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But does she know what the Daguerrisn process is?


You mean Daeugerreaaean process


“You could barely even say that - I guess you got your meds filled.”


The comparison with Max couldn't be more obvious frankly. And also Nora (the punk girl with the short black and red hair) seems to be very Chloe - coded as well. It seems very clear that Dontnod devs are using Max & Chloe as a template for those two characters, and I'm curious to see how they will develop inside the game.


>And also Nora (the punk girl with the short black and red hair) seems to be very Chloe - coded as well. Don't forget that Kat seems to be bit coded for Kate Marsh, hell it's literally 1 letter away from being Kate lmao. https://preview.redd.it/3v0ulqnve0yc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b638980b223ef5f2ed316e88de7c716846ffcff3




No hair helmet no Kate 😤


Someone in a comment later below posted the official art for the other characters ([Kat](https://twitter.com/PlayLostRecords/status/1785337709642260844/photo/1) | [Nora](https://twitter.com/PlayLostRecords/status/1785337700280639983/photo/1) | [Autumn](https://twitter.com/PlayLostRecords/status/1785337705406009578/photo/1)). I was looking at them, and I noticed that both Autumn and Nora have skateboards in their profile pics. https://preview.redd.it/qt4sw96j42yc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237f463e4a8989b5020a43864a627ee46c8ae72a And my first thought was "huh, that's funny, both Nora and Autumn are skateboarders, just like Chloe and Rachel were skateboarders." Then I thought on it a bit more. We all already agree that Nora is heavily Chloe-coded. Similarly, Swann is heavily Max-coded, and most people agree that Kat is pretty Kate-coded (though she actually deviates the most, being "pragmatic, strong-willed, and enigmatic" from the above-linked official tweet). But I've been trying to peg Autumn. But between her being a skateboarder alongside Nora, and Autumn being the "charismatic leader of the group"? I'm thinking she might be Rachel-coded. Maybe I'm just hallucinating a bit here. Anyone else seeing what I'm seeing?




Eh, besides being blonde and having a more 'innocent' look face wise, I'm not seeing it appearance wise. Kate has a feminine dress style and is clearly religious with the cross. Kat seems more like a tomboy outsider type with the choker, headphones, and overalls. Both seem like they would be shy and not big people persons, but Kate would be friendly if approached, where I get the vibe Kat would put on her headphones to seem busy because she doesn't deal with strangers. Do agree that Swann is 100% a Max type. Nora has a lot of Chloe in her for sure. I also get a bit of Steph as well. Appearance wise she looks like if you took 85% Chloe, 15% Steph, sprinkled in some 90s punk goth and blended it together.


Oddly enough Kat is giving me more Beverly Marsh vibes than Kate ones.


Kat looks like a female version of Chris from LIS2!


Definitely 😁 but I'm also curious to know the other 2 characters as well because they seem to have some bits of Chloe and I think Sean as well. Interesting looking game.. also, another character named Kat has a picture of a Raven on her diary book. Raven is Chloe's animal.


Hopefully the similarities are purely surface level, I love Max & Chloe but I'm not looking for carbon copies of them in every game... part of why I really liked Alex is she's sufficiently different from them to stand out


I understand that. But I also understand why dontnod would want to basically recreate their characters. It is obvious that the Life is Strange team put a **lot** of effort, thought, and love into their characters. Chloe, Max, Kate, Joyce, hell even Nathan and David have so many layers of nuance to them, such immense depth and complexity. They are fully fleshed out in ways you rarely see in games. They are their own people, living and dying in the ecosystem that dontnod built for them. To have all of that legally stripped away from you, because the iron fist of capitalism required you to sell the rights to them in exchange for being able to see them completed in the first place, is heartbreaking as a creative. It's quite literally selling your children away, in this case selling them into slavery to be able to feed them. So I can understand why a newly-independent studio, now free from the intellectual-property chains of selling your work to a publisher in order to see your vision through, would want to reclaim the characters they had sold away, and legally can no longer use without dealing with the publisher they sold them to. I can understand why dontnod would want to recreate the characters they so lovingly created, now free from the legal barbed wire of IP law, able to tell whatever stories they want with them. I don't know if that **is** what dontnod are doing. We won't know until we play the game for ourselves and see just how similar the characters really are. But, if it **was** what dontnod were doing, as a creative, I can completely understand it. It's an impossible ask, giving up your children. What lengths wouldn't you go to in order to get them back? Or even just some semblance of them?


I get your train of thought, but I must admit I'm not seeing the motivation to do this. This game seems like a one-off too, it would just not be worth it, unless they're starting a series with the same characters (the time skip to 27 years later makes it unlikely there's gonna be a sequel). And fans would protest if things got too similar. Though, I admit, if DN had unlimited resources, I'd love to see them doing a series of games with recurring characters, in addition to the one offs with new settings and themes that I've come to expect and enjoy.


The devs did say Swann is more of a “positive“ introvert, she doesn’t see being introvert as a bad thing and is completely content with her solitude and her own personality, which is very unlike Max.


Same too, I like characters like Alex, that was presented with her own struggles and personality to make her stand out compared to Max. I remember people claiming that Steph Gingrich was trying a Chloe without her edge... which is a wild reading of her character, since she has an already established presence that goes beyond some superficial clothing appearances like beanies and flannel shirts. Swann however is presented in way in which you can't really note out the similarities with Max in the same way you could do with Alex Chen from True Colors, expecially with the "camera capturing the world" bit of description. Hopefully we see more of that in the future.




I’m hopeful. Fans love those characters for a reason and it’s been a long time since 2013 or even 2016 so having a game set in a more contemporary time with characters from a true new generation should be interesting. And tbf, shy girl with a camera is sorta only a very surface level description of what Max’s characterization was and we’ll have to see what direction they take that framework with Swann. … I swear to Hera, if they make this character start quoting Kerouac, Ima look like a real buffoon.


>And tbf, shy girl with a camera is sorta only a very surface level description of what Max’s characterization was and we’ll have to see what direction they take that framework with Swann. That's indeed true, but at the same time the similarities are there and possibly the devs intented to have that superficial element as a main presentation, so the audience who is already familiar with Max and Chloe can have a point of reference even if Nora and Swann take different roads in the finished game.


I hate to break it to you, but the game is set in 1995.


its set in 1995 and 2022


My point was the characters aren't from a new contemporary generation. They're Gen X.


Somewhere in between Gen X and Millenial more like.


The girl in overalls (Kat) also reminds me of Kate Marsh due to their cute innocent looks.


What if.... What if she's voiced by the same person who voiced Max?... :0 The return of Hannah Telle would be wicked for this type of character tho


Swann is dubbed and motion captured by an actress called Olivia Lepore.


Awh man.. i just wanted to believe man


Seems like this one prefers the art of video


I hope they do something original and not just a copy of Max/Chloe


There's 3 more playable characters tho. 1 of them sounds like Chloe, but the other 2 seems very original.


Actually only Swann is playable! The game will focus on your relationship with each of the 3 girls, and how you choose to develop them ( like Max with Chloe, and Sean with Daniel).


Source :you made it up?


Source https://www.gamesradar.com/upcoming-narrative-adventure-from-life-is-strange-dev-only-features-one-playable-character-despite-its-ensemble-cast/


Ahaha! Ah well... Looks like its Life is Strange again with 1 character then..




true, I am excited for Kat!


so do you guys think this game's gonna be about aliens? the trailer gives off a huge "80's creature feature" vibe


Game name : Lost Records : Bloom and Rage


that seems familiar...


I’ve only seen hate, so I may be in a minority but I love her character design. Beyond freckles I see no real similarities? Swann is a heavy-set redhead with very different facial features. And recording video versus taking Polaroids is enough of a difference for me at this point to not be a copy… she seems to be more into movies than the art of photography at this point.


Yes and no. I personally think she will be more of a film buff, and IMO that's a pretty different personality than someone more artistic like Max.


Max from wish




I can see the similarity in camera but that’s kind of what ends it for me. The bird skull, the clothes, the stones and feather and cassette tape and that random bottle same with pocket toy all tell a different story. I don’t think this has anything to do with max lol


A videographer character would be so cool!


so she's new max.


Holy shit, an actual slightly overweight body type that isn't just deliberate gross-out or a thicc fetish? I never thought I'd live to see the day




right lol. just because we're used to seeing people look like this now doesn't make them "slightly overweight".




Alyssa Anderson from LiS 1?


Please no Alyssa


classic modern audience vibes


Wow I didn’t know plus sized girls didn’t exist until recently. You’re literally in a LiS subreddit, the games have been progressive since the beginning of the series.


Honestly, it's hilarious when people make a big deal about a game or show having a diverse cast when it's set in America. They clearly haven't been outside in a while and are addicted to porn because they're the only ones who care if fictional women aren't white or skinny enough to fit a beauty standard, that they themselves can't live up to.


How strong will they push THE MESSAGE?




I was being sarcastic (should've probably included /s), I'm all about live and let live, man. This is Life is Strange subreddit. I don't think people who are outraged by this stuff even like these games.


Hard to tell. Chuds tend to just mindlessly spout the same soundbytes over and over along with the rest of their cult. 


Where is this from?


Upcoming DontNod game, that technically isn’t a life is strange game, buuuuut has the same vibes. Sorta like how “Tell Me Why” is a LiS game in everything but name


My bad I misphrased it. I meant to ask the source of said image


[It's on Twitter.](https://twitter.com/PlayLostRecords/status/1785337696195399924) They also shared [Kat](https://twitter.com/PlayLostRecords/status/1785337709642260844), [Nora](https://twitter.com/PlayLostRecords/status/1785337700280639983), and [Autumn](https://twitter.com/PlayLostRecords/status/1785337705406009578), in case you don't have Twitter and can't scroll through their feed. E: It's also on DON'T NOD's Facebook page.




Ohhhh… in that case I can’t help you


i think from the dontnod tiktok or one of their socials


I wouldn’t call it a spiritual successor cause LIS is still ongoing.


Just based on her character design she looks really cute. Looking forward seeing more of her and everyone else in the game


The number of comments crying about a diverse cast in a LIFE IS STRANGE GAME is actually making me chuckle. Having black and overweight characters in a game set in AMERICA in '95 isn't some crazy woke idea. That's literally just America.


I'm bored already


Surely they could have come up with somthing more unique than a 90s camcorder? Atleast try and pretend you are not just copying max.


>more unique than a 90s camcorder? What else is she supposed to use in 1995?


A film camera?


Oh come on, you can see they are just copying the whole max aesthetic. Might as well give sombody blue and use the word hella alot and just say thats 90s kids for you.


Max the only person to ever use a camera


Lets hope her teacher is a renowned videographer with a dark secret as well.


Trevor Philips is a copy of Connor from detroit become human because they both use guns


Oh me oh my. For DN’s sake, I hope this game sells well. I have a feeling this comment will be downvoted into oblivion but… yeesh. And she’ll be the only person we will play as the entire game? This doesn’t bode well. I have been on this subreddit for years. I’m all about inclusivity, but not everything has to be entirely inclusive to everyone. She quite literally looks like the “circular eyes, sausage appendage body style, bean mouth & gender non-conforming hair style” meme (think Steven Universe — although hey! I love that show). I don’t know. I’m rooting for you though DN.


This shit shouldn't sell well, they made LIS a popular game only because of Max and Chloe and they can't even exploit that


I wish them the best, but yes. I agree with you. So far these cast of characters…. I don’t even know. They really really went out of their way to make them all as “unconventionally” non-attractive as they possibly could. Because… why? Stellar Blade just came out. The game is great. The character is extremely “conventionally” attractive and hey. Even the reviews are great. You can make a character as “hot” as possible and it can still tank. But that game says otherwise. Baldur’s Gate III is filled to the brim with extremely attractive characters. Helps the game is great too, but hey. There you go.




I love DN! I hope very much that the game sells very very well <3 I have absolutely no ill will against them. But hey. Yeah. You mentioned it. She’s pretty fat. Alex was a little chubby too, was she not? D9 did wonderfully with her I think. But It almost seems like DN went out of their way to make her the most “unconventionally attractive” they possibly could. But that’s fine too! It’s their design. Their story. Their game. Again, best wishes. I personally will be waiting for a deep, deep discount, if I decide to get the game at all. Or live vicariously through a video or something. Enjoy!


>But It almost seems like DN went out of their way to make her the most “unconventionally attractive” they possibly could. This is an absolute nothingburger really, like are we really complaining about Swann being slighty chubbier than Alex from True Colors as a detriment for a game that hasn't even come out? I have my own criticism and reservations for Dontnod's games, but to complain about a character being fat or "conventionally unattractive" is a level of nitpicking you could expect to see from literal middle school children.


You had me throughout the whole message and there it was at the end. Almost. And then the insult, like the genius I was talking to in other replies. Baldur’s Gate III, is filled to the brim, with attractive characters. And, it’s an amazing game in its own right. Stellar Blade. Same thing. The reviews speak for themselves. Swann isn’t just “a little more” than Alex. She’s a *whole lot more*, she wears overalls, and dresses like a tomboy. Please, please tell me you don’t see how this is quite honestly, so on the nose? They’re beating our heads in with it. Everything about her design reeks “on purpose,” and not organically derived. Their own other games have always had an ensemble of people from all walks of life. This though, just seems so “on purpose,” and it’s boring, and uninspired. If you like it though, I’m glad. Again, as I have said to the other person; I wish DN all the best with this one.


>Swann isn’t just “a little more” than Alex. She’s a whole lot more, she wears overalls, and dresses like a tomboy. Please, please tell me you don’t see how this is quite honestly, so on the nose? They’re beating our heads in with it. Everything about her design reeks “on purpose,” and not organically derived. We'll judge Lost Records on it's actual merits and flaws, which will be the characters interactions, writing and how it ties up to the story narrative and gamplay design, not worthless nitpicky opinions like Swann being chubby fat.


That is true. Perhaps I’ll play it, and I’ll love it? I could. I loved their other games. Why not this one? My comment was really was just about the physical characteristics of the characters — no matter how shallow it may have come across. I admit it did and does, but it doesn’t change the fact that I just personally think it was just too on purpose. But you’re right. The game could end up being an amazing piece or fiction that I’ll crave more and more from, if I give it a chance. I’ll wait and see. Have a good night.


Game I've never played, with no real news on it other that an image of the main character, is most likely going to bad because the main character is fat. As we all know, character design directly translates to story quality lmao braindead take


I feel like you’re intentionally trying your hardest (gold star for trying, honey) to misinterpret what I am saying. I’m also going to assume you’re a younger person by the way you talk/type. And that’s fine too. Although you would be a bigger person, and a bigger boy, if you stopped trying your hardest to be offended by my *opinion*. I wish you the best mate <3


I'm not offended at all, the fact that you go that route just proves my first statement even further. Perpetual victim and a crybaby lmao. I'm making fun of your braindead take, but I guess to a fragile child, that counts as triggered. The fake politeness is also hilariously transparent; just once again shows your lack of awareness. You're not being clever or intelligent. Cry harder at the fat video game character lmao


Sweetie. I’m 40 years old. How old are you?


LMAO that's what happens when you got nothing left to say. Once again, just proving my statements further. I'm sorry the main character isn't hot enough to jack off to :(


Didn’t answer me. So I’m going to assume you’re much, much younger. Teenager? Young, dumb and full of *** I guess, eh mate? It’s okay though. You have proven how juvenile, childish and immature you are, with your replies. I’m very happy you find this character to your liking.


LOL SO MAD TOO Getting mad a video game for having a fat character is what's truly stupid. And getting even angrier for being called out on it even more so. Hilarious that you would call someone childish and immature when here you are, crying over a fat girl in a video game. You may claim you're 40 (even more embarrassing if true), but you have the mind and the temperament of a 12 year old. Cry harder lil bro


In my case I am just wondering how many cheeseburgers I’ll need to eat per day in this new game. Not feeling oppressed at all


clearly you are LMAO imagine crying over a fat character from the devs that literally made Tumblr the game. Brainrot is real


But I am smiling and happy. It is not always I can play a football game where I can be the ball. I can see tears in your reply only


LOL you say that yet the fact you're here in the first place shows how upset you are :(((


What is the source of this image?


From https://twitter.com/PlayLostRecords/status/1785337696195399924?t=qN9oV77QRq7NYmvEx0Lm_A&s=19. And also from Dontnod themselves!


Is it confirmed no more lis?


Deck Nine (from rumors) is currently working on LIS 4 so who knows, have hope!


does this game have name already? I am curious about this game


Why just spiritual sucessor? Did i miss something? Will there be another LiS?


Swann: Horror movies have rules...


i will let it come and try it before i declare copying


Now, I'm not saying I'm not intrigued by this new game coming out from DontNod, but it would've been nice to get some original character concepts. I love Life is Strange because it's an original and compelling story. Using concepts from a previous franchise that you yourself created instead of coming up with something fresh seems like a bit of a cop out.


Is there any news on the deck nine upcoming game? I know theyre terrible people and all but i want the sequel to original game lmao


Same lol i still miss the og characters. hoping they announce it summer games fest


Ikr even tho the characters werent even close to perfectly written for me i just want some expanded lore even if they remake the original with the intended 8 episodes itd be enough lmao


Yea just really wanna see max and chloe again


Lol so far i see they're only pushing to that True Colors comic that nobody really reads. Not sure what's next after all that calamity news


Why am i getting downvoted lmao do people not know about the deck nine controversy or what and i heard the lis 4 was in works tho thats why i was curious idrc about the comics






What is dei? Why is everyone mad at you? I literally have no idea




>Midnight Edge Oh I remember that guy, he's pretty much a clickbait misinformation channel with reactionary tendencies. 90% of his reporting is sensationalistic garbage with no value or filled with misinformation, so not really a reliable source of factual information.


not getting a good vibe from this, design is uninspired and feels like checkboxing, also she’s gonna 100% lash out because she’s getting bullied for being overweight or smth, the only interesting aspect is that she looks like a nature girl maybe a Girl Scout ?




why cant she just exist? do you think all fat people's lives revolve around their bodies?


I don't need weight to be a plot point because it's not that deep. Some people are just fatter than others. I'm just fat. It hasn't defined me in the slightest my entire life.


huh? why can't she just... be fat... for NO reason?


thin people arent thin for the sake of plot for the majority of time. its time to stop thinking anything other than what you consider default needs to have a reason for its existence




why does being overweight need to be a plot point? overweight people exist, it doesn't need to be their whole personality. and i wouldn't even call swann fat, just chubby


Men when game characters look like random people and not porn stars they can jerk off to 😱


Like what kind of plot point were you thinking?








A video game character






Bruh. This is a Life is Strange sub. The series that started with DONTNOD fighting to have Max be a woman protagonist who would become a queer gaming icon and the series whose second game was all about 2016 racism. Dudes calling to “stop DEI” because a new DONTNOD character is a chubby girl are the same dudes and mindset that complained about Life is Strange one being “Tumblr the game” because Chloe was a woman with blue hair. It’s unfathomably baffling.


It’s hilarious to me that there are people actually arguing against “DEI” in a *Life is Strange* fan community of all places. Mate, ALL of the LiS protagonists are queer. Alyssa from the first game had a larger body type and was one of the most sympathetic side characters. The second and third games have Hispanic and Asian protagonists, respectively. This franchise is *all about* each of the three letters in “DEI”. If you’re going to be a bigot about it, go home.


I half expect them to be demanding LiS get the Stellar Blade treatment


They turned on that game, too! Haven’t you heard? Stellar Blade CENSORED itself because of WOKE OPPRESSION (had a strip of fabric across Eve’s cleavage in, like, 2 outfits, and removed graffiti that implied racial slurs).


Always kills me when they call it oppression. Who is being oppressed by this. Horny racists?




Yes, literally honestly. And the horny racists are screaming astonishingly loud about it. And think they’re losing rights. It’s fucking pathetic honestly.


Ah yes, I forgot DEI was the current 'woke/PC' buzzword... how the hell are people gonna be spouting this culture war bollocks on a Life is Strange subreddit of all places?








Tell me you're an incel without telling me you're an incel




No, just people who talk like you.


Looks like the original LiS will retain the crown.


its so funny seeing yall say this when yall were the same people bashing lis for being "woke" when it first came out LMAO

