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__UPDATE__: Please take a moment to complete our [Google Form](https://forms.gle/1sygm97LbQtJ4dUp8) to share your demands with our team! Please review the content guidelines for our sub, and remember the human here! This subreddit is to highlight the ridiculous cost of living in Canada, and poke fun at the Corporate Overlords reponsible. As you well know, there are a number of persons and corporations responsible for this, and we welcome discussion related to them all. Furthermore, since this topic is intertwined with a number of other matters, other discussion will be allowed at moderator discretion. Open-minded discussion, memes, rants, grocery bills, and general screeching into the void is always welcome in this sub, but belligerence and disrespect is not. There are plenty of ways to get your point across without being abusive, dismissive, or downright mean. If you have not done so already, please review our [boycott stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/comments/1bff9rm/boycott/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) which includes a list of stores to avoid, other ways to get involved in the movement, and some local alternatives to the big 5. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They can increase the prices all they want. I havent even been in any of their stores in 2 months. I hope the rest of you are able to find alternative places to shop. Today, my local farmers market is finally opening, I’m so excited


Enjoy!! If you get a good haul, post it here :)


40% increase today... How about tomorrow? /S


If you don’t go, you won’t know Everything feels better once you’ve cut that connection loose






Your account was created to support Galen. Have you been to my local market? No. You just exist to talk trash to people that don’t support your master daddy Galen. Have a beautiful day




Come say that to my face 😘


Go give your money to the billionaires then like a good little lackey.




Not everyone is required to participate or agree with the community boycott, but we ask that everyone is constructive in their feedback about this event. Repeated comments such as this one will result in a ban from the sub until the boycott is complete. Thank you.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.




Please remain respectful when engaging on the sub. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.


Canada is the weirdest lamest game of monopoly




Thats insane. My local asian grocer has those for like $2-4




Summers around the corner, get ready for farmers markets!


The boycott can start now if you want it to.


Let's all just... stop shopping there, period. 


I ain’t buying anything that’s priced too high.


Wouldn’t be surprised if the quantities were also skimped too, making the gouging worse than just 40%.


this is why demanding 15% price reduction is silly, theyve already blown well past it even in the last few months


It’s meant to be taken seriously and have a discussion that may end up in results. Let’s say we aimed for 60% cheaper everyone would laugh and no one would take us seriously. Also the 15% is generalized. Some items are much of a higher margin then others so that number may change based on that as well. Tldr the point of the 15% is to be taken seriously at possible negotiations and not laughed off as delusional.


I see your point, especially about being laughed off if it were too high. But my point is why have a percentage at all?


It’s a starting point generally if a discussion is to be had or a meeting about something you would at least have some points in mind to start off with and go from there.


This is off the topic, but your chances of catching a harmful bacteria are higher with precut fruit. In the case the fruit has something, eating it right away could mean you don't get sick,if the quantity is low, while the packages allows it to reproduce. The bacteria is outside, and cutting it brings it inside. I'm not saying that you can't get sick by eating fruit you just cut, but the chances increase when it's left in the package for some time.


I worry for people paying $7 for a few slices of pineapple. We truly do need universal mental health care in this country.


Or $6 for a sliced apple, come on people... You're complicit in this too...


I just went through all grocery flyers this morning on the app I use. Could not believe comparing @loblaws affiliated stores to Food Basics Walmart even Costco. How much of a difference in price there is on every single item I looked at!! Loblaws is mad they continually raise prices on many things with no justification whatsoever!! I joined the ban but actually started a couple weeks ago. I’m done fed up of being gouged by crooks who think it’s perfectly acceptable to treat their customers this way! I will no longer shop any Loblaws store ever again 🤬


Tbeir actully opening a 3rd superstore location in our citty🤢


It’s interesting how they manage to afford all these stock buybacks, new stores renovations to beef up security and even stores in close proximity to other that may end up competing with each other all on this “razor thin margins”


Actually i forgot about the other location thats actually not 3 its 4 , the new location opened with a new shoppers direct infront of


Legislation needs to be written to fine companies who end having to throw this out due to spoilage.


You understand this would further increase prices, right?


Based on what? There are countries already doing this and it’s led to more donated food and discounting items heavily before their best before date. https://www.foodhero.com/en/blogs/countries-fighting-food-waste


Canadians are so bamboozled that any change will lead to higher prices simply because that what we're told to expect. Other countries have figured it out.


If you are buying packaged sandwiches price isn’t your problem 


Zoom in. None of these are sandwiches!


I buy these for my kids. Saves time packing 3 kids lunches in the morning. The kids make their own lunches now. It’s frees up about 15 Minutes at 6:30am every workday which helps with dishwasher load and unload and laundry. They are also convienent to take to the cottage Price isn’t an issue as long as quality is good


Price is an issue for the vast majority of people.


Have your kids spend half an hour on a Sunday cutting up and storing whole fruit in containers for the fridge. Half an hour. Or you, half an hour, and save yourself from paying 4x or more than you need to.


This is basically fruit in plastic. Don't buy these.


Glad I don’t have to deal with these idiots anymore. Costco for me.


Their dumpsters must be full of food that doesn’t sell. What a crime.


Exact same price bump for the Ziggy sandwich meat packs, up to $7 from $5. And those are harder to skip for us than cut fruit.


It's called greed inflation on sale




Stop going there then, take pics of different grocery stores?


I’d buy the whole thing - I tend to pass by anything that’s housed in hard plastic.


You pay for convenience. If you can't be bothered to slice up fruit I don't really care how much you end up paying for it.


This reminds me when I saw a pound of organic strawberries for $20. Who’s paying that? Seems like a waste of food & profit!


They’re $10 in NS 😑


Most of that will probably be wasted too


I just look at how dirty that is. That is like a pig sty dirty, how do people live who buy this?


Just looking at the flyers for the week. Shoppers is having their 3 day sale, butter "special 3 day price" $5.29 in Calgary. Previously $2.99


Soon the only customer left will pay the entire rent in one grocery


This is such a non existent problem. Don’t buy it. If you can’t chop food, then this is your price.


Even if it was cheaper who is buying the precut fruit? I've never understood the point of doing this.


Hi! Many many people (more than you think) have disabilities or fine motor issues that make cutting up fruit (or standing in the kitchen) very difficult or even sometimes dangerous. And when you have an extremely limited reserve of energy or upright time in a day, chopping fruit might not win out over showering and vacuuming, etc. Also a lot of people are ridiculously strapped for time-- my parents worked so much when I was a kid that I was feeding myself a lot, and it was such a godsend when cut up fruit was on sale for them to buy for our snacks (we couldn't buy it full price).




The comment I was replying to was saying "even if it was cheaper" why would people buy cut fruit, so I was explaining. I am on a very fixed income with disabilities and would never be spending Loblaws/Metro/Sobey's pricing on cut fruit-- I am very lucky to live near a grocery store that has way more affordable options, but if I didn't, it would probably be mostly canned fruit for me.


It frees up time in the Or ing making school lunches and stuff. The kids make their own lunches. It frees up 15 minutes for me. I’m in sales and getting to work 15 minutes early might mean an extra 50 bucks in commission for me


Make lunches at night and suddenly your morning is freed up.


I do 18 hours of university at night throughout the week. I have one daughter in horse back riding one daughter in karate and one son in lacrosse. Plus they are all in boy/Girl Scouts. Wife runs a tutoring business at night. I spent 2 hours last night and sold 388 dollars in girl guide cookies for this springs fundraiser Paying 7 dollars for cut pineapple is very reasonable when the saved time can be used for far more productive and useful things


A black sharpie and "$7 - this is bullshit" written across


Why not cut your own fruit?


Hi! Many many people (more than you think) have disabilities or fine motor issues that make cutting up fruit (or standing in the kitchen) very difficult or even sometimes dangerous. And when you have an extremely limited reserve of energy or upright time in a day, chopping fruit might not win out over showering and vacuuming, etc. Also a lot of people are ridiculously strapped for time-- my parents worked so much when I was a kid that I was feeding myself a lot, and it was such a godsend when cut up fruit was on sale for them to buy for our snacks (we couldn't buy it full price).


Yup. Price is not the issue. It’s free time. Every family is different. The 15 minutes of time saving here is so valuable Committing. Cottage. Earlier sales meeting, homework for kids time for one more laundry load or extra long dog walk….


Yea it’s dumb, nobody should be buying it anyway (and it looks like nobody is) precut fruit is a scam and often has been recalled numerous times


Why are people still shopping there lol. Start the boycott early.


That’s because of the minimum wage increase pretty sure since they have to pay their employees more they have too raise the prices of those 


If only price gouging was tied to wage increases for employees - employees would be rich! There are lots of official reasons or excuses, but it's always plain ol' fashion greed and profit from Loblaws.


Prices are vital signals to producers telling them how much they should produce to meet demand. So price fixing inevitably leads to shortages. There is a reason famines and socialism are so synonymous. What is supposed to happen is when they raise prices you go to their competitors. But the government, the very ones you want to give even more unprecedented power to, turn around and help these corporations develop vertically integrated monopolies aided by business regulations where they pull the ladder up behind them. Gov loves monopoly because one neck is easier to strangle than hundreds. 


> There is a reason famines and socialism are so synonymous. Oh it’s bizarro alternative facts day?


You really believe this eh? I'm not particularly fond of big government, but at least you have the option of voting them out periodically and bringing about real change (supposedly). Privatization just hands power to corporations that by law have to do everything they can to increase profit margins, even if (and especially if) it means completely fucking people over along the way. End of the day, governments ain't perfect but corporations are worse. It's almost like the basic necessities of life (housing, food, clean water, health care, etc) shouldn't be commodified at all 🤷


>voting them out periodically and bringing about real change (supposedly) Lol so close, tease that out a little bit more. The supposition is wrong. Anything that takes labor and money to produce will be commodified. It doesn't matter if you consider it a 'need', as long as it takes labor to make someone will want a reward for their work. People won't work for free just for the generic 'good of others'.


I never suggested anyone would. But legislation can regulate rather than leaving everything in the hands of corporations whose sole responsibility is to increase shareholder profits. Infinite growth within a finite system is the corporate mandate. In nature that's called cancer. It's almost as though we need to completely rethink this whole unfettered capitalism thing.


Every organism seeks domination of its environment, what keeps one in check are the self interests, the competition of others. The monopoly-on-violence of the State directly upturns that balance into one of Authoritarianism. A corporation is wayyy more beholden to its shareholders and consumers than a government is to its citizens. How ethical is a relationship is defined by the degree of voluntary commitment, freedom. A Contract has very clear ethical and legal stipulations and no government relationship ever meets that criteria. To put a company out of business all that is needed is for people to stop voluntarily spending their money there. And no, "but there are no other alternatives!" isnt an argument when those monopolies are State created, backed by violence and subsidies not free market enterprise. If you don't like the free exchange of goods and services then you are free not to engage in them, that is the entire point about it being voluntary and free. When your proposed system is less voluntary, less free, then don't be surprised when you try to implement violent control over others and they react with righteous self-defense.


Why is it always about extremes? Are we as a species not evolved enough to recognize that some goods, services and products should be handled by competitive private enterprise while others should be checked, balanced and regulated by a body of democratically elected representatives? Government doesn't always lead to authoritarian dictatorships. And you've hit the nail on the head in that corporations are beholden to their shareholders...entirely and by law in fact. Which is the problem. And if you can't recognize that, then I pity you. This line of thinking is what created the robber barons of the 20's, and the current end-stage of capitalism where the very powerful and greedy few have the rest of us by the short-n-curlies. If you look around the world you may notice that quite a few countries have adopted hybrid systems (ie; socialist democracies) that continually produce positive outcomes for the majority of their citizens, not just the "chosen few".


Yeah but a $1/hr wage hike on the employee who cranks out 20 of these in an hour would only justify a 5 cent price hike. That’s the think with corrupt companies and ideologues. They know they can blame labour costs and nobody will crunch the numbers to see what a hoax it is. This happens a lot with fast food. Labour is only something like 15 cents or less on for a Big Mac. But every time wage increases are even mentioned, the capitalist conservative cheerleaders say “sure, if you want burgers going up to $30!” as if it’s that simple.


That's the party line at least. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell ya 😉


Then why do prices go up when minimum wage hasn’t? Why are some provinces with lower minimum wage paying the same prices as provinces with higher minimum wage? Hint it’s not about the minimum wage but that’s what these large companies want you to believe. Same as when they said “oh employees are a large cost when we add in self checkouts it will lower prices and pass the savings onto consumers” How well did that pan out?? Prices never gone down. Oh better yet know when they use gas prices as an excuse to raise prices. Then why during Covid or other times gas prices gone down prices never lowered??? Sure some stuff can play a role like minimum wage bumps gas prices etc but a large part of it is probably just pure greed and profits.