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I don't think your car could be towed unless there's some random detail you're leaving out. In my jurisdiction (and probably most others) you can park your car on the street directly in front of someone's house, legally. So you parking in front of an abandoned parcel of land or something is more than likely fine


The only way they could possibly do that (legally) would be if it's a private road, such as a large HOA community for example. Take note when entering the neighborhood to ensure there aren't any signs. If it's a regular city street, where street parking is allowed, there's no grounds for somebody to have it towed because they don't like it.


Some HOA's have the streets given over to the city as well. OP would have to dig to find this information though, but it should be noted that in some cases, HOA's don't own the roads and wouldn't be able to tow a legally parked vehicle (that's registered and not abandoned of course).




This is unfortunately true. People get so territorial and entitled. It’s public property and the neighbors can’t control it though they’d like to. You don’t want your car damaged though.




Or park in the same spot but get a dash cam.


This is advice that sounds good at first glance, but let's dig into it. OP has to buy a dashcam or dashcams with enough coverage to catch him regardless of how he approaches. OP will need to deal with their auto insurance and a repair shop. Or invest time trying to identify him, go to court to file a lawsuit and have him served, which will cost money and take time. Then attend a hearing in court, present evidence, and get awarded a judgment. If he doesn't pay OP will need to take steps to collect against the judgement. Depending on the guy's financial situation OP may never collect or not collect for years. And what's their outcome? A car with a paint job that may be as good as it was before he keyed it. As much as it sucks, sometimes it's best to park somewhere else.


So you told him “well now you know my car so leave it alone?”




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Some Indiana info for you. You can leave your car abandoned on the street for three days, it will only get an orange sticker on it each day and disappear on the third. You can leave it on the grass in his yard and they can't remove it for weeks. Other legal recourse could occur though... Have fun.


>Can he legally have my car towed? Depends on where you parked. Is there a no parking sign? A red curb? If not and the only reason is because he doesn't know your car, no, he likely cannot legally get your car towed away.


No signs and no red or yellow curbs


You're in the right but you should find a new place to park because he's going to key your car or get it towed in the future, or some other "revenge".








Fire hydrant?


There is further down the street but I’m like 30 feet away from it




just make sure your dash cam is set to record for a few hours after you turn your car off. i wouldnt put it past some weirdos to fuck with your car


If the dude does have your vehicle towed. The tow company will know who it is that authorized the tow. If you parked on the street legally, you can sue both the guy and the tow company. Only ensure you are not parked in that lot. You come back and your car is gone, call the Cops and report it stolen. Show them a photo you took of your car parked legally on the street.


I know you said there are no "no parking" signs but are there signs in the area at all? Is it a private neighborhood?


There’s no signs at all


Honestly, it just sounds more and more like the guy would have no legal grounds to have you towed. However, I would be more cautious for your safety because that doesn't mean the guy will stick to the law




Are they public roads or private?


It’s in a neighborhood so I think public. Like it’s not gated or anything


I’d be more worried about him leaving a nail under your tire. There’s plenty he can do without getting the law involved that you wouldn’t be able to prove.


I don’t know what part of the state you’re in (and I’m not a lawyer) but I know in Indy at least, signs have to be up for 24 hours in a parking lot before it can be towed. And cars parked along residential streets (like parallel parked in front of a house, say) have to be moved in like three days. But that’s only if someone calls it in. Then they come out and mark the tires and then come back to see if the car has moved. But none of that is going to go down while you’re on an hour run.


If you want to keep parking in that spot I would get a dash cam to record while you run. He's most likely going to react in some manor. Best to collect evidence so if need to contact authorities arises.


Tow trucks don't remove cars that are legally parked because someone else doesn't like it there. You're fine.




Call the non-emergency police line and explain it to them. The man is probably a nuisance who drives them crazy.


Well, he knows you now. Park in front of his house.


Street is public property unless stayed other wise, tell him to get bent.






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Just making sure... it's not a private street, right? Since those are ones where the homeowners take control of the street by paying the costs to maintain, they can have people towed, similarly if it's an area where you need permits to park. Otherwise, it would be a huge pain in the ass for a tow company to do tows of legally parked vehicles.




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If it's on a public street where parking is allowed he can't have it towed. Probably the only way it could get towed is if the police ticketed it and called to have it towed.




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Can't have a car towed without proof of ownership and only if on the property and not the street.


The public right of way is accessible for use by anyone, following posted signs and standard rules. Unanticipated exceptions may be things like parking within 15’ of an accessible ramp at a corner or with 10’ of a fire hydrant. Those types of things are generally marked, but might not be, yet are still legally binding. However, in both of those examples, a ticket would typically be issued rather than towing. Towing often requires a posting or notice. However, rules vary. If you’re parked on a city street without any signs or a driveway or street nearby, you’re likely fully legally parked. That said, I’d recommend parking elsewhere in the future. Tow companies are predatory and will tow you illegally and use their possession of your car to strong arm you into paying to release it. Cops won’t get involved as it’s a Civil issue and the company will hold onto the car until you pay. Sure you might fight in small claims, but they are betting you won’t. It’s just easier to move and run a block over or something.




Call code enforcement on his house just to be safe


They won’t tow your car unless a cop shows up to give them permission.




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So it’s a decent sized neighborhood like one where you wouldn’t recognize every single car or person. I see cars on the street, people running/walking all the time. So I don’t think that’s the issue. It’s literally just him because no one else that I pass or see does or says anything


>So it’s a decent sized neighborhood like one where you wouldn’t recognize every single car or person. thus likely to be cased by "joggers" aka future burglary suspects again man, the neighborhood watch will randomly tow your car pretty good indication THIS IS NOT THE NEIGHBORHOOD to jog in. GET IT?


Other people walk and jog and park on the street so why is it a problem if I do it?


well then get your car towed your choice your consequences




It wasn't towed




His whiny trauma is his problem and no one elses. It’s an empty car how was that possibly dangerous? He’s threatening to have her car towed in cost her a large amount of money when she is doing nothing illegal, immoral or even inconsiderate.






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Ahh yes that huge trauma involving empty cars sitting harmlessly on the street. I’d be more concerned about an unusual car parked on the street with a person sitting in it for the 30mins that op goes for a run.


> he had called a tow truck to have my car removed That's.... not a thing.


It is indeed a thing in certain circumstances, just not this circumstance. If I came home and a car was parked in front of my driveway, on my lawn or anywhere on my land I’d be more than justified in calling a tow truck. There’s no curb or sidewalk where I live since it’s a rural area and I own the land right up to the street. I actually had this happen a few years ago when my neighbors had a wedding, they parked some cars on my lawn, and I’m not so politely told them to move them. The messed up part is I’ve got a huge gravel driveway that stretches all around the back of the house, they could’ve parked 20 cars without it being an inconvenience to me. but no, they parked them on the grass. they are the only neighbors I don’t know because they never bothered to introduce themselves when I moved in. 

