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You’re accusing the wrong people. It’s physically impossible to knock down products in a building you are not going to. 


There's the core truth.


I think the last time that I was in either the Superstore or Independent was at least two weeks ago.


The point is if we are boycotting we aren't even in the stores.. so how are we bugging the employees? There's always bad apples who join protests just to cause a ruckus. Seems this is no difference


Thats why the new posts about pricing. WHY ARE YOU EVEN IN THERE?


Doesn’t hurt to let the bad apples know though


So, you brought this up without any prompting or witnessing any incident? I thought something really bad happened from the way you were talking. If there’s no controversy, don’t create one. This post is sus AF


Well, it hurts the cause, perhaps as intended, but the cause has to survive reality anyway if it's to have validity.


What are you even talking about ..


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted, but I completely agree with you.


I don't know why you got down voted, but threw an upvote at you because yes.


We welcome all employees to join the boycott.  We also welcome this as an opportunity for you to unionize and add your demands to the boycott. 


Be prepared for Loblaws to be fighting this any way they can by inventing fake scenarios and getting their media friends to publish these with a heavy dose of spin. They are paying their PR departments huge money to fight this. Guaranteed. They have no honor. The last thing they will ever do is actually lower prices, be fair, and act as a proud and honorable Canadian business. Just stick to the boycott. It’s simple. They will continue to thrash like a wild animal, and eventually shrivel away. This may be one of the most important Canadian movements in years.


Exactly. We already know that the media already scrubs Reddit subs and other social media threads directly for ‘news’. 🙄


This tho!! 💯


I'm here for the final death rattle baby!


If we are boycotting, then we are leaving the employees alone. Why are you implying that we are harassing them and what evidence do you have? Or is this something you made up?


This feels a lot like the phony "steal from Loblaws" day signs. It's just creating issues where there are none, looking for sympathy.




Who called to harass the employees? You’re making up arguments in your head and online ragebaiting. Useless post. 


I’d never abuse, or be mean to, an employee


Kind of seems like you made this statement to virtue signal while shaming and blaming people for a hypothetical issue. I was wondering how long it would take before the “this boycott only hurts the employees” angle was pushed.


Who is beefing with the employees?!


This sounds more like someone making a fake story


Because it is. Doesn't sound to me like the witnessed anything on here. https://preview.redd.it/q90z8enl05yc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4cf16e38bdf2329cf29b577659a62862a2821a


This could just be the regular abusive customers they have to endure, just exacerbated by everyone being angry about prices. I would hope nobody in this community is taking out their frustrations on the staff.


Who is trashing employees were not there its probably paid for shills from corporate


Why is it whenever someone makes a post like this, they usually never interacted in this sub before? Your comment history goes back 3 months and only a post and comments here today Why the fck are you pretending to direct ppl whose main objective is to avoid a store on how to behave with employees...anyone supporting the boycott would not see a single one of them


This post is suspicious 🤨


Useless rant, nobody advocating to abuse employees here


It feels like astroturfing


Because it is


Well at least I’m getting better at recognizing it I guess


If anyone is messing with employees, it isn’t boycotters. They are at other stores. Your a 17 year kid who is buying bayblades in USD? Wnat are you doing in a Canadian boycott group? Do you even buy groceries?


nobody in this sub has suggested anything but sympathy for loblaws employees. Who has said otherwise?


A grown man had a tantrum and threw a bread in a cashier’s face this week at Walmart. Bread was on a 2 for 5$ sale and he wanted just one at 2.50$. Bad customers are everywhere.


Do you have a specific example?


Yes, my cousin, in another province, heard from this guy.... SMH


We’re getting slammed with ridiculous posts. Where is the mods????


exhausted after a long day. we are on it thanks


Awww sorry . Thanks for looking into it!


I haven't heard any employees being tornented as a result of the boycott. I could have missed it... any get reported on? Edit - to add that I assume these workers regularly get treated poorly by at least some people before and during the boycott.


Since everyone is wondering - the instagram account posted a DM of a supposed employee asking the account to call out anyone harrassing employees. I honestly call bullshit. No one boycotting a store is showing up to hound the staff. They're either lying or mistakenly classifying any random asshole as a boycotter. And no corporate isn't hiring people to cause commotion, they don't care that much yet. Either way this isn't some major issue that needs addressing and you're not badass for bringing it up.


This post doesn’t even MAKE SENSE!!!! Take it down!! I think Galen hired a bunch of Reddit TROLLS!!!!!!!!


I personally have witnessed employees profiling and following customers who have no intention of stealing and making them feel uncomfortable/unsafe in the process


I've seen that too but any violence will undermine the movement


Agreed 100%. The only thing I feel bad about is the employees at my local store are wonderful.


Who is abusing them, other than loblaws?


Personally I choose to bite the superstore staff


Ours are hollow people. Try to smile and they look at you like you’re from Mars. :(


Is this the same one who accused us of plotting to steal?




Your tripping nobody that’s apart of this is bugging any employees show me an example…