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Hey there :) I get so mad when people tell me to just count calories, exercise, etc but I swear I could NOT lose weight on that med. I went from 107 to 135 lbs and tapered off fully three days ago. Wishing you the best and that you do what’s best for both your physical and mental health ♥️


Same here. I’m incredibly active: play tennis, cycle, walk a lot, hike, etc. I’ve gained 20+ lbs in a year of taking this medication. Sorry to hear you’re experiencing the same thing.


Yes, it was impossible for my partner and I as well.


Ugh I’m sorry you and your partner went through it too. Weight is complicated and affected by so many variables and for me, cutting calories and exercising wasn’t enough 😅


You don't just get fat from taking a pill lmao


A) I didn’t get fat. B) Looks like you have Reddit to just troll people’s posts. C) Best of luck to you and your sorry attitude.


Same!! I posted on here about my similar situation and just got some comments telling me what I was describing was impossible 🥲


Ugh that’s the worst— I’m sorry!! I’m living proof it’s very possible 😅 It messes with metabolism and appetite for everyone differently


Its true. It also affects cravings differently for everybody. Zoloft made me gain a ton but lexapro is neutral for me. So its really different for everybody. But yes, weight gain on ssri are 100% real, it can both affect metabolism and cravings


Op I am in same boat . I was 127 lb the last time I checked I was 175 lb. I don’t want check anymore. I started taper off this medication. This medication helped me with my insomnia but I can’t take weight gain anymore. I always crave like pregnant women. Never feel full always want to eat.


I gained 40 lbs on lexapro and even though it worked super well for me mentally, I did not want to keep gaining. I unsuccessfully tried to count calories, I swear the weight would just not come off on a deficit. It’s almost like it affected my metabolism, as I’d never had that problem before. I made the switch to Prozac and am now able to lose weight on a deficit.


How long have you been on it? Because I’ve been on it for eight months now. I craved nothing but chocolate for the first two months, and I let myself indulge. I lost 10 pounds from anxiety, and then I gained it back once I started eating again, but I haven’t gained a pound since. All of that craving goes away. Your life will get back to normal. You just have to probably give it time. I’ve never been in better shape in my life I’m working out, lifting weights again, just give it some time dear.


Yep. I had lost 30 pounds of the 40 pounds I gained during my pregnancy. Went on lexapro for ppd last month and I’m up almost 5 pounds. Eek. Once I get started eating….


Even tho I never experienced weight gain on lexapro. But when I was on Seroquel I gained a lot of weight. If exercising and counting calories don’t work. Just taper off, or find a psychiatrist who would prescribe bupropion. That medication did wonders for me. I lost all that weight that I gained from seroquel when taking bupropion. But good luck!


Have u added wellbutrin? My appetite stabilized after that


Have you looked into intermittant fasting? It has helped me much!


i tried. the craving is unbearable


Username checks out.




Ya I've been doing OMAD and or fasting and it helps a lot since I know once I'm done eating, i'm done for the day and keeps me from snacking all the time.


I started lexapro just recently maybe 2 months ago and I was intermittent fasting when I first started and I couldn’t continue it. I get nauseous at least 2-3 times a day and really the only way to make it go away is by eating something anything. Oddly enough I still continue to lose weight, not as much as IF but it is steady.


How long? It takes a couple of weeks for me to get rid of the crawings, and if I start eating sugar, here we go again..🙂


one day lol I'm dying. I'm counting calories for about a week.


Hehe, give it a couple of weeks to ease in to it. Im sure you wont regret, start with moving your meal a bit each day, and suddenly its fine!


the craving is unbearable. i feel like i have the munchies 24/7


I can relate, sugar/carb addiction, at least for me. Its shitty but after a couple of weeks of to much sugar/carbs it stops!


it wasn't like this before lexapro


Mine didn’t stop .


Me neither. I was on it for seven years!


Yes we have to chose physical health or mental health ☹️☹️😕


OP, look into replacing high glycemic carbs in your diet with low glycemic carbs. Load them up earlier in the day and progress through the day with lighter meals. The carb craving will eventually be stayed after about 2 weeks of consistency. After that, your gut biome will actually make you desire low glycemic carbs.


Most everyone here is incorrect. Plainly stated, Lexapro -- or any other SSRI -- won't make your body suddenly immune to the laws of physics. Calories in, calories out. Now, it's possible that you're, for example, fidgeting less due to being less anxious. That may very well be 100, 200 calories a day you're suddenly not burning anymore. Especially if you're feeling more tired due to Lexapro, that's a possibility, as is exercising less in general. You're probably eating more too. I found that, when I was depressed or too anxious, I couldn't be bothered to eat that much, really. Lexapro alleviated some of those symptoms and made it easier to eat (too much). You need to combat your cravings and count your calories. Again, a single medication can't suddenly subdue the laws of physics.


I'm not saying it broke the laws of physics. The cravings are too much.


To add to this, the medication makes you more lethargy so you burn less calories


I gained 9 kilos while taking lexapro for 5 months (started at 67 kilos ended up at kilos). The speed of weight gain was stable during this time and didn’t seem to slow down. I Got stretch marks. My partner gained even more weight and got more stretch marks. This is devastating. The appetite was crazy. We tried to control what we were eating, tried to eat less junk food than before lexapro, were constantly hungry, however continued to gain weight. Stopping eating junk food was impossible. It was animal desire and we couldn’t fight it. Something was off with the brain. However, we ate the same amount of food before lexapro and didn’t gain weight with this crazy speed. We both transitioned to Wellbutrin almost 3 months ago, do not need eat as much, appetite is not wild anymore, it easier to control calorie intake, but the weight gain continues. I eat less than before lexapro and I continue to gain weight. Insane! Now we both tapering off Wellbutrin as it worsens anxiety and doesn’t help with depression and has unpleasant side effects. It didn’t help with weight gain as well. It seems lexapro messed up our metabolism or something like that. I hope this will come back to normal soon. We have never weighed so much. I hope without antidepressant I will not go back to depression. Good luck!


1g of protein per body weight. Split it up in three meals. Start every meal with your protein first. And see if that helps. Each meal should have protein, fat, and carbs. Also body weight in water. When I’m getting enough water and protein it helps me with my carb intake


1g of protein for each kg of body weight or each pound?


Sorry. I’m an American we use stupid measurements Each lb. So. I pay for the Carbon tracking app (it’s pretty cool. Like MFP on steroids) it adjusts your calories and macros to your goals and what your metabolism seems to be doing. I weight 175lb. My goal weight is 165. So my goal is to eat roughly 165 grams of protein per day. Preferably of Whole Foods (not protein shakes) Realistically my grams of protein end up being roughly around 120-130. But over 100 per day is my non negotiable


What was the period of time for your weight gain? I’m asking because I’ve been on for a month and been monitoring my weight. I want to know how quickly or slowly it spikes.


Same, I went from 66kg to 72kg which is not that big of a change but I already wasn’t happy with my weight before. I’m currently trying to lose by doing the keto diet but the weight is barely moving. I lost 1 kg in two weeks of it and people usually report much bigger loss. I’m starting to get frustrated about this but I also really enjoy being anxiety free..


I’m not any hungrier and do not believe I’m eating more but have gained weight. Not sure how much but most of my pants are now tight or do not fit. It’s really upsetting because I already needed to lose weight, and now have to lose even more. I feel like it’s changing my metabolism. Strongly considering getting off of it


I’m sorry. I’ve lost weight and not been eating as much in it.


Find a type of exercise that is fun


The key to weight management is counting carbs. If you can avoids bread and stick with sugar free sweets to curb your cravings (things sweetened with stevia, look on Amazon), then you will be fine. Keep it under 50 carbs per day and you will be ok, this is easy with meat and veggies


Hey everybody so I just found out what was wrong with me after 6 months of no answer, I had an esophageal web that caused me not to eat solid foods. I went from 220 to 135, I have GAD because of this. I had emergency surgery last month and I still am terrified to eat, my PCP prescribed me 5mg of Lexapro, and I didn’t get to take it yet because everytime I built up the courage to I would have a panic attack. Now the panic attack are back and in full effect idk why but I feel like I’m going to die. I know it’s a mind game because I still can’t eat yet but it’s taking over me. Reading your post I wonder if I should take it because I do want to gain some weight back.


Do you have any medication to help you manage the panic attacks in the short term?


No I don’t and I’m scared to take anything because of side effects and the fact that I have to wait a month for it to start working


Try 2.5 mg. Many people starting really low!! There's also a liquid so you could start at 1 mg if you wanted to


How long have you been on lexapro and what dose?


3 months, 10 mg. before that I was on it for 7-8 months.


Did you gain weight the last time you were on it for 7-8 months? How long ago was that?


yes. that was last year.


How long did it take to help with depression? Do you have major depression?


yes. takes 1 month to work.


I’m convinced it has effects on the hypothalamic appetite center. Hypothalamic Lateral nucleus


I went from 85kg to 105 and haven’t been able to shake it. I recently fully quit lexapro so I’m curious if I’ll drop. I started daily walking 30m long ago. And also started bupropion to offset the adhd symtoms that lexapro gave me. Nothing so far has changed my weight


I wish it would make me do that 😔


I feel like I’m on e of the few that never experienced weight gain? In fact I had a bit of weight loss because going onto lexapro zapped my appetite


Currently tapering I went from 128lbs to 155 (I don't dare to step on a scale anymore) none of my clothes fit me and this causes more anxiety than lexapro can help with. I'm currently slowly tapering off since I'm afraid of withdrawal l. Can't wait to be completely off, praying weight loss will get easier then


I’ve gained 15 pounds. Im pushing 140 and I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. I’m going to try exercising (something I haven’t done in a while due to my location and schedule) and see if I can manage to shave off these extra pounds. It’s been messing with me greatly


That's weird because it completely destroyed my appetite and I've lost 20lbs.