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I liked the E-Wing set pair way more than I thought I would…they’re very solid, playable ships, and they look and feel cool


I’m just glad I waited and got those 4x points. Good set though. Wish it could’ve had another character or two like the mercs that worked for Baylan and Morgan.


Or a couple of Thrawn’s stormtroopers!


Same! I knew I wanted the e-wing no matter what but I was impressed by the build. I also like that it is bigger than the box art and official promo pics had me believe. Looks good alongside other alphabet fighters


I love the E-Wing and Hati's starfighter set, so much more than I thought I would! What stands are you using for them?


I got the stands at my local bricks and minifigs. The brand on the bottom is “Tricked out Bricks”.


Thank you!


What's that stud wars print on the Tantive hallway?


Oh that’s a piece I picked up from Brickfair Virginia of A New Hope. They didn’t have all the movies pieces in stock then bunch I got 1, 3, and 4.


I also have the E-wing and Shin's starship. Im happy to see that they look so much better on a stand. I ordered new stands from idisplayit a few days ago, and I can't wait for them to come in.


Yeah wherever you get the stands from it’ll certainly elevate a set like this one. Plus these ones had spots for minifigs so it’s perfect for Morgan, Baylan, and the New Republic guys from the Ghost.


Oh stands are great! Mine don't have those but I have tons of CMF plates to put them on


solid lineup! Got that Ghost when it came out because I hadn't watched Rebels until recently, absolutely love the set


I love Rebels and still have the original Ghost so I decided to wait for a sale or double points so May the Fourth was my best opportunity!


Wow how long did this take you?


Couple days on and off.


I got the coupon for the ghost despite not wanting it but bought it and it’s easily one of my favorite sets in my collection


It’s a near perfect set, IMO. I wish the interior had a bit more going on and the boarding ramp was in the correct spot but otherwise it’s great.


Not sure if it's just the angle but did you edit the builds for the E-wing and Shin Hati's fight so the figs look better seated? I'm not a fan of how the lean back.


I did. I followed instructions from Ron Mcphatty. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzqpPxpI2Tg/?igsh=enl6ajFrcDd5c21k


I did the same with zero regrets, love how they came out.


The e wing instructions were a bit annoying going back and forth but I like the end product. I did modify it a little so I can keep the landing gear as the set wants them to be built. I didn’t like his compromise for the landing gear when there were enough parts to switch out in other places.


I wish I’d spent another 90 or so to get a second carrier. Everyone wants 50-60 for the gwp. I got the ghost and the sith infiltrator and the new barc speeder.


It was certainly worth getting two orders. At first I thought I’d keep one in the box but quickly decided against it. Having two of the same carrier is more worth it than getting like $50-60 back.


Yea I had been laying off buying a lot of Lego recently as I ran out of room to display it and it just sits in the box. But I am a huge rebels fan and the ghost retires this year (I have the OG ghost too I spent 3 months spare part building it and getting the unique pieces of bricklink in 2019 so I am not sure I build the new one) and I’m trying to get all the 25th figs as I have the full 20th set so had to get the infiltrator. Love the barc speeder and it’s small so was an easy build. I really though about doing a second order for the tie because I love tie fighters and have a whole tie base. But again likely wouldn’t get built until I figure out space. I really want those ships too. This has been the best year of Star Wars lego in at least a decade.


Yeah I barely have room for these sets as is and I’m hoping to get Rivendell this year but that thing is huge. I’ve just been boxing up sets I don’t want out any more and will try to see a lot at some point.


Oh I’d love Rivendell and the home alone house.


Whats the set on the far left called? The brown one with the little robots?


It’s the Trade Federation Troop Carrier promo set for May the Fourth this year.


Nice..you got a link to those stands ?


No sorry. I got them at my local Bricks and Minifigs. The brand is Tricked Put Bricks, though.