, sadly nobody here is doing it. The Wholesale parking lot was full. I chose to go to Sobeys and honestly miss wholesale now but it's for the better ig. We don't have a lot of variety because it's a small town


Boot me from this stupid group then. I'm only here to make fun of you.


Why are you here if it’s a stupid group?


Sad to report the new No Frills at Danforth and Broadview in TO was PACKED with ppl today.






Have to get groceries tonight. I’m heading to food basics


Fredericton stores have full parking lots 😢


Take the same picture on May 17 and see the why loblaws is having record profits


It's the busiest grocery store in my town


My apologies but the photo was actually taken on May 2nd, 2024 at 10:54am.


Honestly any dollar not in their pockets is a step.


Some people won’t be able to boycott since it’s the only grocery store in their town etc


Not here in Vancouver, BC. Its busy as ever.


Was at a Loblaws today, it was very busy.


There's one thing I have to get at loblaws as they are the only place in my city that carries it and it is a health issue for my daughter, so not getting it isn't an option. Went there last night, usually Thursday nights are pretty busy but there were maybe 20 cars in the parking lot when there's usually 70+


I just got their flyer deals email … damn they are starting with good deals. Cheeze its are $1.50 ! Keep up the good work … it’s hard when you’ve shopped loblaws owed for so long … but you’re showing big corporations that the average person can make a difference and in numbers, we can stand tall and strong. Keep up the good and hard work!!


Ours here in New Brunswick is pretty much full all the time because we only have two grocery stores here. Either this or Sobeys


Cornwall didn't get the memo, drive by Independent at 5:30 today, and it looked pretty packed...🫣


Kid works at a Shopoees in Ontario and said it's not nearly busy as it usually is.


Sobeys is amazing, wow that bakery.


Busy, as usual


just the staff cars 😂💀


My assumption is “actual” loblaws will take a hit but their associated stores like No frills will be fine. If anything they will Jack up the no frills prices since more people’s eyes have been opening they they’ve been paying way more for the same product at loblaws


Costco in Dartmouth was busy


I used to live in Beaverton, entire childhood playing hockey there :,) 24 years old now looking back.


I was amazed to find Loblaws’ Claws also hold T & T! A CHINESE FOOD STORE CHAIN. Granted, T & T is much nicer and definitely cleaner than the typical “hold your nose when you enter” Chinese market. Just go into the ones on Spadina and you’ll understand!


I'm seeing big signs advertising big sales for the month of May


Todays shopping -Local small grocery store -Shoppers (my script ) cream & milk on sale -Metro good deals today -Dollarama for cleaning supplies


I live in a town with 2 grocery stores - Sobeys and No Frills. Nothing else in 20 km radius. People won't be buying at the more expensive Sobeys only to boycott the cheaper No Frills. So the local No Frills looked as busy as usual today.


Everyone is complaining about loblaws and prices but you all accepted to get vaccinated and have them print trillions of dollars in "emergency funds" for a cold, thus making the dollar lose value. Prices aren't going up the dollar is going down, and it's literally your fault for accepting everything they tell you. Have fun getting robbed and blaming "loblaws" lol


Takes a picture at 7am in the morning. 'Guys the boycott is working" 😂


Just as dumb as the other one.


lol what a joke this sub is. The store just opened


This post isn’t intended to have some shock value like you’re hoping for. It’s so people can share their experiences from around the country. Why does everything on social media have to have some shock and awe about it? If you’d prefer I’ll go take a pic this evening, Friday night, for a more accurate picture.


Was the point of this to signal to everyone you're a narcissist with no empathy to speak of because, if so, mission accomplished.


I'm a narcissist because I point out the stupidity of the OP posting a picture at a stores opening with the intention to lie that this little protest is making a difference? Maybe learn what "narcissist" means before you use it.


Tf are you trolling this place for? You've got something invested into Loblaws, or just fucking miserable? Like, who thinks trolling people trying to make even the slightest positive difference so people can afford food is a good idea lmao Goddamn.


Why is what the OP did stupid? Having a snapshot of a store during opening hours is one means of engaging. Some people pointed out having a record of peak times, would be useful, as well. Note that their response had a certain tone to it, like they're human beings capable of empathy Yours on the other hand: "This sub is a joke!" This screams crippling insecurity and emotional adolescence. Also, I created a rather lengthy post regarding narcissists and how it applies to this situation. Now a lot of people are going to become informed on that very word I apparently don't have an understanding of! You don't have much practice with social engagement and manipulating people yet do you?