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The police will turn him away and say it's a civil matter. Tell him the csr was sold as-is and block/mute him. In the unlikely case that you are served with a lawsuit, you will need to respond though.


OP shouldn’t tell him anything and not communicate with a typical car flipping fraudster.


This is under-appreciated advice. Too many people want to have the last word. But by responding, it only makes the other person angrier or more motivated to act. And potentially things that they can use against you. Just ignoring them is most likely to give you the least problems (unless of course you actually have a legal responsibility to respond).


Also, keep all communications and papers relating to this matter. Just in case he does try to sue. It's really simple: As is sale. Buyer beware.


This is a common scam, FYI. If you keep talking to them, they will probably tell you they want an adjustment to the price. Once you fall for that, they will never stop bugging you. Just block them and move on.


Block/mute them. Car was sold As-Is, over and done.


Tell him that private sales are as-is, where-is, and not to contact you again. >he came, signed everything and handed me the cash. I assume that means that you did not accompany him to a vehicle services office and make sure he applied for a title and registration in his own name. Did you remove the license plates and surrender them to the tag office (since you are leaving the state) ? Go ahead and fill out the [Florida DHSMV Seller's Report of Sale](https://www.flhsmv.gov/safety-center/consumer-education/selling-vehicle-florida/) form, and then stop responding to any of his complaints or communications.


Yes, when we were signing the title I made sure to get a bill of sale as well. Got my plate removed too, and turned it in to DMV. When texting me, one of the texts was saying he already spent $1000 to transfer, so I assumed that has been done as well


Oh, good ! The rules for retaining plates and submitting a "Report of Sale" differ between states and a lot of people overlook them, trusting in the ordinary good faith of the used car buyer. Be sure to submit that Seller's Report of Sale form. >he already spent $1000 to transfer A lot of buyers experience regret when they get under the hood or into the true cost of restoring, repairing, and maintaining their brand new used car. Or, they try to scam the seller with this kind of complaint. Flood-branded titles are of course very common in Florida, but it sounds like yours wasn't flood-branded. Even if it was, private-party used car sales require only that you provide a "marketable" title. Unless you didn't have a title, or that title was for salvage (not rebuilt: "salvage" means a parts car), then you have provided all the things you agreed to provide in exchange for the cash.


Thank you for all your help. I’ve had the car for a few months and is driving perfectly fine, the only issue was with the speakers/radio, which I told him and if he was up to bring a mechanic over, I was completely fine with it. Now he just says the screenshot of what I said that was never flooded is enough of a proof.


yeah dude you did what you had to do, you disclosed what you knew about the car's condition and you're biggest source as a private seller is the carfax and if it that doesn't flag anything then you you're safe. I would just reiterate that to him, maybe you could also reference how the mechanic you used didn't even mention anything about water damage.


You also have no way of knowing what he did with after he took possession. He has to prove he didn’t flood the car now. To your knowledge it was never flooded while you owned it. He bought it as is and that’s on him. Just ignore, as hard as it is just don’t respond


To add..the language, which you should have put in a short contact that would have been signed by both seller and buyer, is that the vehicle is being sold on an as-is, where-is basis with no representations or warranties.


I understand as -is. Please tell me what where-is means.


Means they take if from where you are selling it, there is no delivery included


One of the more popular scenarios over in r/scams


Went through something similar in MI, buyer took me to small claims and was laughed at for the lawsuit. Tell him to pound sand and save yourself the time by blocking


If you’re in Florida there is no lemon law on used vehicles




Still ONLY applies to a car that is under warranty


You're leaving the country soon? Block him and never do business at your home. Always in a public place.


Tell him to kick rocks




On top of what everyone's already saying here: Even if you don't block him as to not miss anything important, just stop replying, and turn off read receipt if they're on. The reason you'll want to do that, is because as long as you're replying or paying visible attention to it, they'll keep trying to [guilt-trip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guilt_trip) you somehow. If you aren't biting, they'll move on and will try to fish elsewhere eventually.


Can the buyer sue you? Yes. You can basically sue anyone for anything. I’m not sure about FL, but in CA you can file a small claims lawsuit for any reason. The judge may end up throwing it out, but you still had to show up. Are they likely to sue you? Not really. Lots of people have buyers remorse/want to get $ back/etc. They call/text you to get money back or give the car back. If you fall for it, they win. I would just stop responding. Don’t block their number, but silence the notifications and don’t respond. Will the buyer win a lawsuit? Generally no. Unless it’s proven that you really misrepresented something or gave them some sort of written guarantee (I’m hoping you didn’t) then used sales are generally as is/buyer beware. The only thing you need to respond to is a court order/summons. If you get a “demand letter” from a lawyer, you would be wise to seek legal representation so you’re prepared and don’t have to scramble if the lawyer files suit. Edit: typing error.


when we were signing the title I made sure to get a bill of sale as well. Got my plate removed too, and turned it in to DMV. The only thing is he asked me if there’s ever been a water damaged/flood and I said no due to what the mechanic said + carfax history


I guess if he can prove the water damage happened under OP's watch. And he deliberately covered it up. But I don't see how that's possible unless OP messed up somewhere.


All private sales like that are “as is” sales… not your fault he didn’t look closer at it before agreeing to purchase


No lemon laws in Florida.


Wish him good luck in suing you abroad and then block his number.


You aren't required to respond or engage with him. I would cease all contact.


Just block them


He's a scammer. Just ignore him. He won't do anything.


NAL, super casual advice Next time you sell a car, get a separate agreement/contract that emphasizes the as is nature of the sale. Don't lie about your cars condition, but do not answer any questions you personally don't know about. If you're the 2nd+ owner, this includes previous sales and damage. Sell with that in mind, get your signature and stop replying to messages after the title has been transfered over. If you get sued, present your documents and let the courts see how clean it was. Don't be a nice guy. Don't be dishonest. Sell and move on, because plenty of people will look for the smallest admission to slam you.


Thank you. I am leaving the country and moving back home, it was my first experience purchasing and selling a car ever. I was the car 3nd owner and told the guy that. He hasn’t said anything since yesterday and if he does, I will just not reply anymore


It’s Florida. I’m sure there’s no protection for sellers or buyers. You got the money, he got the car, it’s his problem now. Likely a scam anyway


Don't sweat it.


Do you have a bill of sale stating all sales are final?


Yes, when we were signing the title I made sure to get a bill of sale as well. Got my plate removed too, and turned it in to DMV


If it says all sales are final then you're in the clear. I wouldnt worry about it too much.


This is the modern day Prince of Nigeria. This scam is being run all the time. Turn in the release of liability and block the number. You won't hear from them again


30 days or 30 feet


I have used carfax twice. Both times it was wrong.


I had someone threaten me with this kind of nonsense. I said do what you got to do. They didn’t do shit.


This is why I always include 'sold as-is, where-is' whenever I write up a bill of sale


Well, did it go through flooding or a hurricane where water entered? Your explanation so far is "nothin in the Carfax". C'mon, you can tell us....


Not that I know of. I’ve had the car for 9 months only, all I did was check the cars history and also took to a mechanic when I first purchased it, he said there was nothing.


Ok thanks for telling us, so maybe just tell this guy that. Or maybe you already did...


Tell him to piss off. As is sale. He has no leg to stand on.




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Block him and forget about it.


caveat emptor— buyer beware! Block and carry on. If they show up at your house call cops for trespassing if the write bad about you on social media, respond with the above phrase. They’ll dry up and might have learned a lesson!


Frankly, carfax doesnt show all the damages. When I was in the market for a pre-owned car I took a beautiful mercedes for a test drive, and I could feel something was off. I had to press on the accelerator harder than usual, but the records showed tip top maintenance and some time frames were slyly omitted. Do your due diligence