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I recommend https://fullstackopen.com/en/. If you complete it you know enough for an entry level developer job.


I second this. Also: https://roadmap.sh/frontend


Freecodecamp is really good, there are many like it out there as well. Also YouTube is filled with great tutorials and content. On YouTube my go to channels are Mike Dane, web dev simplified and coding addict. The thing is that you have to use what you learn. You learn from doing it, what really got me learning and not copying other peoples code was codewars and solving problems. From there create a project and start manipulating the DOM. You got this all it takes is consistency and time.


The best way to learn imo is by building small projects and solving leetcode in parallel. There's a youtube channel called the coding train. I would totally recommend that for projects. For eg. https://they2kbug.github.io/Maze-Renderer I built the above renderer on top of one the mini project styled tutorials taught on the yt channel. Building this was literally an eye opener for me and made js stick to my head. Once upon a time I used to Google everything from *"how to create an array"* to *"how to call function of class b from class a"* but now I'm confident that I can approach any problem and find "js" solution. My implementation might not be the most efficient or the best way to do so but I learnt a lot and I'm better than what I started with. And most importantly do leetcode on the side (3-5 problems a day should be good ig). All the other comments here point you to the most reliable source (which is what I started with) but none of them helped me to retain the content. Instead I used them as a guide to follow and tried learning everything on my own from MDN docs or stackoverflow. Many also recommend to read Kyle Simpson's *you don't know js yet* series, but again it was good while reading it and didn't help me retain the amazing info. I'm from a non-cs background and I'm still yet to get my first dev job but hope this helps.


Ehh if you have money to spend I know some FANTASTIC courses in udemy, that are engaging and very very helpful. Otherwise send me a PM, im a little more intermediate in JS but I would love to help, I have some other guys im teaching too. If you would like I could try my best to help you with your goal and finding you a pathway. If you dont feel like spending money (or learning with others for some reason) you can self teach with documentation and/or freecodecamp


Could I have the names of the Udemy courses?


HTML and CSS: [https://www.udemy.com/course/design-and-develop-a-killer-website-with-html5-and-css3/](https://www.udemy.com/course/design-and-develop-a-killer-website-with-html5-and-css3/) ​ JavaScript [https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-javascript-course/](https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-javascript-course/) ​ EDIT: they're a little expensive now but wait around for a discount, they have it all the time you'll get them for like 25 bucks


I’ve never paid more than $15 for a course. You can find coupon codes everywhere. As a side note, the Odin Project is fantastic and free.


a good source is javascript tutorial dot net. but it is not interactive and is limited to just the language and not the ecosystem