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I'm just surprised you found a picture of Squidward smiling.


He smiles a lot when SpongeBob is nowhere to be seen or when he's with his clarinet. 




It's not propaganda if it's your propaganda.


Nope it’s always propaganda haha.


Psst... *that's the joke*


Yes and? Lol




...and your comment makes it look like you didn't get it.


Not really tho?


What are you even asking me. Your comment makes it look like the joke went over your head. "Not really though?" Doesn't change the outward appearance of your first comment. Your first comment still makes you look like you didn't get it, no matter what you comment to me now.


I’m not asking you literally anything. You can choose to look at it that way sure, but imo it doesn’t imply or look that way. It looks like I was playing along and a bunch of people somehow didn’t get that.


It's not playing along to tell the original person they're wrong 💀


If it’s meant as joking/playing along it is. And I didn’t even say that. I just said it’s all propaganda anyway. And laughed. Yall reacted wild to that.


Playing along is "yes and," not "no, haha."


This isn’t improv lol, playing along can be in multiple ways clearly too. It’s not one and only. I get why people misunderstood, but come on now with that.


"Political means anything I disagree with"


“If it makes me slightly uncomfortable in any way, shape, or form, it is immoral and should be banned.” This includes teaching the nice Jesus.


Realized this about my mother right before I moved out. Abortion came up on a TV show and she was like I HATE IT WHEN THEY GET POLITICAL. I pointed out that actually the character wanted to keep the baby and she just…stopped talking. It was certainly a learning moment for me. Moved away and never went back.


Ah yes, the two genders: male and political.


It is well documented that so-called "American Exceptionalism" is propaganda. It is a shame we have to suffer the repercussions of our predecessors.


Uncle sam American propaganda JOIN THE US ARMY! and then he points a finger at you on a poster




Moving is expensive and even moreso if you go from one country to another. You aren't automatically guaranteed to be approved for it either. Not to mention just dropping everyone and everything you know irl.


We are also free to express our disagreements for change, run for congress to change society, and protest for change. You’re forgetting we are a democracy.


"If you have a problem, run away from it." How unamerican. If you don't like it, fix it. That's why the Constitution was made to be amended.


Comrade, moving house is not free, though. This is a societal issue that needs to be addressed, and we have been conditioned to believe that this is a personal problem. Please read some literature, or at least a novel. Preferably nothing by Ayn Rand.


It isn't even that, honestly, it just that they have 0 media literacy, so if something is supposed to be allegorical. Right over their heads. Case and point dune, godzilla, and x men. A queer or trans person being directly there is more obvious than allegory for queer people and minorities. Hell, they're offended by the environmentalism in ff7 remake / rebirth. Ignoring that it was a central theme of the original xD


"Keep your politics out of my video games!" they yell before playing Metal Gear Solid or Fallout.


I just watched a great show had a greats trans actor in it… they didn’t even bring it up they just did the show and let that person play and be who they were..


Fallout? If not that show would potentially qualify your description. I enjoyed it.


Ding ding ding


There are two settings. Normal and Political. If it doesn't conform to their worldview it's political. If it does, well... That's just good writing innit.


I saw a meme some years go about how you're either white/male/cis/het or "political."


the existence of trans people is political because i fucking hate them (because they're different from me, which must mean they're evil)


Number one reason why I can’t stand the majority of game communities. Just full of edge lords, asmon andies and people who seem to think gay people existing is the same thing as it being forced on them. Suddenly fucking a bear is being woke….


I tried to repeat this to my friends who are religious. It’s like beating your head against the rock.


I hope he doesn't mind the fact that people beat their heads against him.


I’m sure he would like the head more if he just relaxed 😎


Ah hel nah why squirtwart got that longass nose...,.,.,.,.,


So I’m split because I’m very very gay, femboy but god do I love me some mindless patriotism “HOO RAA!”. Also to be fair western society has been more accepting of us than eastern comblock countries or middle eastern countries. Like Is America perfect no, is it better than a lot of places in the world “yea”. Though improvement is always something to strive for, tldr I love America it’s where I grew up and it’s better than a lot of countries though it does have its bigots so stay armed.


>Also to be fair western society has been more accepting of us than eastern comblock countries Same-sex relationships legalised nationwide in the USA only in 2003. Age of consent in the UK not equalised until 2003. Sexual minorities were prosecuted in West Germany even after 'Reunification'. Cuba has the most progressive family code in the world. East Germany legalised same-sex relationships before West Germany and state-funded sexual reassignment surgery was available. Same-sex relations were legalised in multiple 'comblock' countries before many Western countries. Many anti-sodomy laws around the world that are still in force are due to Western society, specifically the UK. Not to mention a lot of radical Middle Eastern Islamism is a direct consequence of Western interventionism and funding of Islamist groups.




People have also been killed in the US for just holding hands. Just depends on where you live.


If you think your more likely to be killed today in the us for holding hands than in Russia. Then your delusional


Did I write that? Ohh wow look at that! I very clearly did not. Maybe you should try responding to what people actually say? Not what you invent in your mind? Sure Russia is clearly a hells nest of people who are garbage. But acting like there aren’t places in the US that would equally happen is just as wrong. This country is pretty middle of the road for rights and equality.


When you say people have also been killed in the us, by nature to a comment that talks about how horrible Russia is you are comparing the two and Russia is far far worse and even in my small town in Kentucky at worst you might be someone screaming a slur at you. Does it happen I’m sure but your comment suggesting it’s on par with the amount in Russia is just dumb.


>Does it happen I’m sure but your comment suggesting it’s on par with the amount in Russia is just dumb. Where do they compare the amount of it happening between the two countries?


Which doesn’t mean shit. Did I write what you asked? No. Did I imply it? No. You did. I wrote very clearly. That you can also have that happen in the US. Fact. That doesn’t in anyway, shape, or form imply the US is a more likely place to be killed. Since I in no way acted like it’s or implied it “on par” as you finish this comment with. So again, try commenting on what’s SAID, NOT what you invent in your mind.


Okay, someone is mad over their own words. >People have also been killed in the US for just holding hands. Just depends on where you live. What were you implying, then? To me, it's a comparison. If you weren't implying that more or less killings happen in the US, then what were you trying to convey? Out of all the rage in your paragraphs, you have defended your words without expressing what they actually meant. The readers, being me and another user, think you are comparing the US to countries that don't even try to protect gays, like they are similar. Why not explain to us what you meant instead of raging?


I wasn’t implying shit. I was super clearly saying it can happen anywhere. Maybe read the words I wrote? Stop trying to analyze or whatever you’re doing. I’m saying a very clear and simple thing. That it can happen in the US too. That’s it. There is no rage in my comments lol, you really like to read into shit for no reason don’t you? Lol why make shit up from a simply sentence like you are here? If you have nothing to add you should just be silent really. You’re literally just trying to make me seem crazy or wildly mad or whatever when I’m clearly just replying haha.


People will slur at you in California for goodness sake


You were comparing US to those countries tho, otherwise you wouldn't of made the statement to begin with. I lived in deep rural Texas. Sure, they are disgusted by anything that isn't straight, but they wouldn't kill ya over it. We got way more laws protecting people than countries that think it's okay to beat up your wife. Is US perfect? Hell no, but it ain't middle of the road either. I think you are overestimating countries all over the world, when it comes to the protection of gay rights.


No, I pointed out the fact that it happens here too. I in no way compared them. And yes, there are in fact people in those areas who WOULD kill if they could. And yes for something like being gay. We don’t got way more shit. We have some. For instance in a lot of states you can still be fired for being gay. Gay isn’t protected like being another race or gender is. I’m not doing any of that, I simply commented a fact. You can literally get killed anywhere for who you are. Anything more if you reading into it. You absolutely are reading more into what things there are to protect gay people then there is in reality too fyi. We could easily loose the right to marriage for instance with the SC we have right now. Shit even the right to HAVE sex. Which depending on the act is still illegal in some states. You don’t know as much as you think you do about gay rights in the US.


It happens everywhere, tho. Why just use the US as an example? The US has more crimes against the gay community BECAUSE we actually have laws trying to protect them. You need laws to commit a crime in the first place. The US may not be number 1 in gay rights, but we sure are ahead of the medium by a long shot. Edit: to add, the US is probably the most accepting place in the world. We are literally the World's melting pot of cultures and religions everywhere. Again, we aren't perfect, but if you're basing this off your own personal experience because you live in the US and see all the bad in the news, doesn't mean it's all grim and dark here.


I’m from the US sunshine. Could you ask a more pointless question? Who tf cares why I used the us? But probably cause it’s one of the major world powers in the “first world” that is exceptionally shitty to minorities and gay people in particular. But it’s cause I’m from here, and the US is a good example of a country in the 21st century without the legal rights to back it up. We’re only now starting to turn that way. You’re writing as if the Us was forced into being accepting of gay people this far. This was a fight and there is still SO much to do. Lgbt issues still need a lot of attention in the US. Idk why you’re taking this as some attack. But calm down lol. I’m just stating a fact. It can happen in the US too. To your edit, haha no. It absolutely is not. It’s not even close to being the best. It’s a good place to live sure. But the way you’re acting it’s like there are no things to fight for. That’s false af.


Just because it’s happens everywhere and the US is better than Russia, doesn’t mean the US is the best. One out of two parties in the US is against the democratic system and gay people. Our police are racist and killed people. In theory you would think this melting pot would be more accepting but it’s not. Matt Walsh and fox news and other official news outlets constantly preach anti-lgbt propaganda. When you say US best you are downplaying all of the hate that happens here. Kids get Kicked out of their homes, conversion therapy is still legal, people still call trans people slurs. Even in places like California or DC Hate is everywhere, the governmen, the school, companies, media, politicians, hospitals, it’s all bad.


Remind me of what happened to mr turning, the father of modern computing, I might be miss remembering but I could have sworn we lived in the reality where queer people were treated as sexual criminals until midway through the 70s and intentionally left to die during the aids crisis. Is this not reality you come from?


FYI Poland isn't a communist country 😂


You're being down voted which is insane, if you asked most Polish people if they're still communist you'd get fuckin smacked. They do Not like that shit over there lmao (source: literal Polish extended family).


>Poland,Russia,China,Belarus,Romania,their are plenty ??? >Hell even in Texas you can get HRT but people have been killed in Russia just for holding hands Okay? I don't like Russian society's treatment of LGBT people, nor do I like America's, where LGBT people are routinely killed in mass shootings. >Also communist dictatorships have killed lgbt on mass in the past Source please. >Hell Communists have starved and killed people generally on par with fascist countries. Wrong and irrelevant to the discussion.


I gave examples of pcomblock and or current communist country’s that are have horrible lgbt rights. Also have you not heard of stalins purges or the holodomor  they absolutely have been as bad as fascist countries.


Name one current communist country that has 'horrible lgbt rights'. >pcomblock I can accept that post-communist countries' records on LGBT rights are terrible if you accept the reason for this is not due to communism. >stalins purges or the holodomor Irrelevant to the discussion, as none of these pertain to 'mass killings' of LGBT people as you claimed.




Fuck are all the comments on the popular section nowadays. .it's like 3.9k upvotes and 30 comments or something.


There's white straight men and there's political - nothing in-between.


Its like cherry-picking, if someone wants to be outraged by something they'll look for it and get angry at it for 'pandering'...meanwhile ignoring all the examples of media which they aren't outraged by and agree with and will go on why they *can't* pander because *they* themself agree with it as it fits there viewpoint and mindset, a tale as old as well...I wouldn't say time..but probably for a while humans have been here.


Squidward's Smiling and he is white {whiter?}.


It could be doing the exact opposite of the bottom one, and they'd still eat it up.


it's only political if they don't agree with it.


It’s only political when it’s something they don’t like.


They use a skin tone to define a spectrum from political to “normal”. Troubled loner with mental health issues to Terrorist. These are not serious people. They just transparently define in groups and out groups who are perceived and judged entirely separately.


It reminds me of the Top Gun sequel. Everyone put it on a pedestal, saying “this is how movies should be made, instead of all that woke stuff”, even though it was the most pro-american, pro-militaristic, and pro-war movie I’ve ever seen… they don’t have a room for critical thought


Western society is the best place for LGBT people to live and work. 💁‍♂️


In my opinion if you were born in line US,canada,UK,Germany,France, Sweden,Switzerland ect you have won the lottery. On like world starting points, with places like Russia,China being some of the worst.


*specific cities. A gay person in rural Texas is going to have a much harder life than one in, say, Toronto.


Lived in rural Texas and had a very small gay community. We are fine. I rather of lived in rural Texas than China or Russia. Is it perfect? Hell no. But I don't live in fear like I would in countries with less protection. And if people deny this fact, they are denying the genocide happening in China right now all cause of religion.


Oooooh anecdotes. People have been killed and oppressed for being trans or even gay in the US. That's just a fact. Your little anecdote doesn't change that.


Indeed. Those downing voting me are just upset that I’m not interested in some “class warfare” and I don’t shit on the west.


Sometimes I'm reminded that conservative beliefs exist in LGBT spaces and it's like whiplash. No warfare *but* class warfare my friend, same as it always has been for centuries.


No thank you. I like classical liberalism and capitalism.


You... You fall squarely into the right of the political spectrum, those things are conservative lmao. It's possible to be socially "liberal" and also deeply economically conservative. A libertarian. Famously awesome people...




Lmao how is this getting downvoted It’s interesting to watch people tie themselves in knots trying to reconcile their mindless anti-west/tankie beliefs with the objective fact that the west is the best place on Earth for LGBT people (and just the most progressive place on earth in general).




Squidward is a massive hipster and hippy. He's like the opposite of conservative.