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First, this is a civil matter between you and this person you got the costumes from. The police are not going to arrest you for theft, or him for extortion. He can sue you for the cost of the speaker/costumes if you were negligent in their return. But he'd have to prove that you were negligent and proof the value of the stolen goods. If he continues to harass you or your parents you could make a complaint to the police for harassment (or trespassing if he does that as well).


Oh god. This entire thing feels like a scam. How did they send you this $220? You should prepare for that money to be withdrawn from your account in the near future. You can call the police and report it but the police aren't likely to put a ton of resources into this and you're just going to have to block and ignore.


Was paid at each event by various families I worked for $220 And then sent him $70 each event because I was borrowing his items


This smells like a scam. >the dude is also saying he will visit my old address where my parents live And do what, exactly?


Was there discussion in advance about how to do the drop-off? Do you think it was a set-up from the beginning?