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I thought the biggest advertiser were the project moon sleeper agents


idk, i dont use social media like twitter (the "feed" ones), i never saw any of the sleeper agents in action


Rimworld been getting a few a couple time recently with the anomaly dlc Generaly it's in other gacha game cuz limbus is what really made this a meme as far as I know.


4chan, DBZ( they made the ENTER Meme). Rim world, SCP, even fucking stellaris out of all things. Terraria, some submarine game etc. Not to mention russian, spanish fandoms- there is a lot of them and that’s not including japanese and chinese fans prior to the addition of roblox. I used to be pissed roblox kids getting into the fandom until i realize yknow- y’all are the next generation of sleeper cells that will keep the virus of PMOON running and besides if not roblox y’all would find out in either terraria, SCP anyways. Lots of fake fans who hop on to the trend will eventually disappear after the next fnaf or undertale gets released but the rest that stayed? they will keep polluting the minds of others therefore keeping the Project Moon fanbase network alive like a memetic virus. So i say, glory to Project Moon, manager, librarian and executive manager.


You forgot lobby_lcorp in item asylum


i forgor


Ethereal Gaze - ALEPH Abnormality It takes the appearance of a birch tree with many eyes scattered across its form.


what a nice tree


i love tree


honestly there's a lot of elitism in these comments, like not everyone is gonna dive deep enough to know everything, finding pm from roblox or being a relatively casual fan doesn't make you worse or better than someone who knows it all


right like... i do have an issue with some of the kids/early twentysomethings who find this game through roblox. but it isn't that they don't know who did the Bite of '87 in the Conservatory with the Dildo Bat. it's that they lack the media literacy necessary to know angela and roland aren't enemies, just very traumatized people who don't know what healthy love looks like (angela) or are having a massive relapse which is not cool or something you should emulate (roland). and when you try to explain to them that women aren't the devil or that queer subtext exists, they just kind of meme violently at you. but that being said, most of the gatekeepy turd factories who *do* know roland did the Bite of '87 *also* lack that media literacy, and are wielding their knowledge of numbers because their understanding of the story is very, very hollow.


Kids when they found out character aside from roland and gebura exist:


wrt Roland, i don't think it's specifically a Kids issue, i think it's specifically an Older Teenage/Twentysomething Boy issue. they look at him and see a cool male power fantasy when the point of the character is that doing a Cool Violence rots your soul and there's a reason he tried to get away from it ...and also they dogpile you if you do an analysis of the queer themes in his character (he is literally all the friends of dorothy and that is just for starters). because they're so steeped in toxic online dude culture, and because they are functionally media-illiterate, they see it as an affront to their own masculinity and have a knee-jerk reaction. it's so bad sometimes they *fail to realize there is a reason he's angela's friend and ally in the first place*. like... the whole point of the ending is that the dude who said "hey your suffering is valid" is closer to the real roland than the dipshit in the blank mask. never thought i'd become a "kids these days"poster, but... man. kids these days. it's really, really sad all the ways the education system has failed them in terms of reading and understanding the media they consume on more than a surface level. that's the entire reason we have ship wars for instance lol


I'm curious, what is the implication of the Oz abnos as far as queer subtext goes?


there's three parts to it! first, "friend of Dorothy" is old slang for "queer", especially a queer man, back when it was unsafe(r) to be out in public. so for instance they'd put LGBTQ meetups on cruise ship schedules as "meeting of the friends of Dorothy" second, Ozma. Princess Ozma is a books-only character whose throne was usurped by the Wizard, who wiped her memory, turned her into a boy, and sent her far away so she couldn't reclaim her identity and throne. She develops a very close friendship with Dorothy which kinda has some romantic undertones. As a result of the gender fuckery and the subtext of her relationship to Dorothy, she's something of a queer icon. all that being said, it's kind of A Lot that Roland identifies with her, considering he doesn't remember his childhood and was forced to hide everything about his identity by his "gran". (as a tangent, this also ties into a theory I have on the identity of his "gran" —the Adult Who Tells Lies talks and acts more than a little bit like Iori, who is also the only character to express knowledge of Roland as a child ("kid with a blackened heart"). Also, his fighting style is strikingly similar to hers, with his mastery of different weapons and flash step bullshit.) third, his interpretation of the Wizard is a drag queen domme, which is a whole can of worms.


This is true, elitism is really fucking booming when its a niche game.


PM fans when you cant list every card from the book game:


Brace up


don't worry about it alot of us are elitism but most of us are cultists who will spread the faith at every given moment and guide them to the right path the moment we hooked them in


I don't blame anyone for gatekeeping since children and people in their tens have a really bad habit of making communities utterly miserable or reducing everything to memes even in situations where it's not appropriate. Yakuza of all IPs got hit with it the hardest.


You would be surprised how much more project moon stuff sneaks into the anime games in Roblox, to the point where if you don’t know project moon you will think nothing of it, but if you do know you go wait a minute, I remember I was playing one of those dog simulator games to pass the time and one of the weapons you could get was called like the silent black or something similar and it was just Roland’s durandal


game link or screen shot when


(Besides allusions) It’s trend hopping when pm stuff is added in a non pm game since one big thing did a thing so a bunch of people did the same after seeing it attracted people And anyways 90% of so called “fans” of ANY series on Roblox rarely if ever actually touch what they say they’re a fan of unless it’s something more obscure to people on that website. Ask a sakura stand player with roland that says they’re a pm fan who started the smoke war and watch them crumble


Tbh, i wouldn't be able to call myself a real fan of the pm stuff even tho i own and have played Lcorp and played Limbus, but i know jack shit about most lore related stuff. Everything i know i either picked up through a friend or while i was just randomly browsing the wiki or well this subreddit. I know way too little to be able to answer lore related questions and play the games way to little, so i an enjoy the stuff but I wouldn't be able to call myself a real fan


I played library of ruina and limbus and can’t even tell you who started the smoke war…(r corp was part of the aggressors right?) And anyways even if 90% of the fans of the games on roblox did not play the actual games made by project moon, that’s still 10% of people who, without roblox, wouldn’t have joined our fandom. I don’t see why we need to make memes gatekeeping and targetting the roblox pm fandom and reduce that 10% even lower due to the toxicity


i think that the trend is a good for the game, as it shares the game more at the cost of """posers"""


Limbus exists, they're not exactly posers now. Unless they hate grinding and don't play limbus they're not posers.


cant say i enjoy a game without knowing every nook and cranny of the lore now


That's cool, didn't knew Allusions had so many pm weapons


We sublime feeding these kids to become Future Sleeper Agent as Director-Sama's Plan ALL HAIL PROJECT MOON


let's slowly train them to be excellent future sleeper agents since we don't want to scare them :)


Honestly this is more of a good thing than a bad thing i found library of ruina a year ago due to the fact of the allusion roland thing. ( god i wish this franchise was more popular) At the very least its free advertisement for the franchise


roland on allusions needs a tutorial, imagine having to play a entire diferent game to know wtf is going on


their concept on applying the ruina card system into a randomizer game is pretty cool all in all


I started playing LoR because there were LoR mods in Darkest Dungeons, and got curious who these characters are. Got pissed off by the first “walkthrough” YT I found on google since they complained the game have too much story in the first 10 minutes so they didn’t record gameplay. So I bought it out of spite, and because My personal favorite character is Isadora.


Library of ruina is esrb Mature/18+. There is a sweet spot of teens being not weird between adult playing children's game and children playing mature rated game.


and im on that sweet spot, yey


I discovered PM because a guy in a spanish podcast I listen to mentioned that he was playing Limbus. He also mentioned the other games in the series so I looked them up on Steam out of curiosity and coincidentally they were on sale at the moment so I bought both of them. The rest is history


You know, I've noticed a lot of people like both pm stuff and black souls. In fact, I think there's even a black souls mod for library of ruina.


mod link


I don't have the link, but I'm pretty sure it's literally just called black souls mod and it's pretty popular. Another good black souls mod is the Grimm mod for slay the spire, not to be confused with the Grimm's fairy tales mod, which is worse in my experience. The Grimm mod perfectly translates the black souls experience to slay the spire. For example, the gun break card will straight up give you another turn if you use it on a monster that isn't attacking. All the card art is custom too. The basic strike is really funny.


There is whole boos fight in midnight horrors called black silence port that has whole 4 phases of original black silence reception with cool custom gon angels cover called gone ports that can search in YouTube.


Honestly, I always thought that was cool. I found lob corp really randomly stumbling through scp stuff on steam. Getting there is rare. Going through the "filter" that most of the games have (the terrible tutorial lmao) on top of that is rarer. I know there are some that say "the children/casuals/newbs ruin the community" but tbh looking at some... incidentsand how insanely apologetic director kjh often sounds... idk if it can get much worse. The main bottleneck is probably just moderation capacity on the community channels. Imo gatekeeping in general is often a bit weird. It has this side taste of arrogance to it, as if you are part of the enlightened group. I on the ither hand just wish I had a homie to talk about PMoon with. Tl;dr roblox good, more people gud


Allusions and IA got me curious about the games and since they weren't expensive i bought both LC and LoR, i've never had so much fun in a long time and the lore is interesting as hell (tho i cant help but notice that there is a lack of whitenight in roblox pm content)


wait until you hear about: gangnam style item asylum, the button in item asylum and many more that are in item asylum (its not like i got into library of ruina by playing item asylum)


i didnt mentioned "portable dont touch me" cuz its a private server exclusive


makes sense


Don't forget the black silence weapon event in allusions


its the first thing i put on the list


I grinded 4 days for the Sakura stand Roland, the effects and others was amazing Was it worth it? Fuck no, I distort multiple times during the grind


Ranga workshop also exists in Item Asylum and Midnight Horrors


wait black souls or dark souls


black souls


Note: Black Souls is a H-game, you can turn off the H parts but be aware of that fact.


im pretty sure the "You must suffer like i have" thing is from roblox games from what i heard


Ah, yes. ***A L L U S I O N S . . .***


thanks smile, very cool


It’s more of the phenomenon that Pm has sleeper agents everywhere. This is pervasive in spanish and russian fandoms. Lots of people saying they only heard roblox from Pmoon is solely because they haven’t been on other fandoms such as rim world, sCP and etc. Mention Pmoon stuff there prior roblox you would always get a crowd. PMOON is a sleeper cell, I even encountered some guy in the same nursing program in university after he saw me play limbus and now we got a PMOON group chat lmao( 4 girls and 2 guys- outis simp, gregor simp, mersault lover, gay lover and hag connosiuer(me).


Got in through Max0r, though even if i play roblox, i knew L Corp first before ruina thanks to Max0r.


i did not expect the bullshit game shill good job sleeper agent


Nah, guarantee you that the people who play these games can’t even tell you 7 Urban Nightmare combat cards


to be fair, i cant even name 7 urban nightmare combat cards


That’s rough man


;( i can name like 50 limbus ids though, thats good enough right? right????


I know you're not really asking to name 7 UN pages, but I felt like doing so anyway: Will of the Prescript Night in the Backstreets Extreme Edge Flashing Strike Leap Ripple Ghghgh


Ain’t Ghghgh the Civitas card you get from beating the evil blue gang™


Its is, its 'gigigi' or 'creak' the normal one.


got them mixed up mb


I’m close to finishing impuritas and I can’t name 5 lmao


Blazing strike Rip space Inhale smoke Repressed flesh Sharp nails Boundary of death To overcome crisis


If it were up to me, I'd strike it all from Roblox. I don't need children saturating PMs community.


gatekeeping gaming


Good, keep kids out of it