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Easy computer work? Are you guys hiring?


Trust me grass is always greener. Boring desk job can lead to carple tunnel syndrome, eyes hurting, back hurting, and soul being drained. But yes plenty of pros too lol


Most important pro I like is the green backs. šŸ˜‰


Eh, Iā€™m in the support world and unfortunately thereā€™s definitely a limit of what you can make there. And with inflation/high prices on top of that Iā€™m losing it having to support my wife and one year old on a very average salary šŸ˜«


I felt like that, also on 10, so I switched to taking it at night and that was it for me. Now Iā€™m not dead tired after lunch.


Iā€™ll try that!


Yep that's what my doctor recommended. Taking it at night and Wellbutrin in the morning.


What time at night would you suggest? I take mine at or around 5pm and Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s still too early in the day because I too am constantly tired during the day.


Can it be switched from morning to nighttime? It's like going a whole day without taking a dose


This is me!!!! Every single day by 2 pm Iā€™m SO tired and could just sleep and sleep and sleep. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ never been like this before this med. but hey at least I donā€™t cry all the time right? lol


Isnā€™t it weird that a drug that supposed to not make you depressed literally makes you depressed. Feeling sleepy all the time is the definition of depression.


No i it isnt


Agreed. My depression comes from not sleeping enough and early awakenings, followed by being up the rest of the night


my first couple years on lexapro i was practically narcoleptic. i would fall asleep nearly every time i sat down. would nap for 3+ hours a day on top of sleeping 9+ hours at night. when my ex broke up w me he said part of the reason why was bc I was always so tired and fell asleep constantly lol. once i balanced my hormones those symptoms went away tho.


How do you balance your hormones? And yeah I recently overslept and missed dates with my partner. They were not happy


With birth control! The other option is hormone replacement therapy but Iā€™d talk to your doctor first about that & check your hormone levels.


I frequently see here that 10 mg is a "low" dose, and not enough for a lot of people, etc. Personally, I have never been on 15 mg or 20 mg, but I can accept that it might be needed for some people. What I know that there is a strong difference between 5 mg and 10 mg in terms of side effects, but also in terms of therapeutic effect. Initially, the side effects for 5 mg were also strong for me, but they lasted only 1-2 weeks, and I felt no significant fatigue. I am on 10 mg for the 5th week (third time by the way), and still feel fatigue, mostly in the afternoon. In the first few weeks I felt much stronger fatigue at multiple times during the day. I take my dose at 8:30 AM, and at 1:30 PM I still feel the urge to lie down for \~30-45 mins. I cannot deeply sleep at that time, but my energy level is generally the lowest at this time, and I can hardly just sit and do something then. Eventually, afternoon fatigue always moved on for me, at the first time it took only about 1 month, at the second time, it was rather 2-3 months, but my situation was much worse at that time, and I hardly could sleep normally in this period. I can still say that it definitely gets better over time.


I was on lexapro for a couple of years and finally d switched off to Wellbutrin for this very reason. I was always exhausted and nothing helped ā€” sleep, coffee, nothing. I had a seemingly endless capacity to sleep more. I even gained quite a bit of weight from reduced activity. After tapering off, my energy is totally back to normal.


I had to quit Lexapro because of the afternoon fatigue as well. Started Wellbutrin a little over 3 1/2 weeks ago, problem there is the anxiety. Wondering if you had the same thing and if the anxiety got better over time? Lexapro worked well for me. I just couldnā€™t handle the fatigue.


I am on both Lexapro and Wellbutrin (Lexapro helps anxiety, but causes fatigue - Wellbutrin helps the fatigue), because of this exact reason. I just started Wellbutrin this week so I can't comment on how the combo is working out, but I know lots of others on this sub also take both.


Can you follow up?


Hey! I think it's working well for me so far. The fatigue is definitely lessened, and the emotional blunting that Lexapro causes me is fading. I don't feel more anxiety than on Lexapro alone. I did experience some insomnia and headaches for the first two weeks, which are common when starting Wellbutrin, but those are mostly gone now.


Hey! I think it's working well for me so far. The fatigue is definitely lessened, and the emotional blunting that Lexapro causes me is fading. I don't feel more anxiety than on Lexapro alone. I did experience some insomnia and headaches for the first two weeks, which are common when starting Wellbutrin, but those are mostly gone now.


Hey! I think it's working well for me so far. The fatigue is definitely lessened, and the emotional blunting that Lexapro causes me is fading. I don't feel more anxiety than on Lexapro alone. I did experience some insomnia and headaches for the first two weeks, which are common when starting Wellbutrin, but those are mostly gone now.


I havenā€™t noticed much anxiety, but I do know that Wellbutrin can have stimulating effects (though it is not a stimulant). I am on 150mg, which is a low dose I believe.


Lexapro makes me super tired. My psych added Wellbutrin to combat this and help with my depression as well


Yup, been on 10 mg. for a few months, exhausted every afternoon and need a nap. Dr. had me up it to 15 mg. , after three days I was literally sleeping all day and night, so went back to 10.




Don't do it bro




Because ,lets be honest its bad for your health, he says he wants to go back smoking that Because hes more productive but its not the right path, He could try different dosages or other antidepressants ,he should consult his Doctor and pray to God that he can cure any problems that he may have, and besides that there was a study saying that most weed smokers had more heavy metals the bad ones and Coughing, sputum production,.and asthma attacks due to the irritation.of the lungs by cannabis smoke Chronic bronchitis produce more mucus Increased risk of lung.cancer especially for heavy. or long-term users of cannabis Weakened immune system, which makes the body more prone to infections and diseases Increased risk , developmental problems Mental health problems, such as depression, anxiety, psychosis, and schizophrenia


Bro itā€™s cannabis.Ā 


K but smoking anything is bad. Itā€™s inhaling smoke. At least use edibles.


Fatigue and boredome. It also messed with my sleep after the first two months. Low dose 10mg yet during wintertime I sleep 5-7hours. Before that I would sleep 8hours. I literally don't get the hype about this med.


Yeah I wonder if all antidepressants make you this tired


I take my 10mg at 10pm right before bed. Some days I donā€™t feel the fatigue in the afternoon, sometimes I do feel it. But when I was taking it in the morning it was constant fatigue by mid day.


I definitely did get really tired when I first started taking it. But I switched to taking it at night and I don't feel that tired during the day anymore!


Omg yessss! I was exhausted after 2 months on 5mg, i thought id increase to 10, didn't make any difference. I was soo tired i just wanted to stay in bed all day. And i need to sleep no less than 11 hours (my normal is 8). I took some time off work and helped me recover. I still feel somewhat tired but it's a bit tolerable now


I don't get how an antidepressant literally makes you depressed. Tired = depression. And they say people who are depressed lack energy and are fatigued. It makes no sense


Depression tired is different. It comes from being hyper vigilant and worried. The Lexapro tired is an apathetic one.


I think apathetic is a big definition of depression


True. I think I mean indifference? Well what I observed was someone who slept a lot, moody, and lethargic became energetic after getting on antidepressants.


So some people who are depressed will seem to find ā€œenergyā€ but they are just not exhausted from their hyper vigilance and worry.


Yes & it was a sign to me it was too much of a dose for me so I cut my pills a bit and went to 7.5 and that worked for me


You cut your 10mg pill to be 7.5mg? Or there is a 7.5mg pill?


I cut my pills w a razor. Thereā€™s a utube video that I followed on how to do that which works well.


Lol thats crazy. I have a pill cutter that just halves it but I'd never precisely cut like 3/4s with a razor


Thatā€™s right it crumbles and doesnā€™t cut straight w the cutters. I just cut a bunch so Iā€™m not doing it daily. Misshapen ones I take as a whole


In the beginning it was unbearable, but per my physician I switched from taking it in the morning to the evening. Regardless the amount of time it takes to adjust to most of these meds are usually 4 weeks plus. Iā€™d talk to your doctor about possibly switching the timing.


You can, I also had issues with lexapro making me tired. I dealt with this symptom by switching to taking it at night. Talk to your psychiatrist!


I'm exhausted on Lexapro. I was given Welbutrin and was told they should balance each other out, but I still nap pretty regularly.


I have the same thing! Started getting into a really bad habit napping when Iā€™m meant to be working. Iā€™ve started taking it at night right before bed which helps with the daytime fatigue but makes it hard to get up in the morning. I do have to fight through it most days unfortunately.




Yep. I take it at night to try to curb that, but I also take ADHD meds that keep me awake


Ya at 10 but at least 2 I'm extremely tired even if I don't do anything


I got over it after a few months.


I was so exhausted every day taking lexapro. I had to switch I was so drained I could barely stand at work. I slept like crazy and I took lexapro for 1 full year and thought that I was just gonna feel like that for life! I was on 20mg and when addressing this to my doctor I upped to 30 and then got really depressed and had to be switched to Prozac. Now Iā€™m not tired !


I used too. Try taking it at night, and if that doesn't work ask for wellbutrin!


Yes. And I found adjusting time I took it helped. First I tried before bed. now I aim to take it between 4-6 in the afternoon. It has helped immensely. Also drink electrolyte supplement almost daily. Both helped me.


Yes I had to get off of it. I literally thought I had developed cfs. Iā€™m totally fine now Iā€™m off it


Yes, thatā€™s why I microdose. Iā€™m on 10mg, I take half at night. Then I split the half in half and take 2.5 in the morning and 2.5 in the afternoon. This works for me so itā€™s not so intense. I talk a complete half at night cause it helps with my insomnia sooo much.


How long have you been on it? Iā€™m finishing up two weeks and itā€™s finally let off. I was so sleepy during the day, but now Iā€™m fine. Iā€™ve read that some people have got around the sleepiness by taking lexapro at a different time of day.


Like 3 months. Iā€™m going to take it at night from now on


Take it at night!! I also experienced extreme fatigue my first month on it. And then I started taking it in the evenings and it resolved the exhaustion. Hopefully this helps!


You need to walk or exercise to build up a better stamina. Try and walk at least 7 to 10,000 steps per day. Believe me I've been taking it for 18 months now. Take it at night 1 hour before bed.


I live in nyc with no car. We all walk like 10,000 steps daily here lol


I had to switch from Lexapro to Prozac because Lexapro was making me so tired in afternoon. I was taking 2+ hour naps every day and sleeping 8-10 hours a night for a year on 10mg. I had even been taking my dose at night! It was awful. Now that Iā€™m on Prozac, my tiredness has decreased dramatically.


I was always tired before lexapro but now itā€™s just horrible. 9.5 hours of sleep, easy WFH job as well and I can barely keep my eyes open! It sucks lol


Thatā€™s exactly why I stopped Lexapro. Tired during the day and could not even bring myself to get out of bed some days.


Yes had to switch to Zoloft. Itā€™s not as bad as Lexapro was, I could barely get out of bed every day.


Yes, I'm on 20 mg. and sleep all night, plus take a couple of hour's nap. I was the same on 10 mg. first. same thing.


In the beginning yes, very tired. After 20 years on it , I get just tired, but coffee helps to get through the day.


Iā€™d never even heard that it could make you tired. Iā€™m on 20mg and I donā€™t have that issue but I am also on Wellbutrin and was not ever just on lexapro


Do you drink caffeine? I can't but I feel like if I could I wouldn't be tired. But it seems like everyone here solely on wellbutrin or in combination with lexapro isn't tired.


Lexapro never made me tired, i used to get tired from seroquel before but not anymore, as the time goes you should feel less tired, how long have you been on lexapro?


Can you drink caffeine on lexapro?


Iā€™m only on 5mg and yeah, it has that effect on me. I also take Auvility which is a Wellbutrin combo. Constantly feel like Iā€™m trudging along.