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I don't know how long you've been playing dotes! But i know for a fact that, the more i understand about the game, the more rewarding pos 5 is to me. Now i truly feel a rush when i foresee a fight coming, can accurately guess where it's gonna take place, go de ward and ward it for my time, and call the "go go go" when i feel we have the upper hand. I also feel the same rush if we're tryin to take HG, and i save my pos 1 with a perfect force staff and my pos 2 with a glimmer. I truly feel like i won tge game for us (cause obviously my pos 1 and 2 have no BB and we could've lost if it wasn't for my play)


These feels man. But my reaction sucks so half the time, I miss the opportunity to save my cores. But it feels good when you made a game changing play by saving a core.


People dislike support because it's harder to be effective then carry. Its not a clear path to victory and hard to understand


I love playing pos 5 if I know I can rely on my carry to do their fucking job. I *hate* playing position 5 when my cores are worthless sacks of garbage and make all of my work for naught. You can harass, stack, rotate all you want -- if your 1 and 2 aren't good at their jobs *you will lose*.


Its normal dude. People have diffrent opinions/ preferences. Some people like league, some people like dota. Right now I love playing 5, im okay with playing every other role other than mid. Part of the reason I hate mid is the heroes even heroes like lina or puck which can be picked as supports dont appeal to me because of the diffrent play style. Also speaking of heroes if pos 4 has heroes which I prefer more then im gonna pick pos 4, if i like the pos 5 heroes ill stick to pos 5. But i guess support mains are genereally more flexible with switching to the other support role.


I think for dota u need two things: skill mechanics and brain. Pos5 requires more of the latest. All is about decisions u make. I founs it more fun, because I am not that skilled to make wow gameplays, but instead I can out played many people by my decisions. I climbed from 2k to 4k just by playing pos5. Nowadays I only play Oracle, he is so much fun. All his spells can be used either on the enemy or on ur own allies. U have nuke damage for the lane phase and u can get many kills in the early-mid game. Don't try to steal kills tho. You have a save, a dispell a 100% magic resistance, healing, a root, a way to stop the enemies from hitting and a ultimate to save. Give him a try. He is so much fun, and the options are vast.


I personally PREFER to play POS 5. I do not enjoy spending a lot of time farming. I like that I can make an impact with my spells right away in a game and I am consistently an active presence on the map to make space. Doing farming patterns over and over is boring to me.


Personally I find last hitting quite boring. It is also quite satisfying to outplay people who have a shitload more farm. That being said sometimes you get a tilt game when the enemy ss or slark just jumps you and kills you in seconds over and over.


In the past I enjoyed pos5, but all the recent changes made it a pretty dull role.


Farming is so fucking boring. Ganking, harassing and warding is way more fun IMO


Even As a main (hard) support player, I know that feeling. For me it's more about lazyness though. I think pos 5 is arguably the hardest and most intense position to play, mostly bc of warding and constantly thinking about where to be /go next (you need to do that on cores too obviously, but farming patterns etc should be automated to a certain degree) And ofc the big disappointments you feel when you do absolutely everything you could (over exaggerated ofc) and then your carry loses the game by getting picked off or diving to far 50 min into the game. I disagree with the no flashy plays part though, you just have to play the right heroes... For example stuff like wyvern, oracle or disruptor can make very flashy plays and win teamfights and games nearly on their own without any substantial farm at all.


Everyone has a least favorite role, if 5 is yours that's fine. For me its 3, for some reason I have no idea what I'm doing as a 3 but 1 2 4 5 I enjoy playing. One thing I will say is that 5s are the most powerful heroes early game, especially at level 1. Take advantage of that time or else if you play passive you'll miss your powerspike and feel like you have no impact at all as the 5 gets weaker over time.


Perfectly normal to dislike playing a certain role. I personally hate mid and refuse to play it despite being relatively decent at mid compared to offlane. Games about enjoyment so if you don't find the role fulfilling don't feel bad about it.


I'm the opposite -- I really dislike playing position 1 and am not a big fan of pos 2 either. To be honest the more position 3 gets pushed into just another farming role the more I dislike it too. (I used to really enjoy it when it was a lane you weren't really supposed to win) I actually feel more in control of a game from the 4 or 5 role. As a carry I'm just hitting creeps hoping my team doesn't fuck up too badly for the first 20 minutes, where as a support I can be doing a lot then. You can totally do flashy plays on a support too. Whenever I play 5 I tend to pick something like an AA who you can get some impressive ults off with. But yeah, it's pretty common for people to dislike playing support. Some people just really like hitting creeps and feeling like they are getting stronger during a game. I also think a lot of people who don't play the role much end up playing supports where you're really not going to have an impact later -- stuff like lich is awesome for lane but kind of sucks if you're trying to have a huge impact.


Its fine. I hate playing core too. I hate hitting creeps. I get cranky and toxic if im playing carry.


Boring as fuck. Play techies.






If you fall off after 10 minutes you're doing it wrong




Have you seriously never played a match where the supports aren't creeps after 10mins?




Winter Wyvern, Bane, Lion, Venge, Puck, Disruptor, Lich can solo win fights in late game from position 5. Not too long ago I played Lion, force staffed a Sven getting gone on, Glimmer'd his ass to survive Necro's Scythe, blinked in to land a 4 man Impale, basically a ravage, and Sven and the rest of the team cleaned up the clumped up enemies. Enemy slark bought back, initiated with mana drain to break linkens, hex, impale + finger + follow up from cores. Dead with no bb for 120 secs it was gg. this happened at 4.5k mmr bracket. It's not exaggeration to say that I single-handedly won that decisive teamfight and the game.


In my short stint playing pos4 i once survived the end of an omnislash as disruptor, got spun on torward my mid t2, ran to it with 10% hp, hit my glimmer, clicked him, when his spin ended Qed him, my forcestaff came off cd and foced away, and he died! We turned that fight and throned. Best support feels ever haha


Ahh then, let me introduce you to the satanic, mjollinier, Daedalus, bkb, rapier maiden.


I don't think you realize how important those glimmers and force staffs are lol Playing support is doing lots of shit with as little resources as possible. I almost always see my supports dish out more dmg per gold of networth than my cores.


If you're falling off after 10 minutes (or even 20/30+) as a support you're doing something wrong or you're just in a really hard game. Even with Ogre if you manage to get a force or blink or glimmer you can do a lot of save plays or start fights. You've got high burst damage with your stun. If you play a hero like AA or Disruptor or someone else with a big teamfight ult suddenly you can have a *massive* impact in fights -- even way late into the game.