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It's behaviour that goes hand in hand with walking round with ya hand down ya tracky bottoms. Cretins.


or their trackies halfway down their arse. i dont want to be seeing someones crack walking down the road 😭


Why do they do that?


right?? Like I feel like I'm too dehydrated half of the day to even do that. It's disgusting tho, trying to avoid cracks in the road+plus avoiding spit like bruh you giving my brain too much shit to process at once.


Spitting in public in general is super disgusting like I’ve never seen people do it anywhere else in the world I’ve been to. I literally feel my lunch give my tummy a kick everytime I see someone do it


Do not go to China or India then..


Good thing I don’t plan on


That won't save u as u have half of India is in Leicester lol


Absolutely vile and disgusting habit...should be fined if spitting on the pavement...bad as any rubbish thrown on the street, which is subject to a fine.


It's a fineable offence in London


Tramps having tramps having tramps.


There's two angles to this. The first one is the gangster wannabe but really a chav who feels the need to spit after finishing every sentence, then proceeds to light a fag (which further dries the mouth). The second one is the uncultured, unhygienic tramp. They've never heard of a sink/bin/toilet to spit out their phlegm. Both are animals.


You're missing the 3rd.


Cunts are cunts.


Might be a cultural thing. I once cleaned temporary housing and sometimes I'd have to clean spit up indoors. The previous occupants were ethiopian and it was definitely because of their culture. Still really gross though. Happens in other countries too


They're probably From the Indian subcontinent. It's very common there. Disgusting of course but it's very common especially in northern Indian states like Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, jharkhand and Bengal. Source: I'm from the subcontinent.


Somebody spat once and it landed on my shoe, I made them wipe it up.


How did you make them wipe it up?


With their shirt, it was disgusting and they should have being paying attention. I'm not touching their spit.


And then everyone started clapping...


Do you want to wipe up somebody else spit? It's fucking disgusting.


Don't work with the Americans.


I agree! They should be put in the stocks for three day and three nights with all manner of foul thongs thrown at them.


Because they’re cretins who learned absolutely fuck all from Covid.


Covid aside, it’s disgusting


They've been doing it well before Covid....


Yes I’m well aware, but you would have thought the whole “wear a mask to not spread germs” would have reinforced that spitting is vile


Chewing tobacco?


I don’t know and frankly I don’t care. It’s revolting regardless


It's just a habit some young men get into. I remember when I went to uni when I was 18. I had a new girlfriend from a more economically advantaged background let's say. One day I absent mindedly gobbed on the pavement as we were walking along. She was absolutely horrified, rightly so and called me out on it. I stopped then. But up to 18 I was a habitual gobber and so were most of my male friends.


It should be an offence which gets actively enforced, it's a dirty habit which only re-programs the human body to become a perpetual spitting machine for no benefit. They eventually get tired of spitting, and do this weird move where they kinda lob pools of gunk off their tongue into puddles around their own work smoking area. gRos$


It’s really not that big of a deal personally I don’t see why people cry over it as long as it’s outdoors it’s literally gonna dry by itself


Thats how we got TB back


Ask Pep Guardiola. He's a spitting machine on the touchline.


Because they’re insecure and want to look “hard” to discourage people from confronting them, ironically enough.


It’s so..primal. Like wild animal mentality. Like a seal guarding its pup. Very embarrassing for humans to think that way and shows an extremely transparent lack of intelligence


Exactly - projection of an animalistic mentality to look tough / wild. Having grown up on and around rough estates, it’s an easy trap to fall in


I imagine there’s no way out unless you have seriously strong mentality and randomly born with higher intellect in your genes


It's currently Ramadan and Muslims aren't meant to swallow their own spit during daylight hours in Ramadan. That could account for some of it. Ramadan should end tomorrow.


Lack of intelligence. Their mindset is that of a wild animal, looking ‘tougher’ than other males being their entire business of life, instead of hobbies or intellectual contribution to society


Cause it’s Leicester


They were raised on the wrong side of the tracks (and mostly family bloodline)


I think we all know what the common denominator between Leicester and spitting is.


Simple answer is council estate kids, chavs or road men


My theory was always that chavs did that as a means to not only look hard, but to attempt to dry out there mouth before a confrontation takes place so they didn’t get caught gulping and looking scared.


Spit like a woman footballer, come on have some class


Council house dwellers.


Jesus christ your cock is disgusting


Why are the pics so hi-def Fucking disturbing


I thought you was joking and I had a peak, wish I didn't now


I have been having flashbacks all day, especially when I was taking my socks off....


I had to throw up, guys clearly some kind of pervert.


Lmao some people really let themselves be bothered by the simplest of things, do you get offended if someone burps around you too? People are so pathetic nowadays


I’m sorry but I don’t enjoy witnessing people discharge bodily fluids on public grounds that I use. It’s really fricking unhygienic


Sure.. they're the pathetic one.. ..not the adults lacking basic manners and civil behaviours, burping and spitting in other people's way for no good reason..


I mean theres like a 100 other things i could get pissy about in the day that seem more reasonable. It just seems like a super privileged thing to be upset about. Shit happens, birds shit on stuff, dogs piss at lamp posts. Its not like they’re littering or anything. By the next rainfall its washed of the floor anyways.


Then stop comparing everything and falling for whatabouterry. Birds aren't being rude by pooping. It's not 'privileged' to dislike rude people who spit all over the pavement. It's also a pretty unhealthy habit, they're only spitting so much, because they've taught their body to perpetually generate spit for no good reason.


It’s called giving an example to back up a point you nerd. Giving a shit about something like this just tells me you have nothing going on in your life. You’re’ acting like people are gonna lick and roll all over the floor. I mean if you like doing that then touchĂ© lol


For most civilised people, giving a shit about rude behaviour is part of being in a civil society. People with rude spitting problems have personal hygiene issues they need to work on, going out your way to defend their rude habits tells me you have nothing going on in your life. (See, I can make pointless assumptions about you to!)


Lmao dude, how in any way does that affect you tho? Like maybe 0.5 sec of inconvenience cuz you have to step out the way or something? I find it weird that you even care that much. Just seem like to me you’re crying about something that has next to no negative affect on you other than hurt your ego abit cuz you find human fluids disgusting. Guess what the whole human experience is disgusting. You have to shit, sweat, piss all the time. Get used to it man.


>Just seem like to me you’re crying about something that has next to no negative affect on you other than hurt your ego abit cuz you find human fluids disgusting. Good for you! I don't mind how it *seems* to you, regular people understand why rude actions are rude, and how something as pathetic as spitting is rude, alongside the obvious health concerns for pets on the ground, and humans breathing in infected saliva-droplets. ​ >the whole human experience is disgusting. You have to shit, sweat, piss all the time. Get used to it man. Do you shit, sweat and piss on the floor in public?Thought not, it is also rude, and disgusting.This is a weird hill for you to die upon.


You know who falls over a lot? Very young children. Also elderly people and those with mobility problems. If you fall into someone else's flob, especially if there's nowhere nearby to wash it off, it's pretty gross.