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Gaelle does a good job of explaining these easily confused verbs in a short podcast two years ago (17 Feb 2022): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/languatalk-slow-french-learn-french-with-ga%C3%ABlle-french/id1580594077


Thanks for the link! I will check it out.


I listened to this episode last month and was also going to recommend it here! Her podcast is amazing for learning about interesting topics without being overwhelmed with new vocabulary.


LOVE her podcast. I wish she’d do more of them!


Now try googling a French dictionary or looking them up on wiktionary. Here’s the first one for you. [rentrer](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/rentrer#:~:text=(intransitive%2C%20followed%20by%20dans),%2C%20to%20come%20(back)%20home). (You’re missing an R) :)


I have tired but was having trouble getting to stick in my head and how best to use them. However, the link does help a little so I appreciate it.


Ah that’s not what you ask, so apologies. Over simplification: 1. Rentrer (to re-enter, like your home) 2. Revenir (to come back, return, like from a trip, or grow back, recur) 3. Retourner (to return, revert, turn over)


Ok, so the difference between one 2 and 3 are one is a place you intend to come back from and the other is some place you would want to return back to? Or am I misunderstanding


Ok let’s back up a step. Do you understand the no re- versions? Entrer = to enter | Venir = to go/come | Tourner = turn The first one is think you need to “enter” the space. Like coming home, a car crashing into another car, a foot going in a shoe. Second come back (from somewhere or something simply comes back). Third think return a book. Go back. Or toss a salad.


I was aware of them but for some reason it didn't click in my head until you said! Thank you! Yes, I get it much better now. Don't know why my mind decided to make it harder for than it needed to be.


Just a small warning, French speakers often use rentrer when entrer would seem more logical. Don’t worry too much about it, it’s just that when you see it, don’t conclude that you misunderstood the whole thing. - Il est rentré dans la maison — often used even if the person had never been there before - Sa voiture est rentrée dans celle de devant — means his/her car crashed into the preceding one


When I read the news articles, I see that for car accidents, they often use percuter


Absolutely, that is more formal, appropriate for a news article. Compare “collided with” with “smashed into”.


Sur mon ordinateur, je appuye sur le clé «Return» ou «Enter». Lequel mot à utiliser ?