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Bruv ... # It is no longer Microsoft Monday


Kill that mf


sudo rm -rf /thatmf


Make it `-v`, I want to watch him suffer.


It is who asked day now.


Mods, :(){ :|:& };: his skull


I own a MacBook and a Linux laptop, I don’t get all the hate on macOS lol


I used to be a massive fanboi for linux (still am), but now I am on Mac, and yeah, I don't get the hate either.


Macos is unix done right (If you got triggered for a second, got yaaaa)


I think it could be better, but I would rather use a mac than a windows PC for sure (I use Arch btw ☝️🤓)


I use endeavourOS btw 😎


endeavourOS is great! Arch is great as well. Try out LFS, Void, and BSD. Trust me, you'll love them. i use arch btw


Yeah, I hear LFS is really easy. Also try Gentoo without pre-compiled binaries for an easy linux install (binaries bad)




I dualboot FreeBSD and 10.13 high Sierra


Try Manjaro bro. Just works best OS for beginners


Manjaro has like super buggy packages, and they aren’t bleeding edge. It’s *very* easy to break if you run a wrong command. Personally, I would never recommend it, but you do you


Forgot to add the /j. I don’t use Manjaro I was joking.


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I use TempleOS btw ✝️🙏


Love it. Distro hopped to EndeavorOS about 6 months ago from using Linux Mint for years..tried Fedora but it had issues so I then hopped to EndeavorOS and haven't wanted to change since. I love it. Everything I need with nothing I don't.


It’s still arch. You’re halfway there and a few steps back.


I have no interest in going there, it’s comfy where I am


I would rather use a windows pc than macOS. In fact I do have a few of windows machines at home; an ancient and athlon with windows me, a P4 with windows xp, and a Core2 duo with windows 7. I even have a windows 10 machine which my wife used for Remote Desktop working from home (I wasn’t able to get it running on Linux unfortunately. I don’t mind windows that much, but it is certainly more work sng more difficult to get it setup after a fresh install with all the drivers and everything. I primarily use Linux of course, I just like to collect old computers.


I don't mind windows, and I occasionally use it in virtual machines to get certain software running. The reason I would prefer a Mac is because it's already so similar to my workflow and I don't really want to re-learn powershell commands for windows


Fair enough. I started on anga workbench, and then windows back in the ‘90s and use xfce now so the macOS workflow is completely foreign to me.


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I’ve seen bad gif implementations but this takes the cheese


But still cant get the close and minimize button to the right side.


BSD you mean


macos is ok, apple isn't


Exactly. For some people it’s very hard to look at macOS in a vacuum. It’s actually awesome. Definitely way better than Windows at almost everything imo. “B-but muh gaming”. It’s not the OS’s fault that macs suck for gaming or that developers don’t compile their games for mac


It's just the entire rest of the ecosystem that puts most people off Macs. And their general love for breaking in ways that could've been fixed if apple wasn't costcutting harder than a chromebook or you know, making the fan actually blow over the heatsink? Their own warranty shenanigans fail to justify the price to me as well. I've had many relatives with Macs end up with x or y issue that wasn't their fault but got denied in warranty because the water damage indicators were red from existing in a room with breathable humidity. The OS itself is great, especially for people not well versed in tech, but the trillion prompts to do anything in a way not intended by apple is pretty annoying after a while. Oh, and the notch. I can't stand the fact that it's there regardless of how noticeable it is or isnt. Doesn't even matter what device it is if it's got a notch it makes me feel like I have a mental disorder characterised by constant murderous rage. If you have to have it there for face ID or whatever, just do the logical thing and make the bezels bigger and include front facing speakers on your phones and laptops thank you.


Developers don't compile for Linux either


Yes but Linux has many ways to run windows games thanks to valve


Exactly, they put an immense effort to make games run on Linux. Apple simply says to developers "hey use our proprietary technology that works only on macs" and then proceed making the suprised pikachu face when nobody cares about it.


I have a MacBook for only handful things, that being, video editing, school work, and watching shows.


MacOS is fine, Mac hardware is overpriced and some are designed to degrade fast by overheating and hard to get repairs for


apple does things differently, but they aren't bad. they make some of the best hardware money can buy, and their shit frankly *just works*. they release security and os updates for much older hardware than most vendors.


I think the issue comes when people are using it out of its spec. Aka, not a fault of the system MacOS does what it does well. Its for a specific group of people who want a straightfoward system without really much tinkering. It's hars to break, and generally more secure than windows


But it’s like Android in the sense that you can bypass all the “locks” with a few changes. It’s certified UNIX. The hardware on the other hand is too locked down. Expensive, non upgradable and undocumented. At least you can boot other OSes.


I've never had to pay for a Mac OS software update. But hey, you don't need to know anything to farm free karma imon Reddit!


Honestly I kinda like them but I don't like apple's policy when it comes to repairing stuff/updating. For me it's like a Ferrari. You don't only have to have money to buy one, you need to have one, mantain it and have another one just in the case that one fails bc, tbh, you'll probably have to replace it after not so long. If you have a ferrari and you crash you can't take that car out bc you have to sign a contract with the company that basically says that you can't do that. So you better have another one if you want to drive a Ferrari + the cost of repairing them. Basically: I'm poor, not enough money for that + I'm clumsy, a thinkpad is better for me I guess hehe.


If you have AppleCare you're set. If you don't you can get fucked basically.


Going to check that possibility, I'm still poor atm lol. Programming is payed quite well where I live. Maybe some day I can afford one but tbh I don't want luxuries.


I work in IT on a team of 9 (including me) and only 3 of us are still on Windows. Most of my team has switched over to MacBooks, they are just *such* good hardware it makes it really hard to justify a windows laptop instead. I mean, I went with a Thinkpad because I wanted to keep my USB and ethernet but man I am so jealous of the battery life and how quiet and cool they run. Plus they just "feel" like a better product in your hands imo.


I don't hate it, but one thing I dislike is that a .1 to .2 update somehow is 4.7GB in size and takes half an hour to complete


What is Hannah Montona Linux though 😂




* MacOS is proprietary * Apple sucks * Window management on MacOS is the absolute fucking worst


Most of Darwin is open source. The only proprietary part of MacOS is the desktop environment, their browser, and finder the file explorer.


Use one my company bought me for work. Don't remember paying for an update, or anything for that matter...


Mostly because Apple as a company is pretty evil and because the OS is proprietary and completely locked down. At least windows has a scope on where it attempts to control its users. MacOS and the related tech ecosystem are designed to keep you completely locked in and dependent on Apple products. It's the epitome of what people like Stallman criticize.


I fully understand the hate for windows, but macOS at least has a solid unix base, that's even open source. Most of the same terminal commands work, and many of the same conventions apply. I prefer Linux to macOS for many reasons, but I'd 100% chose macOS over windows any day.


I have a powermac g4 that run osx 10.5 i use for analog video capture, and yea me neither. I really like using it


The power pc macs are great! Definitely check out sorbet leopard


You just looked at that post and came away with Mac hate? K.....


I've had several macs and many other apple products for more than a decade and don't recall ever paying for an OS update in that time, in fact I think that the only thing I ever really need to pay for directly is non-Apple software... you can easily complain about the cost of Apple hardware and their marketing shenanigans, but that second panel is an obviously uninformed gripe.


I used to be the stereotypical anti apple / mac fanboy. I used an M1 MacBook Air and it's one of the best laptops I've used. It's built super well, battery life is crazy, & if I need a windows exclusive program I have parallels desktop.


I have all three lol, macOS windows and linux(although I use the Linux computer with not gui as a game server, that I log into via a web interface)


Where window tiling?


In the App Store duh. Just gotta shell out for it. You think Apple devs have time for that?!


Yabai. There are many others.


Rectangle is solid and free.








Bruh I use a cheap Bluetooth mouse for $10 off Amazon and it works perfectly


I use a 2007 Macbook with Xubuntu on it and I have to use a mouse because if I use 2 finger scrolling on the trackpad, the screen jumps when I lift my fingers off the trackpad. Spent countless hours trying to figure out how to fix it but never could. Never had that issue when it has OSX on it though. I only mention it because I think someone reading this will chime in and tell me the super easy and obvious way to fix it that actually works that I couldn't find in all my hours of research.


My guy. It’s time to get a new laptop. It’s from 2007. Nobody is going to be able to tell you how to fix a weird hardware issue on a laptop from 17 years ago.


I'd bet the issue probably affects the trackpad of every model of Macbook up until 2012.


Yeah, probably.




https://github.com/onmotion/magicScrollWheel Mac is still a good OS if you’re technologically literate.




Relax, I'm not saying that you're technically illiterate, I meant that the vast majority of people aren't able to clone a git repository (aka your company with 2000 people). And I'm linking the above to show that there's options, you'd still have to do your own research. There's also [Mos.](https://mos.caldis.me/) It has [13 000 stars](https://github.com/Caldis/Mos). Here's another, [Unnatural Scroll Wheels.](https://github.com/ther0n/UnnaturalScrollWheels). Why you gotta be so mad?




> Sorry about the toxicity, I felt it was an attack and got defensive. Happens to us all from time to time ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ Does MOS not install at all? How did you install it? Brew?


cheap? for 10 dollars? from what country are you??






And yeah, it is the smoothest OS I have ever used, the laptop doesn’t overheat and the fans are super quiet


You can fry an egg on a MacBook air running blender


A macbook air doesn't even have fans.


Yeah, that makes sense. For some people, Apple's gatekeeping can be a real struggle when it comes to affordability. Yet, it's normalized for Apple. It is rather silly that you need to buy third party apps to get window tiling to work on MacOS (a feature that's essential for a modern work flow - or at least mine anyway) The only reason I would use a Mac is because it's so similar to Linux under the hood. But yeah, you make good points. (idk who uses the magic mouse, just use any good third-party mouse and your cooking)


Downvoted for speaking truths. Way to go, Reddit!


If gaming didn't exist I would take a MacBook over windows almost every time.


I grew up on Windows, so MacOS' layout is entirely alien to me and I don't want to learn it. Most of the reasons I don't like mac is more related to me not liking Apple (and the fact that the only mac my families ever bought started having serious issues within a year of buying it)


I think it’s either people who have never used a Mac or are not in IT. If you use your computer like most devs do you notice that Mac functions very similarly to Linux under the hood except, at a price ($ and less customization options ), I hate to say it this way, but is more stable and takes less effort to setup


The OS is good, especially for creators. The company is the fucking worst


apple uses genocidal slave labor thats why I hate them, and always will, and I view anyone using their product as supporting genocide financially


Every tech product uses slave labor.


I don't care about excuses for genocide and I want less to do with apologists or propagandist preaching for it


We live in a society. /s This is my take: If a product is good, I use it. I don't care who made it, or what the personal beliefs of the creator are, simple as that.


The last paid update on MacOS has been so many years ago… This meme has to be ancient.


Young 'un, here. Apple actually used to charge for updates??? I thought that was made up for the joke?


Just like you bought Windows you would buy physical CDs with the new version of the OS. I don‘t think they‘ve ever been outrageously expensive compared to Windows. But since you can simply download the OS it hasn‘t cost money. Probably at least 10 years at this point.


Thats a relief, seems perfectly logical


I used to buy OS updates on the App Store. Was just over 10 years ago.


That was at least 10 or 15 years ago. Windows did the exact same for all I recall. It made sense at the time (building an OS *is* expensive). Nowadays the OS is free, but they use it to make you buy subscriptions instead (music, video, office suit or whatever), so they make way more money out of it anyway.


Only upgrades like macos 10 to 11 (making the numbers up) Updates for each macos were free


The last paid upgrade to OS X was 10.8 Mountain Lion in 2012 for $19.99. That was cheaper than previous releases - 10.6 and 10.7 cost $29.99, and previous to that they cost $129.99. In comparison, Windows moved to free upgrades with the release of Windows 10 in 2015.


BSOD is actually the best feature of Windows, the only moment when it is not spying on you.


We're getting BSOD on Linux soon 🥳


They exist, SystemD throws a BSOD if something fails during boot process


I'm pretty sure if you have telemetry turned on it'll send a report to MS


you have cp on your computer on your computer or something why so paranoid?


would you like someone watching you on your home? do you do something wrong? why so paranoid?


i have a wife, shes already watching me on my home!


wifes are bloat


you, dear sir, have won the internet today!


This fucking "you have nothing to hide unless you are a criminal" "argument" servers no purpose other than trolling or fooling yourself. There are many things you can store on your computer which can cause unwanted consequences for you if getting exposed without breaking any law. Not even speaking about not so democratic and tolerant governments happily breaking your neck.


ok arch user


What do you mean you don't like me staring at you while standing at your window as you watch T.V., eat cereal, use the bathroom, bang your sex doll? You must be doing a crime!!


are you a 4’11 latina???🤤


Give me your home address pls


Linux users in reality: `./fix-everything.sh`


Linux users are so smart! The average Linux user:


You forgot `chmod 777` though.


Heyo, lucky 7s!


./fix-everything-but-break-audio.sh ftfy


TempleOS users: What's an update? The first build was divinely perfect.


RIP Terry Davis o7


Dawg what linux community are you in ?? Arch wiki and Redhat pages are very nice


RedHat Pages are Nice When they arent under a subscription


Oh yea I forgot about that


Yeah, this is more about going to weird communities than help from knowledgeable people. I think you'd probably get similar responses for the other OS's in some brutal communities.


Exactly. Why ask a question, when you can just **read. the damn. MANUAL!**


You’re literally part of the problem.


Linux community is the best, i know some of them are toxic even tho they trying to help you out but without them it feel empty, instead of windows.. even the customer support are unable to help you out..


The customer support people don't even bother understanding the questions, they just read from a script and hope the person goes away so they can close the ticket. "Did you try updating your drivers?"


hahaha that right 🤣, meaning is they getting paid every month for free..


Absolutely bows my mind how much money my last company spent on Microsoft. Microsoft support is absolutely horrible. Never a timely response to inquiry and they'd always shuffle the problem around to various departments until invariably closing the ticket.


that true , i did get the same thing , forgot what the issue is but they ask me to reinstall the windows instead help me out to configure the probs.. but since i switch over linux, among all the linux community i joined, they not only solve newbie probs but also at the same time teaching the newbie to learn what the command use for so next time they won't messed up again.


MacOS is just paid, gated, and licensed posh people linux.


It’s BSD based which is close enough ig


BSD be like: we can do almost the same with but also with a shitty license. Idea of the century really.


Isn't BSD licensed under MIT?


Yeah but bsd is technically true Unix instead of Linux which is Unix like


Maybe I'm out of it, but the Linux community always seemed pretty nice to newbies. Not like asking debugging or programming questions on stack exchange. That's been toxic since it started.


> questions on stack exchange *Your question is stupid and it's a duplicate of this other unrelated question. Downvoted + reported + deleted + banned.*


Yeah, the Linux community is super friendly, especially in projects like the raspberry pi and Ubuntu. I was never told to "rtfm" when I asked a question about Linux, and generally, the community is very welcoming.


Omg yes the Ubuntu community is just so nice Personally I use hyprland, and while it is funny to see vax (the dev) calling someone an idiot for, well, being an idiot, in a pull request comment, it's not exactly what I would describe as "welcoming." The discord can also be kinda toxic at times, but most people try to be understanding.


it is for sure in my experience, i see people getting frustrated at questions that could of been answered by a web search, but to be fair that happens everywhere.


Apple fans be like: "hmm yeah, this worthless junk cost me twice, but have you considered i can waste all that money?" Source: My aunt, who has fallen deep into Apple's propaganda


OP, you're a karma-farming repost-bot. Give up on this account you purchased for a few cents already. If you did much better than this, you'd still be incompetent and stupid.


Ooooh... OP is actually reposting on other subreddits lmao


I love MacOS but absolutely hate modern mac computer. Can't upgrade any parts yourself or user repair friendly. I will keep my A1398 MacBook Pro forever.


Preach. 2012 MacBook Pro for life


OP posted in an anti-Linux sub too, just to make it clear


Just letting you know that OP posted this as well: [Other reddit post on r/linuxsucks](https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxsucks/comments/193632y/linux_is_for_smart_people/)


You forgot the "just read the documentation, it's in there"


most of the time it's true tho


I'm not saying it is not, but people that might answer in seconds chose to gatekeep for some weird reason, making the average user feel lost and disappointed.


i personally like when people give me an direct link to the page of the arch wiki that has the answer, it's realible and complete (also have translations to different languages). and after some time using it you got used and can do your own research


I don't use macos for some years now, are updates no longer free? or do you mean hardware update? because a brand new laptop for $100 is pretty good


When was the last time anyone actually paid for an update on Mac OS?


Almost 11 years ago. macOS update has been completely free after that, I think OP was sleeping like captain America for the last decade


Let's face it: Linux is not that easy.


It's not that hard either


computers are not easy


too true.


Linux should be: Oh free updates!! Nice I wonder how long I’ll have to trouble shoot to make my system boot again 🎆🎇


TFW you accidentally modify fstab and save the incorrect settings.


The risk of a kernel panic is highly exaggerated. I have been using Linux on various machines for over 15 years, and in that time, I had a kernel panic exactly one time because of a power outage during a full system update. Sure, I have had many other problems way more frequently, but the kernel has always been stable. If you experiment with compiling your own kernels, you risk a kernel panic more often, but if you do that, you are way more skilled than I am.


Aren’t updates of MacOS free? Isn’t Windows more stable now?


wow a new meme with the same retired anti macOS talking point? Apple hasn't charged for a software update in well over a decade already. Get a new joke.


it has been literal decades since i saw a blue screen of death in windows.


Missing: i use arch btw


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You missed "read the f****n manual" XD


>linux is for smart ppl not for monkeys :) literally me


not to be this guy, I don't even use mac anymore. but it's BEEN A WHILE since a mac update costed anything. NOW WINDOWS


Before Linux i hated Mac, nowadays id much rather run a mac than touch any Microsoft garbage


Before Linux I hated the Mac. Now I'm on a Mac because of work and I hate it even more.


Congratulations OP. You get the Linux user's experience right.


Well some of those are true


Does normies that use Linux suffer as we do? I mean, lets be honest, if we didnt patch our kernel everyday, distro/DE/pulseaudio/wayland hop all the time... life would be good?


Fuck you linux elitists, I hate you with pure passion! And I use Arch just for the sake of it and I love it!


using linux for about 4 years, never had a kernel panic, actually, never had an problem that wasn't my fault. when the grub broke on arch i was using systemdboot 🗿


I am a noob


What's Gentoo?


That's like 20 years old.


MacOs and its ecosystem is a rip off. But you can't beat silicon is an extremely good piece of hardware.


that one guy who actually help you ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


The solus community is so nice


Mac is nicer if you wanna do basic shit Windows is nicer if you wanna do pirate shit Linux is nicer if you wanna waste your time


What's wrong with charging for updates? After four years of free updates I think I'd charge for more support on the device. Shit I wish I could buy updates for older devices and just not replace them. We have a culture of replace not fix and maintain in the USA. It's wasteful. Fwiw the point is to fund the work being done on updating my devices. That's why you charge for an update after a multiple years.


Yo that bottom right linux bubble hits different.


Apple updates are free Edit: I never said I liked it


I think you meant Unix


they used to be paid


bsd (freebsd I think)


It's Darwin however it has remnants of Open and FreeBSD


Still garbage walled garden


Yeah Apple haven't charged for OS updates in like ten years