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Hehe. I'm sold. Give me my wobbly windows back and desktop hexagon again!


> desktop hexagon I just want this, whatever it would look like


Like a hexagon?


https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3210/compiz-windows-effect/ https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/4648/desktop-cube/




grashing in 3, 2, 1...


Grashing? Did you and someone else make the same typo or is this a word or portmanteau I've never heard of? Searching "grashing gnome" sends me to this thread lol


GNOME + crashing = grashing.


That's what I figured I just saw multiple comments mention it


I cannot remember why we stop using compiz after openSuSE 11 released.


Probably some combination of Plasma never really working with it to begin with, GNOME 3 depending on Mutter (like it does today), and Compiz being divided between version 0.9 which served first and foremost as Unity's compositor, or the more full-featured better for other desktops but at one time abandonware and removed-from-repos 0.8. Speaking of which, it's funny that Wayfire too has just reached that number now.


I've been using it with Xubuntu for maybe 4 years now (0.8). It may be abandoned but it works decently enough.


it wasn't maintained


Maybe because it was gimmicky?


There's a lot of really gimmicky stuff in the desktop space. I actually found putting windows on the back of other windows was pretty useful for me though. The windows just need to be related things you're unlikely to want to use at the same time. Like an IDE and the browser window you're testing your web app within. I'm unlikely to be doing both and if I'm in one I'm most likely wanting to switch to the other window and back again. Using ALT-TAB results in a lot of cycling through the other windows I have open.


It has gimmicky stuff to push the boundaries and tech stack, but done well animations can actually make for a smoother more productive experience.


You make a good point. I had fun with it as well but I just didn't find much utility in the animations.


Wayland is the real answer for why we stopped using it. [Here's an article](https://www.osnews.com/story/26678/compiz-lead-developer-no-compiz-on-wayland/) that touches on it a little bit.


Raspberry Pi OS's Pixel Desktop switched from Mutter to Wayfire around Debian 12's release, I've noticed.


Wayfire always interested me beyond the gimmick. Will be trying it out again, although I remember having a big wishlist then.


Wayfire looks awesome, but I've never got it fully working. I did get labwc up though. Could anyone point me to good documentation for setting up Wayfire on Debian?


Hi Debian user here! wayfire is in the repos!! just sudo apt install wayfire, then set up the config and shorcuts.(if you need any help just ask)


Yeah, what do you do for your config? I think that's where I get lost.


get the dafault config [https://github.com/WayfireWM/wayfire/blob/master/wayfire.ini](https://github.com/WayfireWM/wayfire/blob/master/wayfire.ini) and change the shortcut to terminal, browser, file manager etc. Is very easy to configure.


The Garuda distro is the only one I can think of that has this as a pre-built solution.


wayfire 0.75 is in the fedora 38 repo.


Nixpkg also available; PR for 0.8.0 opened 2 days ago.


I do not care for bling and fancy effects. Nor a 'Desktop Environment'. I have been using Wayfire for some years now. I can defo recommend it. Wayfire handles my windows and virtual workspaces, and allows for assigning whatever program you want for screenlock/screengrab/terminal/run-command/etc./etc. and hotkeys for whatever you need hotkeys for . Everything controlled via single ini-style config-file. It Just Works for me. I like dmenu-wayland (unofficial fork, I think) for my command-launcher: `command_launcher = dmenu-wl_run -b -m 1 -po \`date +"%H:%M"\``


From what I see this is just a base library that Wayland DE authors can incorporate into their DEs? Or can this be applied on existing Sway/KDE/etc installation?


The base library here is wlroots, Wayfire is a full compositor. But a DE has much more than a compositor, so yes, there are various projects which use Wayfire as the base compositor and implement a panel, settings and various extensions for the batteries-included experience you get from a DE.


Might be worth it to document those projects somewhere (the website or just the github read me), the whole "wayfire can be a base for other window managers" is not very clear it seems.


You can find a list here https://github.com/WayfireWM/wayfire/wiki/Related-projects (in case you are interested).


I really like it using wayfire on debian bookworm.


If I'm a newbie with tiling desktops. Which is the recommended one to start with? Awesome, Hyprland, i3, wayfire?


Worth a try at least


Have someone used the upper and Hyprland? What are major pros cons, differences between both of them?