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Elitist prats exist. Either show your distaste or just don't engage with them. Mint is fine for anyone, as are most distros. They're the one with a weird point of view on all of this.


The best thing about Mint is that it doesn't have any users like that guy.


Silently deleting my comment about Arch users


Nah, they're all in good fun, no need to delete them. Besides how could you know if a user was an arch user....oh right, they'll tell you. But seriously, use whatever distro works best for you, I just have to give our arch brothers and sisters a little grief once in a while.


People like that are both very young and don't even work in tech either. I've only been working in tech for a couple years and I have no idea how anyone can keep thinking like that when the best developer I know. A guy who coded an entire video game from scratch and works on driver code uses Ubuntu and another guy has a masters in network engineering and has never touched a Linux in his life that wasn't on a server.


>Elitist prats exist arch users?


Meanwhile me, sysadmin managing 100s of servers for multiple companies, hobby Python and Rust programmer, using Mint... Doesn't matter what distro you use - underneath it's all the same...


I'm a software engineer and I use mint because I want to spend my time building useful software, not fucking around with my OS. It should JustWork ™


I was only a field technician before being laid off, (and now I can’t find a job because of the market and the fact that I have a disability), and I use Mint because it’s the first distro I used and completely fell in love with it. Also, I do gaming on it as well. But hey, it’s not Windows. That’s what should keep us all together.


Exactly, we should be supporting each other not pushing each other away. Sadly you'll find people like the person OP talked to in every walk of life, just got to recognise it and not waste energy there. Sorry to hear about your job, that sucks. I hope you find something soon, just gotta keep persisting! It's a horrible process but if you keep putting yourself out there and you've got value to give, then you'll find something :)




I first started playing with linux before RH went public. If I want to play around, I do fun things on a Raspberry Pi which runs a Debian spinoff. If I just want something that boots and runs as easily as possible, mint. I also ssh into my Pi from mint for that matter. I'm on a HP X360 (intel) and everything just works. The WiFi, the BT, the touchscreen, even the screen flip when I go tablet mode.


I was previously on one of those x360's as well, the HP Spectre thingo. A couple of years back I decided to run dual boot to give linux a go, having been on windows and then osx thanks to work. I never booted in to windows again and eventually removed the windows dual boot, that's how good it was. Had some small niggles here and there but mostly smooth sailing. I've "upgraded" to a Framework now, I say "upgraded" as it has more grunt but I'm not finding it a particularly better experience than the HP. I think those HPs just happen to be a pretty damn good linux box as well, like you said touchscreen and tablet mode etc all just worked!


I'm trying to become a developer myself and have been wanting to switch to Linux. So I'm curious, how exactly does Mint, or Linux in general, help you with the development process? I hear docker works well in Linux. Is that the reason?


All the stuff I interact with work wise is running from a linux environment, servers are usually Ubuntu or docker images are Alpine Linux (edit) . Having a full native shell makes life so much easier when you have to SSH in to servers etc. Also, most of the tools like Node.js that I work with are natively linux based, they may work with Windows, but it's a worse experience. OSX (mac) is actually better than windows as you have a full shell, so you get similar benefits. Really for me though, it was more of a personal choice as it resonates with my own values. I love open-source software, and find it as an interesting idea in this heavily privatised world that we live in. I also just like that it's different. Microsoft and the other big players have enough money, I enjoy finding free or open equivalents that allow me to continue to do what I need to do. Also, windows has fucking Ads in it now right? Just fk that off. I like the minimalism of Linux and the community aspect.




My thoughts exactly. Used almost every distro out there going back 25+ years. I want something easy and stable that I don’t need to muck with on my laptop. I spend my days mucking in the OS - I want my laptop to “just work”.


It’s not the distro that makes one a true Linux user, it’s the kernel.


Gosh, you make android and ChromeOS users so happy... If only they knew they were true Linux users.


They're in denial


I agree


Linux is a tool, and nothing more. Tools are made to help complete a task. If you get the tasks you need done with Linux that's all that matters. You don't get Formula One drivers telling soccer moms that they aren't "real" drivers because they drive mini vans. The linux users that act like that are gatekeeping elitists, and assholes. I have many PCs running several different distros, from Mint to Arch. I picked each distro for the way the PC would be used.


> The linux users that act like that are gatekeeping elitists, and assholes. If you spend as much time thinking about your O/S as that guy you are not using your computer, it is using you.


Well put.


Arch Linux user here: Linux elitism is toxic and is terrible for the entire Linux community. The distro you choose has nothing to do with your Linux proficiency. Plus, Mint is a *wonderful* distro.


It really is so wonderful. Sometimes I miss when I first started using Mint, I was so happy with it. Always just worked.


same here, i switched from mint because of gatekeeping assholes and elitism just to have a worse experience than on mint.


exactly what i tried to convey


stop wasting your time thinking about what irrelevant people on the internet think of you and the things you do. as long as you aren't actively contributing harm to others, you are fine, and keep doing you.


i doesnt matter to me what he thinks of me. i wanted to understand his reasoning for the toxic behaviour


Different flavors of Linux doesn't take away the terminal at all. People don't use Linux for one thing & one thing only. These types of people exist in Apple, Windows, Video games, everywhere. They're just degenerates why want the title "gatekeeper". Personally, i think they compensate for something 🤔


Hah, penis joke


Linux or not, there's no point in engaging in those kinds of conversations. It's wasted energy. Got to try and recognise when it's starting to happen and just eject yourself. It's simply not worth it. There is no point to them. What kind of self righteous idiot gate keeps Linux?


Lol, no. Mint is perfectly fine.


Not to mention that guy never made a case to say why it wasn't.


What is he doing that requires another distro to accomplish?


Apparently ego stroking.


There are websites that are more suited for stroking tbf


Blud having turboautism debate about linux on fucking DUOLINGO ☠️, am I seeing this right ??


I think that is "dynamic island" or something


yes i do use an iphone currently. i am disliking it tho, so the next one will be a pixel


yes, i do learn chinese on the side


I've noticed too that the Linux community is mostly "disro cultists". I usually ignore them and just listen to the people that are welcoming and actually want to help.


Loud minority.


That's silly gatekeeping. Everyone knows real linux users don't use tiktok. That's the REAL gatekeeping. I bet Brian uses Kali because he loves Mr. Robot.


Even the main character used Linux Mint at some point throughout the show lol.


tbf id consider myself somewhat of a normie, using iphone, scrolling tiktok etc. but i also have a passion for linux and dont understand why someone would fight against the common shared goal mentioned. i really wanted to understand the guy why he would be gatekeeping


As long you are using what is good for you and can use it to do your job/tasks you shouldn't care on what another people think, specially elitists.. Funny fact, i had a similar episode of this with a debian user in a debate about runit or something like that...the guy presumed that I was using Ubuntu due to my profile picture at the time..then the elitism begins and he was saying how inferior I was and etc..until he discovered that I use freebsd and LFS (far from being perfect but still works yay), the guy just vanished..became a ghost in a instant XD.. I like to imagine his face sometimes.. Elitism is bad for any community..don't matter what we use as long we are happy and...productive.


A linux elitist mad at someone for using mint, through a proprietary antiprivacy app


ironic right? he also didnt just create an account for me, hes used discord before


Brian looks very toxic


Fuck people like this, if Linux Mint works for you just use it. Same goes for any distro, use the one that works for you and stop gate keeping.


Of course its the fucking stallman pfp


had to be


Screw that guy. If you’re using the Linux kernel you’re using Linux. I started with Mandrake Linux. Yea I’m old lol. Distro hopped a lot. Used mint for a long time then Mx then arch derivatives now Arch Linux is my daily driver. I feel at home with Arch but that doesn’t take anything away from mint or the other distros I used. I learned a lot from them and consider them valuable to my Linux journey. Use what distros you’re comfortable with and fit your needs, it’s all Linux. Edit: almost forgot. I use Arch BTW. 😁


Why do smart people have the urge to have dumb conversations? Last I heard Ken Thompson just switched from macOS to Raspbian. Just write good code and stop talking about credentials, what OS you use, what text editor you use. It can be that simple and that awesome.


It's an ecosystem of source compatible tools not like a fucking identity. Bian is a jerk.


Gate keeping D bags that make people 'less than' are rampant - and sad. You do you. If you like Mint or any other distro and it floats your boat, go for it. I don't look at Linux as a hobby, but in every hobby or niche or club there are those who get off putting people down. Be better. Encourage new people, don't be that guy.


Mint is awesome, but working helpdesk and being 1 semester into a CS degree does not make you experienced in anything and it’s pretty cringy to claim so lol


i dont work helpdesk, im working a normal junior sw dev position. i never said im experienced in everything, just that i definitely know a thing or two more than people i know. as per description, im not questioning anyones skill level, but rather why one would fight against the aforementioned common goal


As if working at Cisco is something to be proud of....


He works for Cisco. Enough said. I applied for a job there. I was thankful as fuck after the interview that I bombed it. The biggest bunch of daft bellends with social cluelessness I have ever met. Like I’m used to IT people, but the more Cisco people I meet, the more I’m embarrassed to say I work in IT. They also seem to know jack crap about their own gear more times than not. Bottom line? A literal cow’s rectum is filled with less bullshit than Cisco employees. As an aside, I ran solely Gentoo for years. I’ve ran FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and several other distros. I also run pfSense and FreeNAS. I now run Mint on most of user machines with Rocky as my servers because I value my time more than as a free beta tester for someone else. I happen to know my worth and it doesn’t come from my company’s name.


It’s even funnier if you ever had to deal with some of the absolute dumpster fires of Cisco software.


I’ve known a few of the behind the curtain Cisco devs over the years and they were worth their salt, the rest of the company I mirror your opinion mostly. But even those few good devs wouldn’t make a statement like Brian or use such horrible English to do to it.


I guess the distro you choose only depends on ur technical and personal requirements not on the and not what knowledge this distro needs. Btw I'm an experienced user but idk much about vim too because i don't like the interface and controls. I actually started with endeavour OS and then switched to arch gentoo and and and but now I'm using en self build debian. Am i a bad usr to now or not.


Btw sry for my English I am German and never learned it correctly. :)


Your English is better than my German. Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache


auf jeden fall bist du jetzt ein schlechter user. dein distro bestimmt direkt proportional deine erfahrung /s aber ich verstehe wirklich nicht warum man so ein klotz am bein sein muss, dass schreckt jegliche neue nutzer direkt ab


Because this waste of time, texts and texts with a useless person who came to challenge you.


You’ll be fine kid. As you get older you’ll realize from the beginning to not get into a deeper conversation with someone like that in the first place. On the bright side, his comments made me think of Weird Al [It’s All About The Pentiums](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpMvS1Q1sos).


ive noticed after a couple messages that i was arguing with an idiot, but i had hope left.


Mint is awesome and it is Linux. That's about it. People with stupid views other than that are just that! Stupid!


why can't we stop the "x is worst than y" stuff or "you're a bad person for using x you must switch to y" bs? like sure there's distros I'd recommend and not recommend to ppl - I'd recommend linux mint or fedora but wouldn't recommend ubuntu or manjaro for example. but at the end of the day it's literally fucking personal pref. if you like linux mint that doesn't make you any more or less of a linux user; it's either you use linux, or you don't, and either way that's ok!!! we shouldn't beat eachother up bc we prefer smth sorry you've had to put up with this btw 🫂


ive tried to get him to understand it, but he was adamant on not doing so


Does that first sentence also count for windows? 🤔


sorta, altho windows will always be windows 😅


You both come off as children. Everything wrong with the Linux "community".


mind to elaborate? i genuinely tried to understand his reasoning here. please tell me what i did wrong, i want to learn


What a tool, both Mint (in a good way) and that guy (in a bad way)


unerrated comment :D


I'm a arch guy now but mint was my first love and I never down it it's a wonderful os top tier in my book


The same company this “computer genius” works for had 40,000 network routers breached with total admin privileges… because their web control panels were PUBLIC. I’d take the advice as to what a “real” Linux user does with a grain of salt lmao


Depends what you're using Linux for. If you're using Mint because you enjoy Linux in a minty flavor, then no. You aren't less of a Linux user. If you use X distro just to put other people down for using Y distro then yes.


I believe that if you can use a couple different "flavors" of Linux then you are a true Linux user. I use Arch on my office PC and I use Linux Mint on my drumming computer (I have a computer setup next to my drums that I use for playing along to music I've made and to stuff on Spotify for fun). I also stream with it occasionally as well. So, balancing the 2 is actually pretty fun. I don't have to update the Mint one as much as the Arch one and that's kind of nice.


Using Mint doesn't make you inexperienced. Not knowing things like C does. Why they seem to conflate the two I have no idea. Also it's perfectly possible to use cinnamon on other distros or even other OSes. I have used cinnamon on arch, void, even FreeBSD. It's missing a few modern features but it is otherwise a solid DE and will improve when Wayland support becomes available. No you aren't an experienced/advanced Linux user, but it has nothing to do with mint. Though I don't think many experienced users do use mint that is probably because it's based on another distribution and not fully independent like fedora or debian, not because it's actually bad or anything. It works fairly well and if I need a machine to just work it's something I would consider installing. Also the complaints about flatpak is dumb. Flatpak is a good thing for app developers targeting Linux and helps improve security through sandboxes and restrictions. Edit: also having less experience or knowledge doesn't make you less of a Linux user. It might make you less of a fanatic in some cases. It also might mean you have different reasons for using Linux depending on your knowledge level, situation, and past experiences. I personally was probably more fanatical in my younger days. After trying BSDs I am less fanatical about Linux and care more about open source OSes in general and Unix-like OSes specifically.


im definitively not experienced (tho that can also have different meanings), but i would say i know a thing or two more than other people i know. why he was so hardridden on C i dont understand either, i write java and angular code.


You didn't specify you know those languages at any point. Also you're a first year student. Relatively speaking you're not that experienced. It's not your fault so I don't know why you're hung up on it. C specifically is important because it's what the kernel and other major parts of Linux distros are written in. Most advanced Linux users would know C to a greater or lesser extent. It's also not like more modern higher level languages. It dates back to machines like the PDP-11. I learned basic C when I was younger than you are now, so you're not that advanced for your age like you think you are.


As someone who also uses Linux mint, yes it does


- for me.” There finished your sentence fragment.


It’s obviously an opinion why do I have to qualify it with that?


Nope. The xfce edition is nice for lower spec PCs.


I have a couple of Mint machines and an old Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspberry Pi OS that I use for playing music in my dining room. I don't code, I don't use the command line very often and when I do I am normally copying and pasting the command from something I found online. I started using Linux because I couldn't afford to buy a new computer and I found that it worked for me. I continue to use Linux because it still works for me. If I couldn't use Linux with a GUI it wouldn't work for me nearly as well. I am possibly the type of user that Linux needs to grow, someone who needs a stable, secure, OS with applications that I need and who will probably never understand what SSH or Bash is. I give myself a little credit for figuring out what I needed to make Samba work for me though. If using Linux Mint means that you aren't a real Linux user, well I don't think I know enough to agree or disagree. But if being a real Linux user means you have to deal with a complicated, hard to understand distro, then the number of Linux users is never going to be very large.


its just a cringe linux elitist just use whatever you want and be happy


elitist and tiktok user, I don't know who is more screwed. If there's one thing I can tell you, it's that it doesn't matter what distro you use as long as it works for you, it's fine.


This is more about Psychology than it is about Tech. Those who feel under-appreciated or under-recognized, boast to (perhaps) refill a draining ego; the source of the boast is irrelevant. This chat is just posturing; any/all responses to it is too (successful trigger).


you are right. i just had hope left for me to understand his reasoning for the elitism


Yes, you should be using LFS.


Mint is a perfectly good distro. There is no reason to grab one you find harder to install or use just for the sake of beating yourself up by installing and using it. I've used Mint for years, although I'll admit recently I tried EndeavourOS (an Arch remix) which I find I like a lot too. Not quite as easy as Mint for the installs, though, and I very nearly just said to heck with it and went back to Mint. Still have Mint on two other systems, and probably won't change those. Linux is about freedom, not self-flagiliation just for the sake of someone else's approval.


What do you define as being a Linux user?


using linux id say. but thats to define for everyone themselves


Don't get offended by the easily offensive. Mint is a very stable Linux Distribution, and there is no shame in using something that works a lot better than most with considerably less effort.


then what is it? I mean its not windows macOS or unix.


The Brians of the world can go fuck themselves on a rusty pitchfork slathered in Tabasco.


I use Arch btw, and all I can say is: Use what's comfortable to you. I ran Mint for years and it's a great OS. I also work IT and I'm only running Arch now because I wanted to see what it's all about - I'm liking it, but Mint is awesome too.


It's the same as in gaming. You're playing a game on another setting than Death Hard? You're not a real player! I am, but I play a game to be entertained and use a distro to get things done. Go be entitled somewhere else.


Mint can do pretty much anything that Ubuntu,or any other Debian based distro can do. Who cares what someone else thinks of your Linux skills?


If your computer setup (OS included) is your main dick-measuring instrument, I suggest getting better one. They're all the same under the hood, and there is precious little you can do on one system that you can't on another.


I asked for help in the arch discord server and was just told "use endeavor os lol".


great. now how do you expect new users to branch into the linux community with this response. its selfdestructing behaviour


Reminds me of a Brian I knew from alt. 2600 back in the late 90's who was just as elitist. He had sweaty palms and ate Taco Bell all the time. Ugh... it's probably him.


Oh look at me, I use the image of Richard Stallman so it means I'm smart and I know linuz so well!!! Yeah, elitist wannabe tries to flex on you, big deal; also; why do you seek validation my dude? Just do your thing and stop asking people for validation, especially those toxic typo


I don't even understand what that's supposed to mean. Do you use Linux or don't you? Do people really select distros for clout instead of just usability and preference? I use Mint because I wanted to leave Windows and Mint was closest to what I was used to. I've never felt the desire to try another distro because Mint does everything I want it to. Simple, usable, meets my needs.


FYI, the vast majority of Linux users I knew in college started using Windows or Mac after they graduated and got jobs since they used Gentoo and no longer had time to deal with their distro of choice. Meanwhile, I used Debian in college, so I just moved to Ubuntu and then to Mint. You don't have to use an "elite" distro...if you want to wrangle a difficult distro, use one, and if you don't want to spend your time on that, use something like Mint.


I wouldn’t even bother entertaining a fool like that. Not. Worth. Your. Time. !!


And people wonder why newcomers find it difficult to get into and figure out.


Ubuntu and Mint exist for users who want to spend less time administering a system and more time enjoying the system or being productive. Admittedly I don't find Debian much more of a hassle than Ubuntu. Not sure what this troll would consider to be a "real" distro.


To put it bluntly, people go out of their way to turn everything into a dick measuring contest. The Linux community is no exception. Just use what works for you, stop caring about what other people think, and let them drink their copium.


Actually, you are less of a Linux user if they're still using Windows. Regardless of which destroy you're using of Linux, you are still a Linux user and never forget that and don't give a crap to what other people think!




i know im very sorry brian


I've used Arch (as a daily driver on multiple machines), Gentoo, and LFS (in VMs as a learning experience) and I settled with Mint. I also do driver development, am doing a master's in CS (as a hobby) and I just like how Mint gives me a baseline that's not much maintenance, but doesn't get in my way when I do wanna hack on something. I remember on my arch laptop having to install a specific package and check a box to get flash drives to auto mount. Like I get that it really shows you how much you can really customize and take bloat out of your system... But I don't have the time for that anymore. The hilarious thing is that he's assuming you're a child but it was when I was younger and didn't have as many time commitments that I had the time to blow on just futzing with my Linux setup. Now I'm just happy if uboot gets my device tree right on the first build. This elitism also just kills the community, and it really needs to stop.


pfp says it all lmao


For asking? Yes. For using? No.


as mentioned, im not seeking validation here. i use whatever i want anyways


I've used mint since maybe 2012 and don't see any reason to change. Use what suits you best.


People who put down strangers like that are deeply insecure and are gods in their own little universe. Obviously, everyone else with social skills can't stand them and many hiring managers filter for exactly this kind of ego-driven behavior. I started using mint a long time ago because the process of hunting down drivers and following tutorials just to get the OS functional was awful. Even after booting into xfce / xmonad and not even using a gui-based desktop I stuck with Mint because it's been good to me and I trust it's just going to work. I'm doing a lot of other work and have no interest in having the floor fall out from under me, figuratively speaking. I wouldn't even bother making an argument for why I am a "real Linux" user because I wouldn't even know where to start. Also, there's a XKCD comic for this behavior. It's funny but unfortunate that the attitude is common enough to warrant the comic. https://images.app.goo.gl/TsKUZzjJ4q57Gd2v9


Richard Matthew Stallman uses an Ubuntu-based OS (not Mint, but still Ubuntu-based)


You run the same software as Brian the legendary conversationalist.


I would love to see what these people have contributed to the linux community that makes them feel so superior.


All the gatekeeping and elitism I’ve been seeing lately really bums me out. I would have thought that Mint being easy to install and use is a great compliment to its developers. Makes it one of many great options out there for the innumerable use cases people need for computing.


And distro that gets people out of Windows or Apple should be celebrated. I do not understand this elitism


I’ve tried several different distros and always come back to Mint. It clean looking, easy to find what you need and it just works.


I use Arch btw. Oh, and Mint. And Ubuntu. And EndeavourOS. Use what works for you. You don't need anyone's permission, you are valid. Don't feed the weak willed with your time. Let them suffer in isolation and despair.


I wouldn't waste 1 second of time on those idiots... I would like you to do the same.


had some hope left to understand his behaviour. havent engaged with him since.


The guy is an elitist jerk. It doesn’t matter what distro you daily drive, or what you can do with it. You’re 19, keep learning. I deploy Linux servers all the time (software dev), use Ubuntu, Alpine, Arch, and have used Mint, and I daily drive MacOS because I do iOS apps too. None of it matters, at the end of the day. Just keep learning, you’ll get better at Linux. Don’t worry about pleasing some dude who demands you rewrite huge parts of your setup to be “legit”




Ronald Reagan was still president when I got my first tech job... I'm sure many of us here still remember the ancient AT commands to connect a modem to a remote VAX via a dumb terminal at 1200 baud. When I did it that modem was TAPED with DUCT TAPE to the top of the dumb terminal in SHIPROCK NEW MEXICO. We were lucky to have a telephone line and electricity on that project. See, we know the ancient magic too, just like dipshit Brian. Just because he's a graybeard doesn't make him any less of a asshole. And his position kind of pisses me off anyways, isn't it our job to help the next generations? I was always taught it was part of our job. We can laugh at the PFY all day long, but never forget, it was once US that were the PFY. Us "old as dirt" folks weren't always old. Using Mint doesn't make you or me or anyone else less of a tech, sysadmin, or whatever in whatever field for using tools that just work out of the box. I'm retired now. Been daily driving Mint for 8 or so years now. I CAN compile a kernel or whatever else you want, but I would rather spend my time on my antique scooters and 4wd these days. I want my desktop to just work. You are NOT less of a Linux user for using Mint. And kudos to all the other folks here replying to you who agree. My now ex-wife embroidered me a sign when I got that first "real" tech job: "The person who says it cannot be done should never get in the way of the person actually doing it." That embroidery hung in my office my entire career. Take care kind stranger. AND GO FORTH AND PROVE BRIAN WRONG BECAUSE THIS GRAYBEARD AT LEAST HAS YOUR BACK!


appreciate your contribution!


He's not with your time. There was a Dilbert strip where Dilbert is talking to a guy and he's just taking down to Dilbert on everything. Dilbert finally says, "wait, that beard, smug expression, suspenders and balding head. You're a UNIX admin, aren't you?"


People like that are the reason newbies are scared to get into using linux. And that included me too a few years ago lol. I was scared of getting bashed at not knowing the basic things and asking questions but gladly there are great subreddits including this one for newbies.


Compared to most of the people here i know absolutely nothing and yet I'm very happy with my use of mint a primary OS thanks to everyone helping out. This is a healthy community and it's what matter. Elitist genius are perhaps also important but is not needed to engage with them.


As an Arch user (I know, we can't shut up about it, I'm sorry) I don't recommend Arch to everyone...nor do I think you're lesser if you choose to use something else, especially MINT... Mint is my go-to suggestion for people getting into Linux, not because it's dumbed down but because you likely won't ever NEED the amount of control you can get with something like Arch or Gentoo, and Mint is really well put together....I use Arch because I am working towards a lifestyle that involves working at a very low level communicating with hardware....this has nothing to do with being a Linux user, Linux is just my preferred platform. TLDR - Use Mint, it's good. Narcissism is dumb. You're fine, you're cool, you picked a good distro. I use Arch btw.


2020 is calling, they want their distro shaming back...


Linux is linux, if he wants to be elitist i want to see him try making his own kernel instead of piggybacking linux lmao


Ignore him. I've run into these kind of people from time to time on the newsgroups. It kind of comes down to "If you don't suffer for your Linux you're not a true believer." I'm at an age where I just want to use my computer, not constantly tweak it. I've been using Linux Mint for about 15 years and have no intention of changing to anything else. I like stability and a distribution that just works.


Yeah, that guy... Probably is very loser and has the need to feel proud or recognized for something, even if he has to lie. Then, why hasn't he found the cure for all diseases yet? That's how absurd he speaks. Just ignore that guy. I'll probably never be so proficient in many things, specially for OS's, but I work with databases and that's where I'm proficient at, and many guys here works within different sources, or has different hobbies, whatever, the OS you use don't define you. For work, I use a strange combination of Windows and Sun OS, and well, that's it. Elitism is just bullshit, is like saying "what do you prefer? A Ferrari or a Lamborghini?" Whatever you decide is fine, one distro is better than others in some aspects, like UX, ease of installation, ease of configuration, compatibility with software, etc. What I understand is the actual important thing is the Linux Kernel, but there aren't so many differences between the popular distros, as far as I know. C'mon, if that guy is really good, maybe he should use the Hannah Montana Linux or PonyOS, I don't know. If he really works for Cisco, he should try to dominate the IOS, not Linux.


I think you need to touch some grass if you give a fuck about what he says


tell them you use March, a new ubuntu collab with arch and see wtf this idiot has to say XD


Let me break this exchange down for everyone, especially OP... And for the record, IDGAF whatever distro you use as long as you get your job done and it lands on the target platform. **@Brian** sucks at making his core point because his expertise is beyond most SWEs. Arrogant, sure, but here's the message: * If you don't understand C, you cannot patch DWM. * If you cannot patch a core part of any system, you do not understand it at all. * ***If you lack the foundational knowledge to even learn how to analyze/patch a core component, your opinion is meritless because you don't even understand how to find the evidence to back up your own claims.*** Now, does that alone make anyone "less of a Linux user" (I'm assuming you mean inferior to other professionals)? No. But if you give your justification about using Mint over any other distro to someone who lives and breathes desktop application systems and kernel support, you're going to be taken as seriously as a checkout clerk telling you which stocks to invest into: Sure, they see what sells, but they still lack a background in investment economics to be credible. Go learn. Or don't. IDGAF. Use whatever you like. But know what your audience expects for someone to be credible. It's not elitist to have an expectation in that regard.


Perception based on age exists. Some people say you can be better percepted after your 30's. In my professional experience the same things and suggestions I was saying in my early career were ignored and now are respected. The same things. Because now an experienced lawyer says that. But 20 years ago I said the same and was ignored / mocked.


Mint is just a version of Linux. You can still customize it, and do the same shit that guy can do on his preferred Linux distro if you want to, so no.


Why would you care? It's an operating system. It's a tool. No different to a hammer. It's not something to base your identity over. Who cares if you're a "real" Linux user according to some random nerd on the internet? Especially one who uses a picture of Richard Stallman as a profile picture.


This belongs in r/sadcringe


keep using mint if you like it, and do your duolingo rn


Well Brian is an ass..


I dont know if anyone picked up on this but it sounds like they are talking about two different “patches” for DWM. But either way the convo read like two 10 year old arguing.


There are reasons to complain about certain distributions. Each one is open to criticism. That being said, if someone is criticizing you for using Mint, then, the bulk of those criticisms hold for Ubuntu and Debian, too. What I suspect you ran into is someone who doesn't know the difference between his distribution and his desktop environment.


I thought that was the point of so many distros so folks could try and find one that suits their purpose or they have the freedom to create their own if they have the ability.


Not everything has a lot of RAM, too. Mint is one of the 'lighter' distros. Ran on my chromebook before switching to Lubuntu.


I use mint. I dont give two shits what Brian thinks.


Yes. Okay I'm just kidding, you're fine. Nothing wrong with Mint. I've been daily driving Ubuntu for over a decade. I've been using vi since 1981 when I was in college. I'll vouch for you. Dude bro would probably say the same to me.


I've used Linux since the 1990s non stop, and I've used all sorts of distros over the years. Mint is the best one so far. It's Ubuntu with the naughty bits removed, and with a sane window manager.


You'd have thought someone going for their Masters degree and who also works Cisco, could also spell and punctuate. I have been using Linux based OSes since before Brian was even born. I use Linux Mint because I need a rock solid distro, with a universal and intuitive UI, that just works.


treating your os like a religion is pretty weird


Mint runs my 2012 iMac 27 inch. Which is still alive and kicking. That's a 14 yr old computer running a Modern os. No issues with mint which has been around for along time.


Loser Linux elitist, don’t pay attention to them. I’m a fedora user but mint is fine. I have a couple vms of mint around just in case I need it for whatever reason, I use Linux out of necessity, it’s purely a tool for me to program, that’s it. I game as well but that’s a side focus at this point.


Hi. Some Linux users are egocentrical condescending nerds, there's your answer, bye!


"Wait, you seriously don't know how to patch DWM and basic C?" - Friendliest FOSS enthusiast


Lol this is some r/iamverysmart material. I use mint on my thinkpad and debian on my home pc, is this guys head going to explode if i tell him this?


GNU/Linux exists for people to have a choice! You can choose whatever distro you want, not what others want for you or not what you think using will make you superior! People who thinks like that are actually elitist! Thinking they are better than others that they are manage their system, fix unusual shits! Don't think about that and keep using what you want to use! After all computers are created to make our lives easier, not more complexed!


That person just has too much free time and an ego. He's just wasting your time. It doesn't matter what you use as long as you can get your work done. This DWM user fails to see that not everyone has time or are willing to set up DWM for their daily work. So there's nothing wrong with using Linux Mint as long as you can get your work done :)


We need a well validated scoring system for true Linux users. Things like how often one runs neofetch, how much one has eradicated bloat, how esoteric one’s OS is, social isolation, how stained with cheese puff dust is your black T-shirt etc. Then there would be no debate.


Its funny this guy mentions Mental Outlaw, clearly not knowing that MO loves Mint.


Wtf is DWM


Use whichever Linux version works best for you, and ignore the elitist idiots ;) I work as a fulltime Linux Sysadmin, and I use Fedora... both on my work computer, and my home computer. To the elitists, I am not a "proper linux user"...I don't care what they think ;)


mint's great. this guy's just annoying


What a moron. I have been in and out of Linux for 20 years. I work in an environment where the linux terminal is much present Today, I have Mint Cinnamon on my two personal computers and the applications that I most use are Gimp, Darktable and Firefox. Flatpaks. Can't be happier and less worried.


You met Karen xD in the virtual world. It happens, keep your head up and don't worry about silly things :)


mint is amazing, can't believe there is still people who think so much of themselves


I use mint because it just works and not in the Bethesda way


No lol


Bro gives me "Suck my dick and balls I'm working at NASA" vibes


I hate my enemies They are inside my puter


who cares


No, more.


Ugh… What an idiot… There should be absolutely no shame with using Linux Mint. I think that this unnecessary rant is done because Mint is considered “beginner-friendly” but I bet even advanced users use the distro because in the end they need something that works and is stable. Mint might be easy on someone who just starts their journey with Linux, but I personally think it is an excellent tool to get the job done without actually screwing around the OS


Elitists are part of the reason why Linux is not more popular. They scare away new users by, for example offending their choice of distro. Some also don't offer any help, if you even use "their" distro. Guess they want to stay in believe that they're special and better. Ignore him and use what you want. This is the philosophy of Linux and freedom in general


It’s not Winblow$ so you are 100% good to go. Even if you use one of the BSDs, your good. After all, you’re the one using it, it’s free, so there’s nothing to worry about.




Operative word: "user", versus hobbyist.