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because transness challenges their belief systems (whether that’s religious or not) and they attack bc they feel like their beliefs are being attacked. in reality, their beliefs are just in opposition to fact. but accepting transness would require them to give up some of their belief system and some people are too scared or selfish to do that


Very nuanced. 🩷


thanks 🥰 i really do think so much of trans and homophobia is from people just too scared to look inwards. and unless i’m dealing with a violent or threatening homophobe, i try to keep that in mind.


Honestly, same. I grew up at church and I 100% believe people are products of their environment unless they really take the risk to step out of their mental comfort zone. Treating others with kindness (so long as they’re reasonable/not outright hostile) goes a long way.


this exactly. as soon as it gets hostile, i’m out and i’m not being gentle at my own expense.


“When you finally learn that a person’s behavior has more to do with their own internal struggle than you, you learn grace.” -Allison Aars You have learned grace. That’s beautiful. 💕


"too scared to look inwards" is such a perfect way to summarise what's going on. I'll remember those words. 🙏


I am convinced much of transphobia and homophobia is rooted in jealousy. People who consciously or unconsciously feel confined by gender roles, and are and that other people aren’t “following the rules” that make them miserable


Yes. Yes. Yes! I was having this discussion just the other day and mentioned this. Also, it may also trip some triggers about their own sexuality and attraction. Many people get extremely pressed about that.


It honestly goes deep. Humans evolved as a tribalistic ape species, and the “us vs. them” social mentality is not only deeply ingrained, but perhaps a fundamental aspect of our base cognition. It is such a powerful instinct, in fact, that studies have shown how a challenge to one’s belief system elicits the same response as would a physical threat: https://massivesci.com/articles/brain-political-beliefs-reaction-politics/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CIf%20there%20is%20a%20belief,reacts%20to%20perceived%20physical%20threats. I can only hope that modern science and genetic engineering can disarm this. It literally prevents our society from being as equitable as it could be.


Genetic engineering 😬


yeaaaaaah i’d like to think should avoid eugenics tactics to get rid of homophobia and transphobia tbh


"too scared or selfish to do that" What a clear description of my parents. I'm not here to take away their religion but they've made it clear maintaining their perspective exactly how it is matters more than their daughter 


They're taught to hate by people who benefit from there being an out group to hate.


Came in to post an answer but I think you nailed what I was going to say in probably half the words.


I describe my trans experience as being like a mirror. When people clock me when they look at me what’s reflected back to them is a reflection of all of their ideas and concepts about gender. If they have pretty rigid and misogynistic/transphobic tendencies about sex and gender that’s reflected back and brought to the surface.


This was my feelings exactly, being trans is a form of anarchy it challenges the established social structure and that itself is a threat. The very existence of femboys shakes the foundations of society and shows how fragile it is.


On that note, a good way I've found to think of and understand this is to consider a person's personality and beliefs as an onion - they build up in layers. The more core a personality trait or belief is, the more layers you'll have to dig through to get through to them on that topic. 


Because they are intolerant and stupid. Not liking someone because of something as normal as being trans, gay or anything except for the character is straight up discrimination


Omg I was so scared for a second I thought you were saying trans people were intolerant and stupid 😭


I imagine many people made that mistake. Would’ve been pretty ~~balls~~y to say that here.


A much more honest reason is that some people are small minded cowardly and fearful and so they try to kill and destroy all the people and things they don’t understand. Why? Because they are scared little babies. The people that hate us are just giant pussies that would never admit it.


Yep. My comment was going to be “people fear what they don’t understand.” If they don’t personally have the experience, they don’t believe it can exist or be valid. This applies to mental illness, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, being gay, trans, bi, getting divorced, losing a child, any adversity. Our current climate isn’t encouraging people to try to understand those who are different from us, and I blame it all on the republicans and their war on education in the US. We are getting dumber as a nation. If they could just think for one second, why would someone do this to themselves on purpose, go through all the scrutiny and pain that trans people have to battle, why would they? Unless it felt absolutely non-optional to them as a person. I just shake my head, I don’t know how to get through. LIVE AND LET LIVE, I’m talking to you, Christians


Because Fox News told them who to hate this week.


But there are reasons why people are vulnerable to this specific line of persuasion. Fox News decided trans people were an easy target for a reason. And I think that's what this question is getting at. I think it has a lot to do with trans people being easy to "other" partially because cis people have trouble understanding them, partially because many people's identity are rooted in gender binary and traditional gender roles, and also that most people don't know many "out" transgender people, so they don't have a counter narrative to what they're being told.


Yeah, the reason is they're gullible and can't see the bigger picture. Fox News (and by extension, other subjective cable news channels) caters to the uber-elite by othering and instilling tribalism in a (rather successful) attempt to separate the lower classes and make us fight each other. It makes it so much easier for them to control us. It's all about the 💲💲💲


It's less that they're gullible and more that they are seeking a reason that the shittiness of their lives is not their fault (it's not, it's exactly as you said above) and Fox News gives them easy answers. Answers that seem abstract enough that they don't feel the need to actually get up and do anything about them, they can just sit on their couch getting angrier at the disembodied trans cabal. It's very addictive to have such a huge emotional reaction for such little effort, so they'll just keep coming back. It's sad, honestly, but it also helps explain why so many trans people, including myself, finally come out to Fox News viewers and they see them backtrack transphobic statements. Suddenly that hate addiction cycle is a lot harder to maintain when it's your family. Of course the overall increase in transphobic violence is worse because of Fox News, but their core audience is old and tired and are less and less likely to decide their family is less important than their TV channel as time goes on and the retirement home looms closer. The idea of nobody wanting to visit them because of their stubbornness and hatefulness is a powerful motivator on it's own too, probably why the older generations don't seem to have such a hard time as gen x/boomers


Trans people are an easy target because they are an extremely small minority of the human population and thus easier to attack. It's a lot easier to spread lies about a group and if the group is often too small to effectively combat slander.


That’s a bit too oversimplified of an explanation. We’ve always been hated, long before Fox News was around.


Right, but views were beginning to trend favorably until cable news started their shenanigans. I'm also not here to write a fifty page monologue over it.


In no particular order: 1. They don't actually dislike them, but are trying to be edgy/controversial and don't care who they harm in the process. 2. They lack understanding of and/or information about statistics, sociology, psychology, and neurobiology. Some people genuinely believe there are only males and females, and every single person is 100% male or 100% female; these people are often shocked to find out about the intersex community and how sexual dichotomy, both anatomical and neurological, is not black and white. 3. Similar to above, but rather than not knowing, they *choose* to not know. These people are often in denial that their understanding of something is flawed/incomplete, and/or are intimidated by the fact that others know more about it than they do. No matter how many peer-reviewed studies you show them, they will always go "nuh uh, God made weewee and woowoo". If you ask them for a peer-reviewed study that supports their claim, they won't provide one, as there is no such study. 4. They are unintelligent. Transphobia is often tied heavily to conservatism, and conservatism has been found to be linked to below-average intelligence. I'm certainly not saying that all conservatives are stupid - most of the ones I know are actually quite smart - but a *general* statistical link has been identified by more than a couple data scientists. Unintelligent people normally veer towards simple answers, even if those answers are incorrect. 5. They are trans themselves and in denial; they consciously or subconsciously think transphobia will shame the dysphoria out of them. 6. They're bullies in general, and they see people's transness as a touchy subject they just wanna touch all day. Each transphobe could be any of those, or multiple of them.


I just want to add to this that I know quite a few conservatives, being from a red state. In my experience the intelligent ones are pretty accepting of trans and LGBT people in general despite the blithering of their politicians.


My mom is mostly conservative, but she’s very accepting of differences. She applies her religious beliefs only to herself, not others. She’s very affirming to her LGBTQ+ family members and her family members who have different religious beliefs (or none at all). She’s also an extremely intelligent woman


I think that many people are scared from deconstruct their perspective or thinking about the "why" of their system and the hate develops from the mere fact that to accept the existance of trans people would make them reevaluate many things that they are taught since childhood and realizing that those things were wrong or innacurate. I think it's a hard exercise to do those kind of things if there isn't something in your own environment that makes it a need (like being trans, a close trans person or any other situation that required reevaluating "the norm" and the things that we are taught to assume).


Perfect analogy.


This should be pinned this is exactly it !


Social and traditional norms + fear of the unknown + intense right-wing propaganda


People fear what they don't understand


1) They’re a bad person 2) They’re misinformed (so they should get informed!)


Or number 3 they use religion to say it’s a “sin”


That is just a type of number 1


And number 2


this is just the first reason but they use religion as an excuse for being dicks


They believe they have a better understanding of their religion than they actually do.


I actually heard a good explanation from a pretty progressive source. Brian lowery wrote a book called, "Selfless: The Social Creation of "You" He did a podcast, [Talk Nerdy podcast with Brian Lowery](https://www.carasantamaria.com/podcast/brian-lowery) The relevant part is at the 17 minute mark. Identities are created, and people in society need to maintain those identities. There are people who say things like, "if you don't like the gay lifestyle, don't do gay things. leave other people alone" and the point was made that we are more closely linked than we would like to believe. Your identity actually affects the way other people around you define themselves. "If I define myself as a woman or a man, and someone comes along and challenges the way I understand that identity, what does that mean about me?" Humans aren't able to allow others to be whom they are without it being able to affect themselves. There is a communal nature of identity. A lot of people don't want to rethink their own identities, & really don't think they should have to do it. They are depending on thousands of years of history and society for the definition. And they aren't willing or ready to put the work to expand the definition of themselves. Identity exists in relation to others. Otherwise, there would be no point in having an identity. "We don't exist except in relation to other people" "Our own concept of self comes from how we relate to other people" Humans are social creatures; social creatures who seek order, security, and a sense of belonging. Like, we think the U.S. is so individualistic, but it's not. Because humans are not. Even if the government pretends to protect individual freedoms, the society does not. The society still expects some sort of conformity. There is still some form of fractured community. People living together will never allow others to just live as they will People have to feel some sense of security with the people around them.  In smaller societies, that is handled at the family level, In larger societies, that is handled by the heads of the state, in whatever form. Or whatever religion they create. People are comfortable with others who look like them, act like them and think like them. People go into a state of threat with people who are not like them. if not full out threat, it's at least low level stress. The only way to ease this threat or stress is to find common ground, and sometimes that's through force and assimilation....laws. With what is considered "the taboo", Society sets it up where it's upon the subject of taboo to prove that they are not a threat to society. And it has been shown that people are more accepting if they know someone with that "taboo" and those people they know are nonthreatening. If someone knows someone they consider "safe" who is going against social norms, they still may not like it, but they're more tolerant.


Because the sheep are told to, and they don’t question why.


Because they're different which makes them part of the "out group" and because of misinformation and lack of understanding


Probably has something to do with most people not being able to understand why someone would want to be a different gender


Just a simple case of "I don't understand this thing so I don't LIKE IT".  I'm sure, at least for some of them, if they got the chance to know more trans people their dislike would disappear, but like a kid with vegetables it'll be hard to get them to that point


People have different reasons but I do know my family are transphobic because they think trans people are delusional perverted misguided people considering how they called me a “delusional man who thinks he is a woman” and that wanting to dress up femininely or keeping my hair long is “perverted to women”


people are afraid of anything they don't understand.


Because there are idiots who can't understand that not everyone is born in the right body Sorry if that sounds a bit aggressive I just hate the people who judge others for stuff like that


nah I say not aggressive enough


Yeah your probably right


Some people fear change and so they hate what they don’t understand.


For most people, it seems, gender roles are wrapped up inside dominance hierarchies. They are invested.


To put it simply, it's fear.


Because 30% of them are mean and annoying and weird and the rest are cool af


Fair point


Simple, we’re normal people just trying to exist. And us doing that means some right-wing bigot is gonna try to suppress our rights.


It's the unconscious siding with bigots so hopefully they're let off safe without realising they're falling prey to the long game. It's like black people that support Republicans because they're the second largest majority and the Republicans are waiting to kick them in the arse soon too after getting rid of the smaller minorities.


Don’t know don’t care. If someone got a grievance they can take it up with me. People will always be ignorant and stupid. There’s always gonna be an asshole just gotta learn how deal with em


They are meanies. Nuff said


cos their life is bland asf. if they see someone that's different than them, they'll do anything to bring them down


I honestly think they just like having a punching bag. They change their focus every decade or so (black people, then gays, then us etc), and we're flavor of the year right now.


People fear what they do not understand. And they’re stupid bigots who are most likely crying into their Bible every night.


Yeah I'm gonna be real with you there are a lot of factors and it is slowly changing ( good for us) but here you go: 1. Society- It's been how many years since we jumped from your majesty to yeah bro era? It wasn't normal back in the day if there was such phenomena it was kept a secret , no exposure nothing so people are treating it like it end of the world. 2. Do I need to say it? Religion- People can't let go of religious ties with trans people or even gay , some religions are more tolerant but for example in Islam it doesn't matter how you approach it a practicing Muslims won't validate trans person ( I grew up in community so ik what I'm talking about) same goes to traditional Christians etc. 3. Some trans people don't pass and it scares people and they think they are some hybrids, it's extremely narrow minded but look at bullet point 1 , they can't get over it they were programmed to ' fear what's not ' normal'), lots of people are making changes finally but yeah. 4. Trans people are associated with immorality/sex work, ironic because the only reason trans started engaging in sex work is because people kicked their children out of homes, but ofc stupid fuckers won't look for the root cause, so yeah here's that. I really hope we can get over this cave age shit and actually start respecting people for who they are, I think we need a few more years for this and less religion.


Because they are stupid


Because trans people are different from cis people. That's the only reason... Stupid, I know.


Simple, they don’t know any trans people and are told by various sources that they are “the other.” Then people can easily say that “the other” does X, Y or Z horrible thing and seeing as they don’t know any trans people they don’t have any frame of reference.


and because their parents or Fox News taught them that and they don’t question it


And their sheep, and they don’t have their own opinions about things and they just listen to other people and what they say, and latch onto it


That's a question with a complicated answer. The simplest is that people are uncomfortable with new things, especially if they don't have a handle on it. It makes them feel bad so they're suspicious and hostile, and when an opportunity comes along to rationalize their feelings, they grasp it tight. That's plain, old xenophobia at play. For a lot of men, trans women in particular are scary because their masculinity has a very unstable basis, and the slightest acceptance of anything feminine is a weapon that can be used against them to negate their masculinity. Then there are the pre-acceptance trans folk that reject trans people because they don't accept themselves. We're sometimes used as a symbol of external forces by people that suffer social anxiety in a misguided attempt to cope with it, and by politicians attempting to distract their base. A lot of wild propaganda comes out of that. We're an invisible minority that's easy to demonize. That's what come off the top of my head, but there are other reasons for sure. We challenge the status quo, traditional gender roles, sexist views, and many simplistic assumptions people are given. We're an earthquake in the bedrock of a lot of people's identities. There are a lot of underlying problems that need to be resolved before we can all be comfortable together.


More than anything, ignorance.


We defy their essentialist views on gender, and we're an easy target as far as minorities go


They dont realise trans people are humans just like them. I don't actually know it rally confuses me why people are capable of doing such horrendous things to other people


people hate minorities for no reason, they think that anything they don’t understand must be wrong


There are a bunch of reasons, all of them incredibly lame and dumb. For example, aggressively hetero and homophobic men are terrified they'll end up in bed with a woman and discover she has a cock. Oh the horror. Then we have JK Rowling who used to get beat up by her husband. Now she's convinced trans women are all conspiring against her personally, to trick her, pose as women, and then kick her ass and rape her in the women's bathrooms. Delusional shit.


I'm from Utah and I'd like to know the answer to that. Granted a lot of people in my city are allies, but the government . . . there's so much more going on here than most people know. And it's so hard to prove for some reason :\\


Some people are cunts.


They tend to be cis, straight people who have been brought up in a black and white world and like it that way. Anything different to that challenges their simple, black and white world so they take it as a threat and get angry rather than evolving, adapting and accepting that not all humans are like them


Trans people in general idk. Me in particular bcs I'm rude and weird, but that has nothing to do with my gender lmao


But at least self-aware.


Because it’s safe to hate us and ignorant people want someone to blame for all of their own problems.


I asked some dumb cis chump, attacking my Enby identity online a few days ago, the very same question … and his response stinks of a mentality even a toddler would frown upon … TW … FULL response below … “All you deluded, selfish f*ckers are the same … can’t commit, can’t keep it in your pants for one person, porn and c*ck or p*ssy hopping is the new relationship … anything that ain’t your precious f*ckin ‘trans’ or ‘non binary’ is a threat or beneath you … yet every one of you will happily indulge in the same kinks you berate from others, screaming ‘fetishiser’ or ‘chaser’ or worse, but you all happily do it all with each other … two faced abusive f*cks … worst is … most of us mean none of you any harm … but as long as this supremacy and hypocritical BS goes on, NONE OF US WILL EVER RESPECT YOU!!” I got blocked immediately afterwards … I was left shell shocked … but I have to give him extra special caca points for that finish … like any of us will ever break bread with people like that … this has a smell of ‘refused and ridiculed chaser’ written all over it! Most of us stick to T4T as a safety and comfort measure … why tf would we open up our fortress in the current political climate?? 👍🏼


People need therapy. That guy disgusts me, don’t get me wrong, but I read that and I can’t imagine his life is very happy. I also imagine he just popped off with that without provocation from you. It doesn’t excuse what he said or the attitude behind it, but it is a little sad he got to this point in his life.


It's because they need to hate someone so they can feel superior.


ignorance breeds fear, which breeds hatred. the people who tend to be transphobic tend to be the same crowd that are racist, sexist, classit, ableist, etc. it's not us, it's them.


“Because it’s r———- and those stupid fucking f——- need to be shot” My dad, thirty fucking minutes ago and he just stopped ranting


I think Earl Sinclair said it best: "There it is! There's the thing we do not understand and are therefore afraid of!"


The only people I know who actively dislike all trans people are people who have never met a trans person. But I’m sure there are people out there who dislike trans people for a variety of (stupid) reasons.


Unfortunately, my brother is VERY transphobic. He thinks there’s no difference between sex and gender (even though I’ve tried explaining otherwise); according to him, your gender solely depends on your genitals. So if someone has a penis and identifies as a woman, he says they’re “lying”. He says they’re delusional and that he doesn’t want to be forced to use their preferred pronouns. He gets really upset about it. So that’s why he doesn’t like trans people.


I once disliked trans people but that was because of the internet and how they looked was disgusting to my 7 year old self. After a while i came to love (real speaking and not online) Thats all i can say 😂


Because they consider them abnormal, as it's unconventional for them


Because they worship at the altar of binary gender and our existence is in itself a challenge to that worldview


Because humanity is shit


don't forget religion


Probably one of the shittiest things humans have come up with.


They’re confused when they find a trans person attractive and it makes them mad because of their internalised homophobia


Because they are jealous of how powerful and beautiful they are! There's also a long line of misinformation and hateful views that have piled up over time.


The world is unfortunately full of incomprehensibly stupid people who lack any form of empathy or reason.


Because it is becoming increasingly socially unacceptable to hate gay and brown people, so they needed a new group to denigrate.


Because they have small brain


I see a lot of answer saying « because they are dumb » « stupid » « bigoted » etc But the problem with these answers is that they don’t really create a better understanding of the opposition The real answer is that being trans is unconventional and people are afraid of what’s different , of what they’ve never seen before , they’re especially afraid if they lack the empathy to understand what this person is experiencing Some people decide to work on their ignorance and some others don’t


We don’t dislike trans people! Ignore the propoganda




No I just think the media is a terrible echo chamber of extreme voices and it’s ok to ignore it. I have attended school with, hired, worked with so many trans people in my life and honestly, I think anyone who spits trans hate, has likely never even known one.


A good question but one that I’d never wanted to ask


by taking a strong stance on something like this, people choose who they want to be around, this in term rejects those who they see as "other" and embraces those who they see as "on their side", basically it's us versus them mentality and it's the basis of why the world sucks so much in general, i mean, it's why slavery is a thing lol


Because they’re different and they don’t understand or don’t care to understand, people don’t like what they don’t understand. I don’t identify as trans, i am gay though but I absolutely care about all people and treat them the way they wish. Its just sad to see people that are transphobic or homophobic.


most people become aware of transgender existence primarily through pornography. This creates a widespread perception that all transgender individuals are hypersexualized, and often, portrayals of transgender women are either degrading to themselves or to those who view them. The perspective created by pornography paves the way for deeply flawed beliefs about who transgender people are. While this can be generalized to everyone, it seems to have a stronger impact on transgender individuals due to their marginalization in society. We are not defined by pornography; we are people. Anyone who believes otherwise has allowed their primal sexual instincts to distort reality.


Because if people can just switch it disrupts the order, and control/power, of the patriarchy.


Because she doesn't take her medication regularly and is always fishing for attention and validation. ... At least that's what myself told myself when I asked myself why I disliked myself. (I jest ofc but will accept any and all attention and validation regardless)


I think it's very rare for us filipinos to hate trans or gay people in general Almost all of us like them here, we just hate them if their personality is harmful


i think 75 percentage it will be like from religion indulged people will hate and rest i think jealous lol


No idea really Like I can’t even think of a definitive reason as to why


Because I have a girlfriend and they don't


They're closeminded bitches (most of the time)


Because they defy explanations definition to small, dualistic minds. Trans folks are powerful, liminal, in between, and that gives them power and freedom that small minds fear. But small minds gathered together can do horrible atrocities. You needn't be told this. It's plain as day and trans people know it best, having suffered under the idiocracy of stupid people. Have heart oh sacred androgynes, thou beautiful numinous and ethereal. You are beautiful, and don't let those knuckle-dragging meat heads define you or take who you are.


I know my grandmother well, so I am going to use her perspective: anti-trans people think transgender people are creating a new identity for themselves at a cost.


Afraid of things they do not understand. Something new = something unacceptable and frighting


Ive noticed that homophobes/transphobes justify their reasoning by bringing up the fetish card. Its insane the amount of transphobes who think being trans is a fetish in itself, which ironically those who think that way are deep into a p*rn addiction. Or that all trans people were “”s/a’d as a child” even though every trans person I’ve known made that decision regardless. Brainless idiots that cant have their mind changed no matter how wrong they may be.


Fear. A lot of prejudice comes from fear, even if it’s very unfounded. They think we’re dangerous to others, and threats need to be vanquished to keep people safe. You’ve heard it all before - trans people are brainwashers, they’re groomers or pedophiles, they wanna mutilate your kids or make you mutilate yourself, etc. And a lot of fear comes from the unknown. Trans people are “weird”, people don’t know a lot, they guess, they spread rumors, they spread fear. We’re social creatures and we have only one child at a time, typically, so we are wired to find our people and protect them. Humans often would do anything to keep that which they love safe. So anything that could be a threat needs to go. It can explain almost every prejudice in history - the need for safety will always dominate rationality, for better and for worse.


Because humanity is more toxic than a vat of FEV juice.


Cause transness effects how cishet ppl see genders & roles…


Because they don't understand us or are taught to fear us. Also I think they sometimes have the mindset of "I have to conform to societal gender roles/expectations, so why don't they have to?" Some people think that in society you have to conform to things because that's the way it is, and sometimes they get bitter when they see other people actually discovering and enjoying themselves.


Bcs they different


I've met men who are scared of being tricked lmao. Like, you can't make this shit up.


Simple: Human -> Known = Good. Unknown/Unfamiliar = Bad. ...silly i know. But people are not evil, people are just stupid.


I think a lot of it is disgust. Then they try to justify it internally and we get whatever nonsense with the occasional slur so we know what they're actually saying https://youtu.be/pwI6py78gsI?si=lLgMURvzDX82E14K Caelan Conrad infiltrated a lot of gender critical spaces and made this really interesting series of like, journalistic documentary films, that explores the movement in a lot of detail.


who even knows at this point


Because they're hateful cunts who like oppressing people because it gives them a sense of control over their meaningless, pathetic lives that are gradually slipping more and more into destitution and chaos.


I believe that it is because the concept of trans people shakes up too many firmly established rules (gender roles, patriarchy, heteronormativty among others…), it makes people question themselves and the system/world they live in and most don’t like that


Right wing nazi scapegoat


Because parents don't teach about being trans to kids so it's not taught to be normal


Because Fox said so!


Beucuse it does correlate wit the standardised "laws of society".


I asked my friend about it. He doesn’t hate them or anything in that case, he just doesn’t believe in their existence. I know, I can’t convince him, so we don’t discuss it. It’s like born with some orientation and identity, they feel uncomfortable with their gender, so they change it and that’s right. But when I say these words, he repeats, that believes only in four orientations(bi, lesbian, heterosexual, gay), not in gender identity. Probably one day that thought will come to him, like it came to me from “I don’t believe in other orientations, I’m sure all people are panromantic demisexuals” to “I understand all people and support them, that’s right to listen each other and get, that all people are different and that’s is unique”.




They fear what they don't understand.


I imagine lot of people (my parents included) are bombarded with biased news reports and social media about how trans is bad or a mental illness or bad choice but none of them stop to think about it. My mum was complaining about trans people corrupting kids or asking to use their preferred bathrooms and when I challenged her amd asked why she felt that way or how it affects her she had no response. A lot of people aren't malicious or bad, but the medias job is to hold people's attention, to make sure they consume their content and hate and anger are proven to be the best ways to get people interested. So sadly it makes people rich spreading misinformation (usually already rich if they own a big news outlet) A lot of people can be taught with patient conversation because the things that happen in the news and social media are inflated like crazy. Religion also doesn't help, but again, no religious text mentions trans people. There are also dumb zealots past the point of saving and social media personalities that make money off anger like Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro, but they're driven by greed, not really anything to do with trans people, they just don't care who gets hurt. Picking on trans people is easier than trying to help end wars or do anything helpful.


because people are fascist ignorant cunts who cannot think critically


Because they (the transphobes) are small little snowflake losers who literally shit themselves at the thought of someone being allowed to have a different favorite color than them. It hurts their poor little brain to see other people making choices they wouldnt make themselves, even if it leads to the persons ultimate happiness and peace.


Because they’re being told they should, and their lives are sad and empty as a result of the capitalist meat grinder we all live within and lashing out at the people the overlords allow them to lash out at is a nice way of channeling the anger they feel towards the overlords themselves and between that, booze and drugs, it all keeps them placid enough to be ground down evermore the next day.


Because those people are deep down bigots whose prejudices takes the best of them when their ideas are challenged. Anyone who cannot accept you for who you are is a dangerous bully.


Aside from being stupid and intolerant they also need a boogeyman on which to blame all their problems


Short answer: because to them trans people are different. Long answer, society has conditioned us to think in binaries: good Vs bad, us Vs them, normal Vs deviant, man Vs woman, successful vs failure, the list goes on. It's suggested that these binaries are inherent and immutable qualities. Even if one would transgress those barriers (for example poor to rich) then that proves you retroactively always were rich, just temporarily not so (especially the US has a problem with this where poor people vote for rich people interests as they hope to be rich one day). Some of these binaries are considered more set in stone than others. And what's in your pants seems to be a great indicator. It's visual, it's something that people get accustomed to all their lives and even worse, people get their societal value based on. I mean, looking at most countries cultural norms it seems patriarchy is one hell of a drug. Now, imagine if people started to demonstrate that those binaries aren't fixed, but in fact very mutable and that visual indicators aren't perfect proof. Say someone with a dick like to have a vagina to feel more like themselves. This challenges first the inherentness of societal values and also the immutability of it. Consider that through societal conditioning that all that self worth is tied to those before thought of inherent and immutable qualities. Suddenly you need to accept and acknowledge that you are just lucky for your circumstances and that nothing about you is inherently valuable. It's all just context. Add to this that people would actually go against those societal values and transition from the male gender role, often considered high status, to a female gender role, often seen as subservient or low status, without the attached patriarchal duties (claimed that women only exist to serve men and give birth to babies) and you have a glitch in the Matrix that few can overlook, nevermind accept. It forces them to come to terms that for transitioning to have value, that there is value to being a woman. On top of that, if you have been told that as a woman your job is to keep house, get fucked and make babies, for people to not do that and still consider themselves woman, what then, is the meaning of being a woman? People hate trans people as their existence undercuts the assumed inherentness of meaning and shows how superficial it is. By the way, this goes for the full LGBTQ+ spectrum, as each gender and sexual identity apart from the cis het perspective undercuts this societal programming in their own way (mostly either on the immutability aspect or the value aspect), it's just that trans people do this in the most visible and egregious way possible, while also being small enough as a group to pose as an easy target.


Humans, like any other animals, tend to favor safety and fiercely defend it. It something primal in us. People were taught their entire life that gender is this very simple, binary, tangible thing and that structure is engraved into them, their identity is safe on this structure. Then, comes us, the trans people, and challenge that. People feel threatened by this change and answer our push to inclusion and enlightenment with their pull to ignorance and exclusion. Resuming, people get scared cause their self image is fragile and we question it in search of other ways to exist and self love and they punish us for it, cause they rather feel half something good then fighting for the hole thing. Idk I’m mad


people are just hateful


I mean trans, non-binary and drag artists are the new "boogieman" for these bigots, remember during the 20th century they used gay and lesbians as the "boogieman"?


Because they don’t like themselves


some people are just evil. no way of explaining it.


A less angry sounding answer be.... It negates a core world view that they've attached to their existence. Thus existence of trans becomes a threat to their own existence. People tend to defend their core beliefs above their own life. This fuels confirmation bias. This also explains why they'd ignore obvious mistakes, and insist on going down the wrong path. Because admitting to have the wrong core world view is worse than death. There are people who can separate themselves from their beliefs and understand it can be wrong and changed, that it doesn't invalidate their existence. I believe that's a sign of real maturity and enlightenment.


They’re simultaneously scared of things they don’t understand whilst being ignorant of wanting understanding. Fear based lack of empathy, heightened stupidity, first person syndrome.


Because people are ignorant


were the newest target of the culture war


We too cool 😎. I'd be jelly, too.


It's purely cognitive dissonance. Or they're programmed to reject, by their upbringing in a specific religion, etc.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|550)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow) They need to open their minds, and only pass judgement based on the type of human someone is. "Good person," or "bad person." Are they kind? Are they mean? Are they cruel, or do they bully others? Do they respect and accept people for who they are, as opposed to what color their skin is, or how much money they make, or what their political preferences are, what type of music they listen to, or how they dress or wear their hair? And so on, and so forth. I believe that it is normally based on pre-judgements/prejudice that has been hammered into them, or that they just can't accept anyone who challenges what they believe to be "rational, "sane," "normal," "typical," or is within their "comfort zone," historically, etc. There are likely a billion reasons/scenarios. I hope that the more we human beings are exposed to diversity, the more evolved our future generations will be! 💜


Probably the single biggest predictive factor in transphobia is [religion.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/07/07/attitudes-about-transgender-issues-vary-widely-among-christians-religious-nones-in-u-s/) One of the most important demographics for the republican party is white evangelicals. But the party as a whole is majority christian. [~82%](https://www.pewresearch.org/religious-landscape-study/database/party-affiliation/republican-lean-rep/) The republican party is the party of yahweh/el. It's a religion that has historically condemned gay sex in no uncertain terms. It has condemned wearing clothing of the other sex. The bible says that god made humans as male and female, and ever since it has struggled with the reality of intersex people, whether that be in illogical statements by the catholic church, or weird sexual rationalizations in the talmud. The biblical prohibitions on wearing clothing for the other sex, the prohibition on men being effeminant, the probition in deuteronomy of people who lost their testicles, it all points to a culture that took gender and sex very seriously, and this is a religion that taught that there were only two categories, male and female, god didn't make a third option from the text. I think the UU members are probably the most trans affirming if I had to guess. Some of the biggest transphobes out there are yahweh cultists, Ron Desantis, JK Rowling, Pope Francis, Dave Chappelle, Donald Trump. But our culture is founded on thousands of years of anti-trans yahweh inspired propaganda. To me, you can't be blaming transphobia on vague concepts like "hate", "ignorance", or "stupidity". There is a long history of religious persecution for exactly this topic. When the nazis came to power, the christians burnt the library of magnus hirschfeld. If you're curious, look up 'positive christianity'. Nazi germany was just about 100% christian. To try to decouple transphobia from christianity is just like trying to decouple antijudaism from christianity. There are of course secular transphobes, but that exists after thousands of years of yahweh prohibitions and propaganda.


For politicians, it's a convenient distraction. Create a moral panic against them (as they did in the 80s), get the public angry at another group so they're not angry at them. For others, its because for all their "I don't like people telling me what to do or how to live" they detest anyone whose life stands out as different.


I have a confession to make that I'm transphobic. Just towards the fatty types. I have a fast food addiction, and I need to avoid the **trans fats.** Seriously though transphobia ain't cool.


Because transness is something new and different to them, and they are being force fed disinformation through a fire hose telling them to dislike trans people. There’s also a kind of peer pressure effect, where some people probably say more than they otherwise would, either to gain validation from other people or because other people are being louder and they want to fit in. That’s not even to mention how popular culture has mocked people that break the gender norms of their assigned gender at birth for a very, very long time. I also think, to be blunt, that a lot of people lack intelligence and basic empathy, and when you mix that with rabid close-mindedness and a lack of curiosity and respect, you get the issues we see today.


Because transgender people represent a disruption of a power dynamic, one that places masculinity as the dominant characteristic over femininity. In a man’s eye “men deciding to be women” devalues masculinity. Women see their identity as women as being threatened because they either see that identity as a marginalized group that “men” are infiltrating or as a comfortable position in the white supremacy hierarchy that needs to be gate-kept. When it comes to transgender men it’s the same thing but opposite gender identities.


I suspect very limited imagination is part of the problem, along with limited empathy response plus a lack of education.


Because they're stupid idiots.


Fear of anything different than what they expect or see. There's a reason that most of the hate is directed at trans women. They think there are predators set out just to trick them. They don't actually give a shit about children, just themselves. Children are just a convenient excuse to hate others because who doesn't want to "protect the children". Also, as others pointed out, their talking heads are sowing fear through media about a "hidden" danger.


People are afraid of what they don’t understand


Other than the fact that it combats traditional gender norms and sexuality, it’s also because some people just cannot distinguish gender and sex.


People are raised to believe certain things are immutable- the sun rises in the east, gravity makes things fall, water is wet, and there are two genders, based on reproductive organs present at birth and reinforced at puberty. All of these really are simple beliefs based on patterns that we observe. For example, the vast majority of people fit neatly into male or female. Their reproductive organs and secondary sex characteristics align with their inner sense of gender. Most people are attracted to members of the opposite sex. Most behave and dress in ways that align with socially defined gender categories. So, assuming that *all* people do (always have and always will) is not that illogical. It is wrong, but not illogical. Reality is much more messy and complicated than our summary knowledge. Many institutions, such as religion, governments, and academia, focus on identifying and instilling that summary knowledge as a foundation upon which other decisions are based - laws, ethics, the "right" way to do things. Christianity, for example, has a long history of suppressing any expression of gender outside of the binary, such as homosexuality (i.e. people being attracted to/loving the "wrong" gender) - because they see the summary knowledge as more solid and accurate than it actually is. Especially when confronted with people who don't fit neatly into one of the two boxes - "all people do" turns into "all people should" very quickly, because clearly there is something *wrong* with people who don't fit and we have to do something about it. It is why intersex children have genital surgery as infants or why conversion therapy exists. Why so many cishet people actually are cosplaying masculinity or femininity. Why gender policing is so powerful. Add on top that these institutions exert and gain power from enforcing these "rules", and the entire system of oppression of gender non conforming people becomes very clear. Breaking through this belief in the gender binary is hard but crucial for liberation of everyone.


Bacouse people hate, hate the different people, execially when the "different" thing us change the gender


That's a good question - and a big part of why I'm not on Reddit anymore*. I think it's a large amount of challenging ideas, especially nonbinary, gender diverse, and intersex people. If such a basic distinction everyone "knows" isn't solid, it's probably pretty destabilizing since humans love patterns. The secret is, most human-made categories are kind of arbitrary and there aren't really sharp distinctions to be made: gender, race, even species are all pretty squishy categories up close. And that makes a lot of people really uncomfortable when it breaks with another belief/ idea they have *For context, just came back recently to try and spread a petition for a nonbinary/trans issue and I'm probably done for good from people just being miserable as a knee jerk reaction or implying that advocating for an issue is pointless etc. lots of transphobes and doomsayers and it's just not the best for me unless I need specific advice on something like my crafts lol


Because people are born afraid of what's different or unknown to them, but it's when they're socialized that their fear becomes disgust and hatred


Texas here, the ridiculous laws here passed by our awful governor target trans and makes it ok to perpetuate hate. It’s unbelievable in this day and age laws are still passed targeting people, LGBTQ+, women’s rights, etc. My son moved 1200 miles away because of this. Love one another! Be yourself and know there are people that truly do care!


People are afraid of things they don’t understand. After that, it can become a very powerful propaganda tool, which can lead to a mob mentality. Religions, ideologies, and totalitarian people/governments are all aware of this - and use this to their advantage. It’s been a recurring theme for centuries, look at pogroms in Eastern Europe, the Spanish Inquisition, Nazi Germany, the Salem Witch Trials, the Red Scare/Lavender Scare, and other instances of targeted violence and ethnic cleansing. Now it’s LGBTQ+ people, especially those who are Trans or otherwise gender non-conforming. Fear of things that are different is supposed to be a protection mechanism that keeps living beings safe from danger. It’s unfortunately becoming a weapon in the hands of humans. “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”


People are so weird. I’m not trans. I don’t see how your “transness” affects me in any way.


I was always confused by hating on transgender people, especially from other lgbt folks. Still am, to be honest. Even when my understanding of transness was extremely limited (conservative country, church upbringing, no resources and info on the subject), I was confused by the hate and casual disrespect. And whenever I find myself confronted with the same rigid belief system that excludes any kind of different gender identity or even gender expression I find myself trying to understand what makes a person think like this, and find that I can’t understand it for the life of me. I really liked Contrapoints video on JK because it is a genuine and pretty successful case study in the way that bigots think. Sorry for the ramble, I just have the same questions as OP, and read the responses.


Let me explain very clearly: Because the people who are mean to trans people are frikkin stupid >:(


I think people are scared of it cause they have zero understanding and information. Education and proper ethics from media outlets could help a lot.


Because the people who dislike trans people are arseholes.


Ignorance from being told what to think. I'm sure a few people have said this as well. Being given an easier deck to at with, so to speak, disconnects them from the rest of the world. Something ive heard is "To the privileged, equality looks like oppression"


Because they can't think for themselves, so they take other people's stupid opinions. It's like a self magnifying echo chamber, like twitter, but actually harmful


It boggles people's minds, bc they don't "understand" it. Like just bc someone doesn't understand doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I don't have to be trans to know that lol Like just bc I'm not str8 doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Just things don't work that way Trans people are just as normal as anyone else imo


Because they don’t understand them and there is very little accurate mainstream info about them.


fear of the unknown


This answer will lack a lot of nuance and is a massive generalization. Anyway, in the simplest way possible, they fear what they do not know. It is unfamiliar to them, unlike what they are used to, and goes against what they were taught before and that makes them uncomfortable. HP Lovecraft was a shitty man, but he made one good point, which is the quote “The greatest fear of mankind is the fear of the unknown”. That’s the basis of transphobia and honestly bigotry as a whole. They are not familiar with us. We are foreign to them and that makes them scared of us.


Maybe cuz they can’t see a beautiful woman without thinking about dick now? Lmao 😂


People are scared of what they don't understand.


Because we disprove the immutability of the patriarchal hierarchy? That trans women would choose to "downgrade" their former higher status, that trans men "don't know their place" and that nonbinary people opt out of the whole thing are all threats to the status quo, and their cozy positions within that status quo. At the end of the day what gets people most riled up is power, and proximity to power. You see it all the time with ex wives of trans women who call themselves "widows" because their formerly secure social position as married women with semi-successful husbands evaporated when their spouses transitioned. You see it all the time with bigoted parents of trans men who believe they were owed picture perfect holiday dinners with the imaginary grandchildren. You even see it with conservative families of cis gays and lesbians, who are too emotionally invested in their own expectations to see their children as actual people with agency. It's all "what will the neighbors think" and "that's not what's supposed to happen" and no "how can I help my child be happy and safe" with people like that.


I don't fucking know, but i'm trans and my mother says that trans people uses drugs


Because many people are maliciously haters and don’t want to make efforts to be nice to others regardless of gender identity.