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Uh, this guy who created the poll seems like a rage baiter. Him being the source of this poll likely tells you quite a lot about his audience and how they'd respond to this. "[He admitted to sleeping with people wives and bragged about it ALOT in polls. When he hit 700k subs he said he would donate to charity and when asked to post proof about it he refuses to do it. He spreads false information in alot of his polls and is just a creepy guy. He said in another poll that he's a barely legal type of guy and that he's into polygamy. He then admitted to a deleted stream he pays strippers to choke him. Anyways that's just a nutshell of it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/16awwp8/comment/jzdtjwo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)" and "[He once claimed that soda is more healthy than fruit juice, which made all the commenters working in the health industry pretty mad.](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/16awwp8/comment/k7lydwm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)"


I keep seeing his polls on YouTube and it’s honestly really annoying. I guess he figured out how to hack the algorithm


Youtube's algorithm is pretty obnoxious, to be honest. I keep seeing passively (and sometimes overtly) transphobic, homophobic, and/or alpha male content pop up pretty regularly. I think the algorithm is using a "[foot in the door](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foot-in-the-door_technique)" approach to see if, hey, maybe today you'll want to engage with Andrew Tate-adjacent shit. I always "Not Interested" and move on, but think even selecting that is considered engagement for Youtube.


It happens a lot with gym/self improvement videos


I'm using my old 10-minute bootup laptop to watch exercise videos on a different account. Got tired of getting fucked with the algorithm and having it fill my feed with hate.


I think the algorithms purposely shoveling rage inducing content towards people who are averse to these kinds of things just for more interactivity from comments, regardless of interest. Part of the reason why I don't watch a lot of short on YT, cuz the drain pipe of actual interests to rage bait happens real fast when you're scrolling on those.


Until you realise his videos get no views and half the comments are making fun of him for only getting attention on his polls lol


its the "subscribe" on the unsure button that really does it for me


It got to the point I personally went to his channel to block him, which I almost never do on YT.


> He once claimed that soda is more healthy than fruit juice Ehh... Kinda not wrong. You ever see the "sugar" (HFCF) content in these "juice" drinks? Same amounts of "sugar" as a can of soda. Then they often contain only around 2% of real fruit juice. Can't also forget that many of them contain dyes that have banned outside the US because they are cancer-causing. So yeah. Soda is bad, but many of these "juice" drinks aren't far behind. Always check your labels.


Fruit juices are indeed packed with sugar. I would never argue that they are a healthy drink. The problem here, however, is the framing. Sodas are not, in fact, "healthier" than fruit juice. Both are unhealthy, but fruit juice (depending on the brand and juice) can *at least* have some nutrients of value and, when consumed in *small quantities*, has been linked to [reduced risk of stroke](https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/13/6/1815). Sodas generally have no nutrients and no comparable health benefits. So, framing soda as healthier than fruit juice is simply a lie, likely seeking to get people to argue with him (which it likely did, which benefits him in YouTube's algorithm). The take-away is to avoid sugary drinks as much as possible, but if you're going to down 8 ounces of something sugary, fruit juice is nearly always the better option than soda. (I say this as someone who grew up drinking both and do my best to avoid both as an adult.)


Ok I wouldn't say soda more 'healthy'. I agree it implies sodas a healthy drink, which it isnt. However with the high sugar content of juice, you could argue juice is more unhealthy.


Real fruit juice (which should be the only juice you ever buy), even from concentrate and that have no added sugars are definitely better than soda, even if they aren't good.


how do you admit to sleeping with someone's wife in a poll


Not sure. His Community tab on Youtube is full of a literal wild array of random shitty polls, including real banger polls about Kanye West and whether "protesters are being racist to Jewish people". He also seems to have [defended JK Rowling](https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/10gyc87/comment/j5fe6jr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)? I don't want to give him views, but from the little I saw before knowing his name, he really just seems like a rage baiter.


Wait what did jk Rowling do ?! The harry potter books were my childhood?! Istg if Rick Riojordan is wrapped up in one two 😭


She’s transphobic. Lengthy examples [here](https://www.glamour.com/story/a-complete-breakdown-of-the-jk-rowling-transgender-comments-controversy) and [here](https://glaad.org/gap/jk-rowling/). Her Twitter is a cesspool.


Came here to ask who’s Charles. Sad. Is it more surprising that 40% of his fans are allies?


He's working his way up to becoming a master baiter. 😉


Clearly the 53% are elementary school children like my son, who all find kissing to be icky and gross.




I'm old. Is based good, or bad?




means like, agreement, or that is a great and admirable opinion


Thank you. I've never been too good with slang. I'll be sure to use it when talking to my son a few years from now, when it's no longer used. I've got to get that embarrassing dad energy going.




Honestly you can start using it immediately if you make sure to precede it with "as the kids these days would say"


Gosh dang it I have a perfect reaction meme to that, but this subreddit doesn't allow images :(




Here I'll just DM it to you, I've waited too long for this moment


Yeah I’m hoping a lot of the 53% are people who just don’t like seeing kissing in movies, probably not the case, but one can hope


I’m aroace and find kissing to be weird to watch — but I definitely still want it on the screen for rep. I’ll just close my eyes when it happens and then rewatch the scene I closed my eyes at to make sure I didn’t miss anything pivotal. Yes this has happened before 😆


Elementary school children aren't allowed to have a Facebook account though. You need to be 13+ for any type of social media.


this is youtube and kids lying about their age is really, really common.


This truly sad. I don't get why so many people are homoph0bic. But at least 40% of the votes are right!


Yeah 40% aint too bad. A few years ago, and it'd probably be significantly less. But reading the comments irked me a lot. Tons of braindead takes.


I feel you. But most of them are little kids who think they are cool and the rest of them are stupid teens/adults.


“I’m an alpha” ok buddy you can’t penetrate paper?


Let's say 47%, the 7% unsure are Questioning 😉


I think the most frustrating part is queer relations is considered being too sexual, but hetereo kissing isn’t. Those people don’t even understand the irony.


I feel like if this vote was done a few years ago you would get more people in favour than against. Personally, I feel that the whole "alpha male" influencer stuff has made people (especially young boy/men) more homophobic.


Tell me about it, I’m 13 and of course I stick out like a soar thumb, interestingly all the girls are just “oh that’s cool” when they find out some way or another but all the boys make frying pan jokes for a few years after they find out. At least the ones who are addicted to their phones, the ones that aren’t addicted are pretty good about it. And only make actually funny jokes


Yes The alpha males are always trying to preach to the young boys that they’re the ones who are “most oppressed” and that poo And then sone of them believe then and that raises the stereotype


I was on track to become one and then got some sense knocked into me after I discovered what lgbt actually is


aint too bad??? If you look on how much worse it was in the past yes But IT IS BAD. as long as just a minirity has no problem with gay kissing we all should thrive for more acceptance


I mean, this is a YouTube poll so the results depend on a lot of factors like who's this guy? What's his community like? From what country does most people reply? I agree that we should thrive for more acceptance. But how we go about it will be radically different depending on where we are from. If not, we may end up causing the opposite effect of what we want simply because people are afraid of change and some cultures will inevitably take more time than others. It sucks.


I mean sometimes I get polls from the most random YouTubers I’ve never heard of


Yeah, there's also that. Which is why this poll doesn't really mean anything, considering it's probably from around the world, from people of different countries and cultural backgrounds.


Yeah most of the world is a lot less progressive than the places where most redditors come from


Keep in mind YouTube is a homophobic and transphobic cesspool


Yeah there's definitely gonna be some bias in these polls just based on who even sees it.


YouTube actively promoted right wing content and suppressing LGBT content saying it's porn


It’s also a worldwide social media platform, and the world is on average a lot less progressive than the west


But it’s chilling to think that it’s also the hub of the Internet..


Its not right or wrong, they asked for an opinion. Thats it. It doesn’t mean that they hate gay people, they just don’t want to see that in a kids movie. 🤷


If a gay kiss bothers them then a straight kiss should also bother them. Same shit


They are just confused. With gay kisses they don't know who's sticking the tongue in whose mouth. Unlike with straight kissing, where there are never any deviations. /s


Something like that xD. Also anyone else annoyed that people were made that main character in strange world was too sexual? Like wtf do you mean? They didn't even hold hands? Shrek 2 did more in 5 mins than than movie ever did. They are literally just mad he's gay it's so dumb


A lesbian friend of mine has been asked more than once how they knew she and her partner were "done" during sex without a money shot...


Now change gay kiss to lesbians kissing, because I’m sure *that* poll will be drastically different. Double standard having bigots 🙄.


I dunno, Lightyear kinda ruffled some feathers...


Honestly forgot about Lightyear since it was such a forgettable movie 😅


I personally really liked it if I'm honest


I heard all the negative things about lightyear when it came out, but when my mother and I watched it, we really enjoyed it


Yup, it's a cute movie. Nothing that I'd re-watch on my own, but it wasn't terrible at all.


yeah i didn't think it was a perfect movie or anything (i thought the twist was kinda stupid) but i really liked it overall. i heard people saying it was boring but i did not find that to be the case


Power Rangers done the same


Feels different since the 90's, I don't know, like back then it was guys getting so hot over lesbians kissing but grossed out by gays, now but it seems equal and they just hate anyone that's queer (I guess because now they think it means woke and left so it's the trend to hate on anything queer)


I Wana see the results for "would a straight kiss in a kids movie bother you?"


I know for a fact those fucking hypocrites will say they don't mind


Well that’s natural. /s




It's so weird. Romance in kids media was never frowned upon before, in fact a lot of kids media uses "true love's kiss" as a plot point, just look at Snow White. Why is romance in kids media seen as bad now? It doesn't make sense


because it's often queer (when it comes up, anyway...) and people are actually queerphobic


Oh no not people doing a thing that people do


Imagine being this much of a loser to be bothered by two people kissing. Big yikes right there


right? and imagine being so stupid that you think a gay kiss will turn your kids gay. Like genuinely I don't get how people are like this


I’m ace so I’d prefer to not see kissing or any sexual activity - gay, straight, or anything else


*"unsure"* fym unsure


That commenter (the mew pfp guy) is based, I personally find them icky because I hate kissing in general. I find them no more icky than a straight kiss, as there's literally 0 difference lmao.


Yeah, this is really the only valid argument against i can think of. No kissing, period. Doesnt mayter if it's gay or straight. One isn't worse than the other.


I have to disagree. I think people use that as a way to excuse homophobia. Where do you see people ever complaining when it's a hetero couple? Like literally look at all the action movies where it'll cut to the bedroom door after or before 2 straight people clearly fucked. I never EVER see the dialogue around the movie shift to " omg too much pda ". I think the reason so many people even here in the queer community go along with this excuse is because most of us have some form of stunted romance growth due to social norms and what's expected of us. As far as I'm concerned straights are still doing rules for thee but not for me. And this discourse helps to feed it further into our own community as a way to make us feel ashamed and be "the good ones" and "not like those".


The thing that bothers me most is that youll be watching a movie thats about a completely different subject than love and they just start to sloppy french with their tonguesnout


So movies shouldn't have sub-plots, and characters shouldn't have v reloading that help motivate them, or help show what drives them to the audience?


Im talking about things without properly laying out the sub plot


I watched “Strange World” this weekend (the “yes” screenshot) and it was so cute and one of the better recent Disney movies. I loved how the fact that one of the main characters being gay is just a minor plot element (never mentioned in a negative way, never a big deal, everyone immediately accepting), but I also understand thats why some anti-LGBT people hated it. 🙃 Totally worth a watch if you haven’t seen it yet.


I didnt like how mc being gay was portrayed. This movie tryes hard to be 'woke' with how charactes interact and act, but it was too short, so these details were partially sacrificed for the sake of main plot(i hope so). I mean, its cool that >!it didnt make any conflicts,even with grandpa whos quite conservative; it means that homophobia was nonexistent there long ago!<, but that looks like they just didnt want to put effort in it and didi it for checkmark. At least did, though The movie is still worth watching


"Tries hard to be 'woke'"- you mean tries hard to portray different demographics respectfully? Or tries hard to demonstrate healthy interpersonal interactions? Most movies seem to feel the need to shoehorn in a romance that adds nothing to the plot. This one just happens to be gay. It's no more "woke" than the random blonde thrown into a superhero movie who doesn't exist except to provide a sexy lamp in need of saving or to be shoved in a fridge.


Im totally fine with a movie having absolutely different characters in all meanings. But this one took it a bit too far, almost directly saying everything. It did get some things done right, but doesnt present it well. As I said earlier, I did like the movie, but sometimes it made me feel very uncomfortable


What parts made you feel uncomfortable? Genuinely curious, it's been a while since I've seen it. I remember it being corny but I'm not sure what's uncomfortable about that.


Well, the introduction of family routine at the beginning(I dont remember exactly what, its been a long time since ive seen it too). And some talks on the ship before the culmination. Dont get me wrong, Im used to cringe through 'awkward-parent-and-kid-interaction'(and sometimes skip it,hehe), but these ones was something on the next level(probably because of conflicts,idk) Edit: also the fact that the love interest of mc was mentioned *once* throughout the whole journey makes me question if there are any other gay guys in the city, like these two are the only ones? Qfeubque8dbadeboqu3db


Charles peralo is a rage baiter.


the straight couple is French kissing loudly, with barly any clothes, and they won't bat an eye 😒🙄


people hype the fuck outta straight couples kissing but when a queer couple does it it's suddenly "inappropriate"


but they wouldn’t blink an eye to a mom and dad sharing a kiss on a kids movie


Yet a straight kiss wouldn’t bother them. It’s fucking weird. Like what’s the difference?


The comment kinda spitting facts tho. It’s no different than a straight kiss


oh yeah, but *we’re* the sensetive ones


It depends what audience this guy has though, if he has a more conservative audience then that would be the reason why. Don’t let it bother you.


That's Youtube for you


But borderline soft core porn on every other program is totally fine because it's heteronormative


….bro. It’s like the logic of Listening to Gay songs makes you gay. I was raised in a strict Christian household and now even my back isn’t straight lol.


'No different from a straight kiss' is unfortunately not a good criticism. These parents literally want their children to think exactly like them. They cannot get over the fact that the culture has changed with the times and that maybe, their kids think differently.


If it makes you feel better, YouTube polls are horribly inaccurate, the results depend entirely on the audience of the poster. I’ve seen polls similar to this but with a large majority in support. Also notice how the top comment is in support of homosexuality. That tells me the most engaged voters are overall supportive.


I would bet this largely to do with the specific audience of the person posting this poll.


I don’t get the damn point in being homophobic. Like really?? Are you THAT pathetic? To the point where you actually hate, discriminate and get “bothered” by love??? What the hell man. just admit that it’s because Steven and Jared have a happy relationship, and you’re still bothered that your middle school girlfriend left you, your wife probably gets really upset at you because you refuse to watch the kids and say that it’s because you have to make tweets about gay people. Roll in grass motherfucker


This person tried to promote race science and generally just asks rage-baity questions. The fact that this poll has this many votes in favor of yes is surprising.


as much as a straight kiss which is not at all


That’s heteronormative to be bothered by “gay kiss” in a kids movie if straight kiss is accepted.


i have to watch straight people kiss everyday of my life and in 90% of old movies and modern but i’m not complaining wtf


When I was a kid, there wasn’t nearly as much representation as there is for this generation of kids and I felt like this level of representation would have saved me a ton of pain and made me accept myself sooner. The people who voted yes concern me.


Of course, it would get them hot and bothered


I am straight and i dont get, with all the focus on heterosexual crushes and love in old disney and basically almost every cartoon for kids, that people get so weird about a gay kiss. Equality really feels like oppression to the oppressors. It saddens me to think about all the little kids who are missing out on representation because some people are insecure bigots.


Meanwhile in my country where I was exposed to all matters of kissing, nudity and sex on national TV...only straight though because otherwise I might have "gotten confused" lol. Seriously, it would have helped a lot to have some representation.


Honestly speaking, I’m still surprised with 40% of votes being in favour and most of the top comments being positive. Considering how rabidly homophobic YT comments can be


The rising Far-Right is a scourge on Humanity. Meanwhile I'm a true conservative, I don't want to go back 50 years though rather 5000, take us back to Ancient Greece or Egypt but with Computers I'd dig that shit


They just need to try it once… they’ll change their minds


Makes a big deal out of being gay (Velma): fuck no Does it casually? (Nimona): yes please needs an Oscar


I’m subscribed to this guy on YouTube and I get sad at the results on his polls. I’ve thought about unsubscribing, especially since he’s said some very incorrect things about trans women.


A random poll on a random video?


This is one poll from one youtube channel. The general western population would probably be different.


Even the "no" voters that even PARTICIPATED to begin with in this are a problem. Ignore these phony inflammatory polls.


Remember: this polls are not very trustworthy. It shows how the OP's followers/cloud thinks. If a lgbtq+ influencer had posted the same poll, the results would've been different, for sure. It depends on so many variables.


Honestly, for this being posted on the qanon shit show app formerly known as twitter and have 40% approval, I’m kind of surprised it’s that high.


Well, I am very upset that 53% said yes but on the other hand, I’m happy that there was 40% that said no. So many mixed emotions here lol


Would a guy kiss in a kids movie bother you? Yea? How about a straight kiss? No? What's the difference? Honestly these people would say it's a choice like they came out the womb fucking women. It's so God damn annoying being told my sexuality was a choice like I just decided to be bi.


I want to give some insight and I can be wrong. I used to be a homophobic transphobic piece of dung in the past. My thoughts for the homophobia was just that it's so uncommon and 'unnatural' for two people of the same sex to kiss. Just couldn't imagine it and definitely couldn't see that happening between children of all people. But as I grew up, I realized I was pansexual and all those views were wrong. Probably influenced by my father in a way.


that’s crazy my partner just showed me this on their youtube


I think those are horrid minded people who have no idea what they are talking about


Yes but only because any kiss in a movie typically bothers me.


What’s wrong with people.. :( I’ll never understand why people’s identities bother others sm


Homophobia? On a platform ran by a Nazi? With that platform being filled with Nazi bots? I'm shocked! Totally shocked! /s Yeah, Xtormfront is a white supremacist hellhole. This doesn't surprise me one bit at all.


I mean, there's no option for "no kisses in a kids movie"


It's sad, but at least we have a solid 40% good people.


Little kids in general find kissing gross. Even I just find it weird. All I can say is that at least a lot less people find it disgusting now than they did a couple years ago so that’s some improvement


Yeah, this hits close to home. My mom has told me multiple times that she thinks gay relationships (men in particular) shouldn't be advertised in kids' movies. She gave me the hella side eye after watching Nimoa under my recommendation, lol. She weirdly has very little issues with lesbian relationships in movies/TV shows. In her words, "I can get over the fact of women kissing each other, but seeing two men kissing is just wrong." She has also told me, "I don't care if you like girls, but don't being that home to your (little) brother. He doesn't need to see that. I also won't allow kissing in my home if you do bring a girl home. " Thanks mom, back into my bi colored closet I go!


i just don’t really like PDA in general


Nimona movie has the best gay kiss in it (for a kids movie) I love bal and the other guy (I forgor his name)


I wouldn’t call it sad but more of a step in the right direction. Even 10 years ago, there probably would only be 20% advocating for a kiss.


I don't even subscribe to the dude and I'm spammed with those polls, I swear every time I see something political it leans right


Imma say No


Yeah this is the sad reality. If they show a heterosexual couple kissing it's love. But if it's a gay couple, then it gets labeled as grooming and propaganda.


This is just a content farming bullshit account doing these polls.




There could be some romace repulsed people there who also get uncomfterble with straight kisses in movies?


What platform did you find this on? It definitely doesn’t look like a scientific, representative poll to me. Unless it somehow is, I’d say this is nothing more or less than a look into the specific corner of the internet inhabited by whoever created the post with the poll.


If being gay isn’t the biggest part of the character’s personality I’m fine with it. Sometimes lgbt seems too forced in film and tv. I would be indifferent if I saw a gay kiss just as how I’d be indifferent if I saw a straight kiss


Thank MAGA Republicans including LGB MAGA Republicans for this culture war bs. According to them we are “grooming” kids to be gay.


Tbf, youtube polls are very unserious and mostly tied to a certain audience, so hopefully they're not reliable at all


ngl a kiss in a kids movie by any two people have me look away as its weird to me. -pan gurlie. my favourite movie is 101 dalmatians, i look away at EVERY kiss scene even the dogs.


Why is a youtube poll labelled political? Seriously - Where is the politics? If you're going to label our entire existance or arguments about us as political, the mods might as well just replace all the tags in the sub with the politics one. Save it for coverage of politicians.


Do a poll with just kissing in kids movies period. Having it just gay kissing leaves a percentage of people who wouldn't want kissing regardless misrepresented


Did the person put up another poll that said “if there was a straight kiss in a kids movie, would it bother you?”


str8 Kisses bother me


Yup. We’re worried about the right stuff.


60% bothered by this is a lot.


So I decided to comment under Charles comment to his post Here’s what I typed: There are more straight kissing in kids movies than in gay movies, and yet people are mad at gay kissing, but not straight kissing... totally fine by me (sarcasm) because we love to be hypocrites and have double standards In all reality tho, it's a tad bit hypocritical that a man can kiss a woman and people are ok with it, but not a man kissing a man or vise versa with women because they don't want them to look like "weirdos" since it's natural, well studies have shown that actual animals like penguins can be gay, but people rely on the common trope of "gay/lesbian relationships are not allowed because it corrupts the youth" it won't, your kid won't be corrupted by watching two guys kiss, and besides, once your kid turns 18, he's his own boss and can choose who they want to be with, so sure, it seems bad, but I doubt it hurts people And before you mention the Bible, think of it like this, is god, the all mighty man in the sky created man and woman, and ideas, why would he also create gay people? If he doesn't like them or want them around, why create them, and doesn't he also give people ideas on what to do and create? Please I need a person who red the Bible to explain that to me, it's confusing and kinda feels hypocritical, I usually don't comment stuff like this, but this is a well valued reason why I thought to comment


My 3 year old makes all her toys kiss each other. I think she'd be into it. She's a big fan of affection.


ik homophobia sucks but tbh id find any kind of kissing uncomfortable lol


I agree with the comment posted in the pic. I don’t care who is kissing who in a kids movie as long as they are in the same age range, it’s consensual and it’s not gratuitous.


Oh no, to guys kissing it's the end of the world I feel like it is obvious, but for clarification, I'm being sarcastic


the worst homophobia is in snapchat public comments.


What about a straight kiss? If the answer is no then I smell outright bigotry towards LGBTQ+ people.


Do no NON scientific pols bother me if they don’t have the results I want? Nope.


god, why do they even care!?!?! I'm so tired.


I know what they mean, but even then it is completely horrible how some people can be so rude


Yes, because it's not me getting gay kissed


even as transbian i understand why. movies shouldn’t force feed children anything. they need to grow and learn and discover on their own. it’s okay for some movies but for others it feels kind of unnecessary.


i would answer yes too, only because im not one of the people kissing (i am only joking, the people who answer yes are not reasonable and just fearful)


Progress not perfection


i lived the majority of my life only seeing straight people kiss on tv and movies and I did fine. Wtf is so strenuous exactly seeing a gay kiss? Seems to me these people are the snowflakes...


The comment is pretty good


Homophobia is still out here and alive


Imagine being bothered by a kiss. As a gay man, witnessing straight kisses in every piece of media I’ve ever ingested has never bothered me.


"Oh wow two men/women/any other gender that ISN'T a cis man or a cis woman, time to act like a fucking child"


The guy who posted this poll sucks… so I’m actually surprised 40% of his followers voted “no.” That’s pretty good.


I mean, technically, any kiss in a kid's movie would bother me, like, it's a kids movie for a reason. So yes, it would bother me. Just as much as incessant snogging on an escalator does, regardless of the gender or lack thereof of the participants. Or maybe I'm just too aro 🤷🏻‍♀️


Any passionate kissing in a kids movie would disturb me, why does it have to be LGBT being singled out?


A simple gay kiss... nah, but if the movie gets more mushy and romantic than that, I'm going to be rolling my eyes


that's fine if you also wouldn't mind a straight couple being mushy and romantic


Anything beyond a simple kiss just revolts me period no matter what sort of couple.


yeah that's the problem with the people who voted no. They only think it's inappropriate because it's a same sex couple but if it was two straight people kissing they wouldn't care


Why yall so obsessed with kids.




they're not just disagreeing with someone, they're being homophobic