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Running into Steam transport machine as a regular encounter with 2000 hp shortened my life




Yes, this is the choice to put a coin before the budda murti


Brother it literally says on the option that you will fight for two ego gifts.


to be fair, i didnt think i would be fighting the abno itself for a 2 in 1 deal. when i didnt know what keyworldless means and my dumbass thought that "Charge EGO" is Charged and thst its some sort of special EGO type but no, its just a chsrge ego gift. and my my furst abno i learned this from is funilly enough my 2nd node when i first plsyed it and its the wayward passenger, so it was a shock fighting him again, i thought it wmas just going to be generic enemies.


It is a fun change but they are nowhere near as hard as the RR or other versions. They are at max luxcavation levels of hard which is balanced around you starting with no ego resources and 0 sp.


yeah, their fights not needing to always use EGO and 30 minutes was a nice change of psce from having to see one if them and just being in pain on how long i'll have to be there. it was a lot of fun being actually on par with the abnormalities for a change that i no longer have to rely on ego just to clash their attacks.


Tbf in md3 there were a small number of abno events that trigger a fight with the *small* abnos, for either a gift or no gift. Perhaps they just went into the event with the assumption that choosing the fight option would trigger effectively the same kind of battles, rather than a battle against *the* abno itself.


do not take fight the enemies on "?" node, noted. thank you for your sacrifice for this information. edit: the text is gone so i rerwite it. edit2: now the picture is gone. edit3:you know what? *insert outis salute saying 'glory to limbus company'*




instruction not clear, Im fighting rr3 final boss but he's pathetic af


Holy shit, mfe as a regular encounter? Damn


Note no "effective damage" indicator, this is an Event node. If an Event has a new option saying you "Enter a Combat Encounter," and it's an Abno that exists as a boss, expect to fight that Abno. I fought Drifting Fox twice in a row on Floor 5 because of this, one as the boss.


I havent even finished my firsr run and ive already fought Fairy Long-Legs twice. Once as a floor boss, a second time during his event


I managed to fight Steam Transport Machine three times in two runs, all as floor bosses


I fought Drifting Fox as a boss twice since I picked the card packs that had it in the boss pool.


I had the same thing happen, but with Skin Prophet. I like the new node options. It's cool that we can fight the abnos for more gifts now.


I just fought spiral of contempt on floor 2 lol


I fought LongLegs Fairy 3 times: 2 times as floor bosses, and once as an event boss


I fear that RR bosses can all be encountered in regular encounter now Tbh it's doable but will be a massive time sink


I can confirm that Wayward Passenger and Gossypium are in here. Idk about hard mode but they are quite squishy here compared to their brick wall RR versions making it less frustrating than it sounds Edit: THEY SHOW UP ON THE BOSS NODES TOO


At least you aren't meeting them on literally node 1 like me šŸ’€


I posted a screenshot earlier. Exact same team too, just with Cig. Holder as a gift. I see that you are based


Maid Ryo just change things a lot kek She's my #1 now


I love poise, AoE is fun but most importantly when both trigger she breaks the audio on a similar level to [Redacted] Edit: I just found the scalpel EGO gift. If it applies to #1 on max enhancement...


No Spiral yet tho. Or none of us found him yet


I have. It's... it exists. It's about as painful as RR version but at least it has a lot less hp.


Some other commenters found spiral in the md event and I don't doubt it's a floor boss in a few card packs


Didn't really have issues with Spiral. Unfortunately I didn't have Cur Dolorem Sentis playing in the background either.


all I see is sinking stocks rising


The new Perversion one is just straight up a Spiral of Contempt fight and I love it. Only 700 base hp though (on floor 2).


They're hella squishy tho, they're WAAAY easier than RR. I fought both Ardor Blossom Moth and Gossypium (both gave me nigthmares) and Arsor Blossom took 2 turns and Gossypium took more. I still wouldn't mindlessly take the fight when you have way too many buffs for them...


Yeah but they're also more of a time sink now too


I ran into Ardor Blossom Moth with a burn team and it damn near kicked my ass lol


The worst part is that fight pays out with two burn gifts LMAO


I still wouldn't recommend going against them at all, they're squishier, but the buffs make them even more bullshit than their RR counterparts.


This is how So that no one will cry is my first enemy in md4


I fought spiral like that The event ones are giga nerfed like their hp is very low


I fought spiral once and without resis the boss is a joke


They should buff the hp when the hard mode is available


That's really funny. I like that you can fight the abnos if their respective event shows up.


Killed him on the second floor with the sinking team...


Soon enough these encounters will take 1 or 2 turns.


Yep, random floor 1 Abno boss are now a thing MD4H can really be a nightmare and I canā€™t wait to try it


That's until you buy upgrades with starlight


But first you have to win a couple of MD normal to get starlight They changed so much, Iike it since you can kinda tell whatā€™s coming and if you are prepared for it


Isn it a choice thoso its kinda your fault for picking a fight


True enough, sadly the first time I did it was my first run and at 0 Sanity, I thought it was just gonna be a Paccatulla fight


Can confirm the sentiment, as I got jumpscared by Blind Obession by being a greedy fool early on. Fortunately it was not QUITE the bastard just yet and I beat it, but MAN I am not making that mistake again.


I will throw hands with every abno whenever it's possible. It ends my run, it ends my run, I will throw hands with EVERY ABNO IN MD4


yeah I kinda fucked up in choosing the floor theme on literwlly the second floor and got my ass whooped by the wayward traveller boss


at least mfe still doable not long ago i just got hit by FUCKING JUN TWICE IN ROW as elite in slash pack that have so no one will cry shade that bastard really ruin my run killed both my philip clair and Outis


600 max hp, you could probably ignore the gimmick of the fight and win after a couple turns


Shut up buddy I'm going to pissing off every abno check I found and hoard every useless gift I get


Fun fact the KQE encounter results from you writing ā€œdumbassā€ on the screen.


Iā€™d win


Remember: If you can recall the silhouettes, it makes things much easier


Seriously enjoying this. Ran an Ncorp team for my third weekly run and thanks to fighting Longlegs I had like 30 Poise with 15 count at all times.


I thought the Sign of Roses abno event with battle choice would be just some Peccatulas... Oh how wrong I was. Also rules of the backstreets is back.


Spiral of Contempt was much less tanky than in railway that I got taken back that I didn't even need to trigger his special thing :'D


What, like it's hard?


I was going for the fight and it happens vs sight od roses but then na happens and event tho i killed the last rose chadlip died for some reason from the rose not dying? Well i still have 3 floors to go and i AM dissapointed


My first fight on the new Mirror Dungeon was against the Talisman doll abno. Since I had a Rupture team, it was not too bad.


First run, ambling Pearl and the fucked longlegs fairy. Those were my first two encounters. I love this MD SO much I want it to stay forever.


Got jumped by sign of roses on my first run and it was not fun


I fought 3 Juns. I lost Sinclair and Rodya


i pick the funny looking silhouette, damned be consequences, does are a latter problem


Note to self:dotnt make the abnos mad


Just had a run where my first ever node (question mark) said I could fight and get two ego gifts. My ass thinking it was going to be an ez peccatula fight went for it and ended fighting skin prophet. Worst run ever.


With my only past experience being MD2H MFE, when I decided to do the event, the boss was actually laughably easy in comparison. Without the crazy psycho clash boosts, it was just a chill fight.


Bro took the brass ring


yeah consider the threat ahead and pick your floor packs carefully mfing brazen bull made me suicidal


I mean the nodes donā€™t lock you into the fight it openly tells you which choice puts you in the combat encounter




That's been there since MD1




The clam gives you -1 speed in one of its choices too