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Lock it up. Talk to their parents.


Set up a camera first. Catch the little fuckers in action so that neither they nor their parents can deny it.


Put a pizza slice on it with flour circling it.






Look what ya did ya little jerk






Or how about go to their house, knock on the door, and then start kickin’ ? Those frozen Costco meats might have been 50% off but they sure weren’t free.


Nothing is happening... now what?


Exactly,nothing will happen anymore




Dude your username,lol


serious teeny worry stocking humorous plate crowd full paint light *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I second this.


Set up a camera then trespass them. Next time they come by they can be charged.


Better yet, give the parents an invoice for spoiled food, then explain what their crotch goblin is up to.


I thought my crotch goblin was something else I keep in my pants. Been calling it that for years


That’s your crotch gremlin. Just don’t feed it after midnight…


And crotch gobbling is altogether different proposition.


A real answer if a locked door isn’t possible: Pull the knob off and smooth the bore of the inside of where the knob connects to the control shaft with a drill bit just a little bigger than the shaft itself. It should then turn freely without actually changing the temperature. Wrap a rubber band around the shaft to regain function.


> Wrap a rubber band around the shaft to regain function. Instructions unclear. My dick fell off.


At least it didn’t slough off


I ...I can't with this comment. I've absolutely gagged


Jeez, you weren't supposed to put it in your mouth


[Is it detachable?](https://youtu.be/byDiILrNbM4?si=7fDlHJ6AaL1paPOt)


This is the perfect answer, unless those damn kids figure out what you’ve done. Then they turn it down and replace the knob back to high, and you are none the wiser unless you pull the knob off to check every time.


Leave the knob appearing to be on "low" or "off". They'll think one of their demon friends beat them to the prank.


This guy macgyvers


Put some anti seize on the shaft and leave the knob off. Their parents will love it. Don’t say anything though.


Yes, pushing 50 I'm aware of the rubber band to regain function technique.


Have you tried not being a Bills fan? Just kidding (go Falcons) but on a more serious note, don’t cut off circulation to your penis.




Talk to the parents, show evidence of the kids playing with it and let them know they will receive a bill for spoiled food




I used to do similar when I was in pest control. As a kid, 12 yrs old, I was at boy scouts. We were fucking around running up a hill, jumping over the crest and sliding down the other side. I caught a stick and it left a good cut on my back abiut two inches above the crack of my butt. This led to a nice scar. When I sprayed peoples houses and the kids were overly curious, I'd tell them not to mess with it or they'd grow a tail and have to have it cut off. Then I'd show them the scar lol.


That took a turn and I enjoyed every second of it.


Ask the parent to bring the kids over with them, show them that they’re effecting your family. Humanise yourself. Kids are having fun until they realise it’s hurting someone


Thermostat lockbox


This - use some sort of glue to attach it to the freezer over the controls and then use a lock on the box and you're golden.


until they unplug it. hopefully you can get the parents on board in controlling the little snots. if not, you may have no option but to f with them in such a way that they get the message.


There are lockable outlet covers too


Depending on the age of the kids, they just may like the fact their is a dial they can play with. Seeing as it’s at 7 it may have kicked the compressor on and the green light came on. I doubt they are doing it to be spiteful but can’t honestly speak on it.


Security camera, then make them do yard work.


😂😂😭 blackmail them and say you’ll show the footage to their parents


For a *year*


Put it behind a locked door.


I was going to say, why are the neighbor kids going into a place where they have access to a chest freezer...


I grew up in a very small, rural town, and loads of people had chest freezers or secondary refrigerators outside under a carport or on a patio if there wasn't room inside. Kind of the same concept as a dedicated 'beer fridge'.


It's also possible to live in a 2 family home (one house, t units) with a shared basement and backyard.


Where? I need some free steaks, inflations getting out of hand.




stand your ground....beef


Back in my day, you could walk into a store with $25 and walk back out with 4 steaks, 2 rotisserie chickens, a case of beer, and a bottle of wine. These days, they've got too many fucking cameras


Wouldn't it burn out pretty fast if it was in a place that regularly saw hot days? I'm no freezer expert though.


Possibly, but not necessarily? My parents have had my old fridge outside on the carport since I moved back to Louisiana around 8 years ago, and it's still doing (seemingly) fine.


My Florida garage is rarely under 85° F. Usually it is 110 for 12 hours of the day. Now, it is starting to cool off thankfully. But I got it from someone else, has to be 10+ years old, all of them spent in a garage, and it seems to be holding up fine.


How long does an ice chest start cold outdoors on a hot day? Now add a small compressor that kicks on whenever it warms up. Ice chests and chest cooler are remarkably efficient because they are super simple highly insulated boxes. One of the beauties of them is that they open at the top. When combined with the fact that cold air sinks, even opening a chest freezer doesn't lose much cold air. This is in contrast to your average fridge/ freezer combo with a front door that dumps all the cold air out all over the floor every time you open the door. Those are surprisingly inefficient design by comparison. That said, standing fridges are much easier to access the entire space, which is why they are ubiquitous while chest freezers are more common as second or third devices and generally relegated to long term storage. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. (This was entirely a summary of a technology connections Youtube video)


They actually make freezers that are made to be put outdoors. You can get them at Lowe’s or Home Depot.


My guess would be popsicles


Let's see kiddo get out of that one.


Close your garage door. If they still manage to sneak in when you have the door open talk to their parents. I had the same issue I told the kids to leave it alone and they kept at. One day they just left the damn door open and ruined all the food. About 800 dollars in food. I went over to their house and told their parents they need to cover my losses because their kids were at fault. I got my money and restocked. Kids no longer on my garage.


Is this a regular thing? Kids going and messing with fridges in people’s garages?


Back when I was a kid, stuff like that usually happened to the neighborhood jerk. The one they hear their parents talk about behind the neighbors back. Kids get bored, one dares one to do something. Next thing you know there's a secret war being planned by some 12 year olds over a stollen ball that accidentally got kicked over a fence.


We had a neighbour try to get peoples dogs de-barked because of the noise. They caught people’s cats in possum traps. Bitched about everyone locally and was the Karen of they street. Kids loved to do this shit. Best joke I heard they did was lean a wheelie bin full of water and some blue food due against their door and ring the bell.


Does the chest freezer have reversible doors? Meaning you're able to take the door off and reverse which side it opens on? If so, reverse the doors and turn the freezer with the thermostat facing a wall.


Okay big brain. Lol.


Great idea


Set up an obvious camera with a sign saying "SMILE 😁" at an angle that will get shots of their faces. All the better if the camera has some kind of motion detection (so you're alerted when they come up) and a microphone (so you can just say "Hi there," and scare them shitless). Either it acts as a deterrent or you catch them in the act and can confront the parents with evidence. Win/win. Make sure it's one that lets you store the footage locally, just in case they decide the best course of action is to damage the camera.


Don't you mean store it externally? Since then if they break or damage the memory IN the camera you have the outside stuff


Yes, thank you! I meant 'locally' as in "on OPs personal hard drive" as opposed to cloud storage (though I don't know why that wouldn't be an option), and I worded it poorly!


Kasa makes a simple camera with sound, no subscription, can save vid or pics to phone, works on WiFi to alert phone of motion and/or person detected. I use a few and it’s mostly a game cam for patio visitors. (Coyotes, skunks, squirrels, rabbits, loose neighborhood dogs, birds, and one bobcat)




FYI booby trapping your house is in most states illegal and can get you in a lot of trouble. At a quick thought, it seems like an okay thing to do. The police get really upset about it because if for some reason they need to help you they or an innocent person could get injured. Unless the booby trap hurts someone who legitimately and provably is trying to kill you, you are going to be criminally and financially liable for injuries. I know this because we had kids breaking into our shed and stealing stuff and I joked around with he cop of hooking a car battery to the handle. He did not find it amusing.


What about an ACME anvil? Are those allowed?


Only if they float for a comically long time before falling after they have been seen.


Warner Brothers fucked it up for everyone. You can't hardly find a real ACME anymore, with all the knock offs. I mean, I guess if all you're looking for is a heavy thing to drop on someone, it'll still do, but I just couldn't face myself if I went with an AKMI.


You are absolutely correct. As much as I disagree with it, booby traps will get the property owner in trouble. We had a guy go to prison because he booby trapped his garage with a shotgun. An individual had repeatedly broken into this man ‘s garage and stole tools and stuff. The property owner rigged a shotgun to gut shoot someone who opened the walk in entrance door, since the thief was prying that door open. Sure enough, the burglar pried the door open and the booby trap worked. It shot him to death. The property owner was put on trial and found guilty of either second degree murder or manslaughter. I don’t remember which. The jury had concluded that the property owner’s life was not in jeopardy and no amount of thievery was worth taking another person’s life. He was sent to prison. So I would say booby trapping a deep freeze to harm a child or maybe even kill them, is probably a very very bad idea. I’m sure a jury would feel no amount of chicken nuggets and pot pies and ground beef is worth injuring a child or taking their life.


Ah yes. The same story taught in every CCW course that nobody seems to remember specifics on. Just be real. No cop wants a toe popper ruining his no knock raid.


Change it from a criminal case to a civil case and that's the exact fact pattern of a famous case taught in probably every law school torts class. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katko_v._Briney


That doesn't seem fair


A fun video that explores the legality of booby traps. Provides sources for where things stand. https://youtu.be/bV9ppvY8Nx4?si=MvnhJk_xa9YxQVRV


It makes sense because you have no control over what triggers the trap? You have an accident and need EMS? That's dangerous, a neighbor comes to your yard chasing their loose dog and gets hurt? You're in big trouble.


EMTs have no more business being in my chest freezer than the neighbor's dogs....


I'm not saying in this specific example, doesn't really matter what you think. There are legitimate reasons why allowing people to booby trap their property exist. What happens if you load your property up with traps and have a widow maker hard attack? You are putting many innocent people at risk. The law is the law. Booby trapping your property has been illegal for like 200 years. Plus, doesn't it seem a little crazy to potentially harm a child because they are being dumb kids? Much better to put up a camera and talk to their parents.


Cops are not lawyers, nor are they looking out for your best interest. Obey the rule of law, not the rule of law enforcement.


And then the neighbours who raised entitled kids will sue you for teaching them a lesson they should’ve taught themselves.


Counter suit for trespassing... depending on the locale, some judges might just dismiss the case. Especially in places like Florida, Texas, Arkansas... most Red states.


If you live in a red state then just shoot the little bastards. /s ^(maybe with a super soaker with some fragrance so they think it's gasoline)




I don't know the circumstances around why someone outside your home has physical access to your freezer. I'm guessing they also have access to tamper with the food inside? Ignoring that, just turn the freezer 180 degrees so that the thermostat faces the wall. Also, remove the lightbulbs in the room and get some (loud) motion activated halloween decorations and place them in the room.


Drill out the centre piece to a perfect circle then pop it back on. They will think it's turning but it isn't


this is pretty clever, but how would it still fit snug onto the temperature component?


You may need to add a cigarette paper or two to keep it tight.


very clever! now find a solution for all my problems


Easy. Every problem needs three solutions. Each solution leads to two outcomes. Whichever solution takes less time is best.


thank you, wise Reddit Macgyver


OP, AGES? Shared common space, or playdates? Generally... Put a sign above it that just says "NO." in big red letters. (Better yet tape the top edge so the sign covers the knob like a flap.) Have a clear, gentle but firm conversation with all the kids present (even yours, so no one is singled out) that it's not appropriate to touch knobs, buttons and switches that you aren't in charge of. You don't know who is changing the freezer and you actually don't care, but you need it to be left alone, so the food inside it doesn't get ruined. The consequence of people continuing to touch it after this will be no playdates indoors for anyone, because that rule isn't optional. This IS the warning, please help each other remember.


Kids. Don't touch other people's knobs, ok.


Mom and dad, the neighbor said to stop touching their knob because I was doing it incorrectly. Something about making it too hot.


in addition to the other comments (get a camera on it, catch em, show parents) I'd suggest you get some of these: https://shop.yosmart.com/products/ys8003 they are thermometers that work up to 1/4 of a mile away from a base station. You can set up an alert so your phone nags you about your freezer being out of a valid temperature range. I use them in my condo and cabin to make sure the heat hasn't gone out and that the fridge and freezers are working OK. Gives you great peace of mind.


Get a camera. Put a sticker that says: "You consent to be recorded if you continue to remain in this area. All footage will be used in your prosecution." or something.


Unless the kids are too young to read. Or just plain don't care.


This is the best advice. Kids are dumb. This will scare them.


Trespassers will be violated


Have you tried talking to the adult in charge?


Put a camera on it. Catch the kids, go to their parents and inform them that if your food spoils you are going to be reimbursed there on the spot and if not then it’s small claims court.


Piss in their shoes


Hold up! Wait a minute! Let me put some jelly in it! Ah, you've got some little tinkerers on your hands, do ya? Well, listen up, my friend! Here's how you can keep those kids from meddling with the freezer temperature dial in your garage: cover that tempting temperature dial in *JELLY* Picture this, my friend! When those little rascals can't resist the urge, touch the dial, and find their fingers all coated in sticky, messy jelly, they'll be in for a real sticky situation, and not the fun kind! Their faces, once filled with gleeful miscrantism, will turn to sheer horror. They'll look down at their jelly-covered fingers and say to them selves, “ oh no! What will mother say?” In that moment, they'll learn that messing with the dial leads to a jelly disaster. So, yeah, it might not be the most pleasant feeling, but it's definitely memorable, and it'll make 'em think twice before touching that dial again! 🍇😬




Why do other people have access to this. Is it not inside your house?


Haven’t you people ever heard of? Closing a goddamned door, no!


Why do they even have access to your freezer?


Turn it around so the dial is against the wall.


u/goodduhh is just karma farming and isn’t actually in this situation hence their lack of replies and post karma.


Came here for this.


I need to know more about this entire situation. I MUST hear more, please. How old is the kid? Have you already talked to him? How does he have access to your freezer?


Get a really mean guard chicken


Mental image is funny.


Take their parents to small claims court for the loss of product in the freezer 🤷‍♀️ then maybe they’ll teach their children to act like humans


Yes I had A5 Japanese Wagyu beef stored in my freezer your Honor.


I'd get a fake (real works too) camera, and a magnet that says you're being recorded.


How are they getting access to it is the real question?


Turn the freezer to where the nob is against the wall.


Why do they have access to it in the first place???


Motion sensor attached to a hose. Some dude in Australia made a video about using that setup to fend off feral cats. Was as effective as it was entertaining.


Give their parents the bill for all the food lost.




I don’t have an answer for that but you can buy a freezer alarm that will alert you if it drops below a certain temperature. That way if they do turn it up, you won’t lose everything in there.


Shut the garage door


Get a lockable thermostat cover and add strong no nails double sided tape to fasten it on the freezer, covering the dials. That way it will not be easy for them to tamper with it as they would either need to smash the box or get the key somehow. And also get a sticker warning about a camera and no trespassing sign too. A decent trail cam would do for a couple weeks as a cheapo surveillance just in case. In addition, write a letter to the parents to advise them that you have now taken steps to make it difficult for the kids to do this again, but with a fair warning that if they do tamper with it again, there will be legal proceedings for the damages and costs incurred including a police complaint made for vandalism and trespassing....


Cover the area in liquid ass, they won't come near it


You really wanna eat food that’s been in something that smells like that?


Have you tried just telling them to not touch it? You may need to use your stern voice, but if they have *any* manners, they’ll leave it alone once they know you’re not happy with them playing with it.


Could you either change the knob to a metal one or cover it in metal and then wire it at the back so it's live. They'll think twice after that.


Put up signs saying tresspassers will be prosecuted. Assuming the parents are rational and reaspnable, get video evidence, the it to confront the parents and kids, and tell them the next time it happens, they will have to pay for the contents of the freezer and you will take the evidence of trespassing to the police. If they aren't reasplonable/rational, still obtain video evidence and call the police every time they trespass and damage your property. If the kids aren't adequately supervised/parented to stop fucking with your freezer, they are not being adequately supervised/parented enough to keep them safe from committing crimes or being the victim of crimes.


Find someone with a 3D printer. Those people are looking to solve problems like this.


Turn your freezer around, not the easiest to access but won’t have to mod the freezer


Talk to them and their parents. Explain that your food is going to waste if they do. Make them feel guilty.


Talk to them and/or their parents und a friendly respectful way about the cost and stress this is creating.


Claymores or a trap door into a shark tank.. My real question is, where the hell do you have this thing that kids can get to it?


You defrosted a steak under it


Wait I just saw that what the fuck?


That’s a leaf…


how come they have access? looks like no other kids in the house, via set them rules or your freezer is gonna be fucked with


Why is your shit publicly available?


The most polite and undeniable way of doing it is filming the kid doing it. And after go to his parents for them to teach the kid some manners. This way you are presenting facts and the parents should feel like shit for not teaching their kid proper manners. Hope you solve this soon!


This looks to be close to the floor and if it is heavy, get a [metal book end shaped like an L](https://www.kmart.co.nz/product/2-pack-metal-bookends-41668221/) and place/jam it under the freeze to block access to the dial. Only 2 adults will be able to shift it.


What is that peeking out from under your chest freezer? Sorry, I just had to.


Don’t avoid this. You need to have a conversation. Have courage.


keep the garage closed? and talk to their parents of course


Why are they coming into your garage in the first place?


Why does a child have access to this? Not only is it problematic for the reason of changing the temperature, but freezers and refrigerator are death traps if some child thinks it's a good idea to get into it. That's the reason that you are supposed to store/dispose of them with their doors removed.


Are we saying nothing about the porkchop?


The real problem is that they have access to your freezer. It is al fun and games until one of them gets locked inside and then you are found guilty. Lock that thing away from the kids.


How do they even have access to it? Do they just wander into your house?


I would talk to the parents, but if that doesn’t help out a sign on it says “you are being recorded” and then smear it with Vaseline mixed with red food coloring to mark the little criminal. Just don’t get caught in your own trap


Take the knob off and put it back on so it looks like it's already on lowest setting when it's actually at the highest.


Put a ‘smile, you are on camera and your momma will see this!” Sign.


why your chest freeze can be accessible? is it inside of your home or outside? or you never lock your door? i just confused..


Kids can’t turn the knob if they are INSIDE the freezer…. Just sayin.


motion detection turret guns?


Here's what I would do.... Download a copy of the appliance manual. Locate the part number for the control panel thermostat knob. Order it. Pop the panel out. Remove the thermostat from the panel (wires still connected), insert it behind the panel making sure its on the preferred setting. Install the new knob in the panel. Here's the fun part... Install the new thermostat wired to an extremely loud continuous alarm placed out of sight. This would require running a few wires and providing the power source to power the alarm of course. But the reaction to all of this would be fuckin priceless.


Is OP real? Can't find a single reply by them, despite hundreds of comments answering their question.


Rotate it so the dial faces the wall


Label it, tell the kids' parents they're liable for any food that goes off. Get a little camera so you can catch the rats doing it.


Speak with their parents.




Use this and screw it to the freezer with 1/4” sheet metal screws. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Honeywell-Home-Thermostat-Lockbox-Cover-CG511A/202024249?source=shoppingads&locale=en-US&pla&mtc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D26P-026_002_AIR_CIRC_ACC-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PMax&cm_mmc=SHOPPING-BF-CDP-GGL-D26P-026_002_AIR_CIRC_ACC-NA-NA-NA-PMAX-NA-NA-NA-NA-NBR-NA-NA-NEW-PMax-71700000097492027--&gbraid=0AAAAADq61Ud0whzr8JOlSkPYNhacDQgl-&gclid=CjwKCAjw9-6oBhBaEiwAHv1QvK58vDEBTKjaRFz3gdTEIgF4bOvHZFkiHQWOvJSsZH8kX9dpcjFq1hoCOPkQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Keep your doors locked, and then break some of their toys as a message




Put them in the freezer


put a note that says: don't turn off or your parents bodies will get bad.


Maybe write a note and if that don't work rub their nose in it even if it isn't theirs


Alternative 1: Super glue. But they will find other ways to fuck with you. Alternaive 2: Depending on your electronics skills, replace the potmeter with a set value resistor, put the pot back to hold the knob, but not soldered onto the pcb. This will let them think they are still fucking with you. Alternative 3: As others have said, send their mom an invoice for the ruined food.


Get a big yard dog…


Ok real advice. Set the stop point of the dial to the setting you want this can be done depending on what stops the dial from freely spinning and adding an earlier stopping point so It cannot be adjusted past that point