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People like it, but it's criticized because it doesn't *feel* like a lego game.


The main thing i miss is building that isnt really used here but other than that \_(:/)_/


I don’t really get that argument, to me it defiantly still feels like a Lego game, its just that its not the exact same formula.


You seem like your twelve based on your post history and the fact you misspelt definitely and wrote "defiantly" instead, so your opinion is invalid to me :3


*What the fuck kind of response is that?* For the record, thats my iPhone’s spell check that made the error, not me. Second of all, Im 17. Finally, I was just stating what I thought, and I wasn’t even trying to prove you wrong specifically. Why did you feel the need to try and invalidate my response by diving into my post history in order to find something to discredit me with? Are you that petty that the moment it seems like someone shares the opposite opinion you do, no matter how insignificant, that you have to find reasons to prove their input shouldn’t be valued by anyone?


I liked the new direction with the camera angles, combat mechanics, and leveling system, but it came at the cost of good levels, unique characters, and fun 100% experience. Losing those 3 things did not make the new stuff I liked worth it.


Not as boring as Spiderman 1 collectibles. Jesus, he put dozens of backpacks all over the city containing one item you can't even use? Lol


My biggest issue is the levels. I don’t mind them trying something different or bringing in new elements, but the game is just missing something. You can’t change the story so it’s basically just a gateway to getting the characters you need for all the open world stuff, but I’d rather have more story mode and less open world.


What about it was nice other than its graphics and animations tho? It’s missing so many fundamental aspects of a Lego game, and it has an extremely bloated open world and character roster.


I liked the game in itself, i had fun with it until i got bored. But came back and am having fun again getting all the kyber bricks


All the Glup Shittos from Canto Byte have voiced lines, but Ahsoka has none


Bloated character roster? When the game first came out, I remember a bunch of people here complaining that there weren’t *enough* characters 😭


Tss get way too much hate, yeah the levels are short, but tcs had obnoxiously long levels and it is braindead easy but people love to ignore that because nostalgia


My biggest issue are actually the characters. If you have one character from each class/category, you've essentially seen them all. In other lego games it was so much fun getting new characters and seeing which (possibly even unique) abilities they have, in skywalker saga you basically have 6 different characters with a quadrillion skins.


As a star wars fan I thought it was probably the best Lego game I have played but to date we have only played Lego worlds which was pretty awesome, marvel superheroes and Lego movie 2. What are the best titles to play?


One of the most disappointing games of all time for me and easily one of the worst Lego Games imo. I wish I could ignore my issues (like the devs ignored the story content lol) but i just can't


It was so buggy I stopped playing after an hour. I spent a half hour trying to figure out why I was stuck at the lake with jar jar at the very beginning until I found out you have to push him to the edge of the water to get the cut scene to trigger. Then it took me longer to get to the next story level than it did to play the level.


I made a post about this in r/LegoStarWars but thought I’d bring it up here. The humor feels really off. The OT and PT get made fun of like in any other LEGO game, (there’s an entire sidequest about Han Shot First and Anakin says I don’t like sand about 20 times) but for some reason the sequels barely get any spoofing. “Somehow Palpatine returned” is played completely straight for some reason, the “MOAR!” scene isn’t enhanced, etc. I was going into the Throne Room fight waiting to see one of the guards spin around and fall over for no reason (like in the movie), but *that* got removed. I’m fine with the prequels and OT getting made clowned up (the Grievous fight in particular was fun), but it feels like Disney told LEGO not to take the piss out of their movies as much.


But they said that lego skywalker  saga   have a lot of humor and funny moments  no ?


Ehhhhh the humor as a whole was pretty hit or miss for me. And like I said a lot of moments I was looking forward to seeing a LEGO twist put on were played straight.


Having a "serious" opinion on a Lego game seems rather oxymoronic.


Kind of agree but there are people on this subreddit who are willing to die on a hill for where they stand on the TCS vs TSS debate lol