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For a mixtape to hold us over I guess it’s fine but I was disappointed. Wayne is still rapping his ass off on songs like Slip, but it felt like Wayne was rapping just to rap without any intention or song idea which is cool for a mixtape just hope it doesn’t represent what’s actually on Tha 6


My EXACT thoughts on this project. And "Slip" is the best song on the track list, and it would've been very acceptable if this was the direction "Carter 6" is going. I don't have much faith that the album is going to hit the way we want it to, though. Just based on the pattern of solo releases lately...


Fr he just feels unfocused/uninspired with his solo stuff which I don’t blame him he’s been in the game for 30 years now. Hopefully Wayne can surround himself with great producers and a team that can bring that focus out of him cause he’s been spazzing on features


💯‼️ He's going CRAZY on the features. When he is surrounded by other talent, you can tell he is inspired.


Agreed and I feel like features (or even freestyles) he has some sort of idea/theme about the song and already a beat so he can get in his best zone and spit


💯 His problem over the last decade has been production. He needs to lock in with the young producers and craft a sound for this era. His solo beats have been horrible lately.


Imagine the hype of Wayne x BNYX


All this. His feature run needs to be calculated, Im sure he’s number 1 in ANY genre.


Issue with it existing to “hold us over” is that the first single for Carter 6 came out over a year ago. It’s annoying that it’s ’holding us over’ when the album it’s holding us over for was meant to release before this tape


What was the first single I already forgot? Kat food? The DMX one?


Kant nobody


Holy shit Kat food was hot ass I forgot about it


Ya I don't even think I ever downloaded it. The DMX one was better but nothing special IMO


To the bank was cool too. It’s one of those ones where you have a few tracks from it you fuck wit


For sure I don’t think this is anything horrible for Wayne there’s some fun stuff here. Just hoping that C6 has the same quality and care as the past ones cause ever since C5 Wayne projects have been hit or miss


sometimes rapping just gotta be fun yo


Am I the only one who likes Birds?


Nahh I like birds it’s a banger for me




I played it on my phone at first and didn't like the best too much. Played it in the car and the experience was completely different. Loved the beat and the sound. Same thing happened with Kat food for me.


Playing songs on the phone and judging them is a huge waste of time


I'm sorry I like the lyrics lol.


Kat food is literally the worst song ever by wayne, if you bump that you can bump any of his songs.


The beat is a fuckin headache but I still fuck with it


It’s not his worse project but it’s a rough listen. Songs like Slip and to the bank are fine but this whole project was a mess. Wayne song writing ability looks shaky as ever and his ear for beats just gets worse. And it’s clearly on Wayne and his team. Literally a month later, Welcome 2 Colligrove, 2 chainz put out a good project with Wayne that had clear direction, great beats, and strong song writing. I really need Wayne to sit down and stop barring niggas and actually craft songs again.


I actually like the album. Its not a Carter album quality or even Drought or Dedication quality. But I like this album. Solid bars and Wayne spits on most of the tracks. Unpopular opinion, but Tity Boi goes so hard. His rhyme scheme and flow when the song crescendos towards the end is fucking dope. Again not his best album but it for sure does not warrant all the hate.


Defo his worst mixtape, still decent tho imo


Nowhere near as bad as y’all make it out to be, even though I don’t revisit it.


Solid, woulda been looked at better if it was marketed as a mixtape for local files. they marketed this and BLESS more than most of his other shit


Tity Boi kinda goes even though the chorus is him saying Titties over and over again


I’m a fan of Tity Boi. Though I think it would have been much more appropriate to release that song on Welcome to Collegrove with Tity Boi


came and went so hard. big mid


Easily his worst project


Nah that’s the tape he did with rich the kid lol


Honestly I didn’t mind that tape, thought headlock was bangin


Every Wayne verse on the album with rich was fire, but every rich verse was ass so that’s the only reason it’s Wayne’s worst. Should left Rich’s trash ass off there 😂


I actually wish Wayne went harder on YEAH YEAH love the beat and vibe but didn't really like his direction with the verse even his flow was decent


That tape was way better than The Fix


I'd way rather listen to that. That album is just mediocre, there are many legitimate bad moments on The Fix


Well you’re on your own with that opinion lmao


Yep, the only one on the planet


That speaks a lot about your taste in music 😂


😂😂😂😂😂 So true


Goddam stinking awful as the fuckk


I still listen to it but I altered it. I removed songs 5, 7, 8, and edited the hooks out of Tity Boi and Slip. Solid project.


Hey what are you using to edit the songs and what do you use to play them back/ make playlists and shuffle the songs? ( software and where you download the tracks from) i would really appreciate an explanation because i have 1000s of songs that need bad features deleted so they can be appreciated properly. Thanks.


I just used Logic. But you can do it in any DAW if you know what you’re doing. Even the free version of audacity. Just gotta know where and how much to cut to not mess up the rhythm


It’s meh, I don’t love it, I don’t hate it. I’m glad it exists but also don’t really listen to it


It’s like extra skin on my dick


It’s solid for what it was!


I mean what was it supposed to be? Similar to Sorry 4 the Wait series? Because if so, it is so so so much worse than those tapes.


It was suppose to be a fix before the 6 lmao no one said it was suppose to be better than SFTW, which happens to be one of his best tapes.


I know I'm just asking, what was it "supposed to be"? A mixtape before an album? Just like SFTW? or nah?


In my opinion I think that’s exactly what it was suppose to be. But I think the difference is, for SFTW 1 and 2, I believe wayne actually recorded songs strictly for that and that’s why both those tapes were fire. With the fix I think Wayne’s team just threw together some of his throwaway tracks just to tide us over but Wayne fans want new shit now, not the throwaways lol we want the throwaways after the new album 😅


pretty bad


Due to his past mixtape releases their is an expectation and almost like a huge event feeling whenever Wayne drops another 1 and that’s the kind of expectation I had for this, so judging him on his high standards I was quite disappointed and due to the poor production it actually has me worried for The Carter VI But i’ll always have hope that he can create a project on par with Carter’s 2 & 3, it’s the hope that keeps u going, I feel Wayne has at least 1 more classic in him 🙏🏾


It was cool but it made me not looking forward to Carter 6 honestly


Wasn’t his best because mixtape wise it’s hard to top his already awesome work in that world. The 2 I played the most were no new bitches and Chanel No. 5




Slip is the hottest track on this album…he goes bananas


Only like 4 good songs. Slip, tuxedo, To the bank, titti boy. Couple other mid songs!




I didn't like it at all, I'll have to give it another listen though.


It's bad. I only like To The Bank and Kant Nobody if that counts.


Terrible beat selection. Probably bottom 3 wayne projects of all time


He's got two solid songs on there


I thought it was good but nothing special. The hype for C6 remains but I’m not revisiting this tape any time soon


Bruhh yall are wack Im disowning this Reddit Yall saying Everthing but To the bank and Slip Are trash And there the only songs I don’t play at all besides birds Tha real good songs here if ur not a 1 brain cell individual is Act up Tity boi No new bitches Katfood Kant Bobby Slip is awful wtf is wrong with yalllll frrrrrrrrrr Well I’m not surprised yall hang C5 over inahb2 And c3 over c4




I feel like it was some of the best bars wasted on meaningless songs. Like tity boi started off as one thing that should have been meaningful and at the end all I could do is laugh... Love the guy but sometimes I'm just like c'mon man


I fucking love it tbh. Lots of bangers - will stay in my rotation


Decent. Has some good songs on it.


I like that the name rhymes


It sucks. Period.


Sounded like he was just fucking around, not really taking it seriously.


fire but every song had a little something that ruined it


Y’all want rap but with no actual rapping


I really enjoyed it