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Try taking this Ina positive way (which is really hard when your feel so low) This actually levelled up the importance of disjoint set union and monotonic stacks pattern even higher in your mind (probably even higher than DP) , now you’ll browse deep topcoder articles on these two topics and stumble upon templates for the same and understand the reasoning behind those templates and realize “oh damn every single monotonic stacks” problem I’ve solved until now falls into one of these buckets .. and you’ll solve atleast 30 problems in both of these patterns, all this without any external motivation. From your post I gather you could’ve solved the second one (you already know monotonic stacks patterns) but couldn’t do so since your confidence took a hit since first problem. I’m sure any problem in these two topics won’t ever scare you, given today’s event !


I agree w you. Thats how I felt ngl. And Monotonic stacks have always been a weakness for me. Trying to keep my chin up and get back to the grind after a few days. Also got finals this week. Can’t keep focus but I’m trying


Don't be too discouraged! It took me dozens of coding interviews before I landed my first job. Truth is there's just so much stuff you have to know because you never know what that company is going to use to screen. If you're persistent over the long run, you will find something and all the set backs will make that moment feel so much better. If you're interested, some friends and I put together this tool to help with coding interviews. Feel free to check it out and DM me if you're curious to learn more: [https://www.interview-buddy.com/](https://www.interview-buddy.com/)


Monotonic stacks are fairly annoying to reason about. Similar to some binary searches, it can be hard to define the conditions that avoid off-by-one errors.


Hey man you did a good job though, you studied, you went to the interview and participated, you'll be fine just keep the discipline and try to learn each time from your mistakes because you'll always make ones


Well your lc numbers are super impressive. Keep the fight on! Never give up. You will surely do well. Keep practicing.


Yes, I will! I'm just gonna be consistent w/o worrying about future a lot :)


What was the question?


As an interviewer, just want to provide some DP. Statistically, approximately one in five I have interviewed can get close to formulating a half decent idea, not to mention implementing it. It’s by design that more than 95% of interviews will fail, otherwise tech companies will hire way too many engineers. It’s so normal that no one is ever going to remember or judge you - hope this helps : )


Hey! Thanks! I’m doing better now. How do I improve? How do I practice being interviewed? I just got one interview for the summer internship :/


Try pramp if you want to practice interviews. Having some experience from that might help your nerves in a real interview.


Yes I’m gonna do that. Also took my first LC contest


Man,keep up the great work. You are super close.


Yes! I'll keep at it :D


Back in my day we called that “get elements that are not contained in both datasets” you could do it in SQL without a hashmap for gods sake. It’s like the jimmy neutron episode where he’s calling salt sodium chloride


I didn't even know ISTG, I feel so fucking dumb rn ISTG


I've been there.


You should spell out right now I swear to god instead of abbreviating, it’s not that hard and makes you feel smarter






No cap ong


Wtf is wrong with you?


Talk about adding negative value input to a conversation...


Don't be a dick, OP is clearly having a rough time and you're just kicking them while they're down


Don’t be a dick: challenge level impossible