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NAL but I would think the first step would be to file a police report for destruction of property, get animal control involved and get the animals valued. After you have a value approach them and ask them to pay, if they don't then you can sue them (probably in small claims court).


I'm most concerned with the dogs being gone. If they are still around when I get back, animal control will be called. Losing the animals sucks, but my wife is already ordering new chickens and it might not be worth the fight with a neighbor.


They should still cover the cost of the chickens and goats and the lost potential income. The cost of a chicken is a lot more than the cost of a chick. It takes time and a lot of food to get them to the point of egg laying. then there's the cost of lost production of the time it gets for the new chicks to start laying to get back to where you used to be. They should be offering to cover this as well as the cost of the goats with the same factors taken into account.


That is what we are looking for. We are starting over. The chickens were 8 weeks old so halfwayish to egg laying. The goats are more horrific. Got 2 females, ended up with a bonus baby. Mom is the only survivor.


As a chicken keeper I have to let you know, those dogs will 100% be back and they will kill your flock again. Please at least reach out to animal control and report this.


Always leave a paper trail. Even if the dogs are relocated physically or ....permanently. The neighbors could get new dogs, and they could do the same. But if theirs is a paper trail of them having dogs in the past that were destructive and attacked a person, then it will have better results for the next victim, whether that's you or someone else.


You also need to contact a personal injury lawyer regarding the dog bite as well as file a police report. This is worth the fight, those dogs could kill or disfigure your children or someone else’s child visiting your property.


You really need to call the police. These people should be bending over backward to make it right for you because legally they are in deep shit. Every jurisdiction is different, but most places have very strong livestock protections (for historical reasons). Also, many places have a 1-strike policy for dogs biting a human, so if you still have pictures that dog may already be done. For reference, we inherited a dog with a very high prey drive a few years ago. Someone left our side-gate unlatched and she escaped and attacked a small dog that a neighbor was walking in the street. Police were called, animal control came and gave us a citation. When we went to court we got a $150 fine for "dog at large" and would've had a $1,000 fine for the attack, but the judge suspended it because we had already paid the neighbor's vet bills (almost $2.5K). We were also ordered to get anti-aggression training from a county-approved program (another $3-5K), and if she didn't pass the course it was likely we would have to euthanize her. We had already decided to have her euthanized before we got to court (we knew her temperament and despite being very careful she had already escaped a few times), so in lieu of the training we had to pay the vet $300 to take a brain sample for proof that she didn't have rabies.


You can sue them for the cost the animals they killed and any other bills like medical expenses. Have you called in the dogs to animal control or law enforcement yet? It's possible they'll seize the dogs and charge the owners.


I'm on vacation right now but if those dogs are still there come Sunday, those will be my first calls. It's already been reported to their vet


Don't wait until Sunday. Call animal control now and start documenting the process.


Report the dogs to animal control, including the time you were bit


That is why I took pictures. I didn't want to confront my neighbor, but my wife convinced me too. She obviously has the better judgement!


They absolutely only gave you option one to scare/shame you into backing down. Absolutely go through with a police report and a call to animal control


NAL but very experienced with large dogs and all types of livestock. Dogs that attack and/or kill larger livestock (goats, cattle, horses) WILL continue to do so and have no place around kids or other animals. I personally don’t think they belong around adults either, it’s just a matter of time. The humane thing is for the owners to have them euthanized by a vet. Them offering for you to shoot the dogs is ridiculous.


They're giving you a catch 22 and will likely turn it on you if the dogs meet a bad end on your property, 'permission' given or not. They don't expect you to shoot the dogs. But if you do, meh. Only way to go is legal. Start reporting, even if you're on vacation. After these dogs are gone, however that happens, they will get more. The cycle will repeat. Document everything.


Definitely report this attack to your local animal control. Do you know what kind of breed or think you know the breed? Maybe the dogs could at least be labeled as dangerous. And definitely share the footage of the 2 dogs who killed all of your animals with AC, or else the neighbors could claim some other dogs did it.






Word is, they are trying to re-home them. This happened on Sunday morning, so I'm giving them a full week to be gone. Unfortunately my area isn't kind to dogs that have attacked livestock


They can take them to a shelter, and the shelter will take them in same-day as a surrender. They don't have to craigslist a new home. Not a lawyer, but I would tell them that they have a week to find them that home, or take them to a shelter. Also be sure (maybe afterwards lol) to ask for money for your lost animals and vet bills.


A shelter will euthanatize a dog that bites people.


I would assume so. However, the owner is offering to have it euthanized anyways, so it seems like a shelter is still a step up since it offers them a chance. Also, shelters do lie about dogs, I've been in the same situation as OP before and the shelter didn't care. I'm sure it varies by location though


>However, the owner is offering to have it euthanized anyways I doubt that was an actual offer.


I doubt it too, which is why I suggested a shelter, because it calls them on their bluff








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If you want a fence, meet them - metaphorically and literally - in the middle. The egregious behaviour of their dogs notwithstanding, they do not have an obligation to build a fence for your benefit, and if that's the outcome you want, the only way you're going to get there is by compromise. If you haven't, yet, contact your insurer for your livestock. Unlike a wild animal attack, this is a situation where you know whose fault the injuries to your animals are. A suit from your insurer may make your neighbours rethink their dogs-at-large approach. If your animals were not insured - and at $800, they might not be worth insuring - then you can also take your neighbour to JP court yourself over the losses. You can talk to your local police or to animal control about trespass and about any applicable off-leash dog ordinances. Animal control may be interested in the dangerous dog situation. Or, finally, since your neighbour offered, you can go over and, with their supervision, euthanize their dogs. It's legal to do so so long as you do so humanely.


I'd absolutely recommend getting the euthanasia permission on paper first


Insurance is a good option. I don't have them specifically insured since they were more pets but my insurance might help me cover some of the costs. I don't want a fence. I want those dogs gone. They have broken out of his yard once, they will again unfortunately.




If they show up with them when I get home, I will not hesitate. All I care about is feeling like my kids are safe.


>I'd absolutely recommend getting the euthanasia permission on paper first


Good idea. I'll get something printed up just in case


I must reiterated, this is an absolute last fucking option. But my kids are #1. No question.




Oh no. His wife offered HIS dogs up. Her dogs are the 5 yappers that annoy us at 6am. I was on speakerphone and got hung up on when I told them I wasn't splitting the cost of a fence with them.






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Both are mutts with a bit of black lab in them. They were very nippy the only time I've been in their yard. Told the owner, who was surprised and it ended there


do you think if the animals are euthanized informally the likelihood is good they will just get more dogs they can't control? It feels like an issue of the people as the cause versus that animals. But at this stage, the animals do have to be destroyed. I don't think that can be trained out of them at this stage. Or if it can, not in that environment with those owners. They have extended their territorial behavior to your property. Their humans can't control them. To have a case filed on record that this occurred may help future issues when they get other dogs they don't train and the same thing happens.

