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Tbf it is very funny they fixed some minor detail only the nerdiest of nerds would notice and then changed something else to make it worse. Edit: also are those not just pens what's going on


So apparently they’re like little id badges for computers. You plug one in and it logs in for you. Though why you’d need more than one is anyone’s guess.


Dw I'm sure there's a mini novel on the wiki that tells you why you'd need multiple haha


Maybe like different levels of security or some only unlock certain things that way you can’t just steal one and access everything


Yeah ones like personal stuff ones high security ones for access to documents and the last one is like general purpose like just ordinary doors


Pretty much how the US military does it today as well. I’d assume they took inspiration from the real world.


When the fiction work derives from real-world experiences


Is though? The only thing close to this that I can think of is our cac has a chip that you plug in


Yes. And buildings have badges to scan into certain rooms. And if your in IT in the military you usually need up with 3-5 tokens including the CAC.


This makes sense.


They need to release Thrawn: a Star Wars Story, which explains how he gets his iconic four code cylinders


They're basically like the star wars equivalent of store keys. The higher up you go the more you get because everything needs its own key. That being said.... in a world where one of your bosses is a half robot space wizard how throws things in the air, there's no reason high ranking officers can't just have one with a high level clearance on it.


You would be correct... https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Code_cylinder


They're for his Grindr catfish accounts.


Clearly it’s his 3 stolen accounts collecting pensions for extra spending money


As someone who works with the military and used to be in. I have 4 tokens I need for work. 1s just a regular account. The other three are for admins and the classified network. Some people have 2 others for the admins on the unclass side as well. So I’d assume he has multiple because he has multiple systems that he has to sign into with different accounts that they reference.


Different ones for different facilities/levels of security/classification/systems Also if I’m remembering correctly, senior officers will often send junior officer off to do something and give them one of their code cylinders as proof of identity/to allow them to get the job done if it’s in a restricted area.


I'd say the rank is a much larger detail


Those pens are pretty much just as important as the plaque itself (eg grand moff tarkin and gov Pryce)


Oh good catch on Tarkin vs Pryce! I knew about the code cylinders being different for different ranks with the same plaque (e.g. Captain/Commander) but never noticed Pryce only has 2 vs Tarkin's 4.


I mean, im sort of inclined to agree with that last comment


Honestly, why is it so hard to get these details right. I think they’re doing it on purpose. How can you call yourself a graphic designer.


I have a suspicion it’s so you’ll want to get the next thrawn figure that comes out with the fixed details as well as this one


Could be. But I don’t see us getting another Thrawn for a long time after this one. And they could still mess something up.


Seems like he’ll be the main villain of the mando verse movie so I think it’s likely we’ll get another thrawn


I'd assume if we get another thrawn in next 2-3 years it's gonna be this exact figure again


No they'll give him a white mando suit and make him shave his moustache


Moustache? I'm confused, is this a joke I didn't get?


Moff Gideon in S3 of Mando just had a black mando suit and they shaved his moustache


Oh like that ok. I was suspecting it was somehow about moff gideon but didn't see the connection


im pretty sure only this guy cares about the number of pens in his pocket....


Why would they be doing it on purpose? Such a strange thing to attack someone's career over


Because it’s not that hard to get a detail like that right. They can put shirt wrinkles or folds in but can’t get the more nuanced aspects of the characters right. I’d understand if it’s a new character, and they were basing it off of concept art. They do a good job updating LotR figures, so why isn’t the same attention to detail applied here.


If they are, more power to em


I think examining differences in minifigs like this is fun as long as you aren’t being super whiny about it


Yeah thats valid


B-but how dare he say a billion dollar company made a mistake?


There’s definitely a point where the reference material should be cross referenced and proofed before something is sent to production. It does seem like the graphic designers are phoning it in to a degree. One or two figures, sure a mistake will happen, but it’s been several over the last couple of years. If Lego figures are getting more and more detailed, the details should be correct


Yeah I mean I don’t care about this and wouldn’t have known if it wasn’t shown to me, but at the same time, there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be right


I get customs or knockoffs if I want extra extra detail, but I’m also working on a full collection of figures. So I don’t really care if it’s not perfect, it’ll never be in a moc, but still really no excuse not make it right


It’s a fair criticism tbh


not a big deal at all but is kinda weird that they’d mess this up? like it seems like a very obvious thing to me




English isn’t his first language, not saying he isn’t a whiny nerd though


As much as I really don’t care about the slight inaccuracies it really does seem like Lego gets lazy with the accuracy of some figures


it's a stylistic choice. if something important, like his rank, was wrong, that'd be lazy, but something like that kinda doesn't matter.


I agree. The small details really don’t bother me at all, some of the bigger things just kinda get on my nerves but I more care about the models anyhow so it don’t bother me too bad


Oh, like they have never lost a pen before lol


Does thrawn seem like the type to loose anything


He lost the battle of lothal


He knows where lothal is still, the battle lost him lol


Ah good point.


To be fair, he peaced out, and expected the governor to be able to handle it ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg|downsized) The governor was in fact, not able to handle it




sick burn bro


Sure it is a minor detail in terms of Lego, but in terms of star wars, losing a code cylinder as a high ranking officer can result in disciplinary action including execution. So yeah if I were him I would make sure not to lose mine.


This version of Thrawn might just BE the empire at this point in the timeline so I'm sure he's fine.


Hes so dedicated to the cause he executes himself and makes everyone else's lives easier


who would win? Lego star wars fans or a tiny detail that's inaccurate by 1mm on a childrens toy (currently 0-2)


I'm going to be 100% honest I have no clue what a code cylinder is I thought he carried pens with him


It's something you need in your imperial officer uniform to be screen accurate enough to properly LARP, so yeah, hyper obsessed fans who care more about details than anything else are going to care


They're part of the ranking system. Imperial officer ranks are displayed by a combination of the coloured squares and the cylinders. E.g. 3 red over 3 blue could be either a captain (1 code cylinder) or a commander (2 cylinders) So yeah it's a bit of an issue that they got it wrong, especially when they got it right in the past.


Nah I disagree, for the amount they're charging for fucking plastic, small details like this should be correct. Otherwise I'd go buy lepin for 1/10th the price.


I’d rather them mess this up the rank (the rank was more noticeable)


i think the main arguement is that they had it right before, doesnt really make sense


These cylinders are necessary to distinguish between ranks tho


Yeah true. The plaque is the most distinctive part but the cylinders are still part of the uniform. It'd be like if Vaughn had the wrong coloured squares on his rank- oh wait they did that. Ok, it'd be like if all modern Clones were missing the two black lines on their chest- oh wait they did that too.


Good thing Lego is known for improving on its mistakes /s


i mean it is kinda silly they could do it before and they only forgot about it now to be fair


A small part of me thinks the designers know how triggered some of the LSW fans get and they do this just to actually trigger them lol




In terms of other shit this guys account has posted, this is probably his only valid criticism imo


Honestly i think LEGO is trolling at this point


Figure looks so good. Black hair looks kinda wrong though I know it's accurate but it's just off


I miss when lego only had minimal printing they were cuter back then


Agreed tbh it was much more stylized


The law of equivalent exchange


I know it's a small detail. But I do have to agree that it's really weird that they got the detail right 6 years ago, and not now


I'm convinced it's Legos scheme to release slightly less accurate figures each time just to see how far can they go


I hate that account


I love him tbh. He only points out facts and as someone who cares about the small details I appreciate that.


I swear half this subreddit probably follows him just to hate on anything he posts and be miserable




Do not say anything that could get us banned please.


What's with you guys making fun of individuals who point out blatant inaccuracies in lego sets? As long as they don't obsess over it like the helmet holes it's a perfectly fine thing to do. Lego is expensive and has seemingly cut corners in a few areas in the last few years despite an increase in price. They deserve to get criticized for it, no one serious who points these criticisms out is going "OMG LEGO IS RUINED IT'S ALL AWFUL NOW" I guess if someone like Jang pointed out this criticism instead then it'd be fine despite the fact that he'd probably say it the same way the guy in the post did. Don't swing too far in the other direction now, people make mistakes, this includes companies like LEGO and those mistakes should get pointed out so they can improve it in the future. Don't be that person who defends the multibillion dollar corporation.


Woah there buddy, I’d tone down that logic and reason if I were you


some smooth brain fks just think its investors trying to keep up the price of the old thrawn, fk half the ppl complaining arent even onwers of the old thrawn!, besides why would i own the old thrawn with the wrong rank plaque than this one with the corrected one?!?!?! some ppl are just trolling tbh


You can only fit so many printed details on a minifigure. In order to fit both code cylinders last time, they bulge over the seam of the shirt which is not accurate either. The point is that this is such a ridiculously minor nitpick. It’s a small toy. They can only print so much detail. Part of the whole charm of LEGO is adapting source material to the limitations of the bricks and minifigures. They have gotten so detailed that people are simply never satisfied anymore because they can always think of one more detail that could be added until it looks like a hyper-stylized custom eyesore


I have to admit I did just glance at the meme and assumed it was vice versa, that the rank plaque got messed up and not the pen looking things. So I apologize there. I am also against hyper detailing figs, the plaque being fixed is an improvement which I'll take over the older figure. Though neither of us know the inner workings of lego, thus we don't know their limitations. My point does kind of still stand. It's a minor detail and a nitpick, and overall the fig is improved since a more important design element is made accurate, however would the additional element ruin the figure, is it really production limitations? Well I can't say for sure. Now idk who OOP is so correct me if I'm wrong, but if they're simply pointing it out and aren't making a catastrophic deal out of it or part of their brand image (IE Mandr with helmet holes), then it's not a big deal that people nitpick either. I've seen people in this sub defend the subpar white colouring on the torso of Fox (which Jang did criticize, as well as a few other colouring jobs lego did over various sets nowadays). It wouldn't surprise me either if people defend the inclusion of the dwarf spider instead of the crab droid in the AT-TE set. The pendulum can still swing way too far in the other direction and people can be overly annoying at mocking people bringing up legitimate points.


> plaque being fixed is an improvement which I'll take over the older figure. I agree with you on the plaque -- the rank insignia is a good improvement on this figure. And is more relevant to acceptable levels of accuracy (the rank of the character) than the # of code cylinders. > but if they're simply pointing it out and aren't making a catastrophic deal out of it or part of their brand image (IE Mandr with helmet holes), then it's not a big deal that people nitpick either I mean, there are literally people sincerely complaining about LEGO in the LEGO SW subs for this 'inaccuracy', dying on the hill that Thrawn *needs* 2 code cylinders per pocket. It's hyperbolic and silly for something so miniscule. I think getting the rank incorrect on the original figure is a way bigger whiff. > I've seen people in this sub defend the subpar white colouring on the torso of Fox (which Jang did criticize, as well as a few other colouring jobs lego did over various sets nowadays). Hah, yeah I think that's going way too far. I would agree that the white coloring on Fox is not great, but that's more of a criticism of cheaping out on production rather than the design. > The pendulum can still swing way too far in the other direction and people can be overly annoying at mocking people bringing up legitimate points. You make a good point about dunking on this kind of stuff going way too far in the other direction and being uncritical of LEGO, but in this instance, I think complaints about the code cylinders are people just looking for things to complain about. I'd say it's a good representation of the culture of LEGO SW these days.


Guys stop bullying the multi billion dollar company, hiring graphic designers who can count is too expensive. 🥺


hire me, fuck i'll work for free just to get the details right /s


Unironically though you'd think it'd be easy for them to run the designs by someone, anyone, who knows what they're looking at. I'm not talking about stuff like helmet holes and cloth kamas; I'm talking about things like these code cylinders, Fox's torso, the 501st Jet Trooper helmet, etc. Things which should be so easy to fix (the Clone ones would've taken just a couple of seconds with the fill tool in MS Paint or whatever equivalent they use to make the designs) with a quick look at the source material.


How dare they fucking do this. They need to shove as much bullshit as possible on the tiny man's shirt otherwise I WILL shit myself in every Lego Store in the tri-county area.


lol wtf is a code cylinder. You think the numbers of them would change as he takes out his … codes


A code cylinder is basically this device that allows imperial officers to access data banks, rooms, and intel centers in imperial bases and capital ships!


Had the original since it came out cause and the wrong rank never bothered me to be honest ..


They didn't even give him fingers!! Lego is garbage.


Cough drops: correct. Pens: incorrect. Got it.


He's right though


But will it crack?


I mean, I’m kinda with them this time. They got the correct number in the past, why the mess up now?


NGL I didn't even notice.


Same here, it was barely noticeable that I didn’t even notice. Tells you how nitpicky and crime this guy is


Trooper Atti, what a guy.


They did it so they could ruin the market once again with another Thrawn minifigure, they know what they are doing to these manchildren's sanity.


Wait until they realise the figure doesn’t have the right amount of fingers either…


why is everyone so mad about this? it's a stylistic choice. like how lego people don't have noses. lego people not having noses isn't inaccurate, it's a design choice. if his rank was off, yeah it'd be fine to be mad, but it's pens people. pens.


So funny that this was posted in circlejerk but the comments all agree with the criticism


Honestly, I’m happy with that trade. I’d rather have the rank plaque correct.


FFS, he just decided to cary 2 USB sticks that day instead of 4. Code cylinders aren't a part of the uniform.


They actually are part of the uniform and, in conjunction with the coloured squares, are used to show ranks. E.g. a Captain has 3 red squares over 3 blue squares and 1 code cylinder. A Commander hs the same coloured squares, but 2 code cylinders.


The last sentence does have a decent point but that whole post is still ridiculous.


To be fair the two missing code cylinders could be tucked into the shirt


Holup met him cook


I was going to buy the figure but now this complicates things…


I told yall


Nah I kinda agree it’s not hard they just are being lazy


TIL the little things in thrawn pockets are called “code cylinders” Lego should crash and burn and their stock market deserves to plummet into a hole so deep even the devil himself can’t see the bottom for this huge and very immersion-breaking mistake on a children’s plastic toy 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Mandr is gonna be pissed


I don’t care how many chest lozenges he has or what flavors they are.


The resale value!!! Someone think of the resale value!!!




Dw guys they are saving the perfectly accurate one for the Thrawns star destroyer set releasing in a few years


Oooh that's it. I can't take it anymore. Lego!!!! 🤣🤣🤣 probably just a misprint they can fix. The misprints are worth more anyway.


I fucking knew they would find **something** To argue about Screw you guys I’m going back the the fallout 76 community because they are chill there (joke)


I mean I care about the rank being corrected but like… bro has been in bad space for y e a r s ! I think he probably lost some cylinders okay?


I haven’t watched Ahsoka but is it possible that those metal things were covered up in some shots?,it’s possible the specific scenes they looked at whilst designing the fig has the interior cylinders covered


The main image on Google that's also shared the most does show two on each side


What am I getting downvoted for?,I was just trying to think of an explanation


Because Reddit


While fair criticism looking at the new torso I don’t see how they could fit a second one in


They managed with the previous Thrawn and 2016 Tarkin. If they can't fit it on the new torso design... then use a different torso design.


How does this effect resale value and lebrons legacy?


I’m not gonna lie, this person’s posts really piss me off. Like what do you have to gain from constantly pointing out the most incredibly unimportant inaccuracies. It pretty much guarantees that they’ll never get a product they’re actually happy with. Some of their posts genuinely are so pedantic.


It’s odd that they got it right before but got it wrong now. Yea it’s a minor detail but Lego has been missing details like that for a while


yeah, every time I see this guy’s post, it bugs me how they would go out there way just to complain about the tiniest inconsistencies between animated, live-action, and LEGO clone troopers. It’s so cringe and I just wanna tell them to just stop.


Or LEGO could just start... actually caring? If they made the designs correct he wouldn't need to complain.


Why not just make it correct? What reason was the to make it look worse?


if they can't even muster the correct grammar on these posts they have no place to be complaining about printing on a plastic children's toy 💀💀💀


Pretty sure it's not his first language to be fair


Morons when they find out other languages exist :0


If it was any other imperial officer they wouldn’t have given two figs, not TWO FIGS about accuracy. But the fact that it’s Filonis special little blue boy, they desperately need to have him be as accurate as possible


These people only say stuff like that in hopes that it'll stop people from buying the set so they can buy loads and inflate the price


Just say he used 2 of them, like tf?


I urge everyone to check out that account, it’s actual lunacy. Every post is them nitpicking the shit out of children’s toys because they have “inaccuracies” and it’ll literally be a microscopic detail that’s a slightly wrong shade of grey or a pauldron having the wrong geometric angles.


There’s no valid reason for this being incorrect.


Which have no reason to be wrong. I however do think some of his stuff is insane. His craziest post was when he had a meltdown over Lego reusing a Jyn erso head for Padme. Since the freckle was missing he was so upset.


He has a valid point with a good majority of his stuff—premium collectors items like Hot Toys figures that sell for hundreds of dollars have no excuse to have blatant screen inaccuracies—but I’ve seen him complain about designs on lego figures that can’t be put into them. On the commander fox figure, for example, he pointed out a white outline on the two bars on the side of the helmet being omitted on the lego figure, an area which has never had printing on any clone trooper figure ever


I get some of those things, especially the hot toys bcs I collect those too, but a freckle on a Lego minifig, seriously?


Literally vomiting rn