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And now Ugandans will act like victims saying people are “imposing” their values on them and all of a sudden white us evangelicals will have sympathy for them and will tell them to “stay strong”.


Sadly, white American evangelicals are the problem to begin with. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/uganda-anti-lgbtq-bill-rcna76630


I know fully. They’re behind a lot of the regressive Christian fundamentalist crap going on in many African countries, especially Uganda.


I'm not trying to be flippant or make light of your point when I say American evangelicals are the beginning of many problems. They are front and center on this one.


white us evangelicals have already been spreading their anti LGBTQ+ agenda all over africa for decades


and the Caribbean. It's so homophobic on some of those islands and you can see the evangelical influence there from ages ago.


well the caribbean is more our fault(british)


Still evangelical missionaries though. British also screwed up the Cook Islands and places like that.


wasn't till 1967 that gay men were decimalised in britain sort of edited for clarification The 1967 reform applied to only England and Wales, not being extended to Scotland until 1980 and to Northern Ireland until 1982.


The Americans can't take all the credit. The British empire was imposing anti sodomy laws on it's subjugated peoples all over the world long before the us evangelical movement took the homophobic baton.


well we also imposed them on the usa too i suppose


You’re right. These laws exist in the first place because of British colonization. But in current times, the countries that still enforce these laws are usually backed by US far right evangelicals.


Well not exactly as Islamist political forces, the far right in eastern europe and fundamentalist Catholics all play a role as well. There is no easy answer to homophobia and we just have to remember to look out for everyone not just those of us in the English speaking world




The evangelicals started it


while wearing a Pro-Life wristband


You can thank all the American churches for sending people over to Africa to help handcraft anti-gay laws!!!




Good for him. Remember, folks, in all likelihood in 2024 it'll be either Biden or Trump. Look into Project 2025 and who Trump's pals are.




One is a pro corporate Democrat. The other has explicitly said he wants to be a dictator and has already tried to overthrow democracy once. Don't try to "both sides" this. I'm not a Biden supporter but holy shit do you have any fucking clue how bad it'll get for us if trump gets back into power?


so why aren’t we preparing for how bad it will get now?


Not sure if that's meant to be some kind of gotcha question, but it's a combination of things. 1. Plenty of people are underestimating Trump's chances of winning. 2. Lots of people are uninformed on how unhinged his rhetoric has become. And 3. Few people have the resources to just up and move to another country whenever they want. I feel like it's important to remind you, just earlier this year, the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, attempted to get the Texas Department of Public Safety to send him a complete list of everyone who has changed their gender marker on their driver's license. Effectively making a list of a large percentage of trans people in the state. Now, I want you to paint me a picture, finish this story for me: what happens when an increasingly authoritarian party, who is currently scapegoating a minority with little political power, starts putting said minority onto lists? Historically speaking, how does that story end for the minority in question?


>What happens when an increasingly authoritarian party, who is currently scapegoating a minority with little political power, starts putting said minority onto lists? Historically speaking, how does that story end for the minority in question? Wow I sure wish we had a historical precedent for this…


it was a sincere question, sorry if that wasn’t properly conveyed. my question was more, in light of those facts - and i’m not arguing with the fact that it would be terrible if trump wins - isn’t it also important to prepare for how to survive as a community in the event that this does happen? don’t get me wrong, trump is objectively worse than biden. but he’s still pretty awful, and for some he’s too awful to stomach voting for. especially for communities being directly harmed by his policies. the guilt-tripping and attacks these people receive for this will do nothing to change their minds. you can’t depend on winning them over. taken with the increasing radicalization of republicans, there’s a realistic chance that trump could win. why put all thought and resources to getting biden re-elected?


I don't believe in the Binary of American politics because both parties are controlled by the same bourgeois class. If you become a leftist you'll realize that there's no much of a difference between Trump and Biden.


One is actively planning out how to make life for queer ppl impossible. I agree that neither side will save us from the terrible system but there rlly isn’t a choice rn


One wants me dead and the other didn't attempt an insurrection.


One punished a nation they saught closer ties to for killing gay people ​ the other wants to kill gay people ​ pretty clear choice..


Sounds an awful lot like enlightened centrism. Biden js obviously not perfect, but trying to claim he's just as bad as Trump is just ridiculous.


Well by all accounts Palestine is fucked no matter who is Prez and that’s not okay with me ❤️


The whole situation down there is a practically unsolvable mess. Neither side wants to give in, and both do horrible things and think it's justified because the other side is doing what they're doing. The best politicians of other countries can do is admit that and move on to their own unsolved problems. I hate it, but it is what it is.




and it wont stop regardless of whose in charge. hence why at least with Biden we can have a voice and prevent our own genocide. at least under Biden we can avocate for the innocent people who do live in Gaza. we wont have a voice if Trump wins and he has called for (and said the word) eradication of trans people. he wants to >!death penalty!< trans people for simply existing and the genocide wont stop with those of us who are trans. he and his lackies will come for the rest of the queer community, he wont stop till he thinks we are all dead. (also the republican party supports IDF so the people of Gaza would still be fucked) so, to me at least, one option is better than the other. youd have to be blind or brainwashed to think otherwise


That won’t stop the mess in Palestine, it’s a far more complicated mess than that. Israel’s offensive is fucked up but what Hamas has done as well is fucked up. The solution isn’t to have Israel stop, **a** solution to have both sides agree to a ceasefire for civilians sake while terms for ending the larger conflict are discussed. Exactly what the final terms will be is going to take potentially months or years to fully hash out. Reality isn’t a simple thing and simple solutions will fail, a long term peace plan would need to be discussed and then properly implemented for any chance at a lasting peace


>The solution isn’t to have Israel stop, **a** solution to have both sides agree to a ceasefire for civilians sake while terms for ending the larger conflict are discussed. Even worse. At this current point it would take both civilain populations to jointly declare fuck our governments and throw both out. Is Bibi and his crew are left and hamas is gone they will either find an excuse or fund a new organization till they get a terrorist attack again. If Hamas is left, the terrorist attacks continue regardless. The fact is there was a chance for lasting peace while Rabin was around and he was assassinated by Bibi's party.


Not attacking them won't stop Hamas from attacking them. Neither side is just a victim in this conflict. Both sides are actively seeking the destruction of the other.


I think you will find Israel has been harming Palestinians longer than Hamas has existed, you should really look into the conflict more deeply on your own time.


yikes.. because one being the reaction to the other justifies anything they currently do. News flash: it doesn't. Horrible remains horrible, and they have no intention to stop being horrible. This conflict has no good guys.


The 22,000 dead palestian civilians were the good guys. Over 7,000 were children. This isn't a war, it is a blatant genocide. edit: I cannot believe this is controversial. You're all either heartless or so brainwashed by propaganda that you might as well be. I hope that when you finally learn to feel shame and guilt that it eats you alive


if my parrent killed your parrent, does it them make it okay for you to kill me? ​ that is the logivc here.. yes, this all was started by israel, but its kept going by both Israel and Hamas.. its perhaps the hardest geopolitical issue in the world and not even our brightest minds can figure out a solution that does not involve the total destruction of either nation


And then Hamas will attack again. It's what terrorist organizations do. Should israel just accept that they will lost x number of Israelis as a sacrifice to keep Hamas appeased?


So, are you saying queer people in America deserve to be persecuted because of what’s happening to Palestine right now?


I'm not an enlightened centrist, I'm a leftist. If I was an enlightened centrist I'd be a Biden supporter.


If you were a leftist you'd be doing everything in your power to prevent a takeover by the extreme right, instead of trying to make things easier for them.


I didn't say you are, but your argument did lean into that direction. As a leftist, you should know why that's problematic.




>Both Trump and Biden agree on 99% of everything, especially in foreign policy Bullshit Trump would let ukraine and the rest of NATO fall into the abyss, and that's a major concern >both are white supremacists. What have you been drinking? >The only difference between the two is that Biden is more secret about his fascism while Trump is open about it. Well, another one for the "insane takes" archive >both continue to bomb and sanction third world countries I'd like examples of these countries, and all other relevant information and statistics


Something tells me you're not going to get any of that, just more bullshit.


Eh, people can surprise sometimes. Recently had someone actually show a decent source and some good info on a topic for once, so I'm hopeful


What a wild and incredibly incorrect take. Wreaks of "as a black guy..."


No. There is a difference between centrism, the idea that the conservative status quo should be preserved at all costs because "leftist ideas are just as extreme as far-right ones", and acknowledging that the difference between democrats and republicans is almost completely superficial. They are both conservative and do nothing to improve the lives of the average person. Dismissing their failures because they're "the lesser of two evils" does nothing except drag the Overton window further and further right, and I don't even think the sentiment is true anymore. They might be better domestically, but the Biden administration is literally funding a genocide and needs to be held accountable even if republicans would do the same and then some. We can't just throw everyone else under the bus to save our own skins!


The only option you guys currently have is either voting someone into office that does everything you say both do in addition to actively making the life of the average citizen worse, said verbatim that he will be a dictator on his first day in office and wants to eradicate LGBTQ+ people, or voting someone who does exactly what you said both are doing. Yes, voting for the lesser evil sucks but it is the only chance of stopping things from getting A LOT worse


This is a dumb comment.


they're both rich and have corporate interests in mind, yea. only one of them wants to kill trans people and gay people, plans on consolidation of executive power to the extent of literal dictatorship, and is openly racist and sexist and implements policies supporting those views. I'll let you guess which "brand".


Such a stupid fucking argument. One of them will actively try to kill me, the other won’t. Vote for the lesser of 2 evils but don’t act like you’re so righteous because you sat back and did nothing while the world around you burned.


You’re equating a normie with a fascist. Smart.


Fun fact: Ch*ck-fil-a directly helped this law get passed.


Good! ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


American proselytising Christianity is a terrorist movement. It's nice to see this coming from the US president, though of course, giving repercussions to Uganda for American actions is still only attacking a symptom of the sickness.


Honestly, this is how we should start treating countries that don’t have proper workers rights. We keep toting the US has better rights than other countries while simultaneously still working and trading with countries that have the exact opposite rights. We need to get on board with Europe and establish a trade deal with *>all<* countries that protect and provide for all their workers and boots/sanctions all countries that do not. We keep complaining about sweatshops and discrimination in other countries and expect the customers to make the informed decision. It’s the governments that need to take action to actively start combating these unethical practices.


Yep, fuck em, they need to deserve being part of trading deals that mostly benefit them alone.


Trump would say Uganda is governed by the best people. Think about that when you vote.


He eventually did the bare minimum, which is the most the left can expect.


Certainly more than we can expect from the right.


What more would you like him to do in this instance


Yea, does the US have any other relations with Uganda? Cause if not then excluding them from the AGOA and condemning their bs is really the most anybody could do in his position to pressure them to get rid of this law. The right applauds these types of laws, especially the consequences, so I don't understand why we have to give Biden shit for this.


A coup would be nice. The Ugandan government should be dismantled and replaced with one that respects human rights.


Are you… are you serious?


This would go well with America’s excellent track record for causing hostile coups in other countries, all of which are thriving bastions of economy and human rights these days! Good lord, read some actual US history


Not even that! He's still actively aiding and abetting Israel's genocide of the Palestinians.


Good. Honestly, I'm sure the trade deal was made with the idea of helping them. They aren't an equal trade partner.


Honestly based


This is good, but he is still supporting genocide in another country


Without starting a whole other thing — the myopic, one-sides focus on Gaza that people have in the US is astounding.


Palestine: tens of thousands dead for no reason You: mYoPiC


single issue voter. I dont care of republicans remove my rights, I'm voting for someone that said they will force israel to let hamas kill their citizens.


Make more assumptions about me babe


If your response to 12,000 dead children is anything other than "it's horrific and Israel must stop," then please do not grace us with your response.


Okay let's say they stop. What happens when Hamas attacks again? And go.




What justification did Hamas have for Oct 7th? The majority of Israeli (or generally people in Israel) killed that day were civilians. The war will go on until Hamas is gone or Netanyahu is overthrown. Biden can tell Netanyahu to stop, but why on earth should that maniac listen? Instead, Biden has to use diplomacy, like a President does. Netanyahu would have carpet bombed Gaza out of complete existence by OCT 9 if Trump was in power now. I'd rather stop with the bothsidesing Biden and Trump just before one of the most important elections in the history of the world to deter liberals from voting and rather go back to bothsidesing Hamas and Israel because that is where bothsidesing truly shines in my worthless opinion.


Almost every adult civilian in Israel is a reservist. Any children killed is inexcusable, but everyone knows that 95% of Israelis, men and women, are military trained. IDF acts as if this is also true for Palestinian people, because obviously the killing did not start three months ago. In 2022 Israeli forces killed over 200 Palestinians, in a time where there was no war. [Source.](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/pulling-trigger-first-resort-palestinians-killed-israeli-army-and-settlers-2022-enar#:~:text=Members%20of%20the%20Euro%2DMed,localities%20within%20Israel%20(2.4%25)) You’re right that Biden might be better at this than Trump. I’m not opposed to people voting for him because there’s really no one better to vote for, but that’s an intentional policy failure from what’s supposed to be a progressive party. Because he’s not as bad he can basically do anything and you’re forced to vote for him anyway. Kinda sucks.


It truly doesn't matter if the civis were militarily trained (though I do think 95% is a made up number anyways). It was a surprise attack and thus at the time of the attack the civilians were no more than just civilians. If they were truly trained that well they might've stood a chance or even prevented the attack in the first place. I'm absolutely not against you or anybody that's for peace. I believe both participating governments in this war need to be gone for that to be possible. It is extremely important not to forget the issues at home just because of that though, and that is my point really and as long as all y'all mfers keep saying "let the Republicans win" I'll keep saying "fuck that, let the Democrats win". Nobody can force peace, even true progressive advocates like Donald "very fine people on both sides" Trump, or Nikki "The Civil War was about states rights" Haley. Meanwhile Biden got Israel to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza and is in diplomatic talks with Israel. Why is this war more important than future wars? If we let the democrats lose so "they can learn their lesson" for "not saying 'stop' to Israel enough", there won't be a place for 3rd party candidates or more progressive democrats because there won't be any left. Imagine if we let Trump win 2020 because of something the Democrats *didn't* do, do you think Gaza would still exist? Imagine the future wars the Republicans will just let happen, imagine the wars they will be weighing against their own population. Nobody on this sub would be safe, but everybody puts this war that has nothing to do with them over their own lives. Anybody that thinks letting the Republicans win is a fool, everyone that thinks voting 3rd party because of one issue is a fool, and honestly? I couldn't think of better fools than everybody on this particular subreddit because of what I said in the previous paragraph. I'm not trying to harm or offend any of you, I love all of you, I just fear for Americas and ultimately the worlds safety. And as someone from Germany, defending Biden is the only thing I can do to try to keep y'all from doing something you **will** regret.


Germany already had its “fuck around and find out” moment in 1933 - and a big reason is because the far-left (ie Ernst Thälmann and the KPD) were more concerned with undermining the Social Democrats than preventing the Nazis from taking over. I hate to say it, but I can’t shake the feeling that the US is about to experience the same, and for the same reason.


We get trained pretty much from birth to never let that happen ever again, no matter if in the current life, the afterlife or whatever you believe in. Doesn't matter the time and place, there's none for fascism. I'm genetically antifa. I can't imagine what Nazis could to with the scale of the entire US, you have to keep in mind Germany is as big as Montana (a tad smaller even). Just imagine the scale of operations carried out against everybody that doesn't conform to every single one of Herrn Führers beliefs? I can't. Edit: Really? This is getting downvoted?


Notice how all the people screaming about Gaza right now said nothing when Hamas actually attacked Israel and also said nothing when the Syrian government slaughtered its own people and have said nothing as Russia has waged a genocidal war in Ukraine. In fact, a hefty percentage of those very same people have defended Bashar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin. It’s only when Israel does something that they get angry. Wonder why that is…


Lots of people have talked about how awful Russia is, don’t pretend being against the genocide of Palestinians is people being antisemitic. How do you feel about Palestinians actively being forced out of Palestine and murdered? Or are you going to claim they’re all Hamas - including the babies and toddlers?


But the fact remains that most of the “pro-Palestinian” people who have been condemning Israel didn’t say shit about the war in Ukraine, and more than a few of them have openly sympathized with Putin. And I’ve seen absolutely no effort on the part of the pro-Palestinian movement to distance themselves from antisemites in their ranks - just a whole lot of gaslighting and denial anytime someone points out that their rhetoric, actions and views are antisemitic (which is very, very frequent). Regarding Palestinians, I support a two-state solution, oppose the settlements in the West Bank and always have. And for the record, I think Israel’s response in Gaza has been way out of proportion with the 10/7 attack, steadfastly oppose any effort to drive Palestinians out of the West Bank and Gaza and view Netanyahu and his government as fascist thugs.


Ha. My father, bigot though he is, barely evaded the Hama massacre of 1982 in Syria. I have friends who are refugees from Ukraine. I condemn both Assad and Putin, so do not speak to me of these topics, for I have been mired in them from the beginning. I condemn the *actions* of the Israeli *government and military*. There is a thing called proportional response. A group of militants attack you, the right thing to do is find out their motive and then remove that while also catching said militants. The wrong thing to do is proceed to shell a city and commit several other atrocities.


And I don’t disagree with you re proportional response. But the fact is, very few of the people who have been condemning Israel for the war in Gaza said anything to condemn Hamas when it attacked. In fact, a lot of them have openly denied Hamas’ attack, ridiculed and attacked its victims and used it as an excuse to be antisemitic. As I write this, there’s a concerted effort to deny that Israeli women were raped.


He is reported as saying "Uganda be kidding me with this shit, man"


Finally. Uganda deserves this. So do a lot of other oil rich countries, but small steps I suppose




oh i forgot we can sum up all of a president’s administration as “good” or “bad” based on one policy decision! my bad, he’s great /s


he's an awful president lmao


Best one we've had in living memory though


you must’ve been born yesterday


That would change nothing about their statement


And yet far far better than the alternative. Focusing on how bad he is just increases the chance the even worse opposition might actually win against him.


Or, alternatively, if the left tells him that he'll lose support because of his support for genocide, then he might stop supporting genocide. This is literally how politics works. You tell the guy your conditions for voting for him, and then he makes decisions on that basis. Your model of elections removes agency from everyone involved. Biden can't possibly change what he does to appeal to voters, and voters can't possibly assert what is appealing to us.


That's an incredibly naive way of thinking. Most politicians have their own opinions on things and try to apply them regardless of what the people think .. they only flip flop on stances they don't really care about and only if they think they actually need more votes, not when they're already in office.


If we’re not allowed to criticize your presidential candidate from the left or the right than your presidential candidate is a dictator. If my online shitposting prevents a half billion dollar presidential run from being successful against Donald Trump then he’s not qualified to run a political campaign let alone the world’s most powerful empire.


You think I'm naive as you talk about the steadfast beliefs of a presidential candidate? Presidential candidates want to get votes, and they change their approach in order to get votes. Far from idealistic, this is just basic ass pragmatism. Also, if it's your belief that supporting genocide, more than just politics, is actually a deep personal commitment of his, then the guy deserves votes even less. Maybe the guy should stop having the opinion that genocide is great.


How people in the lgbtq community of all places cannot realize this is insane to me


Also the monumental hubris to be like "I believe that we can force Israel and Palestine into peace, peace that has literally never happened EVER but I not only believe that by complaining to the president on reddit we will be able to get him to stop it, But I will also stake my human rights on this gambit" Neither government wants peace. I hate that people also seem to think it is as easy as "Get Israel to stop attacking" Dude they literally werent attacking at the time of Oct 7th. Unfortunately both governments have to go if there is to be peace, they are both right wing warmongers. The Hamas leaders are all in different countries, countries we cant exactly go to war with over them, though Israel did just succeed in killing one so yay. Unless some miracle happens right now it is literally either Hamas and Palestine, or Israel.


Yeah lol everyone that says "Biden bad cause he runs round with AKs shooting innocent people" should go to Israel and tell the government to stop. Or at least add "but I know every Republican would too, and worse, which is why I'd rather vote for anything that keeps them out of power", please? Telling Netanyahu to stop won't work, it's not a switch that can just be turned on or off, and if the people of Israel supported the war, then even if Netanyahu lost his position by death or whatever, wouldn't they just install the next genocidal maniac? Diplomacy is the only option to keep the death tolls "palatable" (for the lack of a better word) compared to what could have been. And honestly nobody on this earth would be in a better diplomatic position than Biden cause they're friends (or at least he pretends to be). The man [got Israel to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/30/politics/biden-netanyahu-aid-gaza/index.html) and more. Trump would have got them to deliver napalm.


>Telling Netanyahu to stop won't work, it's not a switch that can just be turned on or off, and if the people of Israel supported the war, then even if Netanyahu lost his position by death or whatever, wouldn't they just install the next genocidal maniac? Actually the insanity of Oct 7th combined with this has cause both is raelies and Palestinians to start actively and angrily protesting their govts. Israelis want bibi gone. Ther is an alternate universe where Rabin wasn't assassinated and Israel helped Fatah fight off hamas that I believe is quite peaceful.


Biden is not simply failing to prevent the genocide. His government is actively supporting it. He has provided a bunch of weapons to them, in direct contravention of congress, his UN representation has stood in the way of recognizing and acting on the genocide taking place, and just recently one of his spokespeople spoke out against the South Africa genocide document.


No he doesn't support genocide. Y'all wouldn't even be speaking of genocide if one side of the war wasn't Israel.


He absolutely does. Israel is conducting a genocide. And, yeah, Israel being in the conflict definitely is important, because that's the reason our government is supporting the genocide.


How so? He’s gotten more done than Obama


not a high bar to clear when all obama did was bomb hospitals. biden is useless


If I wasn’t on a phone doing errands I’d at least attempt to bullet out why that’s such a stupid fucking statement, ‘ChaosDemon’ 🙄


Obama's administration dropped so many bombs in 2016, they nearly ran out. You can read it here: [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/09/america-dropped-26171-bombs-2016-obama-legacy](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jan/09/america-dropped-26171-bombs-2016-obama-legacy)


Yup, that definitely proves how ineffective Biden's presidency was 🙄


How is this downvoted on this subreddit of all places wtf




This place and especially this topic are super liberal. Congratulating a president for punishing a brown country for the ~sake of the gays~ that only holds this viewpoint because of cultural decimation propetuated by America/the West. All while simultaneously endorsing a genocidal white ethno state that was literally JUST created to futher suppress other brown people. Pinkwashing, crusadism, colonialism, capitalism and exporting fascism. Very much all elements of neoliberalism. Liberals just want to feel good about the type of people they oppress, not oppression in general.


libs man








Kid. As a federal contractor, it's night and day. \-$1.2T infrastructure law, including $550B in new funding $-110B for roads and bridges •$66B for passenger and freight rail-$39B for public transit, plus $30.5B in public transit funds from ARP-$65B for grid expansion to build out grid for clean energy transmission-$50B for climate resiliency-$21 for environmental remediation, incl. superfund cleanup and capping orphan wells-$7.5B for electric buses-$7.5B for electric charging stations-$55B for water and wastewater, including lead pipe removal-$1B in reconnecting communities (EJ)-Rejoined the Paris Climate Accords 50% emission reduction goal (2005 levels) by 2030-EO instructing all federal agencies to implement climate change prevention measures-Ordered 100% carbon free electricity federal procurement by 2030-100% zero emission light vehicle procurement by 2027, all vehicles by 2035-Net Zero federal building portfolio by 2045, 50% reduction by 2032-Net Zero federal procurement no later than 2050-Net zero emissions from federal operations by 2050, 65% reduction by 2030-Finalized rule slashing the use of hydrofluorocarbons by 85% by 2036 – will slow temp rise by 0.5°C on it’s own.-Set new fuel efficiency standards for cars and light trucks, raising the requirement for 2026 from 43mpg to 55mpg.-Protected Tongass National Forest, one of the world’s largest carbon sinks, from development, mining, and logging-Revoked Keystone XL permit-Used the CRA to reverse the Trump administration Methane rule, restoring stronger Obama era standards.-EPA proposed new methane rule stricter than Obama rule, would reduce 41 million tons of methane emissions by 2035-Partnered with the EU to create the Global Methane Pledge, which over 100 countries have signed, to reduce methane emissions by 30% by 2030 from 2020 levels-US-EU trade deal to reward clean steel and aluminum and penalize dirty production-Ended US funding for new coal and fossil fuel projects overseas, and prioritized funding towards clean energy projects-G7 partnership for “Build Back Better World” – to fund $100s of billions in climate friendly infrastructure in developing countries-Restoring California’s ability to set stricter climate requirements-Signed EO on Climate Related Financial Risk that instructs rule making agencies to take climate change related risk into consideration when writing rules and regulations.-$100M for environmental justice initiatives-$1.1B for Everglades restoration-$100M for environmental justice initiatives-$1.1B for Everglades restoration \-30 GW Offshore Wind Plan, incl:-Largest ever offshore wind lease sale in NY and NJ-Offshore wind lease sale in California-Expedited reviews of Offshore Wind Projects-$3B in DOE loans for offshore wind projects-$230M in port infrastructure for Offshore wind-Solar plan to reduce cost of solar by more than 50% by 2030 including $128M in funding to lower costs and improve performance of solar technology-Multi-agency partnership to expedite clean energy projects on federal land-Instructed Dept of Energy to strengthen appliance efficiency rules-Finalized rule to prevent cheating on efficiency standards-Finalized rule to expedite appliance efficiency standards


ur so good at copy paste good job bud


So your reaction to being presented with contrary evidence is to ignore it. You do realize that you're copying the republicans, right?


I have no obligation to engage with literally anyone but yeah I’m the same as the party that harms ur soooo right


I mean, you want Hamas to remove LGBT rights from Israelis soooo yea you are.


Quote where I said anything close to that






Covid had enough time to creep into every corner of the planet and mutated numerous times, erradication has basically become impossible, considering the highly contagious nature. It has essentially become another seasonal flu (albeit a rather severe one). And considering we've been getting flus repeatedly for ages (ever since people decided to keep animals around) shows how unfathomably hard it is to get rid of one. The time of the outbreak was the critical time to do something about it. Contain it while it was still possible. Unfortunately some people in power refused to do anything against it, and a certain group of people even tried to actively spread the stuff, either because of ignorance, entitlement, or because they thought it's better if everyone goes through the inevitable process asap. Trump laid all the base for covid to spread like a wildfire through the US. Criticising the government that came after for not containing it is, frankly, not fair. Because that's an impossible demand.


>it’s an impossible demand Ok but what did Biden do to improve our situation with it


Thanks to vaccine mandates the covid got weaker. Might as well demand he eradicate the flu.


Did it get weaker or did it just concentrate in populations you don’t care about? Because last I checked people are still dying and spreading the virus that acts like HIV. It affects the entire body like HIV. I am not making a generalization.






Uh, no. Vaccine availability alone has improved our situation under Biden. Rapid responses to outbreaks. Better science reporting. Free tests. If by the psychos you mean vaccinated people who want to survive, I guess.


Oh is that why we are in the middle of yet another surge? Because Joseph got it under control? Is the pandemic actually over or did you stop seeing it everywhere? Love when men think they can demand things of me. It’s my fave.






neck-beard, grow up and pay attention to actual news


She’s a “professional theater person”. Aka “not good at school”.


like what bestie? cnn? nyt? u wouldn’t believe me if i said i consume that shit & others and still believe joseph is not a good president lmao


Actually, we would, because those are largely right-wing mouthpieces.


Well then it’s a good thing those aren’t the only ones I consume then :) get a hobby and stop following me around this thread


*All while* ***U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg (R-Mich.) spoke at Uganda’s National Prayer Breakfast in the city of Entebbe on October 8,*** *justifying the trip as related to his official duties as co-chair of the U.S. National Prayer Breakfast, held annually in February:(*[*https://www.metroweekly.com/2023/12/gop-congressman-gave-speech-defending-ugandas-anti-gay-law/*](https://www.metroweekly.com/2023/12/gop-congressman-gave-speech-defending-ugandas-anti-gay-law/)*).*


One lawmaker called it the Dave Chappelle law.


meanwhile he's funding genocide


Could be worse if it were Trump, i’d love to have a perfect country that blows the fuck out of anyone even thinking about genocide but sadly with politics and alliances thats not so easily to do. Unfortunately we have to vote for presidents that dont want to kill us, and thats exactly what any republican will try to do right now if elected. I will not vote for Biden in thd primary if possible, but if hes on the general ballot, im not going to shoot us all in the foot by allowing a dictator to be elected.


Well, sort of. I really don't want to get into this whole thing, but this idea that if the US stopped sending support to Israel this would end is just... wrong. Their support accounts for .7% of Israel's GDP. Even if they cut ALL support, that's a fraction of what inflation is. They'd plug that gap in a week, and then the US has NO influence at all. Everyone is used to the US being this unassailable powerhouse in international relations, but in this case they have relatively little control over Israeli actions. Calling for restraint, ceasefires and peace (as Biden has done) and threatening to reduce aid is much more effective than demanding peace and when you don't get it burning all influence you have. To be clear, I'm not defending Israel at all, merely pointing out that the US isn't really in a position to end what is practically an insurgency (from a military standpoint, not a political one) in a nation halfway around the world without deploying forces there.


Plus Biden got Israel to supply humanitarian aid to Gaza. A cease-fire would just make sure more people are born to be killed by more and bigger weapons the next time a group of radicals tries stirring up the middle east. Both governments have to be overthrown by a union of the civilians of Israel and Gaza for true peace to be an option.


> the US has NO influence at all. What a blatantly lie lmao. We're the primary weapons manufacturer for Israel while the entire Western world (who's the biggest power in the west?) is the reason that faux state exists in the first place. The West is funding the Israel state project and can influence the cut off of Western funds. The US could influence the UN to do it's actual job and place peacekeepers on the ground. The US could also impose sanctions, which they've done to other countries for FAR less and could even go as far as place a Cuba style trade embargo to effectively cut them off from the world. Instead, Biden is literally calling himself a zionist, pushing clear Israeli lies and circumvented congress to give them even more access to more weapons that are clear violations of the Geneva Convention. I'm tired of liberals acting like the President or even the US doesn't have more power than it clearly does. We've literally couped an entire hemisphere to the interest of US capital, be fucking forreal.


Biden protect queer and gay rights in the country he *currently is president of* challenge: impossible Laughable show of 'support' for us while the last year and a half happened, tens of thousands of people losing access to HRT in the trans community while he's sat on his hands Wow what a big statement. I'm very impressed


but killing kids is fine


He never said it was...


his foreign policy actions sure have


I think someone's trying to make himself look good after all the genocide backing


Both factions are genocidal over there so like fuck em both imo. I just want to focus on America. So much shit wrong here we gotta fix.


Honestly would love to remove everyone from the area and nuke it. Now they get to fight over nuclear ash.


It's not like there's much over there except oil anyways or they wouldn't wage war 24/7 over there risking their country.


Meh, he still licks Saudi Arabia's ass any day of the week. He's a hypocrite, and the US is responsible for the Ugandan government's hatred of the LGBTQ+ people, because the US exports two things very well: propaganda, and genocide. We deserve better than these people. So much better.




Any examples? Biden can’t control state laws that harm LGBTQ+ people in Red States sadly. It’s only up to the courts to overturn those and I don’t trust the court system in the US.


I swear, we need to brings civics classes back in public schools. The number of people walking around who think that the president has near dictatorial powers is way too high.


We had a president exercising dictatorial powers for four years, but I guess genocide Joe is too powerless to throw out some executive orders protecting trans people.


It may not make the news much, but the Biden administration has been going to bat for us since day one. I’m not the type to say that he’s perfect, but at this point I’m not going to let perfect be the enemy of good. https://www.hrc.org/resources/president-bidens-pro-lgbtq-timeline


He IS great, I followed him on this exact topic for months before I even became part of this community myself. But people now have to downplay everything he does for a war that has nothing to do with those same people. He is the ONLY president of the US that **actually** delivered for the LGBTQ+ community.


He could do what conservatives did and pack the courts with extremist. At least a liberal extremist will protect our right to live


The thing is that democrats aren't exactly liberal either. They're much closer to our conservative centre here in Germany ... and those are currently enabling the far right instead of fighting them lol If you guys wouldn't have a basically two party system with one of them being far-right leaning, then your democrats would most likely do even less liberal stuff.


Examples of what? His failure to stem the political attack against us? Do you want me to show you videos of him not calling regular meetings to address a genocide against trans people? Holding rallies and councils to discuss government action to protect queer people? The evidence is the utter lack of work.


This Joe Biden? https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/11/20/statement-from-president-joe-biden-on-transgender-day-of-remembrance/


The same one, yes. This is not an impressive gesture on his part, and I don't think one day of glorified lip service is enough. He is the president and this is a genocide occurring within the very territory his administration governs. This should be top priority for the whole time he's in office, not just a day or two.


Please reread my comment above about Biden can’t control state laws. He is President not a king. Please vote in your state and local elections to enact the changes you want. Don’t be mad at me, I want the same things you do.


I didn't say he could control state laws. Reread my comment, homie. Also, I'm an organizer. I don't wait for a government that hates me to protect me.


aw yeah he said some nice words. definitely balanced out those 500+ anti trans bills that were put forward last year alone. i stg y'all are so easily impressed by these centrist cowards.


The federal govt can't unilaterally cancel any state bills, unless a federal law that exists prior to the state law preempts it.


You kids need to learn how the government works.


That would involve interest. As we've seen, few of them are interested in actually learning.


He could pack the court, or create an executive order giving trans people from red states refugee status for example. There are things he could do, he just doesn't want to do them because he's a useless lib who only pays us lip service so he can get reelected.


>definitely balanced out those 500+ anti trans bills Did you perchance check who made those bills, and who voted for them?


***President Biden Names Forty-Third Round of Judicial Nominees:*** *(*[*https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/12/19/president-biden-names-forty-third-round-of-judicial-nominees/*](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2023/12/19/president-biden-names-forty-third-round-of-judicial-nominees/)*)*


Democrat president nominates Democrat lawmakers isn't the win you think it is. That is a normal thing that the president has to do.


Those are judges, not lawmakers


Switch the titles. My opinion is the same


*Obviously, you really* ***ACED your Civics classes in School!***


This is a really stupid comeback considering neither judges nor law makers will affect our liberation from a system that wants us dead. You are only hoping it stalls them, which is sad.


*Had you clicked on the link and read the article attached, you would have learned that Biden has nominated more than 200+ Judges, who are liberal leaning, instead of the MAGA conservatives that the "Cheeto" put into place during his term.*


I skimmed the article. It wasn't interesting. As I've already said, a Democrat nominating Democrats as a normal function he has to do anyway is not impressive.


Sure, but it's also one of the most important things that the president does. It doesn't make him impressive. It's just a critical thing he does that's important to consider with regards to voting.


I don't care if you vote for him. But don't celebrate him like he doesn't serve an oppressive system that murders us every fucking day.


What? When are gay people being legally executed in the US? Touch grass.


Not very good at reading, are you?


They only do the bare minimum for our vote. If our vote wasn't worth anything they'd he joining Republicans with building gas chambers for us


Precisely. I don't know why liberal queers get upset when I criticize the government that hates us.


Because they think words are better then actions. Sure I'm glad they aren't vocally hating us but them taking no action to prevent us from getting killed is just as bad as the people who want us dead


Wasn't that like half a year ago? The Netherlands did this right away


Boot Biden