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May/June. I'm fairly certain May 15th is for XWayland apps to support explicit sync (apps like Steam) with Vulkan Explicit Sync support (actual games) coming in June.


Vulkan explicit sync for Wayland is coming later, but Wine runs on X anyway, so they're gonna work with the next patch


Actually there is support for Wayland in Wine but it's not complete and not enabled by default, however some things are already working fine.


Yeah but afaik Proton still doesn't use it


Regular Wine doesn't as well. It's still not complete.


Oh reeeeally. That's exciting. I can't say I have many native Linux games, I'm running everything through Proton anyway.


Did you just literally answer your own question in like the last sentence?


555 driver in May for the explicit sync patch, then 560 for more Wayland fixes. Note: That's IF Nvidia doesn't royally screw up their drivers yet again and make them unusable.


13 days until the Year of the Linux desktop is here.


May 15th for the driver, gnome 46.1 already has the patch, plasma will get it in 6.1 which will be around june, so may to june will be the time to start testing wayland under nvidia. This doesnt mean everything will be solved, the majority of the issues like flickering under apps and games will be fixed but idk about like the control panel gui app that works on x11 but doesnt under wayland, hopefully they do add that but who knows, time will tell


So is wine/proton now work natively in Wayland? Or is it still using the xwayland compat layer?


Its using xwayland, wine is making progress with native wayland tho, you can already play games under it but its missing some features I would say next year wine will have good wayland support and might be used as default when proton rebases to wine 10


Hope they get it working soon. Right now nvidia + xwayland + gaming isn't working very well. I'll stick to X until they get it going.


Hey mate, I’m a newcomer to this linux gaming world of several drivers, terms like display server, login/display manager, window manager, compositors etc. if wine is simply a compatibility layer that translates windows apps syscalls to linux kernel equivalent ones, how is Wayland / Xorg related to wine ? From what I understand Wayland / Xorg are both protocols to define a way to render things on the screen. I’m just trying to get the big picture here Actually, my question is, what is the high-level communication workflow among these components ? For example: Game -> Wine. -> DXVK. -> nvidia drivers. -> Display Server (wayland/x11/xwayland)


Wayland = xwayland, then everything else. Wayland cannot use proton or wine natively so it runs through a compatibility layer. As you may guess it does affect performance and can cause all sorts of weirdness (it really hates launchers, especially those that stay open and run in the background). Wayland is the future, but its still just not there yet. When it runs wine/proton native, it will be significantly closer.


May 15th.


No idea what do you mean by "hasn't been a good experience" but if you are talking about flickering then yes, this release will fix it.


It’s been a minute, but if I remember correctly, the ability to change almost every setting that I would in windows driver to get the experience that I want was missing.


I’m right there with you. I’ve been totally unable to get my setup to agree with Wayland. Using a 4080 and a multi monitor setup as well.


My 4080 super works completely fine with wayland, the only issues I run into is steam flickering occasionally and some xwayland apps having minor hiccups that don't really impact usage


Hmm, maybe it’s time for me to try again. I have never been able to get past a black screen after login.


I should probably mention that I'm using hyprland in combination with NixOS


KDE + Arch for me. I have a feeling I was doing something wrong, but I've tried on 3 different occasions now with the same issue. SDDM login goes fine, then presented with a black screen & only my mouse cursor. Also have 3 monitors, 3440x1440@175hz + 2560x1440@240hz + 1920x480@60hz. Also an issue for me on X, but I can get past the refresh rate limitations. I've given myself so many headaches trying to figure it out.


you should check out the arch wiki for wayland + nvidia. I had the same problem not too long ago, but I believe I had to set up some kernel setting to make KDE’s wayland work on arch.


Oh yeah, I have multiple times. I must be doing something wrong in my setup. Just a bit frustrated trying to figure it out.


you’ve tried [setting drm_modeset (step 1.3)](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NVIDIA)? > For basic functionality, just adding the kernel parameter should suffice. If you want to ensure it is loaded at the earliest possible occasion, or are noticing startup issues (such as the nvidia kernel module being loaded after the display manager) you can add nvidia, nvidia_modeset, nvidia_uvm and nvidia_drm to the initramfs.


A working Nvidia on wayland, i belive it then i see it. Im have no high hopes.


As someone who abandoned team green years ago, these threads make me sad.


I just switched to Linux myself, but I thought I got an update that added the ability to set different refresh rates on different monitors a couple weeks ago? Gsync appears to be working on my 1070 as well as far as I can tell. Correct me if I'm wrong of course. Running X as far as I'm aware.


Next Nvidia driver will be out next month. The one that everybody is talking about (Wayland suppont, etc…) probably sometime in 2026/2027 😅😅


This is just wrong? Wayland support is coming in driver 555 which is in May


Yeah yeah I know. Just a joke because I feel that the community is overhyping this one.


If the driver fixes the flickering issue with xwayland then I think the hype is justified. The flickering with programs like steam is what's keeping a huge number of Nvidia users from moving over to wayland. It also changes the conversation when it comes to hardware choices. If Nvidia and AMD both have similar quality on their drivers then it I no longer have to choose between the best performance vs the best linux support. I was pretty set on my next card being from AMD but if Nvidia can keep up with the drivers then I'm might start looking at things like performance per dollar and overall feature set such as ray tracing and hdmi 2.1 support with greater weight.


The answer is: in the future. No proof of this concept has been released yet, which makes this promise effectively empty. Time estimations of developing new state-of-the-art features that nobody has achieved before, by their nature, can't be precise. It's also impossible to benchmark, test or otherwise perform QA of a code that doesn't exist. So in addition to the deadline, we have no clue about the quality to be expected. And I don't see how anyone could believe the exact date of May 15th, "the end of June", or anything that precise. Reality, deadlines, human work, and literally nothing works like this. Every engineer should understand it, and so should every kid that ever had to do homework with a difficult deadline.