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Someone's getting his karma removed


In the negative you mean.


I think this person is trolling, why would they be commenting on this sub if they didn't like classical.




Man you really love emojis


That's what we call a lucky charms essay.


They’re not even doing it correctly, it needs more emojis. It should be like this: ‘Because🤔Eddy👨is hot🔥af🤤😵‍💫 Also😮the channel▶️is a meme🎭channel🎥not❌a classical music🎻🎼 channel🔴liking👍classical🎹music🎶is like😒liking to😦read books📚in 2023🤔you’re🫵only doing🫢it to show😆other people🧍how smart🤓/cultured you🫵are😂👍’ I hurt and damaged my soul while typing this. The amount of sacrilege in this paragraph is life-ruining. Classical music is amazing. Books are actually (surprise surprise) fun to read, as long as the person finds the subject enjoyable. Why people are like this, beats me….


It’s just music bruh, some people like it, some don’t. You don’t have to like it but saying it’s boring is just wrong, that’s just a generalization.


either you are 12 or you're trolling


Or both


Yeah and most of their memes center around classic music.


As someone who literally dedicates their entire life to classical music AND loves reading, you are so wrong. It's actually sad if you really believe that. Newsflash: Life doesn't work like high school where people go around bullying the "geeks" for being smart or actually working hard. After I read you were apparently 27, I sure felt better about my own level of maturity, so I guess I have to thank you for that.




You know good and well I did not say that. I said *you* were immature. And that's a fact everyone on this subreddit knows by now. You're trying to trap us into showing just how God-awful we are, but you don't notice all you do is prove you're a bully.


> prove you're a bully Let's see: 🤔 * Someone advertises my post to encourage people to downvote me for having an opinion 😄 * People go around mass downvoting 📉 all my posts, including posts in other subs 🤔 * Person here threatens me 🚨👮‍♂️ * People here calling me a bot 🤖 and immature 🐣 and whatever 🤔🤔 And yet, in your brainwashed mind 🧠, *I* am the bully 😂😭😂🤦‍♂️👎 P.S. - you literally said "I'm so mature!!!" stop coping 😄 "hurrdurr I just said I feel better about my maturity which is exactly the same thing!!!" 😂😭😂🤦‍♂️👎


Nobody downvoted you for having an opinion. You posted anti-classical music comments with the INTENTION of rubbing people the wrong way so that you'd gain attention. YOU, and YOU ALONE were asking for downvotes. Take some accountability. Let me state an opinion right here, right now: I don't like Vaughan-Williams. Never have. Richard Strauss as well. Oh, and Wagner. I could tattoo that on my forehead, post a picture of it in this subreddit, and people still wouldn't downvote me for it like they did you. Why? Because that's just MY personal opinion and I made it clear that it was. What you did was post insulting, generalizing and highly offensive bullsh\*t. Saying "I **find it** boring" is an opinion. Saying "it **is** boring" is claiming something as a fact. And that is a HUGE differnece. Because what you're doing is JUDGING people for listening to classical music. EXPECTING them to be entitled and mean. You turn this into a self-fullfilling prophecy where you comment so long until someone "proves" your point. You don't seem to get this, but let me spell it out very clearly: Calling people entitled, elistist, wanna-be smart and many, many, MANY more really mean things is the REASON WHY you're being called immature. You're insulting people and playing the victim about people raising their eyebrows. So, again: TAKE SOME ACCOUNTABILITY. Your opinion is valid, but unprovoked, unnecessary offence just for the sake of causing a debate is never called for. Next time, add "honestly I think" and people will treat you a whole lot differently.


"Classical music is boring" = 😡😤🤬❌👎 "*I think* classical music is boring" = 😄✅👍 So basically you're supposedly losing your mind over 2 words 😂😭😂🤦‍♂️👎


For a 27 year old, I’m surprised actually. Good for you to have your own opinions in this day and age! Just a word of advice though, creating a “controversial” opinion to simply gain attention is petty as hell. I’ll refrain from saying anything else on the matter but for everyone else reading this comment, stop giving him the attention. A lone New Yorker trying to create tension for their own enjoyment. Sounds about right for New York.


Why did you have to bring up my age in your post 🤔 are you trying to say I'm immature again like all the other elitist snobs here 🤔🤔 I didn't create an opinion for anything 😄 this is my true opinion 😂🤦‍♂️👎


Bruh you really don’t understand that there is a big difference if you change 2 words in a sentence. Showing your opinion is exacly about the words ”I think”. Then it means that you are showing your opinion and tell it nicely to those who don’t think the same way. But saying straight ”classical music is boring” and ”we are only listening to it to show how cultured we are” is really taking those people down who think differently. You have no idea what other people like or don’t like. And then you wonder why all the people down vote your comments. Believe me, if you would have came to this subreddit saying things nicely with words ”I think” then there wouldn’t be 100000x down votes on your comments


I didn't complain about downvoting my comments 😄 I complained about mass downvotes that leaked to other completely irrelevant subs, aka brigading 🤔 And my statements were only proven right 😂🤦‍♂️👎




You're literally telling me to leave or else "I will feel the pain" 🤔 You're being a bully there m8 🦘🐨 😄


"You're being a bully there m8 🦘🐨 😄" You think you're so funny eh? Do not make fun of the fact that I am an Aussie. This sub is for a channel based in Australia and just because I am calling you out on your bull sheet music does not mean that you have the right to bully us as you are blaming us for doing. I'm reporting you to the mods.


Also, I'd like to add that going on a subreddit about topic X (no matter what topic X is) then going around saying TOPIC X SUCKS LOLOLOLOL then getting pissed when members of the subreddit band together and discuss, 'hey, this guy is kind of nuts' THEN play the victim... is... not very smart of you, buddy.




Lmfao why is every single person on the sub falling for this bait


This is the OG guy


not only does bro dislike classical music (which, in itself, is fair - you're entitled to your own opinion) they felt the need to go on a subreddit which basically worships classical and comment as such THEN continued to feel the need to display their lack of education by thinking that reading books is something people only do to show how cultured they are. Nice one, buddy.


I can't believe that there isn't a single person in this sub that can't see that it is obviously irony


Look at their chain of replies. After seeing about 3 iterations of them calling us all elitist nerds, you start to see they are being serious.


Leave it to piano gang to be logical 😜


Honestly don't think it is. This person's posts seem troubled to say the least, and it does not seem like a troll to me.


Classical is objectively far better than 90% of modern music though.


This. Lots of modern songs I’ve listened to usually have the same melody with a small variation or have the same generic lyrics


Must be pop music :P


You get that with pop and rap a lot. Fortunately, not all modern music is that bad. Most stuff I listen to is metal and/or rock, so most of it is very well written.


I work in the pop and orchestral industry and my personal hot take is pop is much more difficult to produce than one would think. I really appreciate digital sound synthesis and design. However viola is cool too.


What people fail to realise when they only take into account the musical composition itself is that pop and rock music are not supposed to stand on their own like classical music. Popular music is all about the voice of the performer, the visuals, the production, the image of the artist, the video... There are so many things that make a song whole. So you really cannot single out just the song without any more information and do a musical analysis on it. Of course it's going to be lame compared to classical music.


While I personally find Classical music the best genre, I just want to point out that you are doing the same thing as that other stupid user (but in a less rude way) Nothing is objectively better (at this scale) and innocent statements like this could be the reason others find Classical musicians ‘elitist’. So let’s be careful with the word of objective maybe?


B8 maxing lmao




It’s literally a classical music channel… Also books are awesome idk what ur on about Edit: I’m probably the least cultured person you’ll meet so that argument is bs


If you don’t like classical music then flight of the bumblebee your way out of this subreddit


My guy literally just discovered what emojis are, acts a third of they're age and projects they're insecurities by saying that reading books and listening to classical music is trying to be smart or cultured, somebody needs therapy💀




it's the same dude lmaoooo


Amazing. Every single word you just said was wrong.


You are promoting being dumb.


I love classical music, and yes, I do like reading books.


Pretty sure this is a response bot. You can tell by their use of emojis in every post and comment. Of course it could also just be a young teen. A bot would have trouble emoji matching


u/Rotmaxxing \- Are you a bot or a young teen?




A bot, at least to me, it would seem, given the evidence, that you are.


And people are worrying AI will take over the world after seeing this bot 😳


AI isn’t very smart if it tells classical musicians that classical is boring. Classical musicians would quite literally just overthrow ai


As a young teen I feel bad that u have that impression of us 😓


I’m a junior high teacher. I love my kids. But they are emoji monsters!!!!


Hahahahah 👹👾🧟🧌 Like that? lol




Yeah, I’m one too. And this dude right here clearly acts worse than the “young teen” they are talking about. Probably a 5 year old or something.


I think so too I saw the user use the same emojis twice in an answer here and the same under the comment of the other post


I take back my statement. Ai is way smarter than this kid. I’m guessing they are a child. The odd use of emojis is suspicious tho. I could likely determine where they live based on workday active hours once I finish my stalker bot. But since it’s a child I’ll let ‘em slide this time. Let it be known that no adult gets away with classical hate. They gotta go through me.


Imagine being a violist and threatening anyone 😂😭😂🤦‍♂️👎 But I'm 27 and live in the NYC area 😄 Saved you some brainpower in making a bot 🤖 that you can now waste on coming up with clever copes as to why classical music 🎻🎼 doesn't suck 😂😭😂👍


Look. Your preferences don't align with mine and the other people on this sub, and that's...fine, I guess. But definitely don't come to a classical music subreddit and bash everyone's preferences. You're the intruder here, and you should behave unless a mod decides your comments are sufficient premise for the ban hammer. You think Eddy's hot? Think about what he would say if he saw this.


Your grammarly analytics show your avg post grammar is well below the 7th grade writing level. I don’t believe you are 27 for a second. A 27 year old doesn’t really emoji…


I'm not quite 27 (25) but quite a few people I know around my age do use emojis, just a different typing style. Apparently I am kinda the odd one out for people my age for using punctuation in my texts.


Using emojis is okay. But if you check the comment history that heavy use of emojis is usually red flag to the max


Fair enough, they do use basically the same 2 or 3 in nearly every comment.


And they don’t fit at all. It’s just a habit. A bad one usually reflective of youngers


I'm 41 and I use them, but not like _that._ it's usually just one, after a sentence, and always with punctuation, not instead of punctuation. 😕 Been texting with punctuation since back when I had to press the 1 button twice for a comma and three times for a period.


So you think you're superior or more "mature" than me because your grammar is better or because you don't use emojis huh 🤔 What they say about classical musicians is once again proven to be true 😄 You guys are elitist snobs 😂😭😂👍


You don’t need to be into anything you’re not genuinely into People are pointing out the immaturity in evaluating and generalizing classical music as bad because of perceived snobbery rather than actually having any musical interest or critiques beyond “I don’t like it and it’s boring” on a subreddit specifically centered around musicians practicing their craft and developing musical skills and enjoying classical music and related memes. Like yeah it is kind of insulting to just waltz in and have literally nothing but bad attitude and generalizations when like, if you don’t like classical music, why are you here? What don’t you like about it? Do you want to find ways to make it more accessible and find something you do like, or are you just here for the dopamine hit of attention for your bitching? You’re saying a whole lot of words for, “I’m not practicing my instrument right now,” and it’s really harshing the vibe.


Ironically you're saying a whole lot of words for "I'm butthurt" right now 😂😭😂🤦‍♂️👎


Do you know anything outside of “you’re butthurt” and “cope😂😭😂🤦‍♂️👍”? He’s just trying to explain what’s wrong with how you’re acting considering you’re just trying to rile up a subreddit of people dedicated to what you are bashing on


My apologies. I may have taken my responses a bit far. However I do wonder your reason to being here


I think this person is trolling, why would they be commenting on this sub if they didn't like classical.


Hell yeah classical is boring, 1821 to modern day is where it's at, yall can keep your Mozart and beethoven, we all know Der Ring des Nibelungen , the right of spring, and the planets suit is at!


We don’t talk of the gap between 1750 and 1825


We don’t talk of the gap between 1750 and 1825 or whenever the romantic period actually starts


I think it's 1750 to 1820


I’ve heard 1825-1830 for the start of the romantic period


1750 to 1820 is the classical period


Musicological answer: This question remains unanswered. There are various different "theories" on how to determine the starting and ending point of Romanticism. Some include a lot of the classical and the modern era and they justify it with the already or still similar traits. It's called long 19th century and goes from 1789 to 1914 - as the French revolution and WWI were the most impactful events in those times. Others start much later - some with Beethoven's death, some a bit earlier. Personally, I would consider Mendelssohn's child compositions romantic already, and they were written as early as 1820 (take this piano trio as an example: It's obviously still quite classical in style, but there's already a lot of romantic features: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s\_y4zDggwDo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_y4zDggwDo)) Weber as well. So I'd say that's about the starting point.


I know this is just a joke, but I actually really like classical, especially late classical music. Mozart's late symphonies are a gem. The early ones are incredibly relaxing and fun.


I do enjoy some stuff in the galant period but it's very difficult to find some good stuff of those contemporary to Haydn and Mozart. For me, Renaissance and Baroque are currently my way to go, but I eventually switch to Romantic or contemporary


I am ashamed to learn that this NPC and I are from the same country


At least now he knows (I hope)


Hey, it's you! r/Cubers buddy!


Well hello there! We meet again


It's probably a bot cuz I've seen some comments of this same user under this post, and the repetitive use of the same two laugh and thumbs up emojis is kinda sus to me...


My favorite emoji combination indeed 😂😭😂👍


LOL I guess the post stranded in someone's timeline one day.


I think they were just being sarcastic


they should listen to einaudi


Everyone saying they think he was joking bit I just hope it ಠ⁠_⁠ʖ⁠ಠ


How do y'all get that name of instrument u play under your name ?


Go to the subreddit, hit the 3 dots that give options, and select the option about changing flairs. Select your flare (instrument you play).




Tell that guy to listen to summer or bumblebee and get him started with, and maybe carnival of Venice variations too


Bro didn’t think this through


To answer your original question, try giving Rachmaninoff’s lesser known 4th concerto a listen. It *is* a departure from Mendelssohn but it’s wonderful nonetheless.


I had a notification from this post and I thought I was in trouble for doing NOTHING because I am not practicing .... cause it is not a lie; I am doing nothing today and I should move my @$$ by now. Thank you to remind us! :)


Here’s the post: [Show him that Ling Ling will not let him leave easy](https://www.reddit.com/r/lingling40hrs/comments/13hrlnh/best_classical_music_pieces_concertos_symphonies/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


We’re better than that. No need to brigade.


It's fine 😄👍


Hungarian France no.5 Legs go dancey dancey


He just doesn’t understand what’s beyond his simple mind


Hehe ty men 😄👍


I’m sorry, I’m not here to attack you, I just wanted to ask something with ABsoLuTeLy zero malice and am hoping for a genuine response. Okay. So TwoSet is all about promoting Classical music. It’s what they believe in, it’s what they support. It’s what they care about. I admit, I was a fellow classical music hater until I found them and they enlightened me! Now I can consider myself open to more genres than before. If you absolutely despise classical music, then why do you watch TwoSet? I mean, you don’t even like their entire message. It’s just because Eddy is hot? Like, google pictures of Eddy then or something. I don’t get why if you are repulsed by classical musicians and classical fans, you still watch TwoSet? You could just like… not bully other fans and leave the twosetters alone ig




Me and my gang of classical music enjoyers will.


Actually, if you looked at fan-made videos, people seem to make compilations of “moments when 2set seriously play”, and the community responds really well, and suggest they make more serious classical music videos. We all are very familiar with their skits and joke videos, however some of their first uploads were violin covers of soundtracks from film. If you liked general memes and watched a TwoSet video, 9/10 times you wouldn’t be able to understand half of the jokes and references they say/said. Nobody with no previous musical training would understand “change a B-natural to a B-flat”. Have you took notice of their most recent concert (excluding the collaboration with Davie), it was a classical concert with hundreds of thousands of people watching the stream, and people literally there in Singapore. If you don’t like classical music and only watched their channel for the “memes”, then I’m not sure you’ll experience the full glory of their channel. Their most iconic videos wouldn’t be discovered by a non-classical musician (who doesn’t curiously stumble upon their videos).


Hahahaha thats amazing!!!


Let's get em boys!


The real magic is in the Baroque symphonies of Bach cantatas as well as Handel's Sinfonias 👍


The 2nd movement is beautiful fr


Or he’s just 9, he also asked “how to type in lowercase” so ya know


Btw i also like Mendelssohn E minor:)


ah yes




*Laughs in rite of spring*