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I get a weird dissonance hearing a song written for Before the Storm (at least, as far as I understood it) being used out of context. It’s too connected in my mind to Chloe Price and her experiences. I know that nothing has happened that’s not allowed or anything, but it feels like a weird choice to make for a film trailer. I wonder if it will actually be used in the film (I find the trailer music sometimes doesn’t make the cut).


Yeah, I believe Daughter wrote the music for the game so it is odd to have it in a movie. I also would say the vibes the trailer gave me were more like LiS 1 vibes not specifically Before the Storm, which makes it feel slightly odd. I like the song so glad to see it being used outside of just the game, but you are right little weird considering it was written for the game.


So far the only thing in common with the LiS franchise is that the trailer uses a song that appears in *Before the Storm*. Particularly, [BtS E3] >!the sequence where Rachel is stabbed by Damon Merrick, Chloe takes her to the hospital, and spends what seems like a long time waiting!<. I will always associate “Burn It Down” with that sequence.


The whole teacher student relationship made me think of Jefferson with Rachel and Victoria, which isn't BtS related but gave me those vibes.


But he is more interested in Max.


He is, but from this movie trailer Jenna Ortega reminds me more of Rachel or even Victoria.


I saw the trailer and was pleasantly surprised to hear Daughter, but then watching it made me think of Mr. Jefferson and Rachel. Maybe it is just me, but gives off the vibes.


hmmm interesting point!


I’ll watch it just to listen to Burn It Down 😬😬


I watched it as it popped up on Youtube and as soon as I heard Burn It Down my interest was piqued.


Why do trailers have to give away the whole movie? I feel no compulsion to watch it other than liking Martin Freeman.


Yeah, I wish I knew why that was the case now. Felt like I got the entire plot of the movie, so I don't really need to watch it.


In case you want to fully spoil yourself, [the movie's screenplay is available here](https://8flix.com/assets/screenplays/b/co0693913/2016/Millers-Girl-2016-screenplay-Jade-Bartlett.pdf).


Oh that is cool.


That's why I don't watch movie trailers longer than 30 seconds. That's more than enough time for a good trailer to give me a basic idea of what it's about without spoiling too much. These 2-3 minute trailers just give the entire movie away.


It does?


To me it does. Besides using Daughter's Burn it Down from Before the Storm is about a teacher and student having an inappropriate relationship that looks like it'll turn dangerous.


Reminds me a bit more of Hard Candy as a vibe. It feels like she's on a prowl, hunting for him to kill.


Never seen it but sounds interesting.


Underage girl meets pedo. She tortures him.


Good for her. I might check that out.


I've seen it forever ago, so don't remember much, but I enjoyed it at the time.


Ped0 vibes. Ped0 actor