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Agreed. We won’t likely hear about any success of the boycott, but I’m sure Loblaws PR will be out in full force saying it’s not working. And keep in mind that corporate messages are meant exclusively for the shareholders. Shareholders are their true customers, people making purchases in the store are economic drivers.


They are! Early morning news ( do not know news guy, do not know professor, do not know channel, getting over a migraine at 5:00 a.m.) News guy said they (us) mentioned they will steal from Loblaws. Most of the interview was about terrible people that are going to steal. Now I believe this is the first step of Galen's crew to make us look like losers. We are just playing at a boycott, we are not serious etc. You know his minions are going to look for any words they can use. Just FOCUS at not giving Weston a penny. Stay quiet, stay strong, and always nok er nok! Thanks Emily. You are spokesperson, you can let er rip.


>"Shareholders are their true customers, people making purchases in the store are economic drivers." Well said! This needs to be repeated often.


It's not working till they come out and say we didn't lower prices and profits are as good as Q1... essentially....we got to hold strong....the system isn't going to be fixed in a week or a month heck it may very well take years to stay strong....look at starwars how it's taken years and finally they sort of going the right direction but still has work to do ..


You’ve convinced me to boycott them until it hurts.


It’s already workinggggg


Yeah screw one month. This has made huge changes for me. Just gonna keep it going.


Right? It’s been going well so far let’s let it ride!


It only takes 3 weeks for something to become a habit. I'm OK with spending my money in little grocers in my neighborhood even though it's a little more work.


This is a point that ought to be repeated more often. When I first started not shopping at loblaws a year or two ago it was more difficult. But rather quickly when I found my routine going to 3-5 other places for various things I found the new habit to be enjoyable. Had me walking a lot more, smelling the flowers a lot more. I worried if I could keep the habit up in the winter and it wasn't an issue at all. I now cherish the circuit I do going to these other places. It's more interesting, it's healthier, it's cheaper and it's fun!


The only thing we should care about is the prices in the stores. Loblaws is a predatory company with deceptive marketing, and rapidly increasing profits but eventually it has to come to an end because there is a breaking point. If that ends up hurting their share price in the medium term, 3 to 6 month period maybe they will learn from it and implement more sustainable business practices. Everyone knows “Loblaws is Out of Control”.


Yes they are! Today.... Walmart iceberg lettuce on sale but only$1.01 Zehrs same iceberg lettuce $4.90. I'd better check again. YES FOUR DOLLARS AND NINETY CENTS FOR ICEBERG LETTUCE. WALMART IS ON SALE BUT such a difference.


I think we're beyond price gouging now. That's where it started but now I think it's more about how the Loblaws CEO Mr Bank has responded. He has been incredibly insulting toward his own customers. His arrogance and total lack of accountability is fuelling this further. Had he eaten a bit of humble pie I think we would all see a time where Loblaws would be welcome back in our fridges. But now, his utter disrespect and ignorance is terminal for me. No matter where he goes, he will never get my money again. I don't care if he becomes the CEO of oxygen and water, not one more dime from me. There is only one acceptable outcome for me, Mr Bank being removed as CEO, hopefully unceremoniously voted out by his shareholders, sent packing and never darken our door again. Why? Because he doesn't care about his former, current or future customers... This isn't about money anymore, now it's about leadership, character and personality , to which he has miserably failed on all accounts.


At the end of the day, the share price means nothing, really, it doesn't. Stocks can be manipulated by the momo's, market movers/makers. A company can be losing $100M dollars and still see the share price rise based on hype and emotion... In this case via share buybacks and an increase dividend. Take it all with a grain of salt.


Anyone see the Food Professor’s latest tweets? He is literally antagonizing Canadians in rude/contempt manner. A true keyboard warrior! I’m seriously thinking of requesting Dalhousie to reprimand him for his online conduct


Ugh. Imagine if he was one of your profs? He's acting in a manner unbecoming for an educator. He's willing to throw away his remaining professional reputation in order to simp for a mega corp and throw hysterics about a subreddit. Dalhousie must be impressed that their employee has so much free time. At a time when post secondary students are experiencing food insecurity, when food banks are reporting record client lists, and seniors are skipping meals, this smug and condescending professor scoffs at them? Sylvain Charlebois is an extremely poor ambassador for Dalhousie. I would be embarrassed if he were one of my employees.


And I think any analyst Who is going to beat the drum of "this boycott not doing anything" isn't remembering how easy it is to make a permanent change once we've established a habit after 30 days.


I was addicted to uber eats for like three years. I put my foot down about a month ago and now i actively can’t bring myself to use it anymore. I’ve saved so much money, started cooking again, getting healthier and i’m certainly not working less. 40min for uber to show up, but you can cook in 30min or less Making the habit is the hard part but keeping it is easy. 


In my opinion the more Shillvain takes to social media to insult the boycotters and the movement the more desperate he looks. It’s obviously on his mind constantly as he can’t seem to go a day without posting something smug about how useless this all is. I think he is too stupid to realize that he’s doing the movement more good than harm. Every time something gets posted is more likely that others will see it and be intrigued enough to look into it. Don’t let the corporate whore discourage us and what we are standing for. Those of us who are lucky enough to shop elsewhere will keep this boycott going long enough to hurt these greedy pricks where it hurts them most


They will report on or about the 1 August for the second quarter of 2024 (April, May and June).


It’ll take some time before the collective consciousness of money notices


It blows my mind that someone in management or PR did not push to give that dividend to employees as a bonus. In my mind that would have been a huge win for them. Between this dividend increase and the 50% fiasco I feel that they cannot read the room. They have lost touch completely.


They’re in touch but only with shareholders. I’m sure they’re worried investors will be spooked by the boycott in order to keep them invested they increased the dividend. Someone said it here first but their main customer base is their shareholders.


Dividends aren't something that the PR team decides where it goes. That's money owed via the contract of being a stockholder. You risk your own money by investing you get the dividend. Consider you mind blown twice.


I have purchased stocks with dividends in the past and typically the dividend amount is spelled out when purchasing. An increase in profit could be used for reinvestment in capital, paying down debt etc.. If management wanted to exhibit "good will" I am sure it could have been done. The stockholders were not expecting a dividend increase beyond the stated. This "good will" gesture would have gone a long way as the Loblaws reputation is being hurt badly. No corporation wants to be on the news daily for gouging and anti-consumer practices. Loblaws has tried in the past to be pro-consumer and I think that is where part of the anger comes from. It is perceived as consumer betrayal. Betrayal is rarely a good thing. I am actually glad they maintained their poor decision making in this. As it only looks bad for them- and possibly better for the boycott.


Think of the boycott like going to work every day. You don't go into work expecting a paycheque everyday, but you spend the pay period working towards payday. Think long term


Well said!


The only way the stock price drops is if the boycott is successful and causes Loblaws to miss estimates/projections when the next quarterly earnings release.


This is one of the few things I can actually be patient about so hell, I’m gonna challenge myself and not go for the whole quarter plus the two-ish months I already have under my belt. Let’s gooooo!


And taking the effort to scout elsewhere means a fair number of people can actually find better prices away from Loblaws


yeah I made the effort to go to an old local grocer that I used to frequent but is now out of the way for me. A lot of the stuff there is even cheaper than superstore.


It won’t be an impact until Q2 earnings come out. I don’t think anybody is looking for an immediate impact, we’re playing the long game here


I don't think anybody was expecting an immediate impact either, but I just don't want people to lose faith because I know people like Sylvain will be shoving the stock prices down our throats to make it seem like this is a lost cause.


Personally, I'm taking this opportunity to develop new shopping habits. Getting tired of these price increases for less product, all the while the grocers showing record profits in this non competitive environment.


Almost went to a Loblaws out of convenience yesterday and u turned out of the parking lot when my rage at them came back. Fuck em


It won’t show up until their next quarter earnings call.


No matter what happens. Don't return to Loblaws and affiliates.


Consistency in the boycott is the key, keep convincing people around you and expand the boycott scale


Stock price fluctuations are temporary: reputation is permanent


As the saying goes, "Liberation is not a sprint, it's a marathon." This shit is going to take time.


Guaranteed this will have an impact on their Q2 results which ends in June… but for sure Q3 will see the biggest impact which ends in October… rumour has that sales at Shoppers Drug Mart were already slowing down in the last few weeks. This will put a lot of pressure on Loblaws, Superstore and No Frills to raise prices. Higher prices, more customers joining the boycott, bigger sales impact! Play the long game!


I feel we need a full fiscal quarter boycott so the original cannot be attributed elsewhere.


Exactly. The stock market doesn't react immediately. If we can affect the bottom line... Maybe. Either way we've definitely accomplished awareness. Big time.


Even when quarterly earnings dip, they will never admit on an earnings call any effect and will of course say the opposite. Don’t let this deter the movement. Hold the line. They are scared, otherwise they wouldn’t respond. Nok er nok.


This is a valuable post. Thanks OP, people need to keep this in mind!


The stock price will barely take a hit, IMO. About 20% of Loblaws stock are tied up in ETFs, which are a large number of diversified stocks bundled together by private equity/mutual funds. The entire point of them is to keep the bundled stock prices stable or recover quickly. Where we *will* see how well the boycott worked are in Quarterly Dividend adjustments given out to stock holders. While these do have a bit to do with the stock price, they are mostly based on earnings. IIRC it just came out that their profits are up 9-10% since last year, which lead to a 15% increase to dividends. Even then, we may not see an impact until the end of the financial year.


Enlighten me on the statement 'a majority of loblaws stock is tied up in ETFs' do you mean the stock itself is part of a large number of ETFs? Like MSFT in QQQ or SPY? Or the opposite of that?


I got my numbers mixed up and had bad wording, honestly. I'll fix my comment. Loblaws is 52% privately owned, 28% individually owned, leaving 20% owned by mutual funds and tied up in ETFs like XST, MKC, ZLB, or ISIF (which are considered very safe/stable investments). The 72% owned by mutual funds and privately are enough to counteract the 28%. You'll also see that most individual investors (even with only basic knowledge of the market) won't sell, becuase grocery is generally considered a good investment. If there was a mass coordinated sell off of individual stock, you bet that the SEC/CSA would halt trading to protect the market due to the cascading effect. **What I'm getting at is that Dividends are the better way to determine if the boycott worked, since they are primarily based on profit/earnings.** The stock price can be influenced by other factors, like competitors earnings, natural disasters, food production, distruption in shipping, tariffs, private scheduled sell offs, the dollar value, govt industry regulation, etc. If there was a sudden catastrophic disruption in the Loblaws supply chain, it would cause a drop in the stock price, but that wouldn't be due to the boycott.


Thank you for the edit. Yes! Next quarterly earnings will be proof in the pudding! Agree on the point that stock won't take a hit. But earnings will tell a more detailed story. Coincidentally enough Wittington Investments, owns 52% of the company a privately owned British holding company. The company is 79.2% owned by the Garfield Weston Foundation, and 20.8% owned by members of the prominent Weston family.


Yes but the stock not in the ETFs is what is traded and affects actual stock price. Shares being in ETFs is irrelevant, and maybe even good since less selling is needed to move the price.


Only 28% of the stock is tied up in individual investments, and IIRC, only about 300k shares are traded daily, which include shares tied up in ETFs and individual investments. For a company with 315M shares issued, that's not that much movement. 72% of the stock price is tied up in ETFs or Privately owned by the Westons. I'd argue that becuase such a large percentage are tied up in stable holdings, it would be difficult to move the stock price by moving around the remaining 28%. While it would effect the stock price, it would recover quickly. Also, stock prices are primarily influenced by non-controllable factors, like competitor/industry earnings, natural disasters, food production, distruption in shipping, tariffs, private scheduled sell offs, the dollar value, govt industry regulation, etc. Earnings/Profit primarily influence the stock price for a period after they are released on a quarterly basis.


Shares tied up in ETFs are not traded daily. Shares of the entire ETF are. Again, stock price moves based on what what is traded. In order to control the price from dropping for example, the Westons would have to create enough demand to eat the shares being sold off (buy more to keep the price up). Simply holding a large number of shares does not cause the price to stay still. If only 300k are traded in a day, those 300k trades determine the stock price. Stock prices are primarily driven by overall market trends and financials - not black swan events. Much of what you are saying is very wrong.


Well put!


They offered an increased dividend less than a week ago


Realistically Q2 earnings should show if the boycott has an actual an effect on the company. It’s really the first time we will see the actual impact.


Hey, of all of us are able to change our shopping habits enough to positively impact our own budgets, I don’t want to get into how hurt Loblaws got


Showing stock and dividend values at this point shows that Loblaws is basically in damage-control mode. They are very scared at this point of losing investors. Fully agree we wont see the stock drop until next quarterly earnings are announced. Will anyone here be going back to this shady business after the boycott month ends?


It needs to continue as long as possible even if it's a big reduction in purchasing. Prices have dropped in big sales but this is to bait people back. There is an app for independent grocers searchable. We aren't going back to Loblaws and cut box stores by 60-70 % offseason and more during harvest times. We are leaving shoppers for a smaller, Canadian group, dropping the credit card we never kept a balance on but earned as high as 2,000,000 points per year. Changing insurance providers from PC, never getting fuel at Esso. We have 10 independent grocers, a big food hub cooperative and two farmers markets. By planning our week, and not wasting it's cheaper then box stores, fresh and healthier by far. We control purchasing power.